/* Tokenizer.java
Thu Nov 3 12:44:00 TST 2011, Created by tomyeh
Copyright (C) 2011 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
package org.zkoss.zuss.impl.in;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.zkoss.zuss.ZussException;
import org.zkoss.zuss.metainfo.Operator;
* Tokenizer.
* @author tomyeh
/*package*/ class Tokenizer {
private static final char EOF = (char)0;
private static final String WHITESPACES = " \t\n\r";
private static final String SYMBOLS = ":,{};";
private static final String OPS1 = "+-*/()";
private static final Operator.Type[] OPTYPES1 = {
Operator.Type.ADD, Operator.Type.SUBTRACT,
Operator.Type.MULTIPLY, Operator.Type.DIVIDE,
Operator.Type.LPAREN, Operator.Type.RPAREN
private static final String OPS2 = "><=!";
private static final Operator.Type[] OPTYPES2 = {
Operator.Type.GT, Operator.Type.LT,
null, null
private static final Operator.Type[] OPTYPES2EQ = {
Operator.Type.GE, Operator.Type.LE,
Operator.Type.EQ, Operator.Type.NE
private Input _in;
private String _filename;
/** Read ahead (used to implement {@link #putback}. */
private List<Token> _ahead;
private final List<InputInfo> _inputs = new ArrayList<InputInfo>();
public Tokenizer(Reader in, String filename) {
init(in, filename);
private void init(Reader in, String filename) {
_in = new Input(in);
_filename = filename;
_ahead = new ArrayList<Token>();
/** Read the tokens from the given input, and pushes the current input
* to a stack.
public void pushInput(Reader in, String filename) {
_inputs.add(0, new InputInfo(_in, _filename, _ahead));
init(in, filename);
/** Give up the input pushed by {@link #pushInput}, and restores the previous
* input.
public void popInput() {
final InputInfo ii = _inputs.remove(0);
_in = ii.input;
_filename = ii.filename;
_ahead = ii.ahead;
/** Returns the filename associated with this tokenizer.
public String getFilename() {
return _filename;
private ZussException error(String msg, int lineno) {
return new ZussException(msg, getFilename(), lineno);
/** Returns the input.
public Reader getInput() {
return _in._in;
/** Returns the current line number.
public int getLine() {
return _in.getLine();
public void putback(Token token) {
if (token != null)
_ahead.add(0, token);
/** Returns the next token, or null if EOF (end-of-file).
public Token next(Mode mode) throws IOException {
if (!_ahead.isEmpty())
return _ahead.remove(0);
char cc = skipWhitespaces();
if (cc == EOF)
return null;
if (cc == '@')
return asId();
if (SYMBOLS.indexOf(cc) >= 0)
return new Symbol(cc, getLine());
if (mode == Mode.SYMBOL
&& (OPS1.indexOf(cc) >= 0 || OPS2.indexOf(cc) >= 0))
return new Symbol(cc, getLine());
if (mode == Mode.EXPRESSION) {
if (cc == '\'' || cc == '"')
return asString(cc);
int j;
if ((j = OPS1.indexOf(cc)) >= 0)
return new Op(OPTYPES1[j], getLine());
if ((j = OPS2.indexOf(cc)) >= 0) {
final char c0 = _in.next();
if (c0 == '=')
return new Op(OPTYPES2EQ[j], getLine());
final Operator.Type type = OPTYPES2[j];
if (type == null)
throw error("'=' expected after "+c0, getLine());
return new Op(type, getLine());
if (cc == '&' || cc == '|') {
final char c0 = _in.next();
if (c0 != cc)
throw error("Unexpected "+c0, getLine());
return new Op(cc == '&' ? Operator.Type.AND: Operator.Type.OR, getLine());
return asOther(cc, mode);
private char skipWhitespaces() throws IOException {
char cc;
do {
cc = _in.next();
} while (cc != EOF && WHITESPACES.indexOf(cc) >= 0);
return cc;
/** Returns the following content until (and including) found the character
* belong to <code>untils</code>, or until EOF.
public String getUntil(String untils) throws IOException {
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
char quot = EOF;
for (char cc = skipWhitespaces(); cc != EOF; cc = _in.next()) {
if (cc == quot) {
quot = EOF;
} else if (cc == '\'' || cc == '"') {
quot = cc;
} else if (quot != EOF) {
if (cc == '\\') {
cc = _in.next();
if (cc == EOF) break;
} else if (untils.indexOf(cc) >= 0) {
return sb.toString();
/** Peeks the next none-whitespace character.
* It won't change the state of this tokenizer.
* @return the next none-whitespace character.
public char peek() throws IOException {
char cc = skipWhitespaces();
return cc;
/** Peeks the next non-whitespace character after the right parenthesis
* of a function or mixin.
* <p>Notice it shall be called right after LPAREN is returned.
public char peekAfterRPAREN() throws IOException {
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int cparen = 1;
char cc, quot = EOF;
while ((cc = _in.next()) != EOF) {
if (cc == quot) {
quot = EOF;
} else if (cc == '\'' || cc == '"') {
quot = cc;
} else if (quot != EOF) {
if (cc == '\\') {
cc = _in.next();
if (cc == EOF) break;
} else if (cc == '(') {
} else if (cc == ')' && --cparen == 0) {
cc = peek();
return cc;
/** Returns the next token as {@link org.zkoss.zuss.impl.in.Selector} or {@link org.zkoss.zuss.impl.in.Other}.
private Token asOther(char cc, Mode mode) throws IOException {
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer().append(cc);
final int lineno = getLine();
if (mode == Mode.EXPRESSION)
for (;;) {
cc = _in.next();
if (cc == EOF || WHITESPACES.indexOf(cc) >= 0 || cc == '@'
|| SYMBOLS.indexOf(cc) >= 0
|| OPS1.indexOf(cc) >= 0 || OPS2.indexOf(cc) >= 0) {
return new Other(sb.toString().trim(), lineno);
char quot = EOF;
int strlineno = 0;
for (;;) {
cc = _in.next();
if (cc == EOF)
if (cc == quot) {
quot = EOF;
} else if (cc == '\'' || cc == '"') {
quot = cc;
strlineno = getLine();
} else if (quot != EOF && cc == '\\') {
sb.append(cc); //keep the original form since it is CSS selector (handled by browser)
cc = _in.next();
if (cc == EOF)
if (quot != EOF) {
continue; //no special meaning
if (cc == ';' || cc == '}' || cc == '@') {
return new Other(sb.toString().trim(), lineno);
} else if (mode != Mode.STYLE_VALUE && (cc == ',' || cc == '{')) {
return new Selector(sb.toString().trim(), lineno);
} else if (mode != Mode.STYLE_VALUE && cc == ':' ) {
//a colon might appear in a selector or a separator for name/value
// a:hover {background:blue;}
//we consider it selector if it follows by , or {
final StringBuffer ahead = new StringBuffer();
for (;;) {
cc = _in.next();
if (cc == '{' || cc == ':') { //selector (',' is not a good separator)
sb.append(':'); //colon is part of selector
_in.putback(cc); //reverse order
break; //keep processing char after colon
} else if (cc == EOF || cc == ';' || cc == '}') { //separator
_in.putback(':'); //colon is NOT part of selector
return new Other(sb.toString().trim(), getLine());
} else {
if (quot != EOF)
throw error("unclosed string literal", strlineno);
return new Other(sb.toString().trim(), lineno);
private static boolean isValidId(char cc) {
return (cc >= 'a' && cc <= 'z') || (cc >= 'A' && cc <= 'Z')
|| cc == '-' || cc == '_' || (cc >= '0' && cc <= '9');
/** Returns the next token as ID.
private Token asId() throws IOException {
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (char cc; (cc = _in.next()) != EOF;) {
if (isValidId(cc)) {
} else {
if (sb.length() == 0)
throw error("identifier required after @", getLine());
final String nm = sb.toString();
if ("if".equals(nm))
return new Keyword(Keyword.Value.IF, getLine());
if ("else".equals(nm))
return new Keyword(Keyword.Value.ELSE, getLine());
if ("elif".equals(nm))
return new Keyword(Keyword.Value.ELIF, getLine());
if ("include".equals(nm))
return new Keyword(Keyword.Value.INCLUDE, getLine());
if ("import".equals(nm))
return new Keyword(Keyword.Value.IMPORT, getLine());
if ("media".equals(nm))
return new Keyword(Keyword.Value.MEDIA, getLine());
return new Id(nm, getLine());
private Token asString(char quot) throws IOException {
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
final int lineno = getLine();
for (char cc; (cc = _in.next()) != EOF;) {
if (cc == quot)
return new Other(sb.toString(), lineno);
if (cc == '\\') {
cc = _in.next(); //skip next
if (cc == EOF)
throw error("unclosed string literal", lineno);
private static class InputInfo {
private final Input input;
private final String filename;
private final List<Token> ahead;
private InputInfo(Input input, String filename, List<Token> ahead) {
this.input = input;
this.filename = filename;
this.ahead = ahead;
private class Input {
private final Reader _in;
private final char[] _buf = new char[4086];
private final StringBuffer _ahead = new StringBuffer(); //read ahead
private int _j, _len, _lineno = 1;
private Input(Reader in) {
_in = in;
/** Returns the line number. */
private int getLine() {
return _lineno;
/** Returns the next character. */
private char next() throws IOException {
char cc = _next();
if (cc == '/' && skipComment())
return next();
return cc;
private char _next() throws IOException {
char cc;
if (_ahead.length() > 0) {
cc = _ahead.charAt(_ahead.length() - 1);
_ahead.deleteCharAt(_ahead.length() - 1);
} else {
while (_j >= _len) {
if (_len < 0)
return EOF;
_len = _in.read(_buf, _j = 0, _buf.length);
cc = _buf[_j++];
if (cc == '\n')
return cc;
private boolean skipComment() throws IOException {
char cc = _next();
if (cc != '*') {
return false; //not a comment
int lineno = getLine();
while ((cc = _next()) != EOF) {
if (cc == '*') {
cc = _next();
if (cc == '/')
return true; //comment skipped
if (cc == '*')
if (cc == EOF)
break; //failed
throw error("unclosed comment", _lineno);
/** Put back what is read. It must be in stack order. */
private void putback(char cc) {
if (cc != EOF) {
if (cc == '\n')
/** Put back what are read. */
private void putback(CharSequence cs) {
for (int j = cs.length(); --j >= 0;) //reverse order
/*package*/ static enum Mode {