/* Parser.java
Thu Nov 3 11:35:27 TST 2011, Created by tomyeh
Copyright (C) 2011 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
package org.zkoss.zuss.impl.in;
import org.zkoss.zuss.Locator;
import org.zkoss.zuss.ZussException;
import org.zkoss.zuss.metainfo.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static org.zkoss.zuss.impl.in.Keyword.Value.IMPORT;
import static org.zkoss.zuss.metainfo.Operator.Type.*;
* The ZUSS parser.
* @author tomyeh
public class Parser {
private static final char EOF = (char)0,
EOPAREN = (char)1; //end-of-parenthesis
private final Tokenizer _in;
private final Locator _loc;
/** Parser.
* @param loc the locator used to locate the resource included by @include.
* It can't be null if @include is used.
* @param filename the ZUSS's filename. It is used only to display the
* error message. Ignored if null.
public Parser(Reader in, Locator loc, String filename) {
_in = new Tokenizer(in, filename);
_loc = loc;
/** Returns the name of the file being parsed.
public String getFilename() {
return _in.getFilename();
private ZussException error(String msg, Token token) {
return new ZussException(msg, getFilename(), getLine(token));
private ZussException error(String msg, int lineno) {
return new ZussException(msg, getFilename(), lineno);
private int getLine(Token token) {
return token != null ? token.getLine(): _in.getLine();
/** Parses the ZUSS style sheet.
* <p>Notice that this method can be called only once.
public ZussDefinition parse() throws IOException {
try {
Context ctx = new Context();
return ctx.sheet;
} finally {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
private void parse(Context ctx) throws IOException {
for (Token token; (token = next(ctx)) != null;) {
if (token instanceof Keyword) {
parseKeyword(ctx, (Keyword)token);
} else if (token instanceof Id) {
parseId(ctx, (Id)token);
} else if (token instanceof Selector) {
final RuleDefinition rdef = new RuleDefinition(ctx.block.owner, token.getLine());
parseSelector(ctx, rdef);
} else if (!ctx.isRoot() && token instanceof Symbol
&& ((Symbol)token).getValue() == '}') {
return; //done (closed)
} else if (token instanceof Other) {
if (ctx.block.owner instanceof ZussDefinition)
throw error("'{' expected; not "+token, token);
parseStyle(ctx, (Other)token);
} else {
throw error("unknown "+token, token);
private void parseKeyword(Context ctx, Keyword kw) throws IOException {
final IfDefinition idef;
final Expression expr;
switch (kw.getValue()) {
parseInclude(ctx, kw);
case IMPORT:
new RawValue(ctx.block.owner, "@import "+_in.getUntil(";")+'\n', kw.getLine());
case MEDIA:
String scope = _in.getUntil("{");
if (!scope.endsWith("{"))
throw error("'{' expected", kw);
scope = scope.substring(0, scope.length() - 1);
new MediaDefinition(ctx.block.owner, scope, kw.getLine()));
case IF:
nextAndCheck(ctx, '(', false);
expr = new Expression(_in.getLine());
parseExpression(ctx, expr, '{');
new BlockDefinition(
new IfDefinition(ctx.block.owner, kw.getLine()), expr, expr.getLine()));
case ELSE:
idef = getLastIf(ctx, kw);
nextAndCheck(ctx, '{', false);
newBlock(ctx, new BlockDefinition(idef, null, kw.getLine()));
case ELIF:
idef = getLastIf(ctx, kw);
expr = new Expression(_in.getLine());
parseExpression(ctx, expr, '{');
newBlock(ctx, new BlockDefinition(idef, expr, kw.getLine()));
throw error(kw+" not supported yet", kw);
private IfDefinition getLastIf(Context ctx, Keyword kw) {
final List<NodeInfo> children = ctx.block.owner.getChildren();
final NodeInfo node = children.isEmpty() ? null: children.get(children.size() - 1);
if (node instanceof IfDefinition)
return (IfDefinition)node;
throw error(kw+" must follow @if", kw);
private void newBlock(Context ctx, NodeInfo node) throws IOException {
ctx.push(new Block(node));
private void parseInclude(Context ctx, Keyword kw) throws IOException {
if (_loc == null)
throw error("@include requires a locator", kw);
Token t0 = next(ctx);
if (!(t0 instanceof Other))
throw error("a file name expected", t0);
nextAndCheck(ctx, ';', true);
final String name = ((Other)t0).getValue();
final Reader reader = _loc.getResource(name);
if (reader == null)
throw error("file not found, "+name, kw);
_in.pushInput(reader, name);
try {
} finally {
private void nextAndCheck(Context ctx, char expected, boolean EOFallowed)
throws IOException {
Token t1 = _in.next(Tokenizer.Mode.SYMBOL);
if (!((t1 instanceof Symbol && ((Symbol)t1).getValue() == expected)
|| (t1 == null && EOFallowed)))
throw error("'" + expected + "' expected"+(t1 != null ? "; not " + t1: ""), t1);
/** Parse a definition starts with {@link org.zkoss.zuss.impl.in.Id}. */
private void parseId(Context ctx, Id id) throws IOException {
final Tokenizer.Mode old = ctx.block.tokenizerMode;
ctx.block.tokenizerMode = Tokenizer.Mode.EXPRESSION;
parseId0(ctx, id);
ctx.block.tokenizerMode = old;
private void parseId0(Context ctx, final Id id) throws IOException {
final String name = id.getValue();
final int lineno = id.getLine();
Token t0 = next(ctx);
if (t0 instanceof Symbol) {
final char symbol = ((Symbol)t0).getValue();
if (symbol == ':') { //variable definition
final Expression expr = new Expression(t0.getLine());
//note: expr is NOT a child of any node but part of VariableDefinition below
parseExpression(ctx, expr, ';');
new VariableDefinition(
ctx.block.owner, name, expr, lineno);
} else if (symbol == '{') { //mixin definition
newBlock(ctx, new MixinDefinition(
ctx.block.owner, name,
new ArgumentDefinition[0], lineno));
} else if (symbol == ';') { //use of function/mixin
Expression expr = new Expression(ctx.block.owner, lineno);
new FunctionValue(expr, name, lineno); //no parenthesis
} else if (t0 instanceof Op && ((Op)t0).getValue() == LPAREN) {
//1) definition of function or mixin
//2) use of function or mixin
char cc = _in.peekAfterRPAREN();
if (cc == ';' || cc == '}' || cc == EOF) { //use of function/mixin
parseExpression(ctx, new Expression(ctx.block.owner, lineno), EOPAREN);
t0 = next(ctx);
if (t0 instanceof Symbol) {
switch (((Symbol)t0).getValue()) {
case '}':
//fall thru
case ';':
return; //done
throw error("';' expected; not "+t0, t0);
//definition of function/mixin
final ArgumentDefinition[] adefs = parseArguments(ctx);
t0 = next(ctx);
if (t0 instanceof Symbol) {
final char symbol = ((Symbol)t0).getValue();
if (symbol == ':') { //function definition
Token t1 = next(ctx);
if (t1 instanceof Keyword && ((Keyword)t1).getValue() == IMPORT) {
t0 = next(ctx);
if (!(t0 instanceof Other))
throw error("a class name expected, not "+t0, t0);
nextAndCheck(ctx, ';', true);
final Method mtd = Classes.getMethod(
((Other)t0).getValue(), name, adefs.length,
getFilename(), t0.getLine());
new FunctionDefinition(
ctx.block.owner, name, adefs, mtd, lineno);
} else {
final Expression expr = new Expression(t0.getLine());
//note: expr is NOT a child of any node but part of VariableDefinition below
parseExpression(ctx, expr, ';');
new FunctionDefinition(
ctx.block.owner, name, adefs, expr, lineno);
} else if (symbol == '{') { //mixin
newBlock(ctx, new MixinDefinition(
ctx.block.owner, name, adefs, lineno));
throw error("unexpected "+t0, t0);
/** Parse a definition starts with selector. */
private void parseSelector(Context ctx, RuleDefinition rdef) throws IOException {
Token t0 = next(ctx);
char symbol;
if (!(t0 instanceof Symbol)
|| ((symbol = ((Symbol)t0).getValue()) != ',' && symbol != '{'))
throw error("',' or '{' expected after a selector", t0);
if (symbol == ',') {
Token t1 = next(ctx);
if (!(t1 instanceof Selector))
throw error("a selector expected after ','", t1);
parseSelector(ctx, rdef);
} else { //{
newBlock(ctx, rdef);
private void parseStyle(Context ctx, Other name) throws IOException {
nextAndCheck(ctx, ':', false);
final Tokenizer.Mode old = ctx.block.tokenizerMode;
ctx.block.tokenizerMode = Tokenizer.Mode.STYLE_VALUE;
parseStyleValue(ctx, name);
ctx.block.tokenizerMode = old;
private void parseStyleValue(Context ctx, Other name) throws IOException {
StyleDefinition sdef = new StyleDefinition(ctx.block.owner, name.getValue(), name.getLine());
for (Token token; (token = next(ctx)) != null;) {
if (token instanceof Other) {
new ConstantValue(sdef, ((Other)token).getValue(), token.getLine());
} else if (token instanceof Symbol) {
final char symbol = ((Symbol)token).getValue();
if (symbol == ';')
break; //done
if (symbol == '}') {
break; //done
if (",()+-*/".indexOf(symbol) < 0)
throw error("unexpected '" + symbol + '\'', token);
new ConstantValue(sdef, "" + symbol, token.getLine());
} else if (token instanceof Id) {
//handle @xx or @xxx()
if (_in.peek() == '(') { //a function invocation
parseExpression(ctx, new Expression(sdef, token.getLine()), EOPAREN);
//note: the expression is a child of sdef
} else {
new FunctionValue(sdef, ((Id)token).getValue(), token.getLine()); //no parenthesis
private ArgumentDefinition[] parseArguments(Context ctx)
throws IOException {
Token token = next(ctx);
if (token instanceof Op && ((Op)token).getValue() == RPAREN)
return new ArgumentDefinition[0];
final List<ArgumentDefinition> args = new ArrayList<ArgumentDefinition>();
while ((token = next(ctx)) != null) {
if (!(token instanceof Id))
throw error("Argument must be defined with a variable (@xxx)", token);
final String name = ((Id)token).getValue();
String defValue = null;
Token t0 = next(ctx);
if (t0 instanceof Symbol) {
if (((Symbol)t0).getValue() == ':') {
final String s = _in.getUntil(",){");
final int len = s.length();
final char endcc;
if (len == 0
|| (endcc = s.charAt(len - 1)) != ',' && endcc != ')')
throw error("',' or ')' expected", t0.getLine());
defValue = s.substring(0, len - 1).trim();
if (endcc == ',') t0 = new Symbol(',', _in.getLine());
else t0 = new Op(RPAREN, _in.getLine());
if (t0 instanceof Symbol) {
if (((Symbol)t0).getValue() == ',') {
args.add(new ArgumentDefinition(name, defValue, t0.getLine()));
} else if (t0 instanceof Op) {
if (((Op)t0).getValue() == RPAREN) {
args.add(new ArgumentDefinition(name, defValue, t0.getLine()));
return args.toArray(new ArgumentDefinition[args.size()]); //done
throw error("unexpected "+t0, t0);
throw error("')' expected", token);
* @param endcc the character to denote the end of the expression.
* If EOPAREN, it means it is parsing @fn(...) and it ends with the last ')'.
private void parseExpression(Context ctx, Expression expr, final char endcc)
throws IOException {
final Tokenizer.Mode old = ctx.block.tokenizerMode;
ctx.block.tokenizerMode = Tokenizer.Mode.EXPRESSION;
parseExpression0(ctx, expr, endcc);
ctx.block.tokenizerMode = old;
private void parseExpression0(Context ctx, Expression expr, final char endcc)
throws IOException {
final List<Op> ops = new ArrayList<Op>();
boolean opExpected = false;
for (Token token; (token = next(ctx)) != null;) {
if (token instanceof Symbol) {
char cc = ((Symbol)token).getValue();
if (cc == endcc)
break; //done
if (endcc == EOF && (cc == ';' || cc == '}')) {
break; //done
if (cc != ',')
throw error("unexpected "+token, token);
if (!opExpected)
throw error("unexpected ','", token);
while (!ops.isEmpty()) {
final Op xop = ops.get(0);
final Operator.Type xtype = xop.getValue();
if (xtype == FUNC || xtype == COMMA)
if (xtype == LPAREN)
throw error("')' expected", xop);
new Operator(expr, xop.getValue(), xop.getLine());
ops.add(0, new Op(COMMA, token.getLine()));
opExpected = false;
if (opExpected && (token instanceof Id || token instanceof Other)) {
token = new Op(CONCAT, token.getLine());
if (token instanceof Op) {
final Op op = (Op)token;
if (!opExpected) {
switch (op.getValue()) {
case LPAREN:
ops.add(0, op);
continue; //next
case ADD:
continue; //ignore
throw error("an operand expected, not "+op, op);
} else if (op.getValue() == RPAREN) {
int argc = 1; //zero argument has been processed when Id is found
while (!ops.isEmpty()) {
final Op xop = ops.remove(0);
switch (xop.getValue()) {
case FUNC:
new FunctionValue(expr, xop.getData(), argc, xop.getLine());
//fall thru
case LPAREN:
break l_pop; //done
case COMMA:
new Operator(expr, xop.getValue(), xop.getLine());
if (endcc == EOPAREN && ops.isEmpty())
break; //done
continue; //next token
} else if (op.getValue() == LPAREN)
throw error("unexpected '('", op);
//push an operator
while (!ops.isEmpty()) {
final Op xop = ops.get(0);
final Operator.Type xtype = xop.getValue();
if (xtype.getPrecedence() > op.getValue().getPrecedence())
//move ops[0] to expression since the precedence is GE
new Operator(expr, xop.getValue(), xop.getLine());
ops.add(0, op);
opExpected = false;
} else {
if (opExpected)
throw error("an operator expected, not "+token, token);
if (token instanceof Id) {
final String nm = ((Id)token).getValue();
Token t = next(ctx);
if (!(t instanceof Op) || ((Op)t).getValue() != LPAREN) {
new FunctionValue(expr, nm, token.getLine()); //no parenthesis
} else { //function invocation
t = next(ctx);
if (t instanceof Op && ((Op)t).getValue() == RPAREN) {
//handle no arg invocation special, since it is not easy
//to tell the difference between f(a) vs. f()
new FunctionValue(expr, nm, 0, token.getLine()); //empty parenthesis
if (endcc == EOPAREN && ops.isEmpty())
break; //done
} else {
ops.add(0, new Op(FUNC, nm, token.getLine())); //pass name as op's data
continue; //opExpected still false
} else if (token instanceof Other)
new ConstantValue(expr, ((Other)token).getValue(), token.getLine());
throw error("unexpected "+token, token);
opExpected = true;
while (!ops.isEmpty()) {
final Op xop = ops.remove(0);
final Operator.Type xtype = xop.getValue();
if (xtype == COMMA)
throw error("unexpected ','", xop);
if (xtype == LPAREN || xtype == FUNC)
throw error("')' expected", xop);
new Operator(expr, xtype, xop.getLine());
if (expr.getChildren().isEmpty())
throw error("an expression expected", expr.getLine());
private void putback(Token token) {
private Token next(Context ctx) throws IOException {
return _in.next(ctx.block.tokenizerMode);
private class Context {
private final ZussDefinition sheet = new ZussDefinition(getFilename());
private final List<Block> _blocks = new ArrayList<Block>();
private Block block = new Block(sheet);
/** Returns whether the current block is the root. */
private boolean isRoot() {
return _blocks.isEmpty();
private void push(Block block) {
_blocks.add(0, this.block);
this.block = block;
private void pop() {
this.block = _blocks.remove(0);
private class Block {
/** The owner that owns this block. */
private final NodeInfo owner;
private Tokenizer.Mode tokenizerMode;
private Block(NodeInfo owner) {
this.owner = owner;