/* Zuss.java
Thu Nov 3 11:16:15 TST 2011, Created by tomyeh
Copyright (C) 2011 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
package org.zkoss.zuss;
import org.zkoss.zuss.impl.in.Parser;
import org.zkoss.zuss.impl.out.Translator;
import org.zkoss.zuss.metainfo.ZussDefinition;
import java.io.*;
* The ZUSS utilities.
* @author tomyeh
public class Zuss {
/** Parses from the given file.
* @param file the input stream to read ZUSS from
* @param charset the encoding used in the input stream, such as "UTF-8".
* If null, the system default is used.
public static ZussDefinition parse(File file, String charset)
throws IOException {
return parse(new java.io.FileInputStream(file),
charset, new FileLocator(file.getParentFile(), charset),
/** Parses from the given input stream.
* @param in the input stream to read ZUSS from
* @param charset the encoding used in the file, such as "UTF-8".
* If null, the system default is used.
* @param loc the locator used to locate the resource included by @include.
* It can't be null if @include is used.
* @param filename the ZUSS's filename. It is used only to display the
* error message. Ignored if null.
public static ZussDefinition parse(InputStream in, String charset,
Locator loc, String filename) throws IOException {
return parse(
charset != null ? new InputStreamReader(in, charset):
new InputStreamReader(in), loc, filename);
/** Parses from the given reader.
* @param in the reader to read ZUSS from
* @param loc the locator used to locate the resource included by @include.
* It can't be null if @include is used.
* @param filename the ZUSS's filename. It is used only to display the
* error message. Ignored if null.
public static ZussDefinition parse(Reader in, Locator loc, String filename)
throws IOException {
return new Parser(in, loc, filename).parse();
/** Translate ZUSS to CSS, and store to the gieven file based on the given ZUL style sheet.
* <p>Notice that if the file exists, it will be overwritten.
* @param def the ZUL style style (source)
* @param file the file to store the generated CSS content.
* @param charset the encoding used in the file, such as "UTF-8".
* If null, the system default is used.
* @param resolver the custom variable and function resolver. Ignored if null.
public static void translate(ZussDefinition def, File file, String charset,
Resolver resolver) throws IOException {
new java.io.BufferedOutputStream(new java.io.FileOutputStream(file)),
charset, resolver);
/** Translate ZUSS to CSS, and store CSS to the gieven output based on the given ZUL style sheet.
* @param def the ZUL style style (source)
* @param out the output stream to store the generated CSS content.
* @param charset the encoding used in the file, such as "UTF-8".
* If null, the system default is used.
* @param resolver the custom variable and function resolver. Ignored if null.
public static void translate(ZussDefinition def, OutputStream out,
String charset, Resolver resolver) throws IOException {
charset != null ? new OutputStreamWriter(out, charset):
new OutputStreamWriter(out), resolver);
/** Translate ZUSS to CSS, and store to the gieven output based on the given ZUL style sheet.
* @param def the ZUL style style (source)
* @param out the writer to store the generated CSS content.
* @param resolver the custom variable and function resolver. Ignored if null.
public static void translate(ZussDefinition def, Writer out, Resolver resolver)
throws IOException {
new Translator(def, out, resolver).translate();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String charset = null;
File in = null, out = null;
boolean overwrite = false;
for (int j = 0; j < args.length; ++j) {
if ("-help".equals(args[j]) || "-h".equals(args[j])) {
+ "where possible options include:\n"
+" -h -help Pring a synopsis of standard options\n"
+" -encoding <encoding> Specify character encoding\n"
+" -o -overwrite Overwrite the output file if exists\n");
} else if ("-encoding".equals(args[j])) {
if (++j >= args.length) {
error("-encoding requires an argument");
charset = args[j];
} else if ("-o".equals(args[j]) || "-overwrite".equals(args[j])) {
overwrite = true;
} else if (args[j].startsWith("-")) {
error("Unrecognized option: "+args[j]);
} else {
if (in == null) {
in = new File(args[j]);
if (!in.exists()) {
error("file not found: "+args[j]);
} else if (out == null) {
out = new File(args[j]);
if (!overwrite && out.exists()) {
error("file exists: "+args[j]);
final ZussDefinition def =
in != null ? parse(in, charset):
parse(System.in, charset, new FileLocator(null, charset), null);
if (out != null) {
translate(def, out, charset, null);
} else {
translate(def, System.out, charset, null);
private static void error(String msg) {
System.err.println("zuss: " + msg + '\n' + USAGE
+ "use -help for a list of possible options");
private static final String USAGE = "Usage: zuss <options> [<input-file>] [<output-file>]\n";