* Copyright (c) 2002-2004, StarLight Systems
* All rights reserved.
package com.starlight.ui;
import com.jgoodies.forms.builder.ButtonBarBuilder;
import com.starlight.ValidationKit;
import com.starlight.locale.ResourceKey;
import com.starlight.ui.validity.FieldValidityChecker;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
* This is a dialog that displays a component allong with ok/cancel buttons. The OK button
* will not light up until the component has "valid" data. It used by simply passing in
* a component with the real content of the panel to the constructor. When the component
* contains valid data, call {@link #setContentValid setContentValid(true)} to enable the
* OK button. When the dialog is no longer visible, you can see if it was canceled by
* calling {@link #wasCanceled}.
* @author reden
@SuppressWarnings( "UnusedDeclaration" )
public class ValidatingOkCancelDialog extends EscapeDialog implements ActionListener {
private JButton ok_button;
private boolean was_canceled = true;
private JPanel user_content_wrapper_panel;
public static ValidatingOkCancelDialog create( Component parent,
ResourceKey<String> title, boolean modal, JComponent content, boolean resizable,
FieldValidityChecker validator, JComponent... additional_buttons ) {
Window parent_window;
if ( parent == null ) parent_window = null;
else if ( parent instanceof Window ) parent_window = ( Window ) parent;
else parent_window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor( parent );
final ValidatingOkCancelDialog dialog;
if ( parent_window == null || parent_window instanceof JFrame ) {
dialog = new ValidatingOkCancelDialog( ( JFrame ) parent_window,
title.getValue(), modal, content, validator.check(), resizable,
additional_buttons );
else dialog = new ValidatingOkCancelDialog( ( JDialog ) parent_window,
title.getValue(), modal, content, validator.check(), resizable,
additional_buttons );
validator.addListener( new FieldValidityChecker.Listener() {
public void validityChanged( boolean is_valid ) {
dialog.setContentValid( is_valid );
} );
dialog.setContentValid( validator.check() );
return dialog;
private ValidatingOkCancelDialog( JFrame owner, String title, boolean modal,
JComponent content, boolean initially_valid, boolean resizable,
JComponent... additional_buttons ) {
super( owner, title, modal );
init( content, initially_valid, resizable, additional_buttons );
private ValidatingOkCancelDialog( JDialog owner, String title, boolean modal,
JComponent content, boolean initially_valid, boolean resizable,
JComponent... additional_buttons ) {
super( owner, title, modal );
init( content, initially_valid, resizable, additional_buttons );
* Should be called when the contents of the dialog become valid or invalid. This will
* cause the OK/cancel buttons to reflect the change appropriately.
public void setContentValid( final boolean is_valid ) {
if ( !SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
setContentValid( is_valid );
} );
getRootPane().setDefaultButton( is_valid ? ok_button : null );
ok_button.setEnabled( is_valid );
* Check when the dialog is no longer visible to see if it was canceled.
public boolean wasCanceled() {
return was_canceled;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
if ( e.getActionCommand().equals( "OK" ) ) was_canceled = false;
setVisible( false );
public void setVisible( boolean b ) {
if ( b ) was_canceled = true;
super.setVisible( b );
public void setContentBorderEnabled( boolean enabled ) {
Border border;
if ( enabled ) border = new EmptyBorder( 15, 15, 0, 15 );
else border = null;
user_content_wrapper_panel.setBorder( border );
private void init( JComponent user_content, boolean initally_valid,
boolean resizable, JComponent... additional_buttons ) {
ValidationKit.checkNonnull( user_content, "Content" );
user_content_wrapper_panel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout( 0, 0 ) );
user_content_wrapper_panel.add( user_content, BorderLayout.CENTER );
setContentBorderEnabled( true );
JPanel content = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
content.add( user_content_wrapper_panel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
ok_button = new JButton( "OK" );
ok_button.setActionCommand( "OK" );
ok_button.addActionListener( this );
JButton cancel_button = new JButton( "Cancel" );
cancel_button.setActionCommand( "CANCEL" );
cancel_button.addActionListener( this );
ButtonBarBuilder builder = new ButtonBarBuilder();
if ( additional_buttons != null && additional_buttons.length > 0 ) {
builder.addButton( additional_buttons );
builder.addButton( ok_button, cancel_button );
BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 15, 15, 15, 15 ) );
content.add( builder.getContainer(), BorderLayout.PAGE_END );
super.setContentPane( content );
setResizable( resizable );
setContentValid( initally_valid );
// public static void main( String[] args ) {
// JPanel panel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
// panel.add( new JLabel( "Enter a number" ), BorderLayout.NORTH );
// final JTextField field = new JTextField();
// panel.add( field, BorderLayout.CENTER );
// final ValidatingOkCancelDialog dialog = new ValidatingOkCancelDialog(
// ( JFrame ) null, "Test", true, panel, false );
// field.getDocument().addDocumentListener(
// new javax.swing.event.DocumentListener() {
// public void insertUpdate( DocumentEvent e ) {
// check();
// }
// public void removeUpdate( DocumentEvent e ) {
// check();
// }
// public void changedUpdate( DocumentEvent e ) {
// check();
// }
// private void check() {
// String text = field.getText();
// if ( text == null ) dialog.setContentValid( false );
// else {
// try {
// Integer.parseInt( text );
// dialog.setContentValid( true );
// }
// catch( Exception ex ) {
// dialog.setContentValid( false );
// }
// }
// }
// } );
// dialog.setVisible( true );
// System.exit( 0 );
// }