package com.ls20.simple;
import com.mysql.jdbc.MySQLConnection;
import com.ls20.simple.LeatherSelect;
import sun.swing.StringUIClientPropertyKey;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.*;
* Created by Oless on 4/14/2014.
public class LeatherStore20 {
static String replPrompt = "> ";
static String menu = "What would you like to do?\n" +
" 1. Add" +
"\t2. Modify" +
"\t3. Delete" +
"\t4. View" +
"\tq. quit\n";
private static String menuCustomer = "What would you like to do?\n" +
"1. View\n" +
"q. quit\n";
public static void main(String[] args){
LeatherSelect myLS=new LeatherSelect();
LeatherDelete terminator=new LeatherDelete();
LeatherUpdate change = new LeatherUpdate();
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
String username = null;
String password = null;
try {
Connection connect = null;
//A loop that prompts the user for credentials, and then uses those credentials to connect to the MySQL database
while ( connect == null ) {
try {
System.out.print("username: ");
username = sc.nextLine();
System.out.print("password: ");
password = sc.nextLine();
connect = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" +
"user=" + username + "&" + "password=" + password);
catch(Exception E) {
System.out.println("Invalid credentials, please try again...");
boolean quit = false;
//This sets the User ID and checks it against the customer table before moving to the next step.
int userId=0;
try {
userId = userIsCustomer(connect, username);
catch(Exception e){
//If the user ID is malformed, they are logged in but all entries return empty set. This is a feature.
if ( userId != 0 ) {
System.out.println("Welcome, customer");
while ( !quit ) {
quit = replCustomer(sc, myLS, connect, userId);
} else {
while ( !quit ) {
quit = repl(sc, myLS, terminator, change, connect);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Program go bye bye");
private static int userIsCustomer ( Connection conn, String username ) throws Exception {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM leatherstore.kostomers WHERE Email like" +
"\"" + username + "@%\"");
if ( ) {
return rs.getInt(1);
} else {
return 0;
static boolean repl ( Scanner sc, LeatherSelect anLS, LeatherDelete anLD, LeatherUpdate anLU, Connection c ) throws Exception{
String cmd = sc.nextLine();
return eval(cmd,sc, anLS, anLD, anLU, c);
private static boolean replCustomer ( Scanner sc, LeatherSelect anLS, Connection c, int userId ) throws Exception {
String cmd = sc.nextLine();
return evalCustomer(cmd, sc, anLS, c, userId);
static boolean eval ( String cmd, Scanner sc, LeatherSelect myLS, LeatherDelete myTerminator, LeatherUpdate change,Connection c) throws Exception{
if ( cmd.equals("1") || cmd.toLowerCase().equals("add") ) {
add(sc, c);
} else if ( cmd.equals("2") || cmd.toLowerCase().equals("modify") ) {
modify(sc, c, change);
} else if ( cmd.equals("3") || cmd.toLowerCase().equals("delete") ) {
delete(sc, c);
} else if ( cmd.equals("4") || cmd.toLowerCase().equals("view") ) {
view(sc, c, myLS);
else if ( cmd.toLowerCase().equals("q") || cmd.toLowerCase().equals("quit") ) {
return true;
else if ( cmd.equals("There is no spoon")) {
ParserAssist.printLine("Welcome Deus Ex Machina\n what is reality?");Geck.groundHogsDay(c);return false;
return false;
private static boolean evalCustomer ( String cmd, Scanner sc, LeatherSelect myLS, Connection c, int userId ) throws Exception {
if ( cmd.equals("1") || cmd.toLowerCase().equals("view") ) {
viewCustomer(sc, c, myLS, userId);
} else if ( cmd.toLowerCase().equals("q") || cmd.toLowerCase().equals("quit") ) {
return true;
return false;
static void add ( Scanner sc, Connection conn ) {
System.out.println("You asked me to add");
try {
LeatherInsert.processInsertRequest(sc, conn);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
static void modify ( Scanner sc, Connection conn, LeatherUpdate change ) {
System.out.println("You asked me to modify");
change.processUpdate(sc, conn);
} catch ( Exception e){
System.out.println("Error modifying, please try again");
//calls the deleteContextualizer class which manages the iterface for deletion
static void delete ( Scanner sc, Connection c){
DeleteContextualizer deleteMenu= new DeleteContextualizer();
ParserAssist.printLine(deleteMenu.inititialize(sc,c));//This outputs the result of the deletion
static void viewCustomer ( Scanner sc, Connection c, LeatherSelect myLS, int userId ) {
boolean check = false;
while ( check == false ) {
try {
System.out.println("Enter the number for what you'd like to see:\n" +
"1. my info\n" +
"2. my orders\n" +
"3. go back"
int entry = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
switch ( entry ) {
case 1:
myLS.spitOutDataCustomer("kostomers", c, userId);
check = true;
case 2:
myLS.spitOutDataCustomer("orders", c, userId);
check = true;
case 3:
check = true;
catch ( Exception e ) {
System.out.println("Invalid entry");
static void view ( Scanner sc, Connection c, LeatherSelect myLS ) { //Sets up the View input/output loop
//Set a boolean to exit the View Loop
boolean check = false;
while (check == false) { //This loop exits the View loop when a view command is complete, or when a user uses the Go Back command
try {
TablePrint printy=new TablePrint(); //Get TablePrint object to print tables
//Print Table names, menu items and prompt.
System.out.println("Enter the number for what you'd like to see:");
int i=printy.tables.size()+1;
System.out.println(i+". Additional Options");
System.out.println((i+1)+". Go Back");
//Take in entry and check it against options. Exceptions from entry caught by try/catch
int entry=Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
//Take user to additional options submenu
myLS.additionalMenu(sc, c);
else if (entry <= printy.tables.size() && entry > 0){
//Take user to main view menu for the table name they entered.
myLS.spitOutData(printy.getTableName(entry - 1), c, sc);
//Boolean switch to exit
check = true;
else if (entry==i+1){
//exit view if this is selected
} catch (Exception e) {
//catch inside loop means that malformed entries will give an error message and resume the loop.
System.out.println("Invalid entry. Please Try Again");