Package Tools

Source Code of Tools.KMeans

package Tools;

import jMEF.PVector;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Vector;

public class KMeans {

  private static final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 30;
   * Performs a k-means on the point set to compute k clusters.
   * @param  points  point set
   * @param  k       number of clusters
   * @return         clusters
  public static Vector<PVector>[] run(PVector[] points, int k){
    PVector[]         centroids   = initialize(points, k);
    int[]             repartition = new int[points.length];
    Vector<PVector>[] clusters    = new Vector[k];
    int   it  = 0;     
    int[] tmp = new int[points.length];
      tmp = repartition.clone();
      repartitionStep(points, k, centroids, repartition, clusters);
      centroidStep(points, k, centroids, clusters);
    } while(!Arrays.equals(repartition, tmp) && it<MAX_ITERATIONS);
    return clusters;
   * Initializes the k-means by ramdomly picking points in the set.
   * @param  points  point set
   * @param  k       number of clusters
   * @return         clusters
  private static PVector[] initialize(PVector[] points, int k){
    // Initialize the first centroid
    PVector[] centroids = new PVector[k];
    Random    rand      = new Random();
    centroids[0]        = (PVector)points[rand.nextInt(points.length)].clone();
    // Initialize the other centroids
    for (int i=1; i<k; i++){
      boolean cond = false;
      PVector tmp;
        cond = false;
        tmp  = points[rand.nextInt(points.length)];
        for (int j=0; j<i; j++){
          if (PVector.equals(tmp, centroids[j])){
            cond = true;
      centroids[i] = (PVector)tmp.clone();
    // Return
    return centroids;
   * Processes the repartition step.
   * @param points       point set
   * @param k            number of clusters
   * @param centroids    centroids of the clusters
   * @param repartition  repartition array
   * @param clusters     clusters
  private static void repartitionStep(PVector[] points, int k, PVector[] centroids, int[] repartition, Vector<PVector>[] clusters){
    // Initialization of the clusters
    for (int i=0; i<k; i++)
      clusters[i] = new Vector<PVector>();
    // Compute repartition
    for (int i=0; i<points.length; i++){
      int    index = 0;
      double dist  = Double.MAX_VALUE;
      for (int j=0; j<k; j++){
        double dist_tmp = points[i].Minus(centroids[j]).norm2();
        if (dist_tmp<dist){
          dist  = dist_tmp;
          index = j;

      repartition[i] = index;
   * Processes the centroid step.
   * @param points     point set
   * @param k          number of clusters
   * @param centroids  centroids of the clusters
   * @param clusters   clusters
  private static void centroidStep(PVector[] points, int k, PVector[] centroids, Vector<PVector>[] clusters){
    for (int i=0; i<k; i++){
      centroids[i] = new PVector(points[0].dim);
      for (int j=0; j<clusters[i].size(); j++)
        centroids[i] = centroids[i].Plus((PVector)clusters[i].get(j));
      centroids[i] = centroids[i].Times(1.0d/clusters[i].size());

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