package server.server.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import server.common.GameException;
import server.common.Message;
* @author Bernard <>, Romain <>
public class HAL extends Game {
private PlayerRAM players = new PlayerRAM();
private GameRAM plays = new GameRAM();
private Dictionary dico;
HAL() {
try {
dico = new Dictionary();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error during dictionary loading");
* Create a new account for the current player.
* @param pl_name
* @param pl_pwd
* @return Return True if a new account has been created. If the player name
* already exists, return False and do nothing.
protected Message createAccount(String pl_name, String pl_pwd) {
if (players.playerExists(pl_name)) {
return new Message(Message.NEW_ACCOUNT_ERROR, "");
Player newPlayer = new Player(pl_name, pl_pwd);
// Return the new player ID
return new Message(Message.NEW_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS, newPlayer.getPlayerID());
protected Message loginProcess(String pl_name, String pl_pwd) {
if (players.playerExists(pl_name)) {
Player pl = players.checkPassword(pl_name, pl_pwd);
if (pl != null) {
return new Message(Message.LOGIN_SUCCESS, pl.getPlayerID());
} else {
return new Message(Message.LOGIN_ERROR, "");
return new Message(Message.PLAYER_NOT_EXISTS, "");
protected Message logoutProcess(String pl_id) {
if (plays.playerIsLogged(pl_id)) {
return new Message(Message.LOGOUT_SUCCESS, "");
return new Message(Message.LOGOUT_ERROR, "");
protected Message createNewGame(String pl_id) {
if (plays.playerIsLogged(pl_id)) {
// Initialization of the Play on the server side and add it to the GameRAM dict.
Play newPlay = new Play(pl_id);
plays.addNewPlay(pl_id, newPlay);
return new Message(Message.NEW_GAME_SUCCESS, newPlay.getPlayID() + "##" + newPlay.getFormatRack()); // Only return the rack to the client.
return new Message(Message.PLAYER_NOT_LOGGED, "");
* Allows to log an anonymous user
* @param pl_id
* @return
protected Message createNewAnonymGame(String pl_id) {
if (!plays.playerIsLogged(pl_id)) {
// Add this anonymous player to the server players list.
// Initialization of the Play on the server side and add it to the GameRAM dict.
Play newPlay = new Play(pl_id);
plays.addNewPlay(pl_id, newPlay);
System.out.println("Rack : " + newPlay.getFormatRack());
return new Message(Message.NEW_GAME_ANONYM_SUCCESS, newPlay.getPlayID() + "##" + newPlay.getFormatRack()); // Only return the rack to the client.
// The current anonymous player is already logged.
return new Message(Message.NEW_GAME_ANONYM_ERROR, "");
protected Message loadPlayLister(String pl_id) {
if (plays.playerIsLogged(pl_id)) {
String list = "";
try {
list = plays.loadPlayList(pl_id);
} catch (GameException ge) {
return new Message(Message.XML_FILE_NOT_EXISTS, "");
if (!list.equals("")) {
return new Message(Message.LOAD_GAME_LIST_SUCCESS, list);
return new Message(Message.LOAD_GAME_LIST_ERROR, "");
return new Message(Message.PLAYER_NOT_LOGGED, "");
protected Message loadPlay(String pl_id, String ga_id) {
if (plays.playerIsLogged(pl_id)) {
try {
Play lPlay = plays.LoadGame(pl_id, ga_id);
if (lPlay != null) {
plays.addNewPlay(pl_id, lPlay);
return new Message(Message.LOAD_GAME_SUCCESS, lPlay.getFormatedGrid() + "@@" + lPlay.getFormatRack());
} else {
return new Message(Message.LOAD_GAME_ERROR, "");
} catch (GameException ge) {
return new Message(Message.XML_FILE_NOT_EXISTS, "");
return new Message(Message.PLAYER_NOT_LOGGED, "");
protected Message savePlay(int type, String pl_id, String ga_id, String ga_infos) {
Play cPlay = plays.playIdentification(pl_id, ga_id);
if (cPlay != null) {
plays.saveGameOnFile(pl_id, cPlay, ga_infos); // TODO : Handle error (rom)
switch (type) {
case Message.SAVE_AND_STOP:
case Message.SAVE_AND_SIGNOUT:
return new Message(Message.SAVE_GAME_SUCCESS, "");
return new Message(Message.GAME_IDENT_ERROR, "");
protected Message scrabbleValidator(String pl_id, String ga_id, String ga_infos) {
Play cPlay = plays.playIdentification(pl_id, ga_id);
if (cPlay != null) {
System.out.println("Server : start scrabbleValidator with data = " + ga_infos);
cPlay.newTest(); // Increase the number of tests for this player.
String[] gameArgs = ga_infos.split("@@");
// Step 1 - Get orientation of the main word
int orientation = Integer.parseInt(gameArgs[0]);
// Step 2.1 - Place tiles on the grid and get the list of coordinates.
//// Important! The list of tiles from client must be formated like the following canvas : L:x:y or ?L:x:y
ArrayList<Tile> tileList = cPlay.tilesSetUp(gameArgs[1]);
// Step 3 - Check tiles on the grid and get a list of words and a new score.
int score = 0;
int bestWord = 0;
List wordsList = new ArrayList(); // List of words to check in dico.
//// Step 3.1 - Check the first tile on the main orientation.
//// Step 3.2 - Check all tiles (include the first) on the opposite orientation.
int i = 0;
boolean first = true;
do {
cPlay.wordTreatment(tileList.get(i), orientation);
if (first) {
first = false; // Flag for the first loop (First tile in the main orientation).
tileList.get(i).downStatus(); // Down the status of this first tile.
orientation = (orientation == 2) ? 1 : 2; // Set the new orientation
} else {
if (!cPlay.lastWord.equals("")) {
score += cPlay.lastWordScore;
if (bestWord < cPlay.lastWordScore) {
bestWord = cPlay.lastWordScore;
} while (i < tileList.size());
// Step 4 - Dictionary validation and return args
if (dico.checkValidity(wordsList)) {
cPlay.setScore(score); // Update score
String newTiles = cPlay.getNewTiles(tileList.size()); // Get a formated list of tile with their index in the rack
cPlay.testWithSuccess(); // Increase the number of tests with success
System.out.println("New tiles : " + newTiles);
return new Message(Message.PLACE_WORD_SUCCESS, pl_id + "_" + ga_id + "_" + cPlay.getScore() + "@@" + newTiles);
} else {
cPlay.setScore((bestWord / 2) * (-1)); // Update score
cPlay.removeBadTiles(tileList); // Remove bad tiles form the grid
cPlay.testWithError(); // Increase the number of tests with error
return new Message(Message.PLACE_WORD_ERROR, pl_id + "_" + ga_id + "_" + cPlay.getScore()); //TODO update don't send and ga IDs
return new Message(Message.GAME_IDENT_ERROR, "");
protected Message destroyAnonym(String pl_id) {
if (plays.playerIsLogged(pl_id)) {
return new Message(Message.DELETE_ANONYM_SUCCESS, "");
return new Message(Message.DELETE_ANONYM_ERROR, "");
protected Message tileExchange(String pl_id, String position) {
Message response = null;
if (plays.playerIsLogged(pl_id)) {
Play play = plays.getPlay(pl_id);
String newTiles = play.tileExchange(position);
return new Message(Message.TILE_EXCHANGE_SUCCES, newTiles);
return new Message(Message.PLAYER_NOT_LOGGED, "");
protected Message tileSwitch(String pl_id, String position) {
Message response = null;
if (plays.playerIsLogged(pl_id)) {
Play play = plays.getPlay(pl_id);
return new Message(Message.TILE_SWITCH_SUCCES, "");
return new Message(Message.PLAYER_NOT_LOGGED, "");