package org.timerescue.utils;
import org.timerescue.information.Serializable;
* This class is meant to public some common services that may be used for the project.
* The services here use Java Introspection features
* @author chamanx
public class Introspection {
* Methods
* It receives a class name and return a Serializable object of that class
* @param class_name name of the class
* @return the Serializable object of the specified class
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws InstantiationException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
public static Serializable getSerializableFromClass(String class_name)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
IllegalAccessException {
Class<Serializable> cls = null;
Serializable object = null;
cls = ((Class<Serializable>) Class.forName(class_name));
object = (Serializable) cls.newInstance();
return object;