Package asta.controller

Source Code of asta.controller.AppController$WorkerThread

* A Students Text Analyzer
package asta.controller;

import java.awt.Dimension;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;

import asta.model.IFileHandler;
import asta.model.ITextProcessingStrategy;
import asta.model.Settings;
import asta.model.TextMetaData;
import asta.model.TextProcessFinishEvent;
import asta.model.TextProcessStatusEvent;
import asta.model.TextProcessStatusListener;
import asta.view.MainWindow;

* The Controller of the application implemented as singleton
* The controller is the glue code between the model and the view
* @author andreas.gerlach
* @author andreas.pörtner
public class AppController implements TextProcessStatusListener {

   * required static member for singleton pattern
  private static AppController _instance = null;

   * the main window reference to notify the view about
   * updates of the analyzing process
  private MainWindow _mainWnd = null;

     * the file handler instance that knows how to read
     * the file object selected by the user
  private IFileHandler _fileHandler = null;

   * the result of the analyzing process
  private TextMetaData _theMetaData = null;

     * the reference to the thread that performs the
     * analyze. its needed to stop the analyzing process
     * in-between
  private Thread _textProcessingThread = null;

   * a central place to store application specific settings
   * for future enhancements: provide a UI to configure the settings
   * and store / reload them
  private Settings _theSettings = null;

   * a reference to the selected word
  private String _theSelectedWord = null;
   * the private constructor of the controller
   * (as described in the Singleton pattern)
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  private AppController() {

    _theSettings = new Settings();

   * the singleton pattern always returns the same instance of an object
   * therefore there is a static variable holding the singleton instance
   * @return the only one instance of the controller
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public static AppController getInstance() {

    if (_instance == null)
      _instance = new AppController();

    return _instance;

   * initialize the main window and shows it on screen
   * the minimum size of the window is set to 800x600 pixel
   * @param mainWnd the main window to display on screen
   * @author andreas.pörtner
  public void run(MainWindow mainWnd) {

    try {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
    } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
    } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) {

    _mainWnd = mainWnd;
    _mainWnd.setTitle("ASTA - A Student's Text Analyzer");
    _mainWnd.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(800, 600));

   * initializes and starts the background thread to
   * analyze the content of the file
   * @param strategy the strategy used to analyze the file content
   * @throws InterruptedException the thread was aborted
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public void analyzeFile(ITextProcessingStrategy strategy) throws InterruptedException {

    // check if an old thread is still running and wait until it is finished
    if (_textProcessingThread != null) {

      if (_textProcessingThread.isAlive())

      _textProcessingThread = null;

    _theMetaData = null;
    _theSelectedWord = null;
    _textProcessingThread = new Thread(new WorkerThread(_fileHandler, strategy));

   * getter to access the Main Window object
   * @return the main window object of the swing application
   * @author andreas.pörtner
  public MainWindow getMainWindow() {

    return _mainWnd;

   * checks the existing file handler for support to open and load
   * the file given and if possible initializes the correct file handler object
   * with the file
   * @param selectedFile the file that is selected to be analyzed
   * @throws IOException if the file was not found or is not readable
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public void openFile(File selectedFile) throws IOException {

    // check which one of the existing file handler supports the given
    // file type
    for (IFileHandler fileHandler : getSettings().getAvailableFileHandler()) {

      if (fileHandler.getFileFilter().accept(selectedFile)) {

        _fileHandler = fileHandler;

    // if found a file handler, do the initialization of it
    if (_fileHandler != null) {

      try {


      } catch (IOException e) {

        _fileHandler = null;
        throw e;

   * getter to access the actual file handler for opening and reading the file content
   * @return the actual file handler
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public IFileHandler getCurrentFile() {

    return _fileHandler;

   * shows a dialog with the message of the exception that has occurred
   * additionally it will stop the analyzing process
   * @param ex the exception that has occurred
   * @author andreas.pörtner
  public void handleException(Exception ex) {

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMainWindow(), ex.getMessage());

   * getter to retrieve the information whether a file is selected
   * @return TRUE/FALSE
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public boolean isFileSelected() {

    return (_fileHandler != null);

   * getter to retrieve the information whether an analyzing process
   * is already active
   * @return TRUE/FALSE
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public boolean isAnalyzingInProgress() {

    return ((_textProcessingThread != null) && (_textProcessingThread

   * an event handler for the process update event
   * that will inform the UI about the current progress information
   * @param evt the event information like percentage completed, word found
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public void update(TextProcessStatusEvent evt) {


   * an event handler for the process finish event
   * that will inform the UI about the process results
   * @param evt the event information like the raw-text, text meta data
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public void finish(TextProcessFinishEvent evt) {

    _textProcessingThread = null;
    _fileHandler = null;

    _theMetaData = evt.getMetaData();

    this.getMainWindow().setProcessResult(evt.getText(), _theMetaData);

   * getter to retrieve the currently selected and highlighted word
   * @return the currently selected and highlighted word
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public String getSelectedWord() {
    return _theSelectedWord;
   * selects the given word by highlighting it in the UI
   * @param word the word that should be highlighted
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public void setSelectedWord(String word) {

    _theSelectedWord = word;
    if (_theMetaData != null)

   * adds the given word to the black-list of words in the settings
   * and actualize the UI accordingly (mainly the top 10 list & tag cloud will be effected)
   * the word will removed from the word-frequency list but still counts for
   * number of chars, alpha-chars and words
   * @param word the word that should be ignored in the top 10 word list statistic
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public void setIgnorableWord(String word) {


    if (_theMetaData != null) {

      // if the ignored word is currently selected
      // remove selection
      if (word == getSelectedWord()) {

   * deselect a word and remove the highlights in the UI text view
   * @param word the word to deselect
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public void deselectWord(String word) {

    _theSelectedWord = null;

   * stops the current active analyze process of the file by
   * interrupting the running background thread
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  public void stopAnalyzing() {

    if ((_textProcessingThread != null)
        && (_textProcessingThread.isAlive())) {


    _textProcessingThread = null;

   * getter to retrieve the global application settings
   * @return the application settings object
   * @author andreas.pörtner
  public Settings getSettings() {

    return _theSettings;

   * the background thread object to process and analyze the
   * file content
   * @author andreas.gerlach
  class WorkerThread implements Runnable {

       * the file handler instance that knows how to read
       * the file
    IFileHandler _fileHandler = null;

       * the strategy used to analyze the file content
    ITextProcessingStrategy _strategy = null;

     * constructor to instantiate a new worker thread object
     * @param fileHandler the file handler that should be used to open the file
     * @param strategy the processing strategy that should be used to analyze the file content
     * @author andreas.gerlach
    public WorkerThread(IFileHandler fileHandler,
        ITextProcessingStrategy strategy) {

      _fileHandler = fileHandler;
      _strategy = strategy;

     * parses and analyzes the file content
    public void run() {


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