package org.pdf4j.saxon.value;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.XPathContext;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.Err;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
* A numeric (single precision floating point) value
public final class FloatValue extends NumericValue {
public static final FloatValue ZERO = new FloatValue((float)0.0);
public static final FloatValue NEGATIVE_ZERO = new FloatValue((float)-0.0);
public static final FloatValue ONE = new FloatValue((float)1.0);
public static final FloatValue NaN = new FloatValue(Float.NaN);
private float value;
* Constructor supplying a string
public FloatValue(CharSequence val) throws ValidationException {
try {
value = (float)Value.stringToNumber(val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ValidationException("Cannot convert string " + Err.wrap(val, Err.VALUE) + " to a float");
typeLabel = BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT;
* Constructor supplying a float
* @param value the value of the float
public FloatValue(float value) {
this.value = value;
typeLabel = BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT;
* Constructor supplying a float and an AtomicType, for creating
* a value that belongs to a user-defined subtype of xs:float. It is
* the caller's responsibility to ensure that the supplied value conforms
* to the supplied type.
* @param value the value of the NumericValue
* @param type the type of the value. This must be a subtype of xs:float, and the
* value must conform to this type. The method does not check these conditions.
public FloatValue(float value, AtomicType type) {
this.value = value;
typeLabel = type;
* Create a copy of this atomic value, with a different type label
* @param typeLabel the type label of the new copy. The caller is responsible for checking that
* the value actually conforms to this type.
public AtomicValue copyAsSubType(AtomicType typeLabel) {
FloatValue v = new FloatValue(value);
v.typeLabel = typeLabel;
return v;
* Determine the primitive type of the value. This delivers the same answer as
* getItemType().getPrimitiveItemType(). The primitive types are
* the 19 primitive types of XML Schema, plus xs:integer, xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration,
* and xs:untypedAtomic. For external objects, the result is AnyAtomicType.
public BuiltInAtomicType getPrimitiveType() {
return BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT;
* Get the value
public float getFloatValue() {
return value;
public double getDoubleValue() {
return (double)value;
* Get the hashCode. This must conform to the rules for other NumericValue hashcodes
* @see NumericValue#hashCode
public int hashCode() {
if (value > Integer.MIN_VALUE && value < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return (int)value;
} else {
return new Double(getDoubleValue()).hashCode();
* Test whether the value is the double/float value NaN
public boolean isNaN() {
return Float.isNaN(value);
* Get the effective boolean value
* @return true unless the value is zero or NaN
public boolean effectiveBooleanValue() {
return (value!=0.0 && !Float.isNaN(value));
* Convert to target data type
* @param requiredType an integer identifying the required atomic type
* @param context XPath dynamic context. Not used when converting from float
* @return an AtomicValue, a value of the required type; or an ErrorValue
public ConversionResult convertPrimitive(BuiltInAtomicType requiredType, boolean validate, XPathContext context) {
switch(requiredType.getFingerprint()) {
case StandardNames.XS_BOOLEAN:
return BooleanValue.get(value!=0.0 && !Float.isNaN(value));
case StandardNames.XS_FLOAT:
case StandardNames.XS_NUMERIC:
case StandardNames.XS_ANY_ATOMIC_TYPE:
return this;
case StandardNames.XS_INTEGER:
if (Float.isNaN(value)) {
ValidationFailure err = new ValidationFailure("Cannot convert float NaN to an integer");
return err;
if (Float.isInfinite(value)) {
ValidationFailure err = new ValidationFailure("Cannot convert float infinity to an integer");
return err;
if (value > Long.MAX_VALUE || value < Long.MIN_VALUE) {
return new BigIntegerValue(new BigDecimal(value).toBigInteger());
return Int64Value.makeIntegerValue((long)value);
case StandardNames.XS_UNSIGNED_LONG:
case StandardNames.XS_UNSIGNED_INT:
case StandardNames.XS_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
case StandardNames.XS_UNSIGNED_BYTE:
case StandardNames.XS_NEGATIVE_INTEGER:
case StandardNames.XS_LONG:
case StandardNames.XS_INT:
case StandardNames.XS_SHORT:
case StandardNames.XS_BYTE:
case StandardNames.XS_POSITIVE_INTEGER:
ConversionResult iv = convertPrimitive(BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER, validate, context);
if (iv instanceof ValidationFailure) {
return iv;
return ((IntegerValue)iv).convertPrimitive(requiredType, validate, context);
case StandardNames.XS_DECIMAL:
try {
return new DecimalValue(value);
} catch (ValidationException e) {
return new ValidationFailure(e);
case StandardNames.XS_DOUBLE:
return new DoubleValue((double)value);
case StandardNames.XS_STRING:
return new StringValue(getStringValueCS());
case StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED_ATOMIC:
return new UntypedAtomicValue(getStringValueCS());
ValidationFailure err = new ValidationFailure("Cannot convert float to " +
return err;
* Get the value as a String
* @return a String representation of the value
public String getStringValue() {
return getStringValueCS().toString();
* Get the value as a String
* @return a String representation of the value
public CharSequence getStringValueCS() {
return floatToString(value); // , Float.toString(value));
* Get the canonical lexical representation as defined in XML Schema. This is not always the same
* as the result of casting to a string according to the XPath rules. For xs:float, the canonical
* representation always uses exponential notation.
public CharSequence getCanonicalLexicalRepresentation() {
FastStringBuffer fsb = new FastStringBuffer(20);
return FloatingPointConverter.appendFloatExponential(fsb, value);
* Regex indicating that a number may be worth rounding
static java.util.regex.Pattern roundablePattern =
* Internal method used for conversion of a float to a string
* @param value the actual value
* @return the value converted to a string, according to the XPath casting rules.
static CharSequence floatToString(float value) {
return FloatingPointConverter.appendFloat(new FastStringBuffer(20), value);
* Negate the value
public NumericValue negate() {
return new FloatValue(-value);
* Implement the XPath floor() function
public NumericValue floor() {
return new FloatValue((float)Math.floor(value));
* Implement the XPath ceiling() function
public NumericValue ceiling() {
return new FloatValue((float)Math.ceil(value));
* Implement the XPath round() function
public NumericValue round() {
if (Float.isNaN(value)) return this;
if (Float.isInfinite(value)) return this;
if (value==0.0) return this; // handles the negative zero case
if (value >= -0.5 && value < 0.0) return new DoubleValue(-0.0);
if (value > Integer.MIN_VALUE && value < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return new FloatValue((float)Math.round(value));
// if the float is larger than the maximum int, then
// it can't have any significant digits after the decimal
// point, so return it unchanged
return this;
* Implement the XPath round-to-half-even() function
public NumericValue roundHalfToEven(int scale) {
try {
return (FloatValue)
new DoubleValue((double)value).roundHalfToEven(scale).convertPrimitive(BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT, true, null).asAtomic();
} catch (XPathException err) {
throw new AssertionError(err);
* Determine whether the value is negative, zero, or positive
* @return -1 if negative, 0 if zero (including negative zero), +1 if positive, NaN if NaN
public double signum() {
if (Float.isNaN(value)) {
return value;
if (value > 0) return 1;
if (value == 0) return 0;
return -1;
* Determine whether the value is a whole number, that is, whether it compares
* equal to some integer
public boolean isWholeNumber() {
return value == Math.floor(value) && !Float.isInfinite(value);
public int compareTo(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof NumericValue)) {
throw new ClassCastException("Numeric values are not comparable to " + other.getClass());
if (other instanceof FloatValue) {
float otherFloat = ((FloatValue)other).value;
if (value == otherFloat) return 0;
if (value < otherFloat) return -1;
return +1;
if (other instanceof DoubleValue) {
return super.compareTo(other);
try {
return compareTo(((NumericValue)other).convertPrimitive(BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT, true, null).asAtomic());
} catch (XPathException err) {
throw new ClassCastException("Operand of comparison cannot be promoted to xs:float");
* Compare the value to a long
* @param other the value to be compared with
* @return -1 if this is less, 0 if this is equal, +1 if this is greater or if this is NaN
public int compareTo(long other) {
float otherFloat = (float)other;
if (value == otherFloat) return 0;
if (value < otherFloat) return -1;
return +1;
* Get an object that implements XML Schema comparison semantics
public Comparable getSchemaComparable() {
return new Float(value);
* Convert to Java object (for passing to external functions)
// public Object convertAtomicToJava(Class target, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
// if (target==Object.class) {
// return new Double(value);
// } else if (target.isAssignableFrom(DoubleValue.class)) {
// return this;
// } else if (target==double.class || target==Double.class) {
// return new Double((double)value);
// } else if (target==float.class ||target==Float.class ) {
// return new Float(value);
// } else if (target==long.class || target==Long.class) {
// return new Long((long)value);
// } else if (target==int.class || target==Integer.class) {
// return new Integer((int)value);
// } else if (target==short.class || target==Short.class) {
// return new Short((short)value);
// } else if (target==byte.class || target==Byte.class) {
// return new Byte((byte)value);
// } else if (target==char.class || target==Character.class) {
// return new Character((char)value);
// } else {
// Object o = convertSequenceToJava(target, context);
// if (o == null) {
// XPathException err = new XPathException("Conversion of float to " + target.getName() +
// " is not supported");
// err.setXPathContext(context);
// err.setErrorCode(SaxonErrorCode.SXJE0004);
// }
// return o;
// }
// }
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
// Contributor(s): none.