Package org.pdf4j.saxon.trans

Source Code of org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.KeyManager

package org.pdf4j.saxon.trans;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Configuration;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.functions.StringFn;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.functions.SystemFunction;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.functions.Tokenize;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.instruct.SlotManager;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern.IdrefTest;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern.PatternFinder;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.sort.LocalOrderComparer;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.sort.StringCollator;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trace.ExpressionPresenter;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.AtomicType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.BuiltInType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.Type;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.AtomicValue;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.DoubleValue;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.NumericValue;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.UntypedAtomicValue;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.*;

  * KeyManager manages the set of key definitions in a stylesheet, and the indexes
  * associated with these key definitions. It handles xsl:sort-key as well as xsl:key
  * definitions.
  * <p>The memory management in this class is subtle, with extensive use of weak references.
  * The idea is that an index should continue to exist in memory so long as both the compiled
  * stylesheet and the source document exist in memory: if either is removed, the index should
  * go too. The document itself holds no reference to the index. The compiled stylesheet (which
  * owns the KeyManager) holds a weak reference to the index. The index, of course, holds strong
  * references to the nodes in the document. The Controller holds a strong reference to the
  * list of indexes used for each document, so that indexes remain in memory for the duration
  * of a transformation even if the documents themselves are garbage collected.</p>
  * <p>Potentially there is a need for more than one index for a given key name, depending
  * on the primitive type of the value provided to the key() function. An index is built
  * corresponding to the type of the requested value; if subsequently the key() function is
  * called with the same name and a different type of value, then a new index is built.</p>
  * <p>For XSLT-defined keys, equality matching follows the rules of the eq operator, which means
  * that untypedAtomic values are treated as strings. In backwards compatibility mode, <i>all</i>
  * values are converted to strings.</p>
* <p>This class is also used for internal indexes constructed (a) to support the idref() function,
* and (b) (in Saxon-SA only) to support filter expressions of the form /a/b/c[d=e], where the
* path expression being filtered must be a single-document context-free path rooted at a document node,
* where exactly one of d and e must be dependent on the focus, and where certain other conditions apply
* such as the filter predicate not being positional. The operator in this case may be either "=" or "eq".
* If it is "eq", then the semantics are very similar to xsl:key indexes, except that use of non-comparable
* types gives an error rather than a non-match. If the operator is "=", however, then the rules for
* handling untypedAtomic values are different: these must be converted to the type of the other operand.
* In this situation the following rules apply. Assume that the predicate is [use=value], where use is
* dependent on the focus (the indexed value), and value is the sought value.</p>
* <ul>
* <li>If value is a type other than untypedAtomic, say T, then we build an index for type T, in which any
* untypedAtomic values that arise in evaluating "use" are converted to type T. A conversion failure results
* in an error. A value of a type that is not comparable to T also results in an error.</li>
* <li>If value is untypedAtomic, then we build an index for every type actually encountered in evaluating
* the use expression (treating untypedAtomic as string), and then search each of these indexes. (Note that
* it is not an error if the use expression returns a mixture of say numbers and dates, provided that the
* sought value is untypedAtomic).</li>
* </ul>
  * @author Michael H. Kay

public class KeyManager implements Serializable {

    private HashMap keyMap;          // one entry for each named key; the entry contains
                                     // a KeyDefinitionSet holding the key definitions with that name
    private transient WeakHashMap docIndexes;
                                     // one entry for each document that is in memory;
                                     // the entry contains a HashMap mapping the fingerprint of
                                     // the key name plus the primitive item type
                                     // to the HashMap that is the actual index
                                     // of key/value pairs.

     * Create a KeyManager and initialise variables
     * @param config the Saxon configuration

    public KeyManager(Configuration config) {
        keyMap = new HashMap(10);
        docIndexes = new WeakHashMap(10);
        // Create a key definition for the idref() function

     * An internal key definition is used to support the idref() function. The key definition
     * is equivalent to xsl:key match="element(*, xs:IDREF) | element(*, IDREFS) |
     * attribute(*, xs:IDREF) | attribute(*, IDREFS)" use=".". This method creates this
     * key definition.
     * @param config The configuration. This is needed because the patterns that are
     * generated need access to schema information.

    private void registerIdrefKey(Configuration config) {
        PatternFinder idref = IdrefTest.getInstance();
        //Expression eval = new Atomizer(new ContextItemExpression(), config);

        StringFn sf = (StringFn)SystemFunction.makeSystemFunction(
                "string", new Expression[]{new ContextItemExpression()});
        StringLiteral regex = new StringLiteral("\\s+");
        Tokenize use = (Tokenize)SystemFunction.makeSystemFunction("tokenize", new Expression[]{sf, regex});
        KeyDefinition key = new KeyDefinition(idref, use, null, null);
        try {
            addKeyDefinition(StandardNames.getStructuredQName(StandardNames.XS_IDREFS), key, config);
        } catch (XPathException err) {
            throw new AssertionError(err); // shouldn't happen

     * Pre-register a key definition. This simply registers that a key with a given name exists,
     * without providing any details.
     * @param keyName the name of the key to be pre-registered

    public void preRegisterKeyDefinition(StructuredQName keyName) {
        KeyDefinitionSet keySet = (KeyDefinitionSet)keyMap.get(keyName);
        if (keySet==null) {
            keySet = new KeyDefinitionSet(keyName, keyMap.size());
            keyMap.put(keyName, keySet);

     * Register a key definition. Note that multiple key definitions with the same name are
     * allowed
     * @param keyName Structured QName representing the name of the key
     * @param keydef The details of the key's definition
     * @param config The configuration
     * @throws XPathException if this key definition is inconsistent with existing key definitions having the same name

    public void addKeyDefinition(StructuredQName keyName, KeyDefinition keydef, Configuration config) throws XPathException {
        KeyDefinitionSet keySet = (KeyDefinitionSet)keyMap.get(keyName);
        if (keySet==null) {
            keySet = new KeyDefinitionSet(keyName, keyMap.size());
            keyMap.put(keyName, keySet);

        boolean backwardsCompatible = keySet.isBackwardsCompatible();

        if (backwardsCompatible) {
            // In backwards compatibility mode, convert all the use-expression results to sequences of strings
            List v = keySet.getKeyDefinitions();
            for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++) {
                KeyDefinition kd = (KeyDefinition)v.get(i);
                if (!kd.getBody().getItemType(config.getTypeHierarchy()).equals(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING)) {
                    Expression exp = new AtomicSequenceConverter(kd.getBody(), BuiltInAtomicType.STRING);


    * Get all the key definitions that match a particular name
    * @param qName The name of the required key
    * @return The set of key definitions of the named key if there are any, or null otherwise.

    public KeyDefinitionSet getKeyDefinitionSet(StructuredQName qName) {
        return (KeyDefinitionSet)keyMap.get(qName);

     * Build the index for a particular document for a named key
     * @param keySet The set of key definitions with this name
     * @param itemType the type of the values to be indexed.
     * @param foundItemTypes Optional (may be null). If supplied, a set that is to be populated with
     * the set of primitive types actually found among the "use" values.
     * @param doc The source document in question
     * @param context The dynamic context
     * @return the index in question, as a HashMap mapping a key value onto a ArrayList of nodes

    private synchronized HashMap buildIndex(KeyDefinitionSet keySet,
                                            BuiltInAtomicType itemType,
                                            Set foundItemTypes,
                                            DocumentInfo doc,
                                            XPathContext context) throws XPathException {

        //explainKeys(context.getConfiguration(), System.out);

        List definitions = keySet.getKeyDefinitions();
        HashMap index = new HashMap(100);

        // There may be multiple xsl:key definitions with the same name. Index them all.
        for (int k=0; k<definitions.size(); k++) {
            constructIndex( doc, index, (KeyDefinition) definitions.get(k), itemType, foundItemTypes, context, k == 0);

        return index;


     * Process one key definition to add entries to an index
     * @param doc the document to be indexed
     * @param index the index to be built
     * @param keydef the key definition used to build the index
     * @param soughtItemType the primitive type of the value that the user is searching for on the call
     * to the key() function that triggered this index to be built
     * @param foundItemTypes Optional (may be null): if supplied, a Set to be populated with the set of
     * primitive types actually found for the use expression
     * @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context
     * @param isFirst true if this is the first index to be built for this key

    private void constructIndex(    DocumentInfo doc,
                                    HashMap index,
                                    KeyDefinition keydef,
                                    BuiltInAtomicType soughtItemType,
                                    Set foundItemTypes,
                                    XPathContext context,
                                    boolean isFirst) throws XPathException {
        //System.err.println("build index for doc " + doc.getDocumentNumber());
        PatternFinder match = keydef.getMatch();

        //NodeInfo curr;
        XPathContextMajor xc = context.newContext();

        // The use expression (or sequence constructor) may contain local variables.
        SlotManager map = keydef.getStackFrameMap();
        if (map != null) {

        SequenceIterator iter = match.selectNodes(doc, xc);
        while (true) {
            Item item =;
            if (item == null) {
            processKeyNode((NodeInfo)item, soughtItemType, foundItemTypes, keydef, index, xc, isFirst);

    * Process one matching node, adding entries to the index if appropriate
     * @param curr the node being processed
     * @param soughtItemType the primitive item type of the argument to the key() function that triggered
     * this index to be built
     * @param foundItemTypes Optional (may be null): if supplied, a Set to be populated with the set of
     * primitive types actually found for the use expression
     * @param keydef the key definition
     * @param index the index being constructed
     * @param xc the context for evaluating expressions
     * @param isFirst indicates whether this is the first key definition with a given key name (which means
     * no sort of the resulting key entries is required)

    private void processKeyNode(    NodeInfo curr,
                                    BuiltInAtomicType soughtItemType,
                                    Set foundItemTypes,
                                    KeyDefinition keydef,
                                    HashMap index,
                                    XPathContext xc,
                                    boolean isFirst) throws XPathException {

        // Make the node we are testing the context node,
        // with context position and context size set to 1

        AxisIterator si = SingleNodeIterator.makeIterator(curr);;    // need to position iterator at first node


        StringCollator collation = keydef.getCollation();

        // Evaluate the "use" expression against this context node

        SequenceIterable use = keydef.getUse();
        SequenceIterator useval = use.iterate(xc);
        while (true) {
            AtomicValue item = (AtomicValue);
            if (item == null) {
            BuiltInAtomicType actualItemType = item.getPrimitiveType();
            if (foundItemTypes != null) {
            if (!Type.isComparable(actualItemType, soughtItemType, false)) {
                // the types aren't comparable
                if (keydef.isStrictComparison()) {
                    XPathException de = new XPathException("Cannot compare " + soughtItemType +
                            " to " + actualItemType + " using 'eq'");
                    throw de;
                } else if (keydef.isConvertUntypedToOther() &&
                        actualItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.UNTYPED_ATOMIC)) {
                    item = item.convert(soughtItemType, true, xc).asAtomic();
                } else if (keydef.isConvertUntypedToOther() &&
                        soughtItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.UNTYPED_ATOMIC)) {
                    // index the item as is
                } else {
                    // simply ignore this key value
            Object val;

            if (soughtItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.UNTYPED_ATOMIC) ||
                    soughtItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING) ||
                    soughtItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_URI)) {
                // If the supplied key value is untyped atomic, we build an index using the
                // actual type returned by the use expression
                // If the supplied key value is a string, there is no match unless the use expression
                // returns a string or an untyped atomic value
                if (collation == null) {
                    val = item.getStringValue();
                } else {
                    val = collation.getCollationKey(item.getStringValue());
            } else {
                // Ignore NaN values
                if (item.isNaN()) {
                try {
                    AtomicValue av = item.convert(soughtItemType, true, xc).asAtomic();
                    val = av.getXPathComparable(false, collation, xc);
                } catch (XPathException err) {
                    // ignore values that can't be converted to the required type

            ArrayList nodes = (ArrayList)index.get(val);
            if (nodes==null) {
                // this is the first node with this key value
                nodes = new ArrayList(4);
                index.put(val, nodes);
            } else {
                // this is not the first node with this key value.
                // add the node to the list of nodes for this key,
                // unless it's already there
                if (isFirst) {
                    // if this is the first index definition that we're processing,
                    // then this node must be after all existing nodes in document
                    // order, or the same node as the last existing node
                    if (nodes.get(nodes.size()-1)!=curr) {
                } else {
                    // otherwise, we need to insert the node at the correct
                    // position in document order. This code does an insertion sort:
                    // not ideal for performance, but it's very unusual to have more than
                    // one key definition for a key.
                    LocalOrderComparer comparer = LocalOrderComparer.getInstance();
                    boolean found = false;
                    for (int i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) {
                        int d =, (NodeInfo)nodes.get(i));
                        if (d<=0) {
                            if (d==0) {
                                // node already in list; do nothing
                            } else {
                                // add the node at this position
                                nodes.add(i, curr);
                            found = true;
                        // else continue round the loop
                    // if we're still here, add the new node at the end
                    if (!found) {


    * Get the nodes with a given key value. This method is called from XQuery compiled code
    * @param keyName key name used in the call to the key() function
    * @param doc The source document in question
    * @param soughtValue The required key value
    * @param context The dynamic context, needed only the first time when the key is being built
    * @return an iteration of the selected nodes, always in document order with no duplicates

    public SequenceIterator selectByKey(
                                StructuredQName keyName,
                                DocumentInfo doc,
                                AtomicValue soughtValue,
                                XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        KeyDefinitionSet keyDef = getKeyDefinitionSet(keyName);
        if (keyDef == null) {
            throw new XPathException("Key " + keyName.getDisplayName() + " has not been defined");
        return selectByKey(keyDef, doc, soughtValue, context);

    * Get the nodes with a given key value
    * @param keySet The set of key definitions identified by the key name used in the call to the key() function
    * @param doc The source document in question
    * @param soughtValue The required key value
    * @param context The dynamic context, needed only the first time when the key is being built
    * @return an iteration of the selected nodes, always in document order with no duplicates

    public SequenceIterator selectByKey(
                                KeyDefinitionSet keySet,
                                DocumentInfo doc,
                                AtomicValue soughtValue,
                                XPathContext context) throws XPathException {

        //System.err.println("*********** USING KEY ************");
        if (soughtValue == null) {
            return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
        List definitions = keySet.getKeyDefinitions();
//        if (definitions == null) {
//            throw new XPathException("Key " + context.getNamePool().getDisplayName(keyNameFingerprint) +
//                          " has not been defined", "XTDE1260", context);
//        }
        KeyDefinition definition = (KeyDefinition)definitions.get(0);
               // the itemType and collation and BC mode will be the same for all keys with the same name
        StringCollator collation = definition.getCollation();
        if (keySet.isBackwardsCompatible()) {
            // if backwards compatibility is in force, treat all values as strings
            soughtValue = soughtValue.convert(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING, true, context).asAtomic();
        } else {
            // If the key value is numeric, promote it to a double
            // TODO: this could result in two decimals comparing equal because they convert to the same double

            BuiltInAtomicType itemType = soughtValue.getPrimitiveType();
            if (itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER) ||
                    itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.DECIMAL) ||
                    itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT)) {
                soughtValue = new DoubleValue(((NumericValue)soughtValue).getDoubleValue());

        // If the sought value is untypedAtomic and the equality matching mode is
        // "convertUntypedToOther", then we construct and search one index for each
        // primitive atomic type that could occur in the result of the "use" expression,
        // and merge the results. We rely on the fact that in this case, there will only
        // be one key definition.

        // NOTE: This is much more elaborate than it needs to be. The option convertUntypedToOther
        // is used for an index used to support a general comparison. This reports an error if two
        // non-comparable values are compared. We could report an error immediately if foundItemTypes
        // includes a type that is not comparable to the soughtValue. In practice we only need a maximum
        // of two indexes: one for the sought item type, and one for untypedAtomic.

        HashSet foundItemTypes = null;
        AtomicValue value = soughtValue;
        if (soughtValue instanceof UntypedAtomicValue && definition.isConvertUntypedToOther()) {
            // We try string first, but at the same time as building an index for strings,
            // we collect details of the other types actually encountered for the use expression
            BuiltInAtomicType useType = definition.getIndexedItemType();
            if (useType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_ATOMIC)) {
                foundItemTypes = new HashSet(10);
                useType = BuiltInAtomicType.STRING;
            value = soughtValue.convert(useType, true, context).asAtomic();

        // No special action needed for anyURI to string promotion (it just seems to work: tests idky44, 45)

        int keySetNumber = keySet.getKeySetNumber();
        BuiltInAtomicType itemType = value.getPrimitiveType();
        HashMap index;
        synchronized(doc) {
            Object indexObject = getIndex(doc, keySetNumber, itemType);
            if (indexObject instanceof String) {
                // index is under construction
                XPathException de = new XPathException("Key definition is circular");
                throw de;
            index = (HashMap)indexObject;

            // If the index does not yet exist, then create it.
            if (index==null) {
                // Mark the index as being under construction, in case the definition is circular
                putIndex(doc, keySetNumber, itemType, "Under Construction", context);
                index = buildIndex(keySet, itemType, foundItemTypes, doc, context);
                putIndex(doc, keySetNumber, itemType, index, context);
                if (foundItemTypes != null) {
                    // build indexes for each item type actually found
                    for (Iterator f = foundItemTypes.iterator(); f.hasNext();) {
                        BuiltInAtomicType t = (BuiltInAtomicType);
                        if (!t.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING)) {
                            putIndex(doc, keySetNumber, t, "Under Construction", context);
                            index = buildIndex(keySet, t, null, doc, context);
                            putIndex(doc, keySetNumber, t, index, context);

        if (foundItemTypes == null) {
            ArrayList nodes = (ArrayList)index.get(getCollationKey(value, itemType, collation, context));
            if (nodes==null) {
                return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
            } else {
                return new ListIterator(nodes);
        } else {
            // we need to search the indexes for all possible types, and combine the results.
            SequenceIterator result = null;
            WeakReference ref = (WeakReference)docIndexes.get(doc);
            if (ref != null) {
                HashMap indexList = (HashMap)ref.get();
                if (indexList != null) {
                    for (Iterator i=indexList.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                        long key = ((Long);
                        if (((key >> 32)) == keySetNumber) {
                            int typefp = (int)key;

                            BuiltInAtomicType type = (BuiltInAtomicType)BuiltInType.getSchemaType(typefp);

                            Object indexObject2 = getIndex(doc, keySetNumber, type);
                            if (indexObject2 instanceof String) {
                                // index is under construction
                                XPathException de = new XPathException("Key definition is circular");
                                throw de;
                            HashMap index2 = (HashMap)indexObject2;
                            // NOTE: we've been known to encounter a null index2 here, but it doesn't seem possible
                            if (!index2.isEmpty()) {
                                value = soughtValue.convert(type, true, context).asAtomic();
                                ArrayList nodes = (ArrayList)index2.get(getCollationKey(value, type, collation, context));
                                if (nodes != null) {
                                    if (result == null) {
                                        result = new ListIterator(nodes);
                                    } else {
                                        result = new UnionEnumeration(result, new ListIterator(nodes), LocalOrderComparer.getInstance());
            if (result == null) {
                return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
            } else {
                return result;

    private static Object getCollationKey(AtomicValue value, BuiltInAtomicType itemType,
                                          StringCollator collation, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        Object val;
        if (itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING) ||
                itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.UNTYPED_ATOMIC) ||
                itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_URI)) {
            if (collation==null) {
                val = value.getStringValue();
            } else {
                val = collation.getCollationKey(value.getStringValue());
        } else {
            val = value.getXPathComparable(false, collation, context);
        return val;

    * Save the index associated with a particular key, a particular item type,
    * and a particular document. This
    * needs to be done in such a way that the index is discarded by the garbage collector
    * if the document is discarded. We therefore use a WeakHashMap indexed on the DocumentInfo,
    * which returns HashMap giving the index for each key fingerprint. This index is itself another
    * HashMap.
    * The methods need to be synchronized because several concurrent transformations (which share
    * the same KeyManager) may be creating indexes for the same or different documents at the same
    * time.
     * @param doc the document being indexed
     * @param keyFingerprint represents the name of the key definition
     * @param itemType the primitive type of the values being indexed
     * @param index the index being saved
     * @param context the dynamic evaluation context

    private synchronized void putIndex(DocumentInfo doc, int keyFingerprint,
                                       AtomicType itemType, Object index, XPathContext context) {
        if (docIndexes==null) {
            // it's transient, so it will be null when reloading a compiled stylesheet
            docIndexes = new WeakHashMap(10);
        WeakReference indexRef = (WeakReference)docIndexes.get(doc);
        HashMap indexList;
        if (indexRef==null || indexRef.get()==null) {
            indexList = new HashMap(10);
            // ensure there is a firm reference to the indexList for the duration of a transformation
            context.getController().setUserData(doc, "key-index-list", indexList);
            docIndexes.put(doc, new WeakReference(indexList));
        } else {
            indexList = (HashMap)indexRef.get();
        indexList.put(new Long(((long)keyFingerprint)<<32 | itemType.getFingerprint()), index);

     * Get the index associated with a particular key, a particular source document,
     * and a particular primitive item type
     * @param doc the document whose index is required
     * @param keyFingerprint the name of the key definition
     * @param itemType the primitive item type of the values being indexed
     * @return either an index (as a HashMap), or the String "under construction", or null

    private synchronized Object getIndex(DocumentInfo doc, int keyFingerprint, AtomicType itemType) {
        if (docIndexes==null) {
            // it's transient, so it will be null when reloading a compiled stylesheet
            docIndexes = new WeakHashMap(10);
        WeakReference ref = (WeakReference)docIndexes.get(doc);
        if (ref==null) return null;
        HashMap indexList = (HashMap)ref.get();
        if (indexList==null) return null;
        return indexList.get(new Long(((long)keyFingerprint)<<32 | itemType.getFingerprint()));

     * Clear all the indexes for a given document. This is currently done whenever updates
     * are applied to the document, because updates can potentially invalidate the indexes.
     * @param doc the document whose indexes are to be invalidated

    public void clearDocumentIndexes(DocumentInfo doc) {

     * Get the number of distinctly-named key definitions
     * @return the number of key definition sets (where the key definitions in one set share the same name)

    public int getNumberOfKeyDefinitions() {
        return keyMap.size();

     * Diagnostic output explaining the keys
     * @param out the expression presenter that will display the information

    public void explainKeys(ExpressionPresenter out) {
        if (keyMap.size() < 2) {
            // don't bother with IDREFS if it's the only index
        Iterator keyIter = keyMap.keySet().iterator();
        while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
            StructuredQName qName = (StructuredQName);
            List list = ((KeyDefinitionSet)keyMap.get(qName)).getKeyDefinitions();
            for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
                KeyDefinition kd = (KeyDefinition)list.get(i);
                out.emitAttribute("name", qName.getDisplayName());
                out.emitAttribute("match", kd.getMatch().toString());
                if (kd.getUse() instanceof Expression) {

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// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
// Portions created by (your name) are Copyright (C) (your legal entity). All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s): none.

Related Classes of org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.KeyManager

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