package org.pdf4j.saxon.tinytree;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Configuration;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.SchemaType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.SimpleType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.Type;
* A node in the XML parse tree representing an XML element.<P>
* This class is an implementation of NodeInfo. The object is a wrapper around
* one entry in the arrays maintained by the TinyTree. Note that the same node
* might be represented by different TinyElementImpl objects at different times.
* @author Michael H. Kay
final class TinyElementImpl extends TinyParentNodeImpl {
* Constructor - create a tiny element node
* @param tree the Tinytree containing the node
* @param nodeNr the node number
public TinyElementImpl(TinyTree tree, int nodeNr) {
this.tree = tree;
this.nodeNr = nodeNr;
* Return the type of node.
* @return Type.ELEMENT
public final int getNodeKind() {
return Type.ELEMENT;
* Get the base URI of this element node. This will be the same as the System ID unless
* xml:base has been used.
public String getBaseURI() {
return Navigator.getBaseURI(this);
* Get the type annotation of this node, if any
* Returns Type.UNTYPED_ANY if there is no type annotation
public int getTypeAnnotation() {
return tree.getTypeAnnotation(nodeNr) & NamePool.FP_MASK;
* Get all namespace undeclarations and undeclarations defined on this element.
* @param buffer If this is non-null, and the result array fits in this buffer, then the result
* may overwrite the contents of this array, to avoid the cost of allocating a new array on the heap.
* @return An array of integers representing the namespace declarations and undeclarations present on
* this element. For a node other than an element, return null. Otherwise, the returned array is a
* sequence of namespace codes, whose meaning may be interpreted by reference to the name pool. The
* top half word of each namespace code represents the prefix, the bottom half represents the URI.
* If the bottom half is zero, then this is a namespace undeclaration rather than a declaration.
* The XML namespace is never included in the list. If the supplied array is larger than required,
* then the first unused entry will be set to -1.
* <p/>
* <p>For a node other than an element, the method returns null.</p>
public int[] getDeclaredNamespaces(int[] buffer) {
return getDeclaredNamespaces(tree, nodeNr, buffer);
* Static method to get all namespace undeclarations and undeclarations defined on a given element,
* without instantiating the node object.
* @param tree The tree containing the given element node
* @param nodeNr The node number of the given element node within the tinyTree
* @param buffer If this is non-null, and the result array fits in this buffer, then the result
* may overwrite the contents of this array, to avoid the cost of allocating a new array on the heap.
* @return An array of integers representing the namespace declarations and undeclarations present on
* this element. For a node other than an element, return null. Otherwise, the returned array is a
* sequence of namespace codes, whose meaning may be interpreted by reference to the name pool. The
* top half word of each namespace code represents the prefix, the bottom half represents the URI.
* If the bottom half is zero, then this is a namespace undeclaration rather than a declaration.
* The XML namespace is never included in the list. If the supplied array is larger than required,
* then the first unused entry will be set to -1.
* <p/>
* <p>For a node other than an element, the method returns null.</p>
static int[] getDeclaredNamespaces(TinyTree tree, int nodeNr, int[] buffer) {
int ns = tree.beta[nodeNr]; // by convention
if (ns>0 ) {
int count = 0;
while (ns < tree.numberOfNamespaces &&
tree.namespaceParent[ns] == nodeNr ) {
if (count == 0) {
} else if (buffer != null && count <= buffer.length) {
System.arraycopy(tree.namespaceCode, tree.beta[nodeNr], buffer, 0, count);
if (count < buffer.length) {
buffer[count] = -1;
return buffer;
} else {
int[] array = new int[count];
System.arraycopy(tree.namespaceCode, tree.beta[nodeNr], array, 0, count);
return array;
} else {
* Get all the inscope namespaces for an element node. This method is better than the generic method
* provided by {@link} because it doesn't require the element node
* (or its ancestors) to be instantiated as objects.
* @param tree the TinyTree containing the element node whose in-scope namespaces are required
* @param nodeNr the node number of the element node within the TinyTree. The caller is responsible
* for ensuring that this is indeed an element node
* @param buffer a buffer to hold the result, assuming it is large enough
* @return an integer array of namespace codes representing the inscope namespaces of the given element.
* The returned array will either be fully used, or it will contain a -1 entry marking the effective end
* of the list of namespace codes. Note that only distinct declared namespaces are included in the result;
* it does not contain any entries for namespace undeclarations or for overridden declarations.
static int[] getInScopeNamespaces(TinyTree tree, int nodeNr, int[] buffer) {
if (buffer == null || buffer.length == 0) {
buffer = new int[10];
buffer[0] = NamespaceConstant.XML_NAMESPACE_CODE;
int used = 1;
if (tree.usesNamespaces) {
do {
// gather the namespaces declared for this node
int ns = tree.beta[nodeNr]; // by convention
if (ns>0 ) {
while (ns < tree.numberOfNamespaces &&
tree.namespaceParent[ns] == nodeNr ) {
int nscode = tree.namespaceCode[ns];
// See if the prefix has already been declared; if so, this declaration is ignored
short prefixCode = (short)(nscode >> 16);
boolean duplicate = false;
for (int i=0; i<used; i++) {
if ((buffer[i] >> 16) == prefixCode) {
duplicate = true;
if (!duplicate) {
if (used >= buffer.length) {
int[] b2 = new int[used*2];
System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, b2, 0, used);
buffer = b2;
buffer[used++] = nscode;
// move on to the parent of this node
nodeNr = getParentNodeNr(tree, nodeNr);
} while (nodeNr != -1);
// The list of namespaces we have built up includes undeclarations as well as declarations.
// We now remove the undeclarations (which have a URI code of zero)
int j = 0;
for (int i=0; i<used; i++) {
int nscode = buffer[i];
if ((nscode & 0xffff) != 0) {
buffer[j++] = nscode;
used = j;
// If there are unused entries at the end of the array, add a -1 to mark the end
if (used < buffer.length) {
buffer[used] = -1;
return buffer;
* Get the value of a given attribute of this node
* @param fingerprint The fingerprint of the attribute name
* @return the attribute value if it exists or null if not
public String getAttributeValue(int fingerprint) {
int a = tree.alpha[nodeNr];
if (a<0) return null;
while (a < tree.numberOfAttributes && tree.attParent[a] == nodeNr) {
if ((tree.attCode[a] & 0xfffff) == fingerprint ) {
return tree.attValue[a].toString();
return null;
* Copy this node to a given receiver
* @param whichNamespaces indicates which namespaces should be copied: all, none,
* or local (i.e., those not declared on a parent element)
public void copy(Receiver receiver, int whichNamespaces, boolean copyAnnotations, int locationId) throws XPathException {
// Based on an algorithm supplied by Ruud Diterwich
// Performance measurements show that this achieves no speed-up over the OLD version
// (in 7.4). So might as well switch back.
// control vars
short level = -1;
boolean closePending = false;
short startLevel = tree.depth[nodeNr];
boolean first = true;
boolean disallowNamespaceSensitiveContent =
whichNamespaces == NO_NAMESPACES &&
Configuration config = null;
int next = nodeNr;
boolean setLocation = (receiver instanceof CopyInformee);
// document.diagnosticDump();
do {
// determine node depth
short nodeLevel = tree.depth[next];
// extra close required?
if (closePending) {
// close former elements
for (; level > nodeLevel; level--) {
// new node level
level = nodeLevel;
// output depends on node kind
switch (tree.nodeKind[next]) {
case Type.ELEMENT : {
// start element
final int typeCode = (copyAnnotations ? tree.getTypeAnnotation(next): StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED);
if (disallowNamespaceSensitiveContent) {
if (config == null) {
config = getConfiguration();
checkNotNamespaceSensitive(config, typeCode);
if (setLocation) {
locationId, 0);
// there is an element to close
closePending = true;
// output namespaces
if (whichNamespaces != NO_NAMESPACES && tree.usesNamespaces) {
if (first) {
switch (whichNamespaces) {
case NodeInfo.NO_NAMESPACES:
int[] localNamespaces = getDeclaredNamespaces(null);
for (int i=0; i<localNamespaces.length; i++) {
int ns = localNamespaces[i];
if (ns == -1) {
receiver.namespace(ns, 0);
NamespaceCodeIterator.sendNamespaces(this, receiver);
} else {
int ns = tree.beta[next]; // by convention
if (ns>0 ) {
while (ns < tree.numberOfNamespaces &&
tree.namespaceParent[ns] == next ) {
int nscode = tree.namespaceCode[ns];
receiver.namespace(nscode, 0);
first = false;
// output attributes
int att = tree.alpha[next];
if (att >= 0) {
while (att < tree.numberOfAttributes && tree.attParent[att] == next ) {
int attCode = tree.attCode[att];
int attType = (copyAnnotations ?
tree.getAttributeAnnotation(att) :
if (disallowNamespaceSensitiveContent) {
if (config == null) {
config = getConfiguration();
checkNotNamespaceSensitive(config, attType);
receiver.attribute(attCode, attType, tree.attValue[att], locationId, 0);
// start content
case Type.TEXT: {
// don't close text nodes
closePending = false;
// output characters
final CharSequence value = TinyTextImpl.getStringValue(tree, next);
receiver.characters(value, locationId, ReceiverOptions.WHOLE_TEXT_NODE);
// don't close text nodes
closePending = false;
// output characters
final CharSequence value = WhitespaceTextImpl.getStringValue(tree, next);
receiver.characters(value, locationId, ReceiverOptions.WHOLE_TEXT_NODE);
case Type.COMMENT : {
// don't close text nodes
closePending = false;
// output copy of comment
int start = tree.alpha[next];
int len = tree.beta[next];
if (len>0) {
receiver.comment(tree.commentBuffer.subSequence(start, start+len), locationId, 0);
} else {
receiver.comment("", 0, 0);
// don't close text nodes
closePending = false;
// output copy of PI
NodeInfo pi = tree.getNode(next);
receiver.processingInstruction(pi.getLocalPart(), pi.getStringValue(), locationId, 0);
case Type.PARENT_POINTER : {
closePending = false;
} while (next < tree.numberOfNodes && tree.depth[next] > startLevel);
// close all remaining elements
if (closePending) {
for (; level > startLevel; level--) {
private void checkNotNamespaceSensitive(Configuration config, final int typeCode) throws XPathException {
SchemaType type = config.getSchemaType(typeCode & NamePool.FP_MASK);
if (type instanceof SimpleType && ((SimpleType)type).isNamespaceSensitive()) {
throw new CopyNamespaceSensitiveException(
"Cannot copy QName or NOTATION values without copying namespaces");
// err.setErrorCode((language == Configuration.XSLT ? "XTTE0950" : "XQTY0086"));
// throw err;
// public void copyOLD(Receiver out, int whichNamespaces, boolean copyAnnotations) throws XPathException {
// int nc = getNameCode();
// int typeCode = (copyAnnotations ? getTypeAnnotation() : 0);
// out.startElement(nc, typeCode, 0, 0);
// // output the namespaces
// if (whichNamespaces != NO_NAMESPACES) {
// outputNamespaceNodes(out, whichNamespaces==ALL_NAMESPACES);
// }
// // output the attributes
// int a = document.alpha[nodeNr];
// if (a >= 0) {
// while (a < document.numberOfAttributes && document.attParent[a] == nodeNr) {
// document.getAttributeNode(a).copy(out, NO_NAMESPACES, copyAnnotations, locationId);
// a++;
// }
// }
// // output the children
// AxisIterator children =
// iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD, AnyNodeTest.getInstance());
// int childNamespaces = (whichNamespaces==NO_NAMESPACES ? NO_NAMESPACES : LOCAL_NAMESPACES);
// while (true) {
// NodeInfo next = (NodeInfo);
// if (next==null) break;
// next.copy(out, childNamespaces, copyAnnotations, locationId);
// }
// out.endElement();
// }
* Get the namespace URI corresponding to a given prefix. Return null
* if the prefix is not in scope.
* @param prefix the namespace prefix. May be the zero-length string, indicating
* that there is no prefix. This indicates either the default namespace or the
* null namespace, depending on the value of useDefault.
* @param useDefault true if the default namespace is to be used when the
* prefix is "". If false, the method returns "" when the prefix is "".
* @return the uri for the namespace, or null if the prefix is not in scope.
* The "null namespace" is represented by the pseudo-URI "".
public String getURIForPrefix(String prefix, boolean useDefault) {
if (!useDefault && (prefix==null || prefix.length()==0)) {
return "";
int prefixCode = getNamePool().getCodeForPrefix(prefix);
if (prefixCode == -1) {
return null;
int ns = tree.beta[nodeNr]; // by convention
if (ns>0 ) {
while (ns < tree.numberOfNamespaces &&
tree.namespaceParent[ns] == nodeNr ) {
int nscode = tree.namespaceCode[ns];
if ((nscode >> 16) == prefixCode) {
int uriCode = nscode & 0xffff;
if (uriCode == 0) {
// this is a namespace undeclaration, so the prefix is not in scope
if (prefixCode == 0) {
// the namespace xmlns="" is always in scope
return "";
} else {
return null;
} else {
return getNamePool().getURIFromURICode((short)uriCode);
// now search the namespaces defined on the ancestor nodes.
NodeInfo parent = getParent();
if (parent instanceof NamespaceResolver) {
return ((NamespaceResolver)parent).getURIForPrefix(prefix, useDefault);
return null;
* Determine whether this node has the is-id property
* @return true if the node is an ID
public boolean isId() {
// this looks very inefficient, but the method isn't actually used...
return getDocumentRoot().selectID(getStringValue()).isSameNodeInfo(this);
* Determine whether this node has the is-idref property
* @return true if the node is an IDREF or IDREFS element or attribute
public boolean isIdref() {
return tree.isIdrefElement(nodeNr);
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
// The new copy() routine (in version 7.4.1) is contributed by Ruud Diterwich
// Portions created by (your name) are Copyright (C) (your legal entity). All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s): none.