package org.pdf4j.saxon.tinytree;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.Builder;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.LocationProvider;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.ReceiverOptions;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.SourceLocationProvider;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.Type;
* The TinyBuilder class is responsible for taking a stream of SAX events and constructing
* a Document tree, using the "TinyTree" implementation.
* @author Michael H. Kay
public class TinyBuilder extends Builder {
public static final int PARENT_POINTER_INTERVAL = 10;
// a lower value allocates more parent pointers which takes more space but reduces
// the length of parent searches
private TinyTree tree;
private int currentDepth = 0;
private int nodeNr = 0; // this is the local sequence within this document
private boolean ended = false;
private int[] sizeParameters; // estimate of number of nodes, attributes, namespaces, characters
* Create a TinyTree builder
public TinyBuilder() {}
* Set the size parameters for the tree
* @param params an array of four integers giving the expected number of non-attribute nodes, the expected
* number of attributes, the expected number of namespace declarations, and the expected total length of
* character data
public void setSizeParameters(int[] params) {
sizeParameters = params;
* Get the size parameters for the tree
* @return an array of four integers giving the actual number of non-attribute nodes, the actual
* number of attributes, the actual number of namespace declarations, and the actual total length of
* character data
public int[] getSizeParameters() {
return new int[] {tree.numberOfNodes, tree.numberOfAttributes, tree.numberOfNamespaces,
private int[] prevAtDepth = new int[100];
// this array is scaffolding used while constructing the tree, it is
// not present in the final tree. For each level of the tree, it records the
// node number of the most recent node at that level.
private int[] siblingsAtDepth = new int[100];
// more scaffolding. For each level of the tree, this array records the
// number of siblings processed at that level. When this exceeds a threshold value,
// a dummy node is inserted into the arrays to contain a parent pointer: this it to
// prevent excessively long searches for a parent node, which is normally found by
// scanning the siblings. The value is then reset to zero.
private boolean isIDElement = false;
* Get the tree being built by this builder
* @return the TinyTree
public TinyTree getTree() {
return tree;
* Open the event stream
public void open() throws XPathException {
if (started) {
// this happens when using an IdentityTransformer
if (tree == null) {
if (sizeParameters==null) {
tree = new TinyTree();
} else {
tree = new TinyTree(sizeParameters[0],
sizeParameters[1], sizeParameters[2], sizeParameters[3]);
currentDepth = 0;
if (lineNumbering) {
* Write a document node to the tree
public void startDocument (int properties) throws XPathException {
// if (currentDepth == 0 && tree.numberOfNodes != 0) {
// System.err.println("**** FOREST DOCUMENT ****");
// }
if ((started && !ended) || currentDepth > 0) {
// this happens when using an IdentityTransformer, or when copying a document node to form
// the content of an element
started = true;
ended = false;
currentRoot = new TinyDocumentImpl(tree);
TinyDocumentImpl doc = (TinyDocumentImpl)currentRoot;
currentDepth = 0;
int nodeNr = tree.addDocumentNode((TinyDocumentImpl)currentRoot);
prevAtDepth[0] = nodeNr;
prevAtDepth[1] = -1;
siblingsAtDepth[0] = 0;
siblingsAtDepth[1] = 0;[nodeNr] = -1;
* Callback interface for SAX: not for application use
public void endDocument () throws XPathException {
// System.err.println("TinyBuilder: " + this + " End document");
if (currentDepth > 1) return;
// happens when copying a document node as the child of an element
if (ended) return; // happens when using an IdentityTransformer
ended = true;
prevAtDepth[currentDepth] = -1;
public void reset() {
tree = null;
currentDepth = 0;
nodeNr = 0;
ended = false;
sizeParameters = null;
public void close() throws XPathException {
//System.err.println("Tree.close " + tree + " size=" + tree.numberOfNodes);
tree.addNode(Type.STOPPER, 0, 0, 0, -1);
* Notify the start tag of an element
public void startElement (int nameCode, int typeCode, int locationId, int properties) throws XPathException
// if (currentDepth == 0 && tree.numberOfNodes != 0) {
// System.err.println("**** FOREST ELEMENT **** trees=" + tree.rootIndexUsed );
// }
// if the number of siblings exceeds a certain threshold, add a parent pointer, in the form
// of a pseudo-node
if (siblingsAtDepth[currentDepth] > PARENT_POINTER_INTERVAL) {
nodeNr = tree.addNode(Type.PARENT_POINTER, currentDepth, prevAtDepth[currentDepth-1], 0, 0);
int prev = prevAtDepth[currentDepth];
if (prev > 0) {[prev] = nodeNr;
}[nodeNr] = prevAtDepth[currentDepth-1];
prevAtDepth[currentDepth] = nodeNr;
siblingsAtDepth[currentDepth] = 0;
// now add the element node itself
nodeNr = tree.addNode(Type.ELEMENT, currentDepth, -1, -1, nameCode);
isIDElement = ((properties & ReceiverOptions.IS_ID) != 0);
if (typeCode != StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED && typeCode != -1) {
if ((properties & ReceiverOptions.NILLED_ELEMENT) != 0) {
typeCode |= NodeInfo.IS_NILLED;
tree.setElementAnnotation(nodeNr, typeCode);
if (!isIDElement && config.getTypeHierarchy().isIdCode(typeCode)) {
isIDElement = true;
if (currentDepth == 0) {
prevAtDepth[0] = nodeNr;
prevAtDepth[1] = -1;
//[0] = -1;
currentRoot = tree.getNode(nodeNr);
} else {
int prev = prevAtDepth[currentDepth];
if (prev > 0) {[prev] = nodeNr;
}[nodeNr] = prevAtDepth[currentDepth - 1]; // *O* owner pointer in last sibling
prevAtDepth[currentDepth] = nodeNr;
if (currentDepth == prevAtDepth.length) {
int[] p2 = new int[currentDepth*2];
System.arraycopy(prevAtDepth, 0, p2, 0, currentDepth);
prevAtDepth = p2;
p2 = new int[currentDepth*2];
System.arraycopy(siblingsAtDepth, 0, p2, 0, currentDepth);
siblingsAtDepth = p2;
prevAtDepth[currentDepth] = -1;
siblingsAtDepth[currentDepth] = 0;
LocationProvider locator = pipe.getLocationProvider();
if (locator instanceof SourceLocationProvider) {
tree.setSystemId(nodeNr, locator.getSystemId(locationId));
// if (lineNumbering) {
// tree.setLineAndColumn(nodeNr, locator.getLineNumber(locationId), locator.getColumnNumber(locationId));
// }
} else if (currentDepth == 1) {
tree.setSystemId(nodeNr, systemId);
if (lineNumbering) {
tree.setLineNumber(nodeNr, locator.getLineNumber(locationId), locator.getColumnNumber(locationId));
public void namespace(int namespaceCode, int properties) throws XPathException {
tree.addNamespace( nodeNr, namespaceCode );
public void attribute(int nameCode, int typeCode, CharSequence value, int locationId, int properties)
throws XPathException {
// System.err.println("attribute " + nameCode + "=" + value);
tree.addAttribute(currentRoot, nodeNr, nameCode, typeCode, value, properties);
public void startContent() {
* Callback interface for SAX: not for application use
public void endElement() throws XPathException {
// System.err.println("End element");
prevAtDepth[currentDepth] = -1;
siblingsAtDepth[currentDepth] = 0;
if (isIDElement) {
// we're relying on the fact that an ID element has no element children!
tree.indexIDElement(currentRoot, prevAtDepth[currentDepth], config.getNameChecker());
isIDElement = false;
* Get the last completed element node. This is used during checking of schema assertions,
* which happens while the tree is still under construction. This method is called immediately after
* a call on endElement(), and it returns the element that has just ended.
* @return the last completed element node, that is, the element whose endElement event is the most recent
* endElement event to be reported
public NodeInfo getLastCompletedElement() {
return tree.getNode(prevAtDepth[currentDepth]);
// Note: reading an incomplete tree needs care if it constructs a prior index, etc.
* Callback interface for SAX: not for application use
public void characters(CharSequence chars, int locationId, int properties) throws XPathException
// TODO:PERF when appropriate, point to an existing text node containing the same characters
if (chars instanceof CompressedWhitespace &&
(properties & ReceiverOptions.WHOLE_TEXT_NODE) != 0) {
long lvalue = ((CompressedWhitespace)chars).getCompressedValue();
nodeNr = tree.addNode(Type.WHITESPACE_TEXT, currentDepth, (int)(lvalue>>32), (int)(lvalue), -1);
int prev = prevAtDepth[currentDepth];
if (prev > 0) {[prev] = nodeNr;
}[nodeNr] = prevAtDepth[currentDepth - 1]; // *O* owner pointer in last sibling
prevAtDepth[currentDepth] = nodeNr;
final int len = chars.length();
if (len>0) {
int bufferStart = tree.getCharacterBuffer().length();
int n=tree.numberOfNodes-1;
if (tree.nodeKind[n] == Type.TEXT && tree.depth[n] == currentDepth) {
// merge this text node with the previous text node
tree.beta[n] += len;
} else {
nodeNr = tree.addNode(Type.TEXT, currentDepth, bufferStart, len, -1);
int prev = prevAtDepth[currentDepth];
if (prev > 0) {[prev] = nodeNr;
}[nodeNr] = prevAtDepth[currentDepth - 1]; // *O* owner pointer in last sibling
prevAtDepth[currentDepth] = nodeNr;
* Callback interface for SAX: not for application use<BR>
public void processingInstruction (String piname, CharSequence remainder, int locationId, int properties) throws XPathException
if (tree.commentBuffer==null) {
tree.commentBuffer = new FastStringBuffer(200);
int s = tree.commentBuffer.length();
int nameCode = namePool.allocate("", "", piname);
nodeNr = tree.addNode(Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, currentDepth, s, remainder.length(),
int prev = prevAtDepth[currentDepth];
if (prev > 0) {[prev] = nodeNr;
}[nodeNr] = prevAtDepth[currentDepth - 1]; // *O* owner pointer in last sibling
prevAtDepth[currentDepth] = nodeNr;
LocationProvider locator = pipe.getLocationProvider();
if (locator instanceof SourceLocationProvider) {
tree.setSystemId(nodeNr, locator.getSystemId(locationId));
if (lineNumbering) {
tree.setLineNumber(nodeNr, locator.getLineNumber(locationId), locator.getColumnNumber(locationId));
* Callback interface for SAX: not for application use
public void comment (CharSequence chars, int locationId, int properties) throws XPathException {
if (tree.commentBuffer==null) {
tree.commentBuffer = new FastStringBuffer(200);
int s = tree.commentBuffer.length();
nodeNr = tree.addNode(Type.COMMENT, currentDepth, s, chars.length(), -1);
int prev = prevAtDepth[currentDepth];
if (prev > 0) {[prev] = nodeNr;
}[nodeNr] = prevAtDepth[currentDepth - 1]; // *O* owner pointer in last sibling
prevAtDepth[currentDepth] = nodeNr;
* Set an unparsed entity in the document
public void setUnparsedEntity(String name, String uri, String publicId) {
((TinyDocumentImpl)currentRoot).setUnparsedEntity(name, uri, publicId);
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
// Portions created by (your name) are Copyright (C) (your legal entity). All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s): none.