import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.Expression;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.instruct.Executable;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.query.QueryModule;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.query.XQueryExpression;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.query.XQueryFunction;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.Whitespace;
import java.util.Iterator;
* The class implements a saxon:import-query declaration in a stylesheet. This
* declaration imports an XQuery library module and adds the functions defined
* in that module to the static context, making them available for calling from
* XPath expressions in the stylesheet.
public class SaxonImportQuery extends StyleElement {
private String href;
private String moduleURI;
* The importModule() method is called very early, before preparing the attributes,
* to make sure that all functions in the imported modules are available in the static
* context.
* @throws XPathException
public void importModule() throws XPathException {
public void prepareAttributes() throws XPathException {
// Avoid reporting errors twice
if (href!=null || moduleURI!=null) {
AttributeCollection atts = getAttributeList();
for (int a=0; a<atts.getLength(); a++) {
int nc = atts.getNameCode(a);
String f = getNamePool().getClarkName(nc);
if (f.equals(StandardNames.HREF)) {
href = Whitespace.trim(atts.getValue(a));
} else if (f.equals(StandardNames.NAMESPACE)) {
moduleURI = Whitespace.trim(atts.getValue(a));
} else {
moduleURI=""; // for error recovery path
if (href==null && moduleURI==null) {
compileError("At least one of href or namespace must be specified");
moduleURI=""; // for error recovery path
public void validate() throws XPathException {
private void loadLibraryModule() throws XPathException {
if (href==null && moduleURI==null) {
// error already reported
try {
XSLStylesheet top = getPrincipalStylesheet();
QueryModule importedModule = loadModule();
// Do the importing
Iterator it = importedModule.getGlobalFunctionLibrary().getFunctionDefinitions();
while (it.hasNext()) {
XQueryFunction def = (XQueryFunction);
// don't import functions transitively
if (def.getFunctionName().getNamespaceURI().equals(moduleURI)) {
// Note, we are not importing global variables at present
} catch (XPathException err) {
* Load a query library module
* @return the QueryModule object representing the loaded library module
private QueryModule loadModule() throws XPathException {
// Create a dummy main query module and compile it
StaticQueryContext sqc = new StaticQueryContext(getConfiguration());
String mainModule = "import module namespace m = \"" + moduleURI + "\" at \"" + href + "\"; ()";
XQueryExpression exp = sqc.compileQuery(mainModule);
return exp.getStaticContext();
public Expression compile(Executable exec) throws XPathException {
exec.setReasonUnableToCompile("Cannot compile a stylesheet that imports an XQuery library module");
return null;
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// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
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