package org.pdf4j.saxon.s9api;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.Receiver;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.query.DynamicQueryContext;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.query.XQueryExpression;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trace.TraceListener;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.AtomicValue;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.EmptySequence;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.SequenceExtent;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver;
import javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
* An <code>XQueryEvaluator</code> represents a compiled and loaded stylesheet ready for execution.
* The <code>XQueryEvaluator</code> holds details of the dynamic evaluation context for the stylesheet.
* <p/>
* <p>An <code>XQueryEvaluator</code> must not be used concurrently in multiple threads.
* It is safe, however, to reuse the object within a single thread to run the same
* stylesheet several times. Running the stylesheet does not change the context
* that has been established.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>An <code>XQueryEvaluator</code> is always constructed by running the <code>Load</code>
* method of an {@link org.pdf4j.saxon.s9api.XQueryExecutable}.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>An <code>XQueryEvaluator</code> is itself a <code>Iterable</code>. This makes it possible to
* evaluate the results in a for-each expression.</p>
public class XQueryEvaluator implements Iterable<XdmItem> {
private Processor processor;
private XQueryExpression expression;
private DynamicQueryContext context;
private Destination destination;
private Set<XdmNode> updatedDocuments;
* Protected constructor
* @param processor the Saxon processor
* @param expression the XQuery expression
protected XQueryEvaluator(Processor processor, XQueryExpression expression) {
this.processor = processor;
this.expression = expression;
this.context = new DynamicQueryContext(expression.getExecutable().getConfiguration());
* Set the source document for the query. This method is equivalent to building
* a document from the supplied source object, and then supplying the document node of
* the resulting document as the initial context node.
* @param source the principal source document for the transformation
public void setSource(Source source) throws SaxonApiException {
* Set the initial context item for the query
* @param item the initial context item, or null if there is to be no initial context item
public void setContextItem(XdmItem item) {
context.setContextItem(item == null ? null : (Item)item.getUnderlyingValue());
* Get the initial context item for the query, if one has been set
* @return the initial context item, or null if none has been set. This will not necessarily
* be the same object as was supplied, but it will be an XdmItem object that represents
* the same underlying node or atomic value.
public XdmItem getContextItem() {
return (XdmItem)XdmValue.wrap(context.getContextItem());
* Set the value of external variable defined in the query
* @param name the name of the external variable, as a QName
* @param value the value of the external variable, or null to clear a previously set value
public void setExternalVariable(QName name, XdmValue value) {
(value == null ? null : value.getUnderlyingValue()));
* Get the value that has been set for an external variable
* @param name the name of the external variable whose value is required
* @return the value that has been set for the external variable, or null if no value has been set
public XdmValue getExternalVariable(QName name) {
Object oval = context.getParameter(name.getClarkName());
if (oval == null) {
return null;
if (oval instanceof ValueRepresentation) {
return XdmValue.wrap((ValueRepresentation)oval);
throw new IllegalStateException(oval.getClass().getName());
* Set an object that will be used to resolve URIs used in
* fn:doc() and related functions.
* @param resolver An object that implements the URIResolver interface, or
* null.
public void setURIResolver(URIResolver resolver) {
* Get the URI resolver.
* @return the user-supplied URI resolver if there is one, or the
* system-defined one otherwise
public URIResolver getURIResolver() {
return context.getURIResolver();
* Set the error listener. The error listener receives reports of all run-time
* errors and can decide how to report them.
* @param listener the ErrorListener to be used
public void setErrorListener(ErrorListener listener) {
* Get the error listener.
* @return the ErrorListener in use
public ErrorListener getErrorListener() {
return context.getErrorListener();
* Set a TraceListener which will receive messages relating to the evaluation of all expressions.
* This option has no effect unless the query was compiled to enable tracing.
* @param listener the TraceListener to use
public void setTraceListener(TraceListener listener) {
* Get the registered TraceListener, if any
* @return listener the TraceListener in use, or null if none has been set
public TraceListener getTraceListener() {
return context.getTraceListener();
* Set the destination for output from the fn:trace() function.
* By default, the destination is System.err. If a TraceListener is in use,
* this is ignored, and the trace() output is sent to the TraceListener.
* @param stream the PrintStream to which trace output will be sent. If set to
* null, trace output is suppressed entirely. It is the caller's responsibility
* to close the stream after use.
* @since 9.1
public void setTraceFunctionDestination(PrintStream stream) {
* Get the destination for output from the fn:trace() function.
* @return the PrintStream to which trace output will be sent. If no explicitly
* destination has been set, returns System.err. If the destination has been set
* to null to suppress trace output, returns null.
* @since 9.1
public PrintStream getTraceFunctionDestination() {
return context.getTraceFunctionDestination();
* Set the destination to be used for the query results
* @param destination the destination to which the results of the query will be sent
public void setDestination(Destination destination) {
this.destination = destination;
* Perform the query.
* <p/>
* <ul><li>In the case of a non-updating query, the results are sent to the
* registered Destination.</li>
* <li>In the case of an updating query, all updated documents will be available after query
* execution as the result of the {@link #getUpdatedDocuments} method.</li>
* </ul>
* @throws org.pdf4j.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException
* if any dynamic error occurs during the query
* @throws IllegalStateException if this is a non-updating query and no Destination has been
* supplied for the query results
public void run() throws SaxonApiException {
try {
if (expression.isUpdateQuery()) {
Set docs = expression.runUpdate(context);
updatedDocuments = new HashSet();
for (Iterator iter = docs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
NodeInfo root = (NodeInfo);
} else {
if (destination == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No destination supplied");
Receiver receiver;
if (destination instanceof Serializer) {
receiver = ((Serializer)destination).getReceiver(
} else {
receiver = destination.getReceiver(expression.getExecutable().getConfiguration());
}, receiver, null);
} catch (TransformerException e) {
throw new SaxonApiException(e);
* Perform the query, sending the results to a specified destination. This method
* must not be used with an updating query
* @param destination The destination where the result document will be sent
* @throws org.pdf4j.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException
* if any dynamic error occurs during the query
* @throws IllegalStateException if this is an updating query
public void run(Destination destination) throws SaxonApiException {
if (expression.isUpdateQuery()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Query is updating");
try {
Receiver receiver;
if (destination instanceof Serializer) {
receiver = ((Serializer)destination).getReceiver(
} else {
receiver = destination.getReceiver(expression.getExecutable().getConfiguration());
}, receiver, null);
} catch (TransformerException e) {
throw new SaxonApiException(e);
* Perform the query, returning the results as an XdmValue. This method
* must not be used with an updating query
* @return an XdmValue representing the results of the query
* @throws SaxonApiException if the query fails with a dynamic error
* @throws IllegalStateException if this is an updating query
public XdmValue evaluate() throws SaxonApiException {
if (expression.isUpdateQuery()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Query is updating");
try {
SequenceIterator iter = expression.iterator(context);
ValueRepresentation result = SequenceExtent.makeSequenceExtent(iter);
if (result instanceof NodeInfo) {
return new XdmNode((NodeInfo)result);
} else if (result instanceof AtomicValue) {
return new XdmAtomicValue((AtomicValue)result);
} else if (result instanceof EmptySequence) {
return XdmEmptySequence.getInstance();
} else {
return new XdmValue(result);
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new SaxonApiException(e);
* Get an iterator over the results of the query. This method
* must not be used with an updating query
* @throws SaxonApiUncheckedException if a dynamic error is detected while constructing the iterator.
* It is also possible for an SaxonApiUncheckedException to be thrown by the hasNext() method of the
* returned iterator if a dynamic error occurs while evaluating the result sequence.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this is an updating query
public Iterator<XdmItem> iterator() throws SaxonApiUncheckedException {
if (expression.isUpdateQuery()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Query is updating");
try {
return new XdmSequenceIterator(expression.iterator(context));
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new SaxonApiUncheckedException(e);
* After executing an updating query using the {@link #run()} method, iterate over the root
* nodes of the documents updated by the query.
* <p/>
* <p>The results remain available until a new query is executed. This method returns the results
* of the most recently executed query. It does not consume the results.</p>
* @return an iterator over the root nodes of documents (or other trees) that were updated by the query
* @since 9.1
public Iterator<XdmNode> getUpdatedDocuments() {
return updatedDocuments.iterator();
* Get the underlying dynamic context object. This provides an escape hatch to the underlying
* implementation classes, which contain methods that may change from one release to another.
* @return the underlying object representing the dynamic context for query execution
public DynamicQueryContext getUnderlyingQueryContext() {
return context;
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// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
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