package org.pdf4j.saxon.s9api;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.sxpath.XPathDynamicContext;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.sxpath.XPathExpression;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.sxpath.XPathVariable;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.SequenceExtent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* An XPathSelector represents a compiled and loaded XPath expression ready for execution.
* The XPathSelector holds details of the dynamic evaluation context for the XPath expression.
public class XPathSelector implements Iterable<XdmItem> {
private XPathExpression exp;
private XPathDynamicContext dynamicContext;
private List<XPathVariable> declaredVariables;
// protected constructor
protected XPathSelector(XPathExpression exp,
ArrayList<XPathVariable> declaredVariables) {
this.exp = exp;
this.declaredVariables = declaredVariables;
dynamicContext = exp.createDynamicContext(null);
* Set the context item for evaluating the XPath expression.
* This may be either a node or an atomic value. Most commonly it will be a document node,
* which might be constructed using the {@link DocumentBuilder#build} method.
* @param item The context item for evaluating the expression. Must not be null.
public void setContextItem(XdmItem item) throws SaxonApiException {
try {
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new SaxonApiException(e);
* Get the context item used for evaluating the XPath expression.
* This may be either a node or an atomic value. Most commonly it will be a document node,
* which might be constructed using the Build method of the DocumentBuilder object.
* @return The context item for evaluating the expression, or null if no context item
* has been set.
public XdmItem getContextItem() {
return XdmItem.wrapItem(dynamicContext.getContextItem());
* Set the value of a variable
* @param name The name of the variable. This must match the name of a variable
* that was declared to the XPathCompiler. No error occurs if the expression does not
* actually reference a variable with this name.
* @param value The value to be given to the variable.
* @throws SaxonApiException if the variable has not been declared or if the type of the value
* supplied does not conform to the required type that was specified when the variable was declared
public void setVariable(QName name, XdmValue value) throws SaxonApiException {
XPathVariable var = null;
StructuredQName qn = name.getStructuredQName();
for (XPathVariable v : declaredVariables) {
if (v.getVariableQName().equals(qn)) {
var = v;
if (var == null) {
throw new SaxonApiException(
new XPathException("Variable has not been declared: " + name));
try {
dynamicContext.setVariable(var, value.getUnderlyingValue());
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new SaxonApiException(e);
* Evaluate the expression, returning the result as an <code>XdmValue</code> (that is,
* a sequence of nodes and/or atomic values).
* <p>Note: Although a singleton result <i>may</i> be represented as an <code>XdmItem</code>, there is
* no guarantee that this will always be the case. If you know that the expression will return at
* most one node or atomic value, it is best to use the <code>evaluateSingle</code> method, which
* does guarantee that an <code>XdmItem</code> (or null) will be returned.</p>
* @return An <code>XdmValue</code> representing the results of the expression.
* @throws SaxonApiException if a dynamic error occurs during the expression evaluation.
public XdmValue evaluate() throws SaxonApiException {
ValueRepresentation value;
try {
value = SequenceExtent.makeSequenceExtent(exp.iterate(dynamicContext));
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new SaxonApiException(e);
return XdmValue.wrap(value);
* Evaluate the XPath expression, returning the result as an <code>XdmItem</code> (that is,
* a single node or atomic value).
* @return an <code>XdmItem</code> representing the result of the expression, or null if the expression
* returns an empty sequence. If the expression returns a sequence of more than one item,
* any items after the first are ignored.
* @throws SaxonApiException if a dynamic error occurs during the expression evaluation.
public XdmItem evaluateSingle() throws SaxonApiException {
try {
Item i = exp.evaluateSingle(dynamicContext);
if (i == null) {
return null;
return (XdmItem) XdmValue.wrap(i);
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new SaxonApiException(e);
* Evaluate the expression, returning the result as an <code>Iterator</code> (that is,
* an iterator over a sequence of nodes and/or atomic values).
* <p>Because an <code>XPathSelector</code> is an {@link Iterable}, it is possible to
* iterate over the result using a Java 5 "for each" expression, for example:</p>
* <p><pre>
* XPathCompiler compiler = processor.newXPathCompiler();
* XPathSelector seq = compiler.compile("1 to 20").load();
* for (XdmItem item : seq) {
* System.err.println(item);
* }
* </pre></p>
* @return An iterator over the sequence that represents the results of the expression.
* Each object in this sequence will be an instance of <code>XdmItem</code>. Note
* that the expression may be evaluated lazily, which means that a successful response
* from this method does not imply that the expression has executed successfully: failures
* may be reported later while retrieving items from the iterator.
* @throws SaxonApiUncheckedException
* if a dynamic error occurs during XPath evaluation that
* can be detected at this point. It is also possible that an SaxonApiUncheckedException will
* be thrown by the <code>hasNext()</code> method of the returned iterator.
public Iterator<XdmItem> iterator() throws SaxonApiUncheckedException {
try {
return new XdmSequenceIterator(exp.iterate(dynamicContext));
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new SaxonApiUncheckedException(e);
* Evaluate the XPath expression, returning the effective boolean value of the result.
* @return a <code>boolean</code> representing the effective boolean value of the result of evaluating
* the expression, as defined by the rules for the fn:boolean() function.
* @throws SaxonApiException if a dynamic error occurs during the expression evaluation, or if the result
* of the expression is a value whose effective boolean value is not defined (for example, a date or a
* sequence of three integers)
* @since 9.1
public boolean effectiveBooleanValue() throws SaxonApiException {
try {
return exp.effectiveBooleanValue(dynamicContext);
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new SaxonApiException(e);
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