package org.pdf4j.saxon.query;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Configuration;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.LocationProvider;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.functions.ExecutableFunctionLibrary;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.instruct.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trace.ExpressionPresenter;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trace.InstructionInfo;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trace.Location;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.SequenceType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public class XQueryFunction implements InstructionInfo, Container, Declaration {
private StructuredQName functionName;
private List arguments; // A list of UserFunctionParameter objects
private SequenceType resultType;
private Expression body = null;
private List references = new ArrayList(10);
private int lineNumber;
private int columnNumber;
private String systemId;
private Executable executable;
private UserFunction compiledFunction = null;
private boolean memoFunction;
private NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver;
private QueryModule staticContext;
private boolean isUpdating = false;
* Create an XQuery function
public XQueryFunction() {
arguments = new ArrayList(8);
* Set the name of the function
* @param name the name of the function as a StructuredQName object
protected void setFunctionName(StructuredQName name) {
functionName = name;
* Set the arguments of the function
* @param arguments a list of the arguments of the function, as a list whose
* members are instances of {@link UserFunctionParameter}
// protected void setArgumentList(List arguments) {
// this.arguments = arguments;
// }
* Add an argument to the list of arguments
* @param argument the formal declaration of the argument to be added
protected void addArgument(UserFunctionParameter argument) {
* Set the required result type of the function
* @param resultType the declared result type of the function
protected void setResultType(SequenceType resultType) {
this.resultType = resultType;
* Set the body of the function
* @param body the expression forming the body of the function
protected void setBody(Expression body) {
this.body = body;
if (body != null) {
* Get the body of the function
* @return the expression making up the body of the function
public Expression getBody() {
return body;
* Set the system ID of the module containing the function
* @param systemId the system ID (= base URI) of the module containing the function
protected void setSystemId(String systemId) {
this.systemId = systemId;
* Set the line number of the function declaration within its module
* @param line the line number of the function declaration
protected void setLineNumber(int line) {
lineNumber = line;
* Set the column number of the function declaration
* @param column the column number of the function declaration
protected void setColumnNumber(int column) {
columnNumber = column;
* Get the name of the function as a structured QName
* @return the name of the function as a structured QName
public StructuredQName getFunctionName() {
return functionName;
* Get the name of the function for display in error messages
* @return the name of the function as a lexical QName
public String getDisplayName() {
return functionName.getDisplayName();
* Get an identifying key for this function, which incorporates the URI and local part of the
* function name plus the arity
* @return an identifying key
public String getIdentificationKey() {
return functionName.getClarkName() + '/' + arguments.size();
* Construct what the identification key would be for a function with given URI, local name, and arity
* @param uri the URI part of the function name
* @param localName the local part of the function name
* @param arity the number of arguments in the function
* @return an identifying key
public static String getIdentificationKey(String uri, String localName, int arity) {
FastStringBuffer sb = new FastStringBuffer(uri.length() + localName.length() + 8);
return sb.toString();
* Construct what the identification key would be for a function with given URI, local name, and arity
* @param qName the name of the function
* @param arity the number of arguments
* @return an identifying key
public static String getIdentificationKey(StructuredQName qName, int arity) {
String uri = qName.getNamespaceURI();
String localName = qName.getLocalName();
FastStringBuffer sb = new FastStringBuffer(uri.length() + localName.length() + 8);
return sb.toString();
* Get the result type of the function
* @return the declared result type
public SequenceType getResultType() {
return resultType;
* Set the executable in which this function is contained
* @param exec the executable
public void setExecutable(Executable exec) {
executable = exec;
* Get the executable in which this function is contained
* @return the executable
public Executable getExecutable() {
return executable;
* Get the LocationProvider allowing location identifiers to be resolved.
* @return the location provider
public LocationProvider getLocationProvider() {
return executable.getLocationMap();
* Set the static context for this function
* @param env the static context for the module in which the function is declared
public void setStaticContext(QueryModule env) {
staticContext = env;
* Get the static context for this function
* @return the static context for the module in which the function is declared
public StaticContext getStaticContext() {
return staticContext;
* Get the declared types of the arguments of this function
* @return an array, holding the types of the arguments in order
public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes() {
SequenceType[] types = new SequenceType[arguments.size()];
for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); i++) {
types[i] = ((UserFunctionParameter)arguments.get(i)).getRequiredType();
return types;
* Get the definitions of the arguments to this function
* @return an array of UserFunctionParameter objects, one for each argument
public UserFunctionParameter[] getParameterDefinitions() {
UserFunctionParameter[] params = new UserFunctionParameter[arguments.size()];
return (UserFunctionParameter[])arguments.toArray(params);
// for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); i++) {
// RangeVariable decl = ((RangeVariable)arguments.get(i));
// SequenceType type = decl.getRequiredType();
// UserFunctionParameter param = new UserFunctionParameter();
// param.setRequiredType(type);
// param.setVariableQName(decl.getVariableQName());
// params[i] = param;
// }
// return params;
* Get the arity of the function
* @return the arity (the number of arguments)
public int getNumberOfArguments() {
return arguments.size();
* Register a call on this function
* @param ufc a user function call that references this function.
public void registerReference(UserFunctionCall ufc) {
* Set that this is, or is not, a memo function. A memo function remembers the results of calls
* on the function so that the a subsequent call with the same arguments simply look up the result
* @param isMemoFunction true if this is a memo function.
public void setMemoFunction(boolean isMemoFunction) {
memoFunction = isMemoFunction;
* Find out whether this is a memo function
* @return true if this is a memo function
public boolean isMemoFunction() {
return memoFunction;
* Set whether this is an updating function (as defined in XQuery Update)
* @param isUpdating true if this is an updating function
public void setUpdating(boolean isUpdating) {
this.isUpdating = isUpdating;
* Ask whether this is an updating function (as defined in XQuery Update)
* @return true if this is an updating function
public boolean isUpdating() {
return isUpdating;
* Compile this function to create a run-time definition that can be interpreted (note, this
* has nothing to do with Java code generation)
* @throws XPathException if errors are found
public void compile() throws XPathException {
Configuration config = staticContext.getConfiguration();
try {
// If a query function is imported into several modules, then the compile()
// method will be called once for each importing module. If the compiled
// function already exists, then this is a repeat call, and the only thing
// needed is to fix up references to the function from within the importing
// module.
if (compiledFunction == null) {
SlotManager map = config.makeSlotManager();
UserFunctionParameter[] params = getParameterDefinitions();
for (int i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
// type-check the body of the function
ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.make(staticContext);
body = visitor.simplify(body);
body = visitor.typeCheck(body, null);
//body = visitor.optimize(body, null);
// Try to extract new global variables from the body of the function
//body = config.getOptimizer().promoteExpressionsToGlobal(body, visitor);
RoleLocator role =
new RoleLocator(RoleLocator.FUNCTION_RESULT, functionName, 0);
body = TypeChecker.staticTypeCheck(body, resultType, false, role, visitor);
if (config.isCompileWithTracing()) {
namespaceResolver = staticContext.getNamespaceResolver();
TraceExpression trace = new TraceExpression(body);
trace.setLocationId(staticContext.getLocationMap().allocateLocationId(systemId, lineNumber));
body = trace;
compiledFunction = new UserFunction(body);
for (int i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
UserFunctionParameter param = params[i];
int refs = ExpressionTool.getReferenceCount(body, param, false);
// bind all references to this function to the UserFunction object
// register this function with the function library available at run-time (e.g. for saxon:evaluate())
if (executable.getFunctionLibrary() instanceof ExecutableFunctionLibrary) {
ExecutableFunctionLibrary lib = (ExecutableFunctionLibrary)executable.getFunctionLibrary();
} else {
throw new AssertionError("executable.getFunctionLibrary() is an instance of " +
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw e;
* Optimize the body of this function
public void optimize() throws XPathException {
if (isUpdating) {
if (!ExpressionTool.isAllowedInUpdatingContext(body)) {
XPathException err = new XPathException(
"The body of an updating function must be an updating expression", "XUST0002");
throw err;
} else {
if (body.isUpdatingExpression()) {
XPathException err = new XPathException(
"The body of a non-updating function must be a non-updating expression", "XUST0001");
throw err;
ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.make(staticContext);
body = visitor.optimize(body, null);
// Try to extract new global variables from the body of the function
body = staticContext.getConfiguration().getOptimizer().promoteExpressionsToGlobal(body, visitor);
// mark tail calls within the function body
int arity = arguments.size();
if (!isUpdating) {
int tailCalls = ExpressionTool.markTailFunctionCalls(body, functionName, arity);
if (tailCalls != 0) {
compiledFunction.setTailRecursive(tailCalls > 0, tailCalls > 1);
body = new TailCallLoop(compiledFunction);
ExpressionTool.allocateSlots(body, arity, compiledFunction.getStackFrameMap());
* Fix up references to this function
* @param env the static context
public void fixupReferences(StaticContext env) throws XPathException {
Iterator iter = references.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
UserFunctionCall ufc = (UserFunctionCall);
* Type-check references to this function
* @param visitor the expression visitor
public void checkReferences(ExpressionVisitor visitor) throws XPathException {
Iterator iter = references.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
UserFunctionCall ufc = (UserFunctionCall);
ufc.checkFunctionCall(compiledFunction, visitor);
// clear the list of references, so that more can be added in another module
references = new ArrayList(0);
* Produce diagnostic output showing the compiled and optimized expression tree for a function
* @param out the destination to be used
public void explain(ExpressionPresenter out) {
out.emitAttribute("name", functionName.getDisplayName());
out.emitAttribute("arity", ""+getNumberOfArguments());
if (compiledFunction == null) {
out.emitAttribute("unreferenced", "true");
} else {
if (compiledFunction.isMemoFunction()) {
out.emitAttribute("memo", "true");
out.emitAttribute("tailRecursive", (compiledFunction.isTailRecursive() ? "true" : "false"));
* Get the callable compiled function contained within this XQueryFunction definition.
* @return the compiled function object
public UserFunction getUserFunction() {
return compiledFunction;
* Get the type of construct. This will be a constant in
* class {@link Location}.
public int getConstructType() {
return StandardNames.XSL_FUNCTION;
* Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name,
* variable name, key name, element name, etc. This is used only where the name is known statically.
public StructuredQName getObjectName() {
return functionName;
* Get the system identifier (URI) of the source module containing
* the instruction. This will generally be an absolute URI. If the system
* identifier is not known, the method may return null. In some cases, for example
* where XML external entities are used, the correct system identifier is not
* always retained.
public String getSystemId() {
return systemId;
* Get the line number of the instruction in the source stylesheet module.
* If this is not known, or if the instruction is an artificial one that does
* not relate to anything in the source code, the value returned may be -1.
public int getLineNumber() {
return lineNumber;
* Return the public identifier for the current document event.
* @return A string containing the public identifier, or
* null if none is available.
* @see #getSystemId
public String getPublicId() {
return null;
* Return the column number
* @return The column number, or -1 if none is available.
* @see #getLineNumber
public int getColumnNumber() {
return -1;
public String getSystemId(long locationId) {
return getSystemId();
public int getLineNumber(long locationId) {
return getLineNumber();
public int getColumnNumber(long locationId) {
return getColumnNumber();
* Get the namespace context of the instruction. This will not always be available, in which
* case the method returns null.
public NamespaceResolver getNamespaceResolver() {
return namespaceResolver;
* Get the value of a particular property of the instruction. Properties
* of XSLT instructions are generally known by the name of the stylesheet attribute
* that defines them.
* @param name The name of the required property
* @return The value of the requested property, or null if the property is not available
public Object getProperty(String name) {
if ("name".equals(name)) {
return functionName.getDisplayName();
} else if ("as".equals(name)) {
return resultType.toString();
} else {
return null;
* Get an iterator over all the properties available. The values returned by the iterator
* will be of type String, and each string can be supplied as input to the getProperty()
* method to retrieve the value of the property.
public Iterator getProperties() {
return new PairIterator("name", "as");
* Get the host language (XSLT, XQuery, XPath) used to implement the code in this container
* @return typically {@link org.pdf4j.saxon.Configuration#XSLT} or {@link org.pdf4j.saxon.Configuration#XQUERY}
public int getHostLanguage() {
return Configuration.XQUERY;
* Replace one subexpression by a replacement subexpression
* @param original the original subexpression
* @param replacement the replacement subexpression
* @return true if the original subexpression is found
public boolean replaceSubExpression(Expression original, Expression replacement) {
boolean found = false;
if (body == original) {
body = replacement;
found = true;
return found;
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