package org.pdf4j.saxon.query;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Configuration;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Platform;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.functions.ConstructorFunctionLibrary;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.functions.FunctionLibrary;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.functions.FunctionLibraryList;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.functions.SystemFunctionLibrary;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.instruct.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern.CombinedNodeTest;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern.ContentTypeTest;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern.NodeTest;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.sort.IntArraySet;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.sort.StringCollator;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trace.ExpressionPresenter;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.SequenceType;
import javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import java.util.*;
* This class represents a query module, and includes information about the static context of the query module.
* The class is intended for internal Saxon use. User settings that affect the static context are made in the
* StaticQueryContext object, and those settings are copied to each QueryModule when the query module is compiled.
public class QueryModule implements StaticContext {
private boolean isMainModule;
private Configuration config;
private StaticQueryContext userQueryContext;
private QueryModule topModule;
private URI locationURI;
private String baseURI;
private String moduleNamespace;
private short moduleNamespaceURICode;
private HashMap explicitPrologNamespaces;
private Stack activeNamespaces;
private HashMap variables; // global variables declared in this module
private HashMap libraryVariables; // all global variables defined in library modules
// defined only on the top-level module
private HashMap undeclaredVariables;
private HashSet importedSchemata; // The schema target namespaces imported into this module
private HashMap loadedSchemata; // For the top-level module only, all imported schemas for all modules,
// Key is the targetNamespace, value is the set of absolutized location URIs
private Executable executable;
private List importers; // A list of QueryModule objects representing the modules that import this one,
// Null for the main module
// This is needed *only* to implement the rules banning cyclic imports
private FunctionLibraryList functionLibraryList;
private XQueryFunctionLibrary globalFunctionLibrary; // used only on a top-level module
private int localFunctionLibraryNr;
private int importedFunctionLibraryNr;
private int unboundFunctionLibraryNr;
private Set importedModuleNamespaces;
private boolean inheritNamespaces = true;
private boolean preserveNamespaces = true;
private int constructionMode = Validation.PRESERVE;
private String defaultFunctionNamespace;
private String defaultElementNamespace;
private boolean preserveSpace = false;
private boolean defaultEmptyLeast = true;
private String defaultCollationName;
private int revalidationMode = Validation.SKIP;
private boolean isUpdating = false;
* Create a QueryModule for a main module, copying the data that has been set up in a
* StaticQueryContext object
* @param sqc the StaticQueryContext object from which this module is initialized
public QueryModule(StaticQueryContext sqc) throws XPathException {
config = sqc.getConfiguration();
isMainModule = true;
topModule = this;
activeNamespaces = new Stack();
baseURI = sqc.getBaseURI();
try {
locationURI = (baseURI == null ? null : new URI(baseURI));
} catch (URISyntaxException err) {
throw new XPathException("Invalid location URI: " + baseURI);
executable = null;
importers = null;
for (Iterator vars = sqc.iterateDeclaredGlobalVariables(); vars.hasNext(); ) {
GlobalVariableDefinition var = (GlobalVariableDefinition);
* Create a QueryModule for a library module.
* @param config the Saxon configuration
* @param importer the module that imported this module. This may be null, in the case where
* the library module is being imported into an XSLT stylesheet
public QueryModule(Configuration config, QueryModule importer) {
this.config = config;
importers = null;
if (importer == null) {
topModule = this;
} else {
topModule = importer.topModule;
userQueryContext = importer.userQueryContext;
importers = new ArrayList(2);
activeNamespaces = new Stack();
executable = null;
* Initialize data from a user-supplied StaticQueryContext object
* @param sqc the user-supplied StaticQueryContext. Null if this is a library module imported
* into XSLT.
private void init(StaticQueryContext sqc) {
userQueryContext = sqc;
variables = new HashMap(10);
undeclaredVariables = new HashMap(5);
if (isTopLevelModule()) {
libraryVariables = new HashMap(10);
importedSchemata = null;
importedModuleNamespaces = new HashSet(5);
moduleNamespace = null;
moduleNamespaceURICode = 0;
activeNamespaces = new Stack();
explicitPrologNamespaces = new HashMap(10);
if (sqc != null) {
executable = sqc.getExecutable();
inheritNamespaces = sqc.isInheritNamespaces();
preserveNamespaces = sqc.isPreserveNamespaces();
preserveSpace = sqc.isPreserveBoundarySpace();
defaultEmptyLeast = sqc.isEmptyLeast();
defaultFunctionNamespace = sqc.getDefaultFunctionNamespace();
defaultElementNamespace = sqc.getDefaultElementNamespace();
defaultCollationName = sqc.getDefaultCollationName();
constructionMode = sqc.getConstructionMode();
isUpdating = sqc.isUpdatingEnabled();
* Supporting method to load an imported library module.
* Used also by saxon:import-query in XSLT.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @param baseURI The base URI and location URI of the module
* @param executable The Executable
* @param importer The importing query module (used to check for cycles). This is null
* when loading a query module from XSLT.
* @param query The text of the query, after decoding and normalizing line endings
* @param namespaceURI namespace of the query module to be loaded
* @param allowCycles True if cycles of module imports (disallowed by the spec) are to be permitted
* @return The StaticQueryContext representing the loaded query module
* @throws XPathException
public static QueryModule makeQueryModule (
String baseURI, Executable executable, QueryModule importer,
String query, String namespaceURI, boolean allowCycles) throws XPathException {
Configuration config = executable.getConfiguration();
QueryModule module = new QueryModule(config, importer);
try {
module.setLocationURI(new URI(baseURI));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new XPathException("Invalid location URI " + baseURI, e);
QueryParser qp = config.newQueryParser(importer.isUpdating());
qp.parseLibraryModule(query, module);
if (module.getModuleNamespace() == null) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Imported module must be a library module");
throw err;
if (!module.getModuleNamespace().equals(namespaceURI)) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Imported module's namespace does not match requested namespace");
throw err;
return module;
* Reset function libraries
private void resetFunctionLibraries() {
Configuration config = getConfiguration();
if (isTopLevelModule()) {
globalFunctionLibrary = new XQueryFunctionLibrary(config);
functionLibraryList = new FunctionLibraryList();
functionLibraryList.addFunctionLibrary(new ConstructorFunctionLibrary(config));
localFunctionLibraryNr = functionLibraryList.addFunctionLibrary(
new XQueryFunctionLibrary(config));
importedFunctionLibraryNr = functionLibraryList.addFunctionLibrary(
new ImportedFunctionLibrary(this, getTopLevelModule().getGlobalFunctionLibrary()));
if (config.isAllowExternalFunctions()) {
Configuration.getPlatform().addFunctionLibraries(functionLibraryList, config, Configuration.XQUERY);
unboundFunctionLibraryNr = functionLibraryList.addFunctionLibrary(
new UnboundFunctionLibrary());
* Get the Saxon Configuration
* @return the Saxon Configuration
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return config;
* Get the NamePool used for compiling expressions
* @return the name pool
public NamePool getNamePool() {
return config.getNamePool();
* Test whether this is a "top-level" module. This is true for a main module and also for a
* module directly imported into an XSLT stylesheet. It may also be true in future for independently-compiled
* modules
* @return true if this is top-level module
public boolean isTopLevelModule() {
return this == topModule;
* Ask whether this is a "main" module, in the sense of the XQuery language specification
* @return true if this is a main module, false if it is a library model
public boolean isMainModule() {
return isMainModule;
* Check whether this module is allowed to import a module with namespace N. Note that before
* calling this we have already handled the exception case where a module imports another in the same
* namespace (this is the only case where cycles are allowed, though as a late change to the spec they
* are no longer useful, since they cannot depend on each other cyclically)
* @param namespace the namespace to be tested
* @return true if the import is permitted
public boolean mayImportModule(String namespace) {
if (namespace.equals(moduleNamespace)) {
return false;
if (importers == null) {
return true;
for (int i=0; i<importers.size(); i++) {
if (!((QueryModule)importers.get(i)).mayImportModule(namespace)) {
return false;
return true;
* Set the namespace inheritance mode
* @param inherit true if namespaces are inherited, false if not
* @since 8.4
public void setInheritNamespaces(boolean inherit) {
inheritNamespaces = inherit;
* Get the namespace inheritance mode
* @return true if namespaces are inherited, false if not
* @since 8.4
public boolean isInheritNamespaces() {
return inheritNamespaces;
* Set the namespace copy mode
* @param inherit true if namespaces are preserved, false if not
public void setPreserveNamespaces(boolean inherit) {
preserveNamespaces = inherit;
* Get the namespace copy mode
* @return true if namespaces are preserved, false if not
public boolean isPreserveNamespaces() {
return preserveNamespaces;
* Set the construction mode for this module
* @param mode one of {@link}, {@link}
public void setConstructionMode(int mode) {
constructionMode = mode;
* Get the current construction mode
* @return one of {@link}, {@link}
public int getConstructionMode() {
return constructionMode;
* Set the policy for preserving boundary space
* @param preserve true if boundary space is to be preserved, false if it is to be stripped
public void setPreserveBoundarySpace(boolean preserve) {
preserveSpace = preserve;
* Ask whether the policy for boundary space is "preserve" or "strip"
* @return true if the policy is to preserve boundary space, false if it is to strip it
public boolean isPreserveBoundarySpace() {
return preserveSpace;
* Set the option for where an empty sequence appears in the collation order, if not otherwise
* specified in the "order by" clause
* @param least true if the empty sequence is considered less than any other value (the default),
* false if it is considered greater than any other value
public void setEmptyLeast(boolean least) {
defaultEmptyLeast = least;
* Ask what is the option for where an empty sequence appears in the collation order, if not otherwise
* specified in the "order by" clause
* @return true if the empty sequence is considered less than any other value (the default),
* false if it is considered greater than any other value
public boolean isEmptyLeast() {
return defaultEmptyLeast;
* Get the function library object that holds details of global functions
* @return the library of global functions
public XQueryFunctionLibrary getGlobalFunctionLibrary() {
return globalFunctionLibrary;
* Get the function library object that holds details of imported functions
* @return the library of imported functions
public ImportedFunctionLibrary getImportedFunctionLibrary() {
return (ImportedFunctionLibrary)functionLibraryList.get(importedFunctionLibraryNr);
* Register that this module imports a particular module namespace
* <p>This method is intended for internal use.</p>
* @param uri the URI of the imported namespace.
public void addImportedNamespace(String uri) {
if (importedModuleNamespaces == null) {
importedModuleNamespaces = new HashSet(5);
* Ask whether this module directly imports a particular namespace
* <p>This method is intended for internal use.</p>
* @param uri the URI of the possibly-imported namespace.
* @return true if the schema for the namespace has been imported
public boolean importsNamespace(String uri) {
return importedModuleNamespaces != null &&
* Test whether this module imports a particular namespace directly or indirectly
* <p>This method is intended for internal use.</p>
* @param uri the URI of the possibly-imported namespace.
* @return true if the schema for the namespace has been imported
public boolean importsNamespaceIndirectly(String uri) {
if (importsNamespace(uri)) {
return true;
for (Iterator it = iterateImportedNamespaces(); it.hasNext();) {
String moduleURI = (String);
List list = executable.getQueryLibraryModules(moduleURI);
for (Iterator i2 = list.iterator(); i2.hasNext();) {
QueryModule sqc = (QueryModule);
if (sqc.importsNamespaceIndirectly(uri)) {
return true;
return false;
* Get an iterator over all the module namespaces that this module imports
* @return an iterator over the imported namespaces (delivered as strings)
public Iterator iterateImportedNamespaces() {
if (importedModuleNamespaces == null) {
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
return importedModuleNamespaces.iterator();
* Get the QueryModule for the top-level module. This will normally be a main module,
* but in the case of saxon:import-query it will be the library module that is imported into
* the stylesheet
* @return the StaticQueryContext object associated with the top level module
public QueryModule getTopLevelModule() {
return topModule;
* Get the Executable, an object representing the compiled query and its environment.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @return the Executable
public Executable getExecutable() {
return executable;
* Set the executable.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @param executable the Executable
public void setExecutable(Executable executable) {
this.executable = executable;
* Get the StaticQueryContext object containing options set up by the user
* @return the user-created StaticQueryContext object
public StaticQueryContext getUserQueryContext() {
return userQueryContext;
* Get the LocationMap, an data structure used to identify the location of compiled expressions within
* the query source text.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @return the LocationMap
public LocationMap getLocationMap() {
return executable.getLocationMap();
* Set the namespace for a library module.
* <p/>
* This method is for internal use only.
* @param uri the module namespace URI of the library module
public void setModuleNamespace(String uri) {
moduleNamespace = uri;
moduleNamespaceURICode = getNamePool().getCodeForURI(uri);
* Get the namespace of the current library module.
* <p/>
* This method is intended primarily for internal use.
* @return the module namespace, or null if this is a main module
public String getModuleNamespace() {
return moduleNamespace;
* Get the namesapce code of the current library module.
* <p/>
* This method is intended primarily for internal use.
* @return the module namespace, or null if this is a main module
public short getModuleNamespaceCode() {
return moduleNamespaceURICode;
* Set the location URI for a module
* @param uri the location URI
public void setLocationURI(URI uri) {
locationURI = uri;
* Get the location URI for a module
* @return the location URI
public URI getLocationURI() {
return locationURI;
* Get the System ID for a module
* @return the location URI
public String getSystemId() {
return (locationURI == null ? null : locationURI.toString());
* Set the base URI for a module
* @param uri the base URI
public void setBaseURI(String uri) {
baseURI = uri;
* Get the base URI for a module
* @return the base URI
public String getBaseURI() {
return baseURI;
* Get the stack frame map for global variables.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use.
* @return the stack frame map (a SlotManager) for global variables.
public SlotManager getGlobalStackFrameMap() {
return executable.getGlobalVariableMap();
* Declare a global variable. A variable must normally be declared before an expression referring
* to it is compiled, but there are exceptions where a set of modules in the same namespace
* import each other cyclically. Global variables are normally declared in the Query Prolog, but
* they can also be predeclared using the Java API. All global variables are held in the QueryModule
* for the main module. The fact that a global variable is present therefore does not mean that it
* is visible: there are two additional conditions (a) the module namespace must be imported into the
* module where the reference appears, and (b) the declaration must not be in the same module and textually
* after the reference.
* <p>Note that the same VariableDeclaration object cannot be used with more than one query. This is because
* the VariableDeclaration is modified internally to hold a list of references to all the places where
* the variable is used.</p>
* @param var the Variable declaration being declared
public void declareVariable(VariableDeclaration var) throws XPathException {
StructuredQName key = var.getVariableQName();
if (variables.get(key) != null) {
VariableDeclaration old = (VariableDeclaration)variables.get(key);
if (old == var) {
// do nothing
} else {
String oldloc = "";
if (old instanceof GlobalVariableDefinition && var instanceof GlobalVariableDefinition) {
oldloc = " (see line " + ((GlobalVariableDefinition)old).getLineNumber();
String oldSysId = ((GlobalVariableDefinition)old).getSystemId();
if (oldSysId != null &&
!oldSysId.equals(((GlobalVariableDefinition)var).getSystemId())) {
oldloc += " in module ((GlobalVariableDefinition)old).getSystemId()";
oldloc += ')';
XPathException err = new XPathException("Duplicate definition of global variable "
+ var.getVariableQName().getDisplayName()
+ oldloc);
if (var instanceof GlobalVariableDefinition) {
ExpressionLocation loc = new ExpressionLocation();
throw err;
variables.put(key, var);
final HashMap libVars = getTopLevelModule().libraryVariables;
GlobalVariableDefinition old = (GlobalVariableDefinition)libVars.get(key);
if (old == null || old == var) {
// do nothing
} else {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Duplicate definition of global variable "
+ var.getVariableQName().getDisplayName()
+ " (see line " + old.getLineNumber() + " in module " + old.getSystemId() + ')');
if (var instanceof GlobalVariableDefinition) {
ExpressionLocation loc = new ExpressionLocation();
throw err;
if (!isMainModule()) {
libVars.put(key, var);
* Fixup all references to global variables.
* <p/>
* This method is for internal use by the Query Parser only.
* @param globalVariableMap a SlotManager that holds details of the assignment of slots to global variables.
* @return a list containing the global variable definitions.
public List fixupGlobalVariables(SlotManager globalVariableMap) throws XPathException {
List varDefinitions = new ArrayList(20);
Iterator[] iters = {variables.values().iterator(), libraryVariables.values().iterator()};
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
while (iters[i].hasNext()) {
GlobalVariableDefinition var = (GlobalVariableDefinition)iters[i].next();
int slot = globalVariableMap.allocateSlotNumber(var.getVariableQName());
GlobalVariable gv = var.getCompiledVariable();
if (gv == null) {
var.compile(getExecutable(), slot);
if (!varDefinitions.contains(var)) {
return varDefinitions;
* Look for module cycles. This is a restriction introduced in the PR specification because of
* difficulties in defining the formal semantics.
* <p>[Definition: A module M1 directly depends on another module M2 (different from M1) if a
* variable or function declared in M1 depends on a variable or function declared in M2.]
* It is a static error [err:XQST0093] to import a module M1 if there exists a sequence
* of modules M1 ... Mi ... M1 such that each module directly depends on the next module
* in the sequence (informally, if M1 depends on itself through some chain of module dependencies.)</p>
* @param referees a Stack containing the chain of module import references leading to this
* module
* @param lineNumber used for diagnostics
public void lookForModuleCycles(Stack referees, int lineNumber) throws XPathException {
if (referees.contains(this)) {
int s = referees.indexOf(this);
String message = "Circular dependency between modules. ";
for (int i = s; i < referees.size() - 1; i++) {
QueryModule next = (QueryModule)referees.get(i + 1);
if (i == s) {
message += "Module " + getSystemId() + " references module " + next.getSystemId();
} else {
message += ", which references module " + next.getSystemId();
message += '.';
XPathException err = new XPathException(message);
ExpressionLocation loc = new ExpressionLocation();
throw err;
} else {
Iterator viter = getModuleVariables();
while (viter.hasNext()) {
GlobalVariableDefinition gv = (GlobalVariableDefinition);
List list = new ArrayList(10);
Expression select = gv.getCompiledVariable().getSelectExpression();
if (select != null) {
ExpressionTool.gatherReferencedVariables(select, list);
for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
Binding b = (Binding)list.get(i);
if (b instanceof GlobalVariable) {
String uri = ((GlobalVariable)b).getSystemId();
StructuredQName qName = b.getVariableQName();
boolean synthetic = NamespaceConstant.SAXON.equals(qName.getNamespaceURI()) && "gg".equals(qName.getPrefix());
if (!synthetic && !uri.equals(getSystemId())) {
QueryModule sqc = executable.getQueryModuleWithSystemId(uri, topModule);
sqc.lookForModuleCycles(referees, ((GlobalVariable)b).getLineNumber());
ExpressionTool.gatherCalledFunctions(select, list);
for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
UserFunction f = (UserFunction)list.get(i);
String uri = f.getSystemId();
if (!uri.equals(getSystemId())) {
QueryModule sqc = executable.getQueryModuleWithSystemId(uri, topModule);
sqc.lookForModuleCycles(referees, f.getLineNumber());
Iterator fiter = getLocalFunctionLibrary().getFunctionDefinitions();
while (fiter.hasNext()) {
XQueryFunction gf = (XQueryFunction);
List list = new ArrayList(10);
Expression body = gf.getUserFunction().getBody();
if (body != null) {
ExpressionTool.gatherReferencedVariables(body, list);
for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
Binding b = (Binding)list.get(i);
if (b instanceof GlobalVariable) {
String uri = ((GlobalVariable)b).getSystemId();
StructuredQName qName = b.getVariableQName();
boolean synthetic = NamespaceConstant.SAXON.equals(qName.getNamespaceURI()) && "gg".equals(qName.getPrefix());
if (!synthetic && !uri.equals(getSystemId())) {
QueryModule sqc = executable.getQueryModuleWithSystemId(uri, topModule);
sqc.lookForModuleCycles(referees, ((GlobalVariable)b).getLineNumber());
ExpressionTool.gatherCalledFunctions(body, list);
for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
UserFunction f = (UserFunction)list.get(i);
String uri = f.getSystemId();
if (!uri.equals(getSystemId())) {
QueryModule sqc = executable.getQueryModuleWithSystemId(uri, topModule);
sqc.lookForModuleCycles(referees, f.getLineNumber());
* Get global variables declared in this module
* @return an Iterator whose items are GlobalVariableDefinition objects
public Iterator getModuleVariables() {
return variables.values().iterator();
* Check for circular definitions of global variables.
* <p>This method is intended for internal use</p>
* @param compiledVars a list of {@link GlobalVariableDefinition} objects to be checked
public void checkForCircularities(List compiledVars, XQueryFunctionLibrary globalFunctionLibrary) throws XPathException {
Iterator iter = compiledVars.iterator();
Stack stack = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {if (stack == null) {stack = new Stack();}
GlobalVariableDefinition gvd = (GlobalVariableDefinition);
GlobalVariable gv = gvd.getCompiledVariable();
gv.lookForCycles(stack, globalFunctionLibrary);
* Perform type checking on global variables.
* <p>This method is intended for internal use</p>
* @param compiledVars a list of {@link GlobalVariableDefinition} objects to be checked
public void typeCheckGlobalVariables(List compiledVars) throws XPathException {
ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.make(this);
Iterator iter = compiledVars.iterator();
//Stack stack = new Stack();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
GlobalVariableDefinition gvd = (GlobalVariableDefinition);
//GlobalVariable gv = gvd.getCompiledVariable();
* Bind a variable used in a query to the expression in which it is declared.
* <p/>
* This method is provided for use by the XQuery parser, and it should not be called by the user of
* the API, or overridden, unless variables are to be declared using a mechanism other than the
* declareVariable method of this class.
* @param qName the name of the variable to be bound
* @return a VariableReference object representing a reference to a variable on the abstract syntac rtee of
* the query.
public VariableReference bindVariable(StructuredQName qName) throws XPathException {
VariableDeclaration var = (VariableDeclaration)variables.get(qName);
if (var == null) {
String uri = qName.getNamespaceURI();
if (importsNamespace(uri)) {
QueryModule main = getTopLevelModule();
var = (VariableDeclaration)main.libraryVariables.get(qName);
if (var == null) {
// If the namespace has been imported there's the possibility that
// the variable declaration hasn't yet been read, because of the limited provision
// for cyclic imports
UndeclaredVariable uvar = new UndeclaredVariable();
VariableReference ref = new VariableReference();
undeclaredVariables.put(qName, uvar);
return ref;
} else {
GlobalVariableDefinition gvar = ((GlobalVariableDefinition)var);
checkImportedType(gvar.getRequiredType(), gvar);
} else {
// If the namespace hasn't been imported then we might as well throw the error right away
XPathException err = new XPathException("Unresolved reference to variable");
// the message isn't used...
throw err;
VariableReference vref = new VariableReference();
return vref;
* Set the function library used for binding any function call appearing within the query module.
* <p/>
* This method is available for use by advanced applications. The details of the FunctionLibrary
* interface are subject to change. Applications using this interface take responsibility for
* ensuring that the results conform to the constraints imposed by the XQuery language specification,
* for example that one function within a query module can call other functions defined in the same
* query module.
* @param functionLibrary the FunctionLibrary to be used. This will typically be a
* FunctionLibraryList; in most cases it will be a slightly modified copy of a FunctionLibraryList
* constructed by the system and obtained using the {@link #getFunctionLibrary} method.
* @see org.pdf4j.saxon.functions.FunctionLibraryList
public void setFunctionLibraryList(FunctionLibraryList functionLibrary) {
functionLibraryList = functionLibrary;
* Get the function library containing all the in-scope functions available in this static
* context (that is, the functions available in this query module).
* <p/>
* This method is provided for use by advanced applications.
* The details of the interface are subject to change.
* @return the FunctionLibrary used. For XQuery, this will always be a FunctionLibraryList.
* @see org.pdf4j.saxon.functions.FunctionLibraryList
public FunctionLibrary getFunctionLibrary() {
return functionLibraryList;
* Get the functions declared locally within this module
* @return a FunctionLibrary object containing the function declarations
public XQueryFunctionLibrary getLocalFunctionLibrary() {
return (XQueryFunctionLibrary)functionLibraryList.get(localFunctionLibraryNr);
* Register a user-defined XQuery function.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @param function the function being declared
public void declareFunction(XQueryFunction function) throws XPathException {
Configuration config = getConfiguration();
if (function.getNumberOfArguments() == 1) {
StructuredQName name = function.getFunctionName();
int fingerprint = config.getNamePool().getFingerprint(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalName());
if (fingerprint != -1) {
SchemaType t = config.getSchemaType(fingerprint);
if (t != null && t.isAtomicType()) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Function name " + function.getDisplayName() +
" clashes with the name of the constructor function for an atomic type");
throw err;
XQueryFunctionLibrary local = getLocalFunctionLibrary();
QueryModule main = getTopLevelModule();
* Bind function calls that could not be bound when first encountered. These
* will either be forwards references to functions declared later in the same query module,
* or in modules that are being imported recursively, or errors.
* <p/>
* This method is for internal use only.
* @throws org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException if a function call refers to a function that has
* not been declared
public void bindUnboundFunctionCalls() throws XPathException {
UnboundFunctionLibrary lib = (UnboundFunctionLibrary)functionLibraryList.get(unboundFunctionLibraryNr);
lib.bindUnboundFunctionCalls(functionLibraryList, getConfiguration());
* Fixup all references to global functions. This method is called
* on completion of query parsing. Each XQueryFunction is required to
* bind all references to that function to the object representing the run-time
* executable code of the function.
* <p/>
* This method is for internal use only. It is called only on the StaticQueryContext for the main
* query body (not for library modules).
public void fixupGlobalFunctions() throws XPathException {
* Optimize the body of all global functions.
* <p/>
* This method is for internal use only. It is called only on the StaticQueryContext for the main
* query body (not for library modules).
public void optimizeGlobalFunctions() throws XPathException {
* Output "explain" information about each declared function.
* <p/>
* This method is intended primarily for internal use.
* @param out the expression presenter used to display the output
public void explainGlobalFunctions(ExpressionPresenter out) {
* Get the function with a given name and arity. This method is provided so that XQuery functions
* can be called directly from a Java application. Note that there is no type checking or conversion
* of arguments when this is done: the arguments must be provided in exactly the form that the function
* signature declares them.
* @param uri the uri of the function name
* @param localName the local part of the function name
* @param arity the number of arguments.
* @return the user-defined function
* @since 8.4
public UserFunction getUserDefinedFunction(String uri, String localName, int arity) {
return globalFunctionLibrary.getUserDefinedFunction(uri, localName, arity);
* Bind unbound variables (these are typically variables that reference another module
* participating in a same-namespace cycle, since local forwards references are not allowed
public void bindUnboundVariables() throws XPathException {
for (Iterator iter = undeclaredVariables.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
UndeclaredVariable uv = (UndeclaredVariable);
StructuredQName qName = uv.getVariableQName();
VariableDeclaration var = (VariableDeclaration)variables.get(qName);
if (var == null) {
String uri = qName.getNamespaceURI();
if (importsNamespace(uri)) {
QueryModule main = getTopLevelModule();
var = (VariableDeclaration)main.libraryVariables.get(qName);
if (var == null) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Unresolved reference to variable $" +
throw err;
} else {
GlobalVariableDefinition gvar = ((GlobalVariableDefinition)var);
checkImportedType(gvar.getRequiredType(), gvar);
* Add an imported schema to this static context. A query module can reference
* types in a schema provided two conditions are satisfied: the schema containing those
* types has been loaded into the Configuration, and the target namespace has been imported
* by this query module. This method achieves the second of these conditions. It does not
* cause the schema to be loaded.
* <p/>
* @param targetNamespace The target namespace of the schema to be added
* @param baseURI The base URI against which the locationURIs are to be absolutized
* @param locationURIs a list of strings containing the absolutized URIs of the "location hints" supplied
* for this schema
* @since 8.4
public void addImportedSchema(String targetNamespace, String baseURI, List locationURIs) {
if (importedSchemata == null) {
importedSchemata = new HashSet(5);
HashMap loadedSchemata = getTopLevelModule().loadedSchemata;
if (loadedSchemata == null) {
loadedSchemata = new HashMap(5);
getTopLevelModule().loadedSchemata = loadedSchemata;
HashSet entries = (HashSet)loadedSchemata.get(targetNamespace);
if (entries == null) {
entries = new HashSet(locationURIs.size());
loadedSchemata.put(targetNamespace, entries);
Platform platform = Configuration.getPlatform();
for (Iterator iter = locationURIs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String relative = (String);
try {
URI abs = platform.makeAbsolute(relative, baseURI);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// ignore the URI if it's not valid
* For the top-level module only, get all the schema modules imported anywhere in the query.
* @return a Map whose key is the target namespace of a set of schema documents, and whose
* value is a Set containing the absolutized location URIs ("hints") of the locations from
* which those schema documents were loaded, as strings.
public Map getAllImportedSchemata() {
return loadedSchemata;
* Get the schema for a given namespace, if it has been imported
* @param namespace The namespace of the required schema. Supply "" for
* a no-namespace schema.
* @return The schema if found, or null if not found.
* @since 8.4
public boolean isImportedSchema(String namespace) {
return importedSchemata != null && importedSchemata.contains(namespace);
* Get the set of imported schemas
* @return a Set, the set of URIs representing the names of imported schemas
public Set getImportedSchemaNamespaces() {
if (importedSchemata == null) {
return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
} else {
return importedSchemata;
* Report a fatal error in the query (via the registered ErrorListener)
* @param err the error to be signalled
public void reportFatalError(XPathException err) {
if (!err.hasBeenReported()) {
try {
if (userQueryContext == null) {
} else {
} catch (TransformerException e) {
// ignore secondary errors
* Check that all the types used in the signature of an imported function
* are available in the module of the caller of the function
* @param fd the declaration of the imported function
* @throws XPathException if an error is found
public void checkImportedFunctionSignature(XQueryFunction fd) throws XPathException {
checkImportedType(fd.getResultType(), fd);
for (int a=0; a<fd.getNumberOfArguments(); a++) {
SequenceType argType = fd.getArgumentTypes()[a];
checkImportedType(argType, fd);
* Check that a SequenceType used in the definition of an imported variable or function
* is available in the importing module
* @param importedType the type that is to be checked
* @param declaration the containing query or function definition
* @throws org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException if an error is fonnd.
public void checkImportedType(SequenceType importedType, Declaration declaration)
throws XPathException {
ItemType type = importedType.getPrimaryType();
if (type instanceof AnyItemType) {
if (type.isAtomicType()) {
int f = ((AtomicType)type).getFingerprint();
checkSchemaNamespaceImported(f, declaration);
} else if (type instanceof ContentTypeTest) {
SchemaType annotation = ((ContentTypeTest)type).getSchemaType();
int f = annotation.getFingerprint();
checkSchemaNamespaceImported(f, declaration);
} else if (type instanceof CombinedNodeTest) {
NodeTest[] tests = ((CombinedNodeTest)type).getComponentNodeTests();
for (int i=0; i<tests.length; i++) {
SequenceType st = SequenceType.makeSequenceType(tests[i], StaticProperty.EXACTLY_ONE);
checkImportedType(st, declaration);
* Construct a dynamic context for early evaluation of constant subexpressions
* @return a dynamic context object
public XPathContext makeEarlyEvaluationContext() {
return new EarlyEvaluationContext(getConfiguration(), userQueryContext.getCollationMap());
* Get a named collation.
* @param name The name of the required collation. Supply null to get the default collation.
* @return the collation; or null if the required collation is not found.
public StringCollator getCollation(String name) {
return userQueryContext.getCollation(name);
* Get the name of the default collation.
* @return the name of the default collation; or the name of the codepoint collation
* if no default collation has been defined
public String getDefaultCollationName() {
return defaultCollationName;
* Set the name of the default collation
* @param collation the URI of the default collation
public void setDefaultCollationName(String collation) {
defaultCollationName = collation;
* Register a namespace that is explicitly declared in the prolog of the query module.
* @param prefix The namespace prefix. Must not be null.
* @param uri The namespace URI. Must not be null. The value "" (zero-length string) is used
* to undeclare a namespace; it is not an error if there is no existing binding for
* the namespace prefix.
public void declarePrologNamespace(String prefix, String uri) throws XPathException {
if (prefix == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null prefix supplied to declarePrologNamespace()");
if (uri == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null namespace URI supplied to declarePrologNamespace()");
if ((prefix.equals("xml") != uri.equals(NamespaceConstant.XML))) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Invalid declaration of the XML namespace");
throw err;
if (explicitPrologNamespaces.get(prefix) != null) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Duplicate declaration of namespace prefix \"" + prefix + '"');
throw err;
} else {
explicitPrologNamespaces.put(prefix, uri);
getNamePool().allocateNamespaceCode(prefix, uri);
* Declare an active namespace, that is, a namespace which as well as affecting the static
* context of the query, will also be copied to the result tree when element constructors
* are evaluated. When searching for a prefix-URI binding, active namespaces are searched
* first, then passive namespaces. Active namespaces are later undeclared (in reverse sequence)
* using {@link #undeclareNamespace()}.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @param prefix the namespace prefix
* @param uri the namespace URI
public void declareActiveNamespace(String prefix, String uri) {
if (prefix == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null prefix supplied to declareActiveNamespace()");
if (uri == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null namespace URI supplied to declareActiveNamespace()");
int nscode = getNamePool().allocateNamespaceCode(prefix, uri);
ActiveNamespace entry = new ActiveNamespace();
entry.prefix = prefix;
entry.uri = uri;
entry.code = nscode;
// if (prefix.length() == 0) {
// defaultElementNamespace = uri;
// }
* Undeclare the most recently-declared active namespace. This method is called
* when a namespace declaration goes out of scope (while processing an element end tag).
* It is NOT called when an XML 1.1-style namespace undeclaration is encountered.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
* @see #declareActiveNamespace(String, String)
public void undeclareNamespace() {
* Get the URI for a prefix.
* This method is used by the XQuery parser to resolve namespace prefixes.
* <p/>
* This method is intended primarily for internal use.
* @param prefix The prefix
* @return the corresponding namespace URI
* @throws org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException (with error code XPST0081)
* if the prefix has not been declared
public String getURIForPrefix(String prefix) throws XPathException {
String uri = checkURIForPrefix(prefix);
if (uri == null) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Prefix " + prefix + " has not been declared");
throw err;
return uri;
* Get the URI for a prefix if there is one, return null if not.
* This method is used by the XQuery parser to resolve namespace prefixes.
* <p/>
* This method is intended primarily for internal use.
* @param prefix The prefix. Supply "" to obtain the default namespace for elements and types.
* @return the corresponding namespace URI, or null if the prefix has not
* been declared. If the prefix is "" and the default namespace is the non-namespace,
* return "".
public String checkURIForPrefix(String prefix) {
// Search the active namespaces first, then the passive ones.
if (activeNamespaces != null) {
for (int i = activeNamespaces.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (((ActiveNamespace)activeNamespaces.get(i)).prefix.equals(prefix)) {
return ((ActiveNamespace)activeNamespaces.get(i)).uri;
if (prefix.length() == 0) {
return defaultElementNamespace;
String uri = (String)explicitPrologNamespaces.get(prefix);
if (uri != null) {
// A zero-length URI means the prefix was undeclared in the prolog, and we mustn't look elsewhere
return (uri.length() == 0 ? null : uri);
if (userQueryContext != null) {
uri = userQueryContext.getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix);
if (uri != null) {
return uri;
NamespaceResolver externalResolver = userQueryContext.getExternalNamespaceResolver();
if (externalResolver != null) {
return externalResolver.getURIForPrefix(prefix, true);
return null;
* Get the default XPath namespace for elements and types. Note that this is not necessarily
* the default namespace declared in the query prolog; within an expression, it may change in response
* to namespace declarations on element constructors.
* @return the default namespace, or NamespaceConstant.NULL for the non-namespace
public String getDefaultElementNamespace() {
return checkURIForPrefix("");
* Set the default element namespace as declared in the query prolog
* @param uri the default namespace for elements and types
public void setDefaultElementNamespace(String uri) {
defaultElementNamespace = uri;
* Get the default function namespace
* @return the default namespace for function names
public String getDefaultFunctionNamespace() {
return defaultFunctionNamespace;
* Set the default function namespace
* @param uri the default namespace for functions
public void setDefaultFunctionNamespace(String uri) {
defaultFunctionNamespace = uri;
* Set the revalidation mode. This is used only if XQuery Updates are in use, in other cases
* the value is ignored.
* @param mode the revalidation mode. This must be one of {@link Validation#STRICT},
* {@link Validation#LAX}, or {@link Validation#SKIP}
public void setRevalidationMode(int mode) {
if (mode==Validation.STRICT || mode==Validation.LAX || mode==Validation.SKIP) {
revalidationMode = mode;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mode " + mode);
* Get the revalidation mode. This is used only if XQuery Updates are in use, in other cases
* the value is ignored.
* @return the revalidation mode. This will be one of {@link Validation#STRICT},
* {@link Validation#LAX}, or {@link Validation#SKIP}
public int getRevalidationMode() {
return revalidationMode;
* Get an array containing the namespace codes of all active namespaces.
* <p/>
* This method is for internal use only.
* @return an array of namespace codes. A namespace code is an int that holds a prefix code in the
* top half and a uri code in the bottom half.
public int[] getActiveNamespaceCodes() {
if (activeNamespaces == null) {
return IntArraySet.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
int[] nscodes = new int[activeNamespaces.size()];
int used = 0;
HashSet prefixes = new HashSet(10);
for (int n = activeNamespaces.size() - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
ActiveNamespace an = (ActiveNamespace)activeNamespaces.get(n);
if (!prefixes.contains(an.prefix)) {
nscodes[used++] = an.code;
if (used < nscodes.length) {
int[] nscodes2 = new int[used];
System.arraycopy(nscodes, 0, nscodes2, 0, used);
nscodes = nscodes2;
return nscodes;
* Get a copy of the Namespace Context. This method is used internally
* by the query parser when a construct is encountered that needs
* to save the namespace context for use at run-time. Note that unlike other implementations of
* StaticContext, the state of the QueryModule changes as the query is parsed, with different namespaces
* in scope at different times. It's therefore necessary to compute the whole namespace context each time.
* <p/>
* This method is for internal use only.
public NamespaceResolver getNamespaceResolver() {
List externalNamespaceCodes = null;
NamespaceResolver externalResolver = userQueryContext.getExternalNamespaceResolver();
if (externalResolver != null) {
externalNamespaceCodes = new ArrayList();
Iterator iter = externalResolver.iteratePrefixes();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String prefix = (String);
String uri = externalResolver.getURIForPrefix(prefix, true);
int nscode = getNamePool().allocateNamespaceCode(prefix, uri);
externalNamespaceCodes.add(new Integer(nscode));
HashMap userDeclaredNamespaces = userQueryContext.getUserDeclaredNamespaces();
int[] active = getActiveNamespaceCodes();
int[] nscodes = new int[explicitPrologNamespaces.size() + userDeclaredNamespaces.size() + active.length +
(externalNamespaceCodes == null ? 0 : externalNamespaceCodes.size())];
int used = 0;
NamePool namePool = getNamePool();
for (Iterator iter = userDeclaredNamespaces.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String prefix = (String);
String uri = (String)userDeclaredNamespaces.get(prefix);
nscodes[used++] = namePool.getNamespaceCode(prefix, uri);
for (Iterator iter = explicitPrologNamespaces.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String prefix = (String);
String uri = (String)explicitPrologNamespaces.get(prefix);
nscodes[used++] = namePool.getNamespaceCode(prefix, uri);
for (int a = 0; a < active.length; a++) {
nscodes[used++] = active[a];
if (externalNamespaceCodes != null) {
for (int a = 0; a < externalNamespaceCodes.size(); a++) {
nscodes[used++] = ((Integer)externalNamespaceCodes.get(a)).intValue();
return new SavedNamespaceContext(nscodes, namePool);
* Issue a compile-time warning. This method is used during XQuery expression compilation to
* output warning conditions.
* <p/>
* This method is intended for internal use only.
public void issueWarning(String s, SourceLocator locator) {
XPathException err = new XPathException(s);
try {
} catch (TransformerException e) {
// ignore any error thrown
* Get the line number of the expression within that container.
* Used to construct error messages. This method is provided to satisfy the StaticContext interface,
* but the value is meaningful only for XPath expressions within a document such as a stylesheet.
* @return -1 always
public int getLineNumber() {
return -1;
* Determine whether Backwards Compatible Mode is used
* @return false; XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is not supported in XQuery
* @since 8.4
public boolean isInBackwardsCompatibleMode() {
return false;
* Determine whether a built-in type is available in this context. This method caters for differences
* between host languages as to which set of types are built in.
* @param type the supposedly built-in type. This will always be a type in the
* XS or XDT namespace.
* @return true if this type can be used in this static context
public boolean isAllowedBuiltInType(BuiltInAtomicType type) {
return true;
* Set whether the query is allowed to be updating
* @param updating true if the query may use the XQuery Update facility (requires Saxon-SA)
* @since 9.1
public void setUpdating(boolean updating) {
isUpdating = updating;
* Ask whether the query is allowed to be updating
* @return true if the query is allowed to use the XQuery Update facility
* @since 9.1
public boolean isUpdating() {
return isUpdating;
* Check that the namespace of a given name is the namespace of an imported schema
* @param fingerprint the fingerprint of the "given name"
* @param declaration the declaration of the variable or function that has this given name
* @throws org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException (error XQST0036) if the namespace is not present in a schema
* imported by the importing query module
private void checkSchemaNamespaceImported(int fingerprint, Declaration declaration)
throws XPathException {
String uri = getNamePool().getURI(fingerprint);
if (!uri.equals(NamespaceConstant.SCHEMA) && !uri.equals(NamespaceConstant.ANONYMOUS) &&
!uri.equals(NamespaceConstant.JAVA_TYPE) && !isImportedSchema(uri)) {
String msg = "Schema component " + getNamePool().getDisplayName(fingerprint) + " used in ";
if (declaration instanceof GlobalVariableDefinition) {
msg += "declaration of imported variable " +
} else {
msg += "signature of imported function " +
msg += " is not declared in any schema imported by ";
String module = getModuleNamespace();
if (module == null) {
msg += "the main query module";
} else {
msg += "query module " + module;
XPathException err = new XPathException(msg);
throw err;
* Inner class containing information about an active namespace entry
private static class ActiveNamespace {
public String prefix;
public String uri;
public int code;
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// The Original Code is: all this file
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
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