package org.pdf4j.saxon.pull;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Configuration;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.StackFrame;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.StaticProperty;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.XPathContext;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.XPathContextMajor;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.instruct.ParentNodeConstructor;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern.NodeTest;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.tinytree.TinyBuilder;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trace.Location;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.UncheckedXPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.Value;
* This class represents a virtual element node, the result of an element constructor that
* (in general) hasn't been fully evaluated. This is similar to a Closure, except that it is
* a NodeInfo rather than a Value. The object is capable of materializing the element if it
* is actually needed, but the aim is to avoid materializing the element wherever possible,
* at any rate not until its parent element is constructed so that this element can be built
* in-situ rather than being built as a standalone element and then later copied.
* This class is not currently used for elements that require schema validation.
public abstract class UnconstructedParent implements NodeInfo {
protected ParentNodeConstructor instruction;
protected XPathContextMajor savedXPathContext;
protected NodeInfo node = null;
* Create an UnconstructedParent node
* @param instruction the instruction responsible for creating this element or document node
* @param context the XPath dynamic context
protected UnconstructedParent(ParentNodeConstructor instruction, XPathContext context) {
this.instruction = instruction;
savedXPathContext = context.newContext();
// Make a copy of all local variables. If the value of any local variable is a closure
// whose depth exceeds a certain threshold, we evaluate the closure eagerly to avoid
// creating deeply nested lists of Closures, which consume memory unnecessarily
// We only copy the local variables if the expression has dependencies on local variables.
// It would be even smarter to copy only those variables that we need; but that gives
// diminishing returns.
if ((instruction.getDependencies() & StaticProperty.DEPENDS_ON_LOCAL_VARIABLES) != 0) {
StackFrame localStackFrame = context.getStackFrame();
ValueRepresentation[] local = localStackFrame.getStackFrameValues();
if (local != null) {
ValueRepresentation[] savedStackFrame = new ValueRepresentation[local.length];
System.arraycopy(local, 0, savedStackFrame, 0, local.length);
savedXPathContext.setStackFrame(localStackFrame.getStackFrameMap(), savedStackFrame);
// Make a copy of the context item
SequenceIterator currentIterator = context.getCurrentIterator();
if (currentIterator != null) {
Item contextItem = currentIterator.current();
UnfailingIterator single = SingletonIterator.makeIterator(contextItem);;
// we don't save position() and last() because we have no way
// of restoring them. Instead, we prevent lazy construction if there is a dependency
// on position() or last()
savedXPathContext.setReceiver(new SequenceOutputter());
* Get the saved XPath dynamic context
* @return the saved context
public XPathContext getXPathContext() {
return savedXPathContext;
* Get the instruction responsible for creating this element or document node
* @return the relevant instruction
public ParentNodeConstructor getInstruction() {
return instruction;
* Get a PullProvider that delivers the stream of events corresponding to the tree rooted at this virtual node
* @return the PullProvider for the events in the virtual tree
public PullProvider getPuller() {
if (node == null) {
VirtualTreeWalker walker = new VirtualTreeWalker(instruction, savedXPathContext);
return walker;
} else {
return TreeWalker.makeTreeWalker(node);
* Method to construct the node when this is required.
* @throws XPathException if any failure occurs
void construct() throws XPathException {
PipelineConfiguration pipe = savedXPathContext.getController().makePipelineConfiguration();
PullProvider puller = getPuller();
TinyBuilder builder = new TinyBuilder();
NamespaceReducer reducer = new NamespaceReducer();
ComplexContentOutputter outputter = new ComplexContentOutputter();
new PullPushCopier(puller, outputter).copy();
node = builder.getCurrentRoot();
* Method to construct the node when this is required.
* <p>
* Note that this may throw an UncheckedXPathException. This is because many of the methods on the
* NodeInfo class are exception-free; we can't throw an XPathException on these interfaces, but may need
* to in this case because lazy computation of expressions may throw errors.
* @throws UncheckedXPathException
void tryToConstruct() {
try {
} catch (XPathException err) {
throw new UncheckedXPathException(err);
* Determine whether this is the same node as another node.
* Note: a.isSameNodeInfo(b) if and only if generateId(a)==generateId(b).
* This method has the same semantics as isSameNode() in DOM Level 3, but
* works on Saxon NodeInfo objects rather than DOM Node objects.
* @param other the node to be compared with this node
* @return true if this NodeInfo object and the supplied NodeInfo object represent
* the same node in the tree.
public boolean isSameNodeInfo(NodeInfo other) {
return this == other ||
!(other instanceof UnconstructedParent) &&
node != null &&
* The equals() method compares nodes for identity. It is defined to give the same result
* as isSameNodeInfo().
* @param other the node to be compared with this node
* @return true if this NodeInfo object and the supplied NodeInfo object represent
* the same node in the tree.
* @since 8.7 Previously, the effect of the equals() method was not defined. Callers
* should therefore be aware that third party implementations of the NodeInfo interface may
* not implement the correct semantics. It is safer to use isSameNodeInfo() for this reason.
* The equals() method has been defined because it is useful in contexts such as a Java Set or HashMap.
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof NodeInfo && isSameNodeInfo((NodeInfo)other);
* The hashCode() method obeys the contract for hashCode(): that is, if two objects are equal
* (represent the same node) then they must have the same hashCode()
* @since 8.7 Previously, the effect of the equals() and hashCode() methods was not defined. Callers
* should therefore be aware that third party implementations of the NodeInfo interface may
* not implement the correct semantics.
public int hashCode() {
if (node != null) {
return node.hashCode();
} else {
return super.hashCode();
* Get the System ID for the node (that is, the document URI of the containing document node).
* @return the System Identifier of the source document
* containing the node, or null if not known. Note this is not the
* same as the base URI: the base URI can be modified by xml:base, but
* the system ID cannot.
public String getSystemId() {
return null;
// if (node == null) {
// tryToConstruct();
// }
// return node.getSystemId();
* Get the Base URI for the node, that is, the URI used for resolving a relative URI contained
* in the node. This will be the same as the System ID unless xml:base has been used.
* @return the base URI of the node
public String getBaseURI() {
if (node == null) {
// the base URI of a constructed parentless document or element node is the static base URI of the
// instruction/expression that created it
PipelineConfiguration pipe = savedXPathContext.getController().makePipelineConfiguration();
return pipe.getLocationProvider().getSystemId(instruction.getLocationId());
} else {
return node.getBaseURI();
* Get line number
* @return the line number of the node in its original source document; or
* -1 if not available
public int getLineNumber() {
return -1;
* Get column number
* @return the column number of the node in its original source document; or -1 if not available
public int getColumnNumber() {
return -1;
* Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
* The other node will always be in the same document.
* @param other The other node, whose position is to be compared with this
* node
* @return -1 if this node precedes the other node, +1 if it follows the
* other node, or 0 if they are the same node. (In this case,
* isSameNode() will always return true, and the two nodes will
* produce the same result for generateId())
public int compareOrder(NodeInfo other) {
if (node == null) {
return node.compareOrder(other);
* Return the string value of the node. The interpretation of this depends on the type
* of node. For an element it is the accumulated character content of the element,
* including descendant elements.
* @return the string value of the node
public String getStringValue() {
return getStringValueCS().toString();
* Get fingerprint. The fingerprint is a coded form of the expanded name
* of the node: two nodes
* with the same name code have the same namespace URI and the same local name.
* A fingerprint of -1 should be returned for a node with no name.
* @return an integer fingerprint; two nodes with the same fingerprint have
* the same expanded QName
public int getFingerprint() {
int nc = getNameCode();
if (nc == -1) {
return -1;
return nc & NamePool.FP_MASK;
* Get the local part of the name of this node. This is the name after the ":" if any.
* @return the local part of the name. For an unnamed node, returns "". Unlike the DOM
* interface, this returns the full name in the case of a non-namespaced name.
public String getLocalPart() {
return getNamePool().getLocalName(getNameCode());
* Get the URI part of the name of this node. This is the URI corresponding to the
* prefix, or the URI of the default namespace if appropriate.
* @return The URI of the namespace of this node. For an unnamed node,
* or for a node with an empty prefix, return an empty
* string.
public String getURI() {
return getNamePool().getURI(getNameCode());
* Get the display name of this node. For elements and attributes this is [prefix:]localname.
* For unnamed nodes, it is an empty string.
* @return The display name of this node. For a node with no name, return
* an empty string.
public String getDisplayName() {
return getNamePool().getDisplayName(getNameCode());
* Get the prefix of the name of the node. This is defined only for elements and attributes.
* If the node has no prefix, or for other kinds of node, return a zero-length string.
* @return The prefix of the name of the node.
public String getPrefix() {
return getNamePool().getPrefix(getNameCode());
* Get the configuration
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return savedXPathContext.getConfiguration();
* Get the NamePool that holds the namecode for this node
* @return the namepool
public NamePool getNamePool() {
return getConfiguration().getNamePool();
* Get the type annotation of this node, if any.
* Returns -1 for kinds of nodes that have no annotation
* @return the type annotation of the node.
* @see org.pdf4j.saxon.type.Type
public int getTypeAnnotation() {
return StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED;
* Get the NodeInfo object representing the parent of this node
* @return the parent of this node; null if this node has no parent
public NodeInfo getParent() {
return null;
* Return an iteration over all the nodes reached by the given axis from this node
* @param axisNumber an integer identifying the axis; one of the constants
* defined in class
* @return an AxisIterator that scans the nodes reached by the axis in
* turn.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the namespace axis is
* requested and this axis is not supported for this implementation.
* @see
public AxisIterator iterateAxis(byte axisNumber) {
if (node == null) {
return node.iterateAxis(axisNumber);
* Return an iteration over all the nodes reached by the given axis from this node
* that match a given NodeTest
* @param axisNumber an integer identifying the axis; one of the constants
* defined in class
* @param nodeTest A pattern to be matched by the returned nodes; nodes
* that do not match this pattern are not included in the result
* @return a NodeEnumeration that scans the nodes reached by the axis in
* turn.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the namespace axis is
* requested and this axis is not supported for this implementation.
* @see
public AxisIterator iterateAxis(byte axisNumber, NodeTest nodeTest) {
if (node == null) {
return node.iterateAxis(axisNumber, nodeTest);
* Get the value of a given attribute of this node
* @param fingerprint The fingerprint of the attribute name
* @return the attribute value if it exists or null if not
public String getAttributeValue(int fingerprint) {
if (node == null) {
return node.getAttributeValue(fingerprint);
* Get the root node of the tree containing this node
* @return the NodeInfo representing the top-level ancestor of this node.
* This will not necessarily be a document node
public NodeInfo getRoot() {
return this;
* Get the root node, if it is a document node.
* @return the DocumentInfo representing the containing document. If this
* node is part of a tree that does not have a document node as its
* root, return null.
public DocumentInfo getDocumentRoot() {
return null;
* Determine whether the node has any children. <br />
* Note: the result is equivalent to <br />
* getEnumeration(Axis.CHILD, AnyNodeTest.getInstance()).hasNext()
* @return True if the node has one or more children
public boolean hasChildNodes() {
if (node == null) {
return node.hasChildNodes();
* Get a character string that uniquely identifies this node.
* Note: a.isSameNode(b) if and only if generateId(a)==generateId(b)
* @param buffer a buffer, into which will be placed
* a string that uniquely identifies this node, across all
* documents.
public void generateId(FastStringBuffer buffer) {
if (node == null) {
* Get the document number of the document containing this node. For a free-standing
* orphan node, just return the hashcode.
public int getDocumentNumber() {
if (node == null) {
return node.getDocumentNumber();
* Copy this node to a given outputter
* @param out the Receiver to which the node should be copied
* @param whichNamespaces in the case of an element, controls
* which namespace nodes should be copied. Values are {@link #NO_NAMESPACES},
* @param copyAnnotations indicates whether the type annotations
* of element and attribute nodes should be copied
* @param locationId If non-zero, identifies the location of the instruction
* that requested this copy. If zero, indicates that the location information
* for the original node is to be copied; in this case the Receiver must be
* a LocationCopier
* @throws org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException
public void copy(Receiver out, int whichNamespaces, boolean copyAnnotations, int locationId) throws XPathException {
if (node == null) {
if (whichNamespaces == NodeInfo.ALL_NAMESPACES && copyAnnotations) {
PullProvider pull = new VirtualTreeWalker(instruction, savedXPathContext);
PullPushCopier copier = new PullPushCopier(pull, out);
} else {
node.copy(out, whichNamespaces, copyAnnotations, locationId);
* Get all namespace undeclarations and undeclarations defined on this element.
* @param buffer If this is non-null, and the result array fits in this buffer, then the result
* may overwrite the contents of this array, to avoid the cost of allocating a new array on the heap.
* @return An array of integers representing the namespace declarations and undeclarations present on
* this element. For a node other than an element, return null. Otherwise, the returned array is a
* sequence of namespace codes, whose meaning may be interpreted by reference to the name pool. The
* top half word of each namespace code represents the prefix, the bottom half represents the URI.
* If the bottom half is zero, then this is a namespace undeclaration rather than a declaration.
* The XML namespace is never included in the list. If the supplied array is larger than required,
* then the first unused entry will be set to -1.
* <p/>
* <p>For a node other than an element, the method returns null.</p>
public int[] getDeclaredNamespaces(int[] buffer) {
if (node == null) {
return node.getDeclaredNamespaces(buffer);
* Set the system identifier for this Source.
* <p/>
* <p>The system identifier is optional if the source does not
* get its data from a URL, but it may still be useful to provide one.
* The application can use a system identifier, for example, to resolve
* relative URIs and to include in error messages and warnings.</p>
* @param systemId The system identifier as a URL string.
public void setSystemId(String systemId) {
* Get the value of the item as a CharSequence. This is in some cases more efficient than
* the version of the method that returns a String.
public CharSequence getStringValueCS() {
if (node == null) {
try {
PullProvider puller = getPuller();; // assert: it's a START_DOCUMENT or START_ELEMENT
return puller.getStringValue();
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new UncheckedXPathException(e);
return node.getStringValueCS();
* Get the typed value of the item
* @return the typed value of the item. In general this will be a sequence
* @throws org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException
* where no typed value is available, e.g. for
* an element with complex content
public SequenceIterator getTypedValue() throws XPathException {
if (node == null) {
return node.getTypedValue();
* Get the typed value. The result of this method will always be consistent with the method
* {@link}. However, this method is often more convenient and may be
* more efficient, especially in the common case where the value is expected to be a singleton.
* @return the typed value. If requireSingleton is set to true, the result will always be an
* AtomicValue. In other cases it may be a Value representing a sequence whose items are atomic
* values.
* @since 8.5
public Value atomize() throws XPathException {
if (node == null) {
return node.atomize();
* Determine whether this node has the is-id property
* @return true if the node is an ID
public boolean isId() {
return false;
* Determine whether this node has the is-idref property
* @return true if the node is an IDREF or IDREFS element or attribute
public boolean isIdref() {
return false;
* Determine whether the node has the is-nilled property
* @return true if the node has the is-nilled property
public boolean isNilled() {
return false;
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