package org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.sort.IntHashSet;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.tinytree.TinyTree;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.ItemType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.Type;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.TypeHierarchy;
* NodeTest is an interface that enables a test of whether a node has a particular
* name and type. A NameTest matches the node kind and the namespace URI and the local
* name.
* @author Michael H. Kay
public class NameTest extends NodeTest {
private int nodeKind;
private int fingerprint;
private NamePool namePool;
private String uri = null;
private String localName = null;
* Create a NameTest to match nodes by name
* @param nodeKind the kind of node, for example {@link Type#ELEMENT}
* @param uri the namespace URI of the required nodes. Supply "" to match nodes that are in
* no namespace
* @param localName the local name of the required nodes. Supply "" to match unnamed nodes
* @param namePool the namePool holding the name codes
* @since 9.0
public NameTest(int nodeKind, String uri, String localName, NamePool namePool) {
this.nodeKind = nodeKind;
this.fingerprint = namePool.allocate("", uri, localName) & NamePool.FP_MASK;
this.namePool = namePool;
* Create a NameTest to match nodes by their nameCode allocated from the NamePool
* @param nodeKind the kind of node, for example {@link Type#ELEMENT}
* @param nameCode the nameCode representing the name of the node
* @param namePool the namePool holding the name codes
* @since 8.4
public NameTest(int nodeKind, int nameCode, NamePool namePool) {
this.nodeKind = nodeKind;
this.fingerprint = nameCode & 0xfffff;
this.namePool = namePool;
* Create a NameTest for nodes of the same type and name as a given node
* @param node the node whose node kind and node name will form the basis of the NameTest
public NameTest(NodeInfo node) {
this.nodeKind = node.getNodeKind();
this.fingerprint = node.getFingerprint();
this.namePool = node.getNamePool();
* Test whether this node test is satisfied by a given node
* @param nodeKind The type of node to be matched
* @param nameCode identifies the expanded name of the node to be matched
public boolean matches(int nodeKind, int nameCode, int annotation) {
// System.err.println("Matching node " + nameCode + " against " + this.fingerprint);
// System.err.println(" " + ((nameCode&0xfffff) == this.fingerprint && nodeType == this.nodeType));
return ((nameCode&0xfffff) == this.fingerprint && nodeKind == this.nodeKind);
// deliberately in this order for speed (first test is more likely to fail)
* Test whether this node test is satisfied by a given node on a TinyTree. The node
* must be a document, element, text, comment, or processing instruction node.
* This method is provided so that when navigating a TinyTree a node can be rejected without
* actually instantiating a NodeInfo object.
* @param tree the TinyTree containing the node
* @param nodeNr the number of the node within the TinyTree
* @return true if the node matches the NodeTest, otherwise false
public boolean matches(TinyTree tree, int nodeNr) {
return ((tree.getNameCode(nodeNr)&0xfffff) == this.fingerprint && tree.getNodeKind(nodeNr) == this.nodeKind);
* Test whether this node test is satisfied by a given node. This alternative
* method is used in the case of nodes where calculating the fingerprint is expensive,
* for example DOM or JDOM nodes.
* @param node the node to be matched
public boolean matches(NodeInfo node) {
if (node.getNodeKind() != nodeKind) {
return false;
// Two different algorithms are used for name matching. If the fingerprint of the node is readily
// available, we use it to do an integer comparison. Otherwise, we do string comparisons on the URI
// and local name. In practice, Saxon's native node implementations use fingerprint matching, while
// DOM and JDOM nodes use string comparison of names
if (node instanceof FingerprintedNode) {
return node.getFingerprint() == fingerprint;
} else {
if (uri == null) {
uri = namePool.getURI(fingerprint);
if (localName == null) {
localName = namePool.getLocalName(fingerprint);
return localName.equals(node.getLocalPart()) && uri.equals(node.getURI());
* Determine the default priority of this node test when used on its own as a Pattern
public final double getDefaultPriority() {
return 0.0;
* Get the fingerprint required
public int getFingerprint() {
return fingerprint;
* Determine the types of nodes to which this pattern applies. Used for optimisation.
* For patterns that match nodes of several types, return Type.NODE
* @return the type of node matched by this pattern. e.g. Type.ELEMENT or Type.TEXT
public int getPrimitiveType() {
return nodeKind;
* Get the type from which this item type is derived by restriction. This
* is the supertype in the XPath type heirarchy, as distinct from the Schema
* base type: this means that the supertype of xs:boolean is xs:anyAtomicType,
* whose supertype is item() (rather than xs:anySimpleType).
* <p>
* In fact the concept of "supertype" is not really well-defined, because the types
* form a lattice rather than a hierarchy. The only real requirement on this function
* is that it returns a type that strictly subsumes this type, ideally as narrowly
* as possible.
* @return the supertype, or null if this type is item()
* @param th the type hierarchy cache
public ItemType getSuperType(TypeHierarchy th) {
return NodeKindTest.makeNodeKindTest(nodeKind);
* Get a mask indicating which kinds of nodes this NodeTest can match. This is a combination
* of bits: 1<<Type.ELEMENT for element nodes, 1<<Type.TEXT for text nodes, and so on.
public int getNodeKindMask() {
return 1<<nodeKind;
* Get the set of node names allowed by this NodeTest. This is returned as a set of Integer fingerprints.
* A null value indicates that all names are permitted (i.e. that there are no constraints on the node name.
* The default implementation returns null.
public IntHashSet getRequiredNodeNames() {
IntHashSet s = new IntHashSet(1);
return s;
public String toString() {
return toString(namePool);
public String toString(NamePool pool) {
switch (nodeKind) {
case Type.ELEMENT:
return "element(" + pool.getClarkName(fingerprint) + ", xs:anyType)";
case Type.ATTRIBUTE:
return "attribute(" + pool.getClarkName(fingerprint) + ", xs:anyAtomicType)";
return "processing-instruction(" + pool.getDisplayName(fingerprint) + ')';
case Type.NAMESPACE:
return "namespace(" + pool.getDisplayName(fingerprint) + ')';
return pool.getDisplayName(fingerprint);
* Returns a hash code value for the object.
public int hashCode() {
return nodeKind<<20 ^ fingerprint;
* Determines whether two NameTests are equal
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof NameTest &&
((NameTest)other).namePool == namePool &&
((NameTest)other).nodeKind == nodeKind &&
((NameTest)other).fingerprint == fingerprint;
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// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
// Portions created by (your name) are Copyright (C) (your legal entity). All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s): none.