Package org.pdf4j.saxon.instruct

Source Code of org.pdf4j.saxon.instruct.Instruction

package org.pdf4j.saxon.instruct;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Configuration;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Controller;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.PipelineConfiguration;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.SequenceOutputter;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.ItemType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.Type;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.TypeHierarchy;

import javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator;

* Abstract superclass for all instructions in the compiled stylesheet.
* This represents a compiled instruction, and as such, the minimum information is
* retained from the original stylesheet. <br>
* Note: this class implements SourceLocator: that is, it can identify where in the stylesheet
* the source instruction was located.

public abstract class Instruction extends Expression implements SourceLocator, TailCallReturner {

    * Constructor

    public Instruction() {}

     * An implementation of Expression must provide at least one of the methods evaluateItem(), iterate(), or process().
     * This method indicates which of these methods is prefered. For instructions this is the process() method.

    public int getImplementationMethod() {
        return Expression.PROCESS_METHOD;

     * Get the namecode of the instruction for use in diagnostics
     * @return a code identifying the instruction: typically but not always
     * the fingerprint of a name in the XSLT namespace

    public int getInstructionNameCode() {
        return -1;

     * Get the item type of the items returned by evaluating this instruction
     * @return the static item type of the instruction
     * @param th the type hierarchy cache

    public ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th) {
        return Type.ITEM_TYPE;

     * Get the cardinality of the sequence returned by evaluating this instruction
     * @return the static cardinality

    public int computeCardinality() {
        return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;

    * ProcessLeavingTail: called to do the real work of this instruction. This method
    * must be implemented in each subclass. The results of the instruction are written
    * to the current Receiver, which can be obtained via the Controller.
    * @param context The dynamic context of the transformation, giving access to the current node,
    * the current variables, etc.
    * @return null if the instruction has completed execution; or a TailCall indicating
    * a function call or template call that is delegated to the caller, to be made after the stack has
    * been unwound so as to save stack space.

    public abstract TailCall processLeavingTail(XPathContext context) throws XPathException;

    * Process the instruction, without returning any tail calls
    * @param context The dynamic context, giving access to the current node,
    * the current variables, etc.

    public void process(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        try {
            TailCall tc = processLeavingTail(context);
            while (tc != null) {
                tc = tc.processLeavingTail();
        } catch (XPathException err) {
            throw err;

     * Get a SourceLocator identifying the location of this instruction
     * @return the location of this instruction in the source stylesheet or query

    public SourceLocator getSourceLocator() {
        return this;

     * Construct an exception with diagnostic information. Note that this method
     * returns the exception, it does not throw it: that is up to the caller.
     * @param loc the location of the error
     * @param error The exception containing information about the error
     * @param context The controller of the transformation
     * @return an exception based on the supplied exception, but with location information
     * added relating to this instruction

    protected static XPathException dynamicError(SourceLocator loc, XPathException error, XPathContext context) {
        if (error instanceof TerminationException) {
            return error;
        return error;

     * Assemble a ParameterSet. Method used by instructions that have xsl:with-param
     * children. This method is used for the non-tunnel parameters.
     * @param context the XPath dynamic context
     * @param actualParams the set of with-param parameters that specify tunnel="no"
     * @return a ParameterSet

    protected static ParameterSet assembleParams(XPathContext context,
                                                 WithParam[] actualParams)
    throws XPathException {
        if (actualParams == null || actualParams.length == 0) {
            return null;
        ParameterSet params = new ParameterSet(actualParams.length);
        for (int i=0; i<actualParams.length; i++) {
        return params;

     * Assemble a ParameterSet. Method used by instructions that have xsl:with-param
     * children. This method is used for the tunnel parameters.
     * @param context the XPath dynamic context
     * @param actualParams the set of with-param parameters that specify tunnel="yes"
     * @return a ParameterSet

    protected static ParameterSet assembleTunnelParams(XPathContext context,
                                                       WithParam[] actualParams)
    throws XPathException {
        ParameterSet existingParams = context.getTunnelParameters();
        if (existingParams == null) {
            return assembleParams(context, actualParams);
        ParameterSet newParams = new ParameterSet(existingParams, (actualParams==null ? 0 : actualParams.length));
        if (actualParams == null || actualParams.length == 0) {
            return newParams;
        for (int i=0; i<actualParams.length; i++) {
        return newParams;

     * Simplify an expression. This performs any static optimization (by rewriting the expression
     * as a different expression). The default implementation does nothing.
     * @exception org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException if an error is discovered during expression
     *     rewriting
     * @return the simplified expression
     * @param visitor an expression visitor

     public abstract Expression simplify(ExpressionVisitor visitor) throws XPathException;

     * Get the static properties of this expression (other than its type). The result is
     * bit-signficant. These properties are used for optimizations. In general, if
     * property bit is set, it is true, but if it is unset, the value is unknown.
     * @return a set of flags indicating static properties of this expression

    public int computeSpecialProperties() {
        int p = super.computeSpecialProperties();
        if (createsNewNodes()) {
            return p;
        } else {
            return p | StaticProperty.NON_CREATIVE;

     * Determine whether this instruction creates new nodes.
     * This implementation returns a default value of false
     * @return true if the instruction creates new nodes (or if it can't be proved that it doesn't)

    public boolean createsNewNodes() {
        return false;

     * Handle promotion offers, that is, non-local tree rewrites.
     * @param offer The type of rewrite being offered
     * @throws XPathException

    protected void promoteInst(PromotionOffer offer) throws XPathException {

     * Offer promotion for this subexpression. The offer will be accepted if the subexpression
     * is not dependent on the factors (e.g. the context item) identified in the PromotionOffer.
     * This method is always called at compile time.
     * @param offer details of the offer, for example the offer to move
     *     expressions that don't depend on the context to an outer level in
     *     the containing expression
     * @exception org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException if any error is detected
     * @return if the offer is not accepted, return this expression unchanged.
     *      Otherwise return the result of rewriting the expression to promote
     *      this subexpression

    public Expression promote(PromotionOffer offer) throws XPathException {
        Expression exp = offer.accept(this);
        if (exp!=null) {
            return exp;
        } else {
            return this;

     * Evaluate an expression as a single item. This always returns either a single Item or
     * null (denoting the empty sequence). No conversion is done. This method should not be
     * used unless the static type of the expression is a subtype of "item" or "item?": that is,
     * it should not be called if the expression may return a sequence. There is no guarantee that
     * this condition will be detected.
     * @param context The context in which the expression is to be evaluated
     * @exception XPathException if any dynamic error occurs evaluating the
     *     expression
     * @return the node or atomic value that results from evaluating the
     *     expression; or null to indicate that the result is an empty
     *     sequence

    public Item evaluateItem(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        int m = getImplementationMethod();
        if ((m & EVALUATE_METHOD) != 0) {
                throw new AssertionError(
                        "evaluateItem() is not implemented in the subclass " + getClass());
        } else if ((m & ITERATE_METHOD) != 0) {
            return iterate(context).next();
        } else {
            Controller controller = context.getController();
            XPathContext c2 = context.newMinorContext();
            SequenceOutputter seq = controller.allocateSequenceOutputter(1);
            PipelineConfiguration pipe = controller.makePipelineConfiguration();
            Item result = seq.getFirstItem();
            return result;

     * Return an Iterator to iterate over the values of a sequence. The value of every
     * expression can be regarded as a sequence, so this method is supported for all
     * expressions. This default implementation handles iteration for expressions that
     * return singleton values: for non-singleton expressions, the subclass must
     * provide its own implementation.
     * @exception XPathException if any dynamic error occurs evaluating the
     *     expression
     * @param context supplies the context for evaluation
     * @return a SequenceIterator that can be used to iterate over the result
     *     of the expression

    public SequenceIterator iterate(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        int m = getImplementationMethod();
        if ((m & EVALUATE_METHOD) != 0) {
            Item item = evaluateItem(context);
            if (item==null) {
                return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
            } else {
                return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(item);
        } else if ((m & ITERATE_METHOD) != 0) {
            throw new AssertionError("iterate() is not implemented in the subclass " + getClass());
        } else {
            Controller controller = context.getController();
            XPathContext c2 = context.newMinorContext();
            SequenceOutputter seq = controller.allocateSequenceOutputter(20);
            PipelineConfiguration pipe = controller.makePipelineConfiguration();
            return seq.iterate();

     * Evaluate an expression as a String. This function must only be called in contexts
     * where it is known that the expression will return a single string (or where an empty sequence
     * is to be treated as a zero-length string). Implementations should not attempt to convert
     * the result to a string, other than converting () to "". This method is used mainly to
     * evaluate expressions produced by compiling an attribute value template.
     * @exception org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException if any dynamic error occurs evaluating the
     *     expression
     * @exception java.lang.ClassCastException if the result type of the
     *     expression is not xs:string?
     * @param context The context in which the expression is to be evaluated
     * @return the value of the expression, evaluated in the current context.
     *     The expression must return a string or (); if the value of the
     *     expression is (), this method returns "".

    public final CharSequence evaluateAsString(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        Item item = evaluateItem(context);
        if (item==null) {
            return "";
        } else {
            return item.getStringValue();

//    public InstructionInfo getInstructionInfo() {
//        InstructionDetails details = new InstructionDetails();
//        details.setSystemId(getSystemId());
//        details.setLineAndColumn(getLineNumber());
//        details.setConstructType(getInstructionNameCode());
//        return details;
//    }

     * Get the type of this expression for use in tracing and diagnostics
     * @return the type of expression, as enumerated in class {@link org.pdf4j.saxon.trace.Location}

    public int getConstructType() {
        return getInstructionNameCode();

     * Establish whether this is an XSLT instruction or an XQuery instruction
     * (used to produce appropriate diagnostics)
     * @return true for XSLT, false for XQuery
    public boolean isXSLT() {
        return getHostLanguage() == Configuration.XSLT;

// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
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// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay
// Portions created by (your name) are Copyright (C) (your legal entity). All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s): none

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