package org.pdf4j.saxon.instruct;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Controller;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.evpull.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern.NodeKindTest;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern.NodeTest;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pull.*;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.ItemType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.Type;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.TypeHierarchy;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.ValidationException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.Cardinality;
* An instruction that creates an element node. There are two subtypes, FixedElement
* for use where the name is known statically, and Element where it is computed
* dynamically. To allow use in both XSLT and XQuery, the class acts both as an
* Instruction and as an Expression.
public abstract class ElementCreator extends ParentNodeConstructor {
* The inheritNamespaces flag indicates that the namespace nodes on the element created by this instruction
* are to be inherited (copied) on the children of this element. That is, if this flag is false, the child
* elements must carry a namespace undeclaration for all the namespaces on the parent, unless they are
* redeclared in some way.
protected boolean inheritNamespaces = true;
* Flag set to true if validation=preserve and no schema type supplied for validation
protected boolean preservingTypes = true;
* Construct an ElementCreator. Exists for the benefit of subclasses.
public ElementCreator() { }
* Get the item type of the value returned by this instruction
* @return the item type
* @param th the type hierarchy cache
public ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th) {
return NodeKindTest.ELEMENT;
* Determine whether this elementCreator performs validation or strips type annotations
* @return false if the instruction performs validation of the constructed output or if it strips
* type annotations, otherwise true
public boolean isPreservingTypes() {
return preservingTypes;
* Determine whether the inherit namespaces flag is set
* @return true if namespaces constructed on a parent element are to be inherited by its children
public boolean isInheritNamespaces() {
return inheritNamespaces;
* Get the static properties of this expression (other than its type). The result is
* bit-signficant. These properties are used for optimizations. In general, if
* property bit is set, it is true, but if it is unset, the value is unknown.
* @return a set of flags indicating static properties of this expression
public int computeSpecialProperties() {
return super.computeSpecialProperties() |
* Set the validation mode for the new element
public void setValidationMode(int mode) {
if (mode != Validation.PRESERVE) {
preservingTypes = false;
* Suppress validation on contained element constructors, on the grounds that the parent element
* is already performing validation. The default implementation does nothing.
public void suppressValidation(int validationMode) {
if (validation == validationMode) {
* Check statically whether the content of the element creates attributes or namespaces
* after creating any child nodes
* @param env the static context
* @throws XPathException
protected void checkContentSequence(StaticContext env) throws XPathException {
if (content instanceof Block) {
TypeHierarchy th = env.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
Expression[] components = ((Block)content).getChildren();
boolean foundChild = false;
boolean foundPossibleChild = false;
int childNodeKinds = (1<<Type.TEXT | 1<<Type.ELEMENT | 1<<Type.COMMENT | 1<<Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION);
for (int i=0; i<components.length; i++) {
ItemType it = components[i].getItemType(th);
if (it instanceof NodeTest) {
boolean maybeEmpty = Cardinality.allowsZero(components[i].getCardinality());
int possibleNodeKinds = ((NodeTest)it).getNodeKindMask();
if ((possibleNodeKinds & 1<<Type.TEXT) != 0) {
// the text node might turn out to be zero-length. If that's a possibility,
// then we only issue a warning. Also, we need to completely ignore a known
// zero-length text node, which is included to prevent space-separation
// in an XQuery construct like <a>{@x}{@y}</b>
if (components[i] instanceof ValueOf &&
((ValueOf)components[i]).select instanceof StringLiteral) {
String value = (((StringLiteral)((ValueOf)components[i]).select).getStringValue());
if (value.length() == 0) {
// continue; // not an error
} else {
foundChild = true;
} else {
foundPossibleChild = true;
} else if ((possibleNodeKinds & ~childNodeKinds) == 0) {
if (maybeEmpty) {
foundPossibleChild = true;
} else {
foundChild = true;
} else if (foundChild && possibleNodeKinds == 1<<Type.ATTRIBUTE && !maybeEmpty) {
XPathException de = new XPathException(
"Cannot create an attribute node after creating a child of the containing element");
de.setErrorCode(isXSLT() ? "XTDE0410" : "XQTY0024");
throw de;
} else if (foundChild && possibleNodeKinds == 1<<Type.NAMESPACE && !maybeEmpty) {
XPathException de = new XPathException(
"Cannot create a namespace node after creating a child of the containing element");
de.setErrorCode(isXSLT() ? "XTDE0410" : "XQTY0024");
throw de;
} else if ((foundChild ||foundPossibleChild) && possibleNodeKinds == 1<<Type.ATTRIBUTE) {
"Creating an attribute here will fail if previous instructions create any children",
} else if ((foundChild ||foundPossibleChild) && possibleNodeKinds == 1<<Type.NAMESPACE) {
"Creating a namespace node here will fail if previous instructions create any children",
* Determine (at run-time) the name code of the element being constructed
* @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @return the integer name code representing the element name
* @throws XPathException if a failure occurs
public abstract int getNameCode(XPathContext context)
throws XPathException;
* Get the base URI for the element being constructed
* @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @return the base URI of the constructed element
public abstract String getNewBaseURI(XPathContext context);
* Callback to output namespace nodes for the new element.
* @param context The execution context
* @param receiver the Receiver where the namespace nodes are to be written
* @throws org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException
protected abstract void outputNamespaceNodes(XPathContext context, Receiver receiver)
throws XPathException;
* Callback to get a list of the intrinsic namespaces that need to be generated for the element.
* @return an array of namespace codes, the codes either occupy the whole array or are
* terminated by a -1 entry. A result of null is equivalent to a zero-length array.
public int[] getActiveNamespaces() throws XPathException {
return null;
* An implementation of Expression must provide at least one of the methods evaluateItem(), iterate(), or process().
* This method indicates which of these methods is prefered. For instructions this is the process() method.
public int getImplementationMethod() {
return Expression.PROCESS_METHOD | Expression.EVALUATE_METHOD;
public EventIterator iterateEvents(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
if (!preservingTypes && validation != Validation.STRIP) {
// Schema validation can't be done in pull mode
return new SingletonEventIterator(evaluateItem(context));
StartElementEvent start = new StartElementEvent(context.getController().makePipelineConfiguration());
start.setTypeCode(validation == Validation.PRESERVE ? StandardNames.XS_ANY_TYPE : StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED);
EventIterator result = new BracketedElementIterator(
start, content.iterateEvents(context), EndElementEvent.getInstance());
if (validation == Validation.STRIP && !context.getConfiguration().areAllNodesUntyped()) {
return new EventAnnotationStripper(result);
} else {
return result;
* Evaluate the instruction to produce a new element node. This method is typically used when there is
* a parent element or document in a result tree, to which the new element is added.
* @param context XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @return null (this instruction never returns a tail call)
* @throws XPathException
public TailCall processLeavingTail(XPathContext context)
throws XPathException {
try {
int nameCode = getNameCode(context);
int typeCode = (validation == Validation.PRESERVE ? StandardNames.XS_ANY_TYPE : StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED);
XPathContext c2 = context;
SequenceReceiver out = context.getReceiver();
Receiver elemOut = out;
if (!preservingTypes) {
Controller controller = context.getController();
Receiver validator = controller.getConfiguration().getElementValidator(
out, nameCode, locationId,
getSchemaType(), validation);
if (validator != out) {
c2 = context.newMinorContext();
out = new TreeReceiver(validator);
elemOut = out;
if (elemOut.getSystemId() == null) {
int properties = (inheritNamespaces ? 0 : ReceiverOptions.DISINHERIT_NAMESPACES);
elemOut.startElement(nameCode, typeCode, locationId, properties);
// output the required namespace nodes via a callback
outputNamespaceNodes(c2, elemOut);
// process subordinate instructions to generate attributes and content
// output the element end tag (which will fail if validation fails)
return null;
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw e;
* Evaluate the constructor, returning the constructed element node. If lazy construction
* mode is in effect, then an UnconstructedParent object is returned instead.
public Item evaluateItem(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
if (isLazyConstruction() && preservingTypes) {
UnconstructedElement e = new UnconstructedElement(this, context);
// The name code is evaluated eagerly. It's usually already known, and it's usually needed.
// Evaluating it now removes problems with error handling.
return e;
} else {
return constructElement(context);
* Construct the element node as a free-standing (parentless) node in a tiny tree
* @param context XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @return the constructed element node
* @throws XPathException
private NodeInfo constructElement(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
try {
Controller controller = context.getController();
XPathContext c2 = context.newMinorContext();
SequenceOutputter seq = controller.allocateSequenceOutputter(1);
PipelineConfiguration pipe = controller.makePipelineConfiguration();
int nameCode = getNameCode(c2);
int typeCode = (validation == Validation.PRESERVE ? StandardNames.XS_ANY_TYPE : StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED);
SequenceReceiver ini = seq;
if (!preservingTypes) {
Receiver validator = controller.getConfiguration().getElementValidator(
ini, nameCode, locationId,
getSchemaType(), validation);
if (ini.getSystemId() == null) {
if (validator == ini) {
} else {
TreeReceiver tr = new TreeReceiver(validator);
ini = tr;
} else {
if (ini.getSystemId() == null) {
int properties = (inheritNamespaces ? 0 : ReceiverOptions.DISINHERIT_NAMESPACES);
ini.startElement(nameCode, typeCode, locationId, properties);
// output the namespace nodes for the new element
outputNamespaceNodes(c2, ini);
// the constructed element is the first and only item in the sequence
NodeInfo result = (NodeInfo)seq.popLastItem();
return result;
} catch (XPathException err) {
if (err instanceof ValidationException) {
throw err;
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// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
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// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
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