package org.pdf4j.saxon.functions;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.ArithmeticExpression;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.Calculator;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.XPathContext;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.AtomicValue;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.Int64Value;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.NumericValue;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.StringValue;
* This class implements the XPath substring() function
public class Substring extends SystemFunction {
* Evaluate the function
public Item evaluateItem(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
AtomicValue av = (AtomicValue)argument[0].evaluateItem(context);
if (av==null) {
return StringValue.EMPTY_STRING;
StringValue sv = (StringValue)av;
if (sv.isZeroLength()) {
return StringValue.EMPTY_STRING;
AtomicValue a1 = (AtomicValue)argument[1].evaluateItem(context);
NumericValue a = (NumericValue)a1;
if (argument.length==2) {
return StringValue.makeStringValue(substring(sv, a));
} else {
AtomicValue b2 = (AtomicValue)argument[2].evaluateItem(context);
NumericValue b = (NumericValue)b2;
return StringValue.makeStringValue(substring(sv, a, b, context));
* Implement the substring function with two arguments.
* @param sv the string value
* @param start the numeric offset (1-based) of the first character to be included in the result
* (if not an integer, the XPath rules apply)
* @return the substring starting at this position.
public static CharSequence substring(StringValue sv, NumericValue start) {
CharSequence s = sv.getStringValueCS();
int slength = s.length();
long lstart;
if (start instanceof Int64Value) {
//noinspection RedundantCast
lstart = ((Int64Value)start).longValue();
if (lstart > slength) {
return "";
} else if (lstart <= 0) {
lstart = 1;
} else {
NumericValue rstart = start.round();
// We need to be careful to handle cases such as plus/minus infinity
if (rstart.isNaN()) {
return "";
} else if (rstart.signum() <= 0) {
return s;
} else if (rstart.compareTo(slength) > 0) {
// this works even where the string contains surrogate pairs,
// because the Java length is always >= the XPath length
return "";
} else {
try {
lstart = rstart.longValue();
} catch (XPathException err) {
// this shouldn't happen unless the string length exceeds the bounds
// of a long
throw new AssertionError("string length out of permissible range");
if (!sv.containsSurrogatePairs()) {
return s.subSequence((int)lstart-1, s.length());
int pos=1;
int cpos=0;
while (cpos<slength) {
if (pos >= lstart) {
return s.subSequence(cpos, s.length());
int ch = (int)s.charAt(cpos++);
if (ch<55296 || ch>56319) {
pos++; // don't count high surrogates, i.e. D800 to DBFF
return "";
* Implement the substring function with three arguments.
* @param sv the string value
* @param start the numeric offset (1-based) of the first character to be included in the result
* (if not an integer, the XPath rules apply)
* @param len the length of the required substring (again, XPath rules apply)
* @param context the XPath dynamic context. Provided because some arithmetic computations require it
* @return the substring starting at this position.
public static CharSequence substring(StringValue sv, NumericValue start, NumericValue len, XPathContext context) {
CharSequence s = sv.getStringValueCS();
int slength = s.length();
long lstart;
if (start instanceof Int64Value) {
//noinspection RedundantCast
lstart = ((Int64Value)start).longValue();
if (lstart > slength) {
return "";
} else {
start = start.round();
// We need to be careful to handle cases such as plus/minus infinity and NaN
if (start.isNaN()) {
return "";
} else if (start.signum() <= 0) {
lstart = 0;
} else if (start.compareTo(slength) > 0) {
// this works even where the string contains surrogate pairs,
// because the Java length is always >= the XPath length
return "";
} else {
try {
lstart = start.longValue();
} catch (XPathException err) {
// this shouldn't happen unless the string length exceeds the bounds
// of a long
throw new AssertionError("string length out of permissible range");
NumericValue end;
try {
//end = start.arithmetic(Token.PLUS, len.round(), context);
end = (NumericValue)ArithmeticExpression.compute(start, Calculator.PLUS, len.round(), context);
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected arithmetic failure in substring");
long lend;
if (end instanceof Int64Value) {
//noinspection RedundantCast
lend = ((Int64Value)end).longValue();
} else {
// We need to be careful to handle cases such as plus/minus infinity and NaN
if (end.isNaN()) {
return "";
} else if (end.signum() <= 0) {
return "";
} else if (end.compareTo(slength) > 0) {
// this works even where the string contains surrogate pairs,
// because the Java length is always >= the XPath length
lend = slength+1;
} else {
try {
lend = end.ceiling().longValue();
} catch (XPathException err) {
// this shouldn't happen unless the string length exceeds the bounds
// of a long
throw new AssertionError("string length out of permissible range");
if (lend < lstart) {
return "";
if (!sv.containsSurrogatePairs()) {
int a1 = (int)lstart - 1;
int a2 = Math.min(slength, (int)lend - 1);
if (a1 < 0) {
if (a2 < 0) {
return "";
} else {
a1 = 0;
return s.subSequence(a1, a2);
int jstart=-1;
int jend=-1;
int pos=1;
int cpos=0;
while (cpos<slength) {
if (pos >= lstart) {
if (pos < lend) {
if (jstart<0) {
jstart = cpos;
} else {
jend = cpos;
int ch = (int)s.charAt(cpos++);
if (ch<55296 || ch>56319) pos++; // don't count high surrogates, i.e. D800 to DBFF
if (jstart<0 || jstart==jend) {
return "";
} else if (jend<0) {
return s.subSequence(jstart, s.length());
} else {
return s.subSequence(jstart, jend);
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