package org.pdf4j.saxon.expr;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern.NodeKindTest;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trace.ExpressionPresenter;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.ItemType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.TypeHierarchy;
* An expression whose value is always a set of nodes containing a single node,
* the document root. This corresponds to the XPath Expression "/", including the implicit
* "/" at the start of a path expression with a leading "/".
public class RootExpression extends SingleNodeExpression {
* Is this expression the same as another expression?
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return (other instanceof RootExpression);
* Specify that the expression returns a singleton
public final int computeCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.EXACTLY_ONE;
* Determine the data type of the items returned by this expression
* @return Type.NODE
* @param th the type hierarchy cache
public ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th) {
return NodeKindTest.DOCUMENT;
* get HashCode for comparing two expressions
public int hashCode() {
return "RootExpression".hashCode();
* Return the first element selected by this Expression
* @param context The evaluation context
* @return the NodeInfo of the first selected element, or null if no element
* is selected
public NodeInfo getNode(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Item current = context.getContextItem();
if (current==null) {
dynamicError("Finding root of tree: the context item is undefined", "XPDY0002", context);
if (current instanceof NodeInfo) {
DocumentInfo doc = ((NodeInfo)current).getDocumentRoot();
if (doc==null) {
dynamicError("The root of the tree containing the context item is not a document node", "XPDY0050", context);
return doc;
typeError("Finding root of tree: the context item is not a node", "XPTY0020", context);
// dummy return; we never get here
return null;
* Determine which aspects of the context the expression depends on. The result is
* a bitwise-or'ed value composed from constants such as StaticProperty.VARIABLES and
* StaticProperty.CURRENT_NODE
public int getIntrinsicDependencies() {
* Copy an expression. This makes a deep copy.
* @return the copy of the original expression
public Expression copy() {
return new RootExpression();
* Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap. The PathMap captures a map of the nodes visited
* by an expression in a source tree.
* @param pathMap the PathMap to which the expression should be added
* @param pathMapNodeSet
* @return the pathMapNode representing the focus established by this expression, in the case where this
* expression is the first operand of a path expression or filter expression
public PathMap.PathMapNodeSet addToPathMap(PathMap pathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet pathMapNodeSet) {
if (pathMapNodeSet == null) {
ContextItemExpression cie = new ContextItemExpression();
pathMapNodeSet = new PathMap.PathMapNodeSet(pathMap.makeNewRoot(cie));
AxisExpression root = new AxisExpression(Axis.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF, NodeKindTest.DOCUMENT);
return root.addToPathMap(pathMap, pathMapNodeSet);
// if (pathMapNodeSet == null) {
// return new PathMap.PathMapNodeSet(pathMap.makeNewRoot(this));
// } else {
// AxisExpression root = new AxisExpression(Axis.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF, NodeKindTest.DOCUMENT);
// root.setContainer(getContainer());
// return root.addToPathMap(pathMap, pathMapNodeSet);
// }
* The toString() method for an expression attempts to give a representation of the expression
* in an XPath-like form, but there is no guarantee that the syntax will actually be true XPath.
* In the case of XSLT instructions, the toString() method gives an abstracted view of the syntax
public String toString() {
return "(/)";
* Diagnostic print of expression structure. The abstract expression tree
* is written to the supplied output destination.
public void explain(ExpressionPresenter destination) {
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