package org.pdf4j.saxon.expr;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.functions.BooleanFn;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trace.ExpressionPresenter;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.ItemType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.TypeHierarchy;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.BooleanValue;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.SequenceType;
* A QuantifiedExpression tests whether some/all items in a sequence satisfy
* some condition.
public class QuantifiedExpression extends Assignation {
private int operator; // Token.SOME or Token.EVERY
* Set the operator, either {@link Token#SOME} or {@link Token#EVERY}
* @param operator the operator
public void setOperator(int operator) {
this.operator = operator;
* Get the operator, either {@link Token#SOME} or {@link Token#EVERY}
* @return the operator
public int getOperator() {
return operator;
* Determine the static cardinality
public int computeCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.EXACTLY_ONE;
* Type-check the expression
public Expression typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ItemType contextItemType) throws XPathException {
final TypeHierarchy th = visitor.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
// The order of events is critical here. First we ensure that the type of the
// sequence expression is established. This is used to establish the type of the variable,
// which in turn is required when type-checking the action part.
sequence = visitor.typeCheck(sequence, contextItemType);
if (Literal.isEmptySequence(sequence)) {
return Literal.makeLiteral(BooleanValue.get(operator != Token.SOME));
// "some" and "every" have no ordering constraints
Optimizer opt = visitor.getConfiguration().getOptimizer();
sequence = ExpressionTool.unsorted(opt, sequence, false);
SequenceType decl = getRequiredType();
SequenceType sequenceType = SequenceType.makeSequenceType(decl.getPrimaryType(),
RoleLocator role = new RoleLocator(RoleLocator.VARIABLE, getVariableQName(), 0);
sequence = TypeChecker.strictTypeCheck(
sequence, sequenceType, role, visitor.getStaticContext());
ItemType actualItemType = sequence.getItemType(th);
sequence.getSpecialProperties(), visitor, this);
//declaration = null; // let the garbage collector take it
action = visitor.typeCheck(action, contextItemType);
XPathException err = TypeChecker.ebvError(action, visitor.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy());
if (err != null) {
throw err;
return this;
* Perform optimisation of an expression and its subexpressions.
* <p/>
* <p>This method is called after all references to functions and variables have been resolved
* to the declaration of the function or variable, and after all type checking has been done.</p>
* @param visitor an expression visitor
* @param contextItemType the static type of "." at the point where this expression is invoked.
* The parameter is set to null if it is known statically that the context item will be undefined.
* If the type of the context item is not known statically, the argument is set to
* {@link org.pdf4j.saxon.type.Type#ITEM_TYPE}
* @return the original expression, rewritten if appropriate to optimize execution
* @throws XPathException if an error is discovered during this phase
* (typically a type error)
public Expression optimize(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ItemType contextItemType) throws XPathException {
Optimizer opt = visitor.getConfiguration().getOptimizer();
sequence = visitor.optimize(sequence, contextItemType);
action = visitor.optimize(action, contextItemType);
Expression ebv = BooleanFn.rewriteEffectiveBooleanValue(action, visitor, contextItemType);
if (ebv != null) {
action = ebv;
PromotionOffer offer = new PromotionOffer(opt);
offer.containingExpression = this;
offer.action = PromotionOffer.RANGE_INDEPENDENT;
offer.bindingList = new Binding[] {this};
action = doPromotion(action, offer);
if (offer.containingExpression instanceof LetExpression) {
offer.containingExpression =
visitor.optimize(visitor.typeCheck(offer.containingExpression, contextItemType), contextItemType);
return offer.containingExpression;
* Check to ensure that this expression does not contain any updating subexpressions.
* This check is overridden for those expressions that permit updating subexpressions.
* @throws org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException
* if the expression has a non-permitted updateing subexpression
public void checkForUpdatingSubexpressions() throws XPathException {
* Determine whether this is an updating expression as defined in the XQuery update specification
* @return true if this is an updating expression
public boolean isUpdatingExpression() {
return false;
* Copy an expression. This makes a deep copy.
* @return the copy of the original expression
public Expression copy() {
QuantifiedExpression qe = new QuantifiedExpression();
Expression newAction = action.copy();
qe.variableName = variableName;
ExpressionTool.rebindVariableReferences(newAction, this, qe);
return qe;
* Given an expression that is an immediate child of this expression, test whether
* the evaluation of the parent expression causes the child expression to be
* evaluated repeatedly
* @param child the immediate subexpression
* @return true if the child expression is evaluated repeatedly
public boolean hasLoopingSubexpression(Expression child) {
return child == action;
* Determine the special properties of this expression
* @return {@link StaticProperty#NON_CREATIVE}.
public int computeSpecialProperties() {
int p = super.computeSpecialProperties();
return p | StaticProperty.NON_CREATIVE;
* Evaluate the expression to return a singleton value
public Item evaluateItem(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return BooleanValue.get(effectiveBooleanValue(context));
* Get the result as a boolean
public boolean effectiveBooleanValue(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
// First create an iteration of the base sequence.
SequenceIterator base = sequence.iterate(context);
// Now test to see if some or all of the tests are true. The same
// logic is used for the SOME and EVERY operators
final boolean some = (operator==Token.SOME);
int slot = getLocalSlotNumber();
while (true) {
final Item it =;
if (it == null) {
context.setLocalVariable(slot, it);
if (some == action.effectiveBooleanValue(context)) {
return some;
return !some;
* Determine the data type of the items returned by the expression
* @return Type.BOOLEAN
* @param th the type hierarchy cache
public ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.BOOLEAN;
* Diagnostic print of expression structure. The abstract expression tree
* is written to the supplied output destination.
public void explain(ExpressionPresenter out) {
out.emitAttribute("variable", getVariableName());
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