package org.pdf4j.saxon.event;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Controller;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.expr.XPathContext;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.Mode;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.Rule;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.ComplexType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.SchemaType;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.Type;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.Whitespace;
* The Stripper class maintains details of which elements need to be stripped.
* The code is written to act as a SAX-like filter to do the stripping.
* @author Michael H. Kay
public class Stripper extends ProxyReceiver {
private boolean preserveAll; // true if all elements have whitespace preserved
private boolean stripAll; // true if all whitespace nodes are stripped
// stripStack is used to hold information used while stripping nodes. We avoid allocating
// space on the tree itself to keep the size of nodes down. Each entry on the stack is two
// booleans, one indicates the current value of xml-space is "preserve", the other indicates
// that we are in a space-preserving element.
// We implement our own stack to avoid the overhead of allocating objects. The two booleans
// are held as the ls bits of a byte.
private byte[] stripStack = new byte[100];
private int top = 0;
// We use a collection of rules to determine whether to strip spaces; a collection
// of rules is known as a Mode. (We are reusing the code for template rule matching)
private Mode stripperMode;
// Mode expects to test an Element, so we create a dummy element for it to test
private Orphan element;
// Stripper needs a context (a) for evaluating patterns
// and (b) to provide reporting of rule conflicts.
private XPathContext context;
* Default constructor for use in subclasses
protected Stripper() {}
* create a Stripper and initialise variables
* @param stripperRules defines which elements have whitespace stripped. If
* null, all whitespace is preserved.
public Stripper(Mode stripperRules) {
stripperMode = stripperRules;
preserveAll = (stripperRules==null);
stripAll = false;
* Set the XPath context
public void setXPathContext(XPathContext context) {
this.context = context;
* Get a clean copy of this stripper
public Stripper getAnother() {
Stripper clone = new Stripper(stripperMode);
clone.stripAll = stripAll;
clone.preserveAll = preserveAll;
return clone;
* Specify that all whitespace nodes are to be stripped
public void setStripAll() {
preserveAll = false;
stripAll = true;
* Determine if all whitespace is to be stripped (in this case, no further testing
* is needed)
public boolean getStripAll() {
return stripAll;
public void setPipelineConfiguration(PipelineConfiguration pipe) {
if (pipe != null) {
if (context == null) {
Controller controller = pipe.getController();
if (controller != null) {
context = controller.newXPathContext();
if (element == null) {
element = new Orphan(pipe.getConfiguration());
* Decide whether an element is in the set of white-space preserving element types
* @param nameCode Identifies the name of the element whose whitespace is to
* be preserved
* @return ALWAYS_PRESERVE if the element is in the set of white-space preserving
* element types, ALWAYS_STRIP if the element is to be stripped regardless of the
* xml:space setting, and STRIP_DEFAULT otherwise
public byte isSpacePreserving(int nameCode) throws XPathException {
//try {
if (preserveAll) return ALWAYS_PRESERVE;
if (stripAll) return STRIP_DEFAULT;
Rule rule = stripperMode.getRule(element, context);
if (rule==null) return ALWAYS_PRESERVE;
return (((Boolean)rule.getAction()).booleanValue() ? ALWAYS_PRESERVE : STRIP_DEFAULT);
// } catch (XPathException err) {
// }
public static final byte ALWAYS_PRESERVE = 0x01; // whitespace always preserved (e.g. xsl:text)
public static final byte ALWAYS_STRIP = 0x02; // whitespace always stripped (e.g. xsl:choose)
public static final byte STRIP_DEFAULT = 0x00; // no special action
public static final byte PRESERVE_PARENT = 0x04; // parent element specifies xml:space="preserve"
public static final byte CANNOT_STRIP = 0x08; // type annotation indicates simple typed content
* Decide whether an element is in the set of white-space preserving element types.
* This version of the method is useful in cases where getting the namecode of the
* element is potentially expensive, e.g. with DOM nodes.
* @param element Identifies the element whose whitespace is possibly to
* be preserved
* @return ALWAYS_PRESERVE if the element is in the set of white-space preserving
* element types, ALWAYS_STRIP if the element is to be stripped regardless of the
* xml:space setting, and STRIP_DEFAULT otherwise
public byte isSpacePreserving(NodeInfo element) throws XPathException {
// try {
if (preserveAll) return ALWAYS_PRESERVE;
if (stripAll) return STRIP_DEFAULT;
Rule rule = stripperMode.getRule(element, context);
if (rule==null) return ALWAYS_PRESERVE;
return (((Boolean)rule.getAction()).booleanValue() ? ALWAYS_PRESERVE : STRIP_DEFAULT);
// } catch (XPathException err) {
// }
* Callback interface for SAX: not for application use
public void open () throws XPathException {
// System.err.println("Stripper#startDocument()");
top = 0;
stripStack[top] = ALWAYS_PRESERVE; // {xml:preserve = false, preserve this element = true};
public void startElement (int nameCode, int typeCode, int locationId, int properties) throws XPathException
// System.err.println("startElement " + nameCode);
nextReceiver.startElement(nameCode, typeCode, locationId, properties);
byte preserveParent = stripStack[top];
byte preserve = (byte)(preserveParent & PRESERVE_PARENT);
byte elementStrip = isSpacePreserving(nameCode);
if (elementStrip == ALWAYS_PRESERVE) {
preserve |= ALWAYS_PRESERVE;
} else if (elementStrip == ALWAYS_STRIP) {
preserve |= ALWAYS_STRIP;
if (preserve == 0 && typeCode != -1 && typeCode != StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED) {
// if the element has simple content, whitespace stripping is disabled
SchemaType type = getConfiguration().getSchemaType(typeCode);
if (type.isSimpleType() || ((ComplexType)type).isSimpleContent()) {
preserve |= CANNOT_STRIP;
// put "preserve" value on top of stack
if (top >= stripStack.length) {
byte[] newStack = new byte[top*2];
System.arraycopy(stripStack, 0, newStack, 0, top);
stripStack = newStack;
stripStack[top] = preserve;
public void attribute(int nameCode, int typeCode, CharSequence value, int locationId, int properties)
throws XPathException {
// test for xml:space="preserve" | "default"
if ((nameCode & 0xfffff) == StandardNames.XML_SPACE) {
if (value.toString().equals("preserve")) {
stripStack[top] |= PRESERVE_PARENT;
} else {
stripStack[top] &= ~PRESERVE_PARENT;
nextReceiver.attribute(nameCode, typeCode, value, locationId, properties);
* Handle an end-of-element event
public void endElement () throws XPathException
* Handle a text node
public void characters (CharSequence chars, int locationId, int properties) throws XPathException
// assume adjacent chunks of text are already concatenated
if (((((stripStack[top] & (ALWAYS_PRESERVE | PRESERVE_PARENT | CANNOT_STRIP)) != 0) &&
(stripStack[top] & ALWAYS_STRIP) == 0)
|| !Whitespace.isWhite(chars))
&& chars.length() > 0) {
nextReceiver.characters(chars, locationId, properties);
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
// License at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
// Portions created by (your name) are Copyright (C) (your legal entity). All Rights Reserved.
// Contributor(s): none.