package org.pdf4j.saxon.event;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Configuration;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.Controller;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.SaxonErrorCode;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
* Helper class to construct a serialization pipeline for a given result destination
* and a given set of output properties. The pipeline is represented by a Receiver object
* to which result tree events are sent.
* Since Saxon 8.8 is is possible to write a subclass of SerializerFactory and register it
* with the Configuration, allowing customisation of the Serializer pipeline.
* The class includes methods for instantiating each of the components used on the Serialization
* pipeline. This allows a customized SerializerFactory to replace any or all of these components
* by subclasses that refine the behaviour.
// renamed in Saxon 8.7 - previously named ResultWrapper
// changed in Saxon 8.8 to be instantiable, and registered with the Configuration
public class SerializerFactory implements Serializable {
* Create a SerializerFactory
public SerializerFactory() {
* Get a Receiver that wraps a given Result object. Saxon calls this method to construct
* a serialization pipeline. The method can be overridden in a subclass; alternatively, the
* subclass can override the various methods used to instantiate components of the serialization
* pipeline.
* <p>Note that this method ignores the {@link org.pdf4j.saxon.event.SaxonOutputKeys#WRAP} output property. If
* wrapped output is required, the user must create a {@link org.pdf4j.saxon.query.SequenceWrapper} directly.</p>
* @param result The final destination of the serialized output. Usually a StreamResult,
* but other kinds of Result are possible.
* @param pipe The PipelineConfiguration.
* @param props The serialization properties
* @return the newly constructed Receiver that performs the required serialization
public Receiver getReceiver(Result result,
PipelineConfiguration pipe,
Properties props)
throws XPathException {
if (result instanceof Emitter) {
if (((Emitter)result).getOutputProperties() == null) {
return (Emitter)result;
} else if (result instanceof Receiver) {
Receiver receiver = (Receiver)result;
return receiver;
} else if (result instanceof SAXResult) {
ContentHandlerProxy proxy = newContentHandlerProxy();
if ("yes".equals(props.getProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.SUPPLY_SOURCE_LOCATOR))) {
if (pipe.getConfiguration().isCompileWithTracing()) {
} else {
XPathException de = new XPathException("Cannot use saxon:supply-source-locator unless tracing was enabled at compile time");
throw de;
return proxy;
} else if (result instanceof StreamResult) {
// The "target" is the start of the output pipeline, the Receiver that
// instructions will actually write to (except that other things like a
// NamespaceReducer may get added in front of it). The "emitter" is the
// last thing in the output pipeline, the Receiver that actually generates
// characters or bytes that are written to the StreamResult.
Receiver target;
String method = props.getProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD);
if (method==null) {
target = newUncommittedSerializer(result, props);
return target;
Emitter emitter;
CharacterMapExpander characterMapExpander = null;
String useMaps = props.getProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.USE_CHARACTER_MAPS);
if (useMaps != null) {
Controller controller = (pipe == null ? null : pipe.getController());
if (controller == null) {
XPathException de = new XPathException("Cannot use character maps in an environment with no Controller");
throw de;
characterMapExpander = controller.makeCharacterMapExpander(useMaps, this);
ProxyReceiver normalizer = null;
String normForm = props.getProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.NORMALIZATION_FORM);
if (normForm != null && !normForm.equals("none")) {
normalizer = newUnicodeNormalizer(pipe, props);
if ("html".equals(method)) {
emitter = newHTMLEmitter();
target = createHTMLSerializer(emitter, props, pipe, characterMapExpander, normalizer);
} else if ("xml".equals(method)) {
emitter = newXMLEmitter();
target = createXMLSerializer(emitter, props, pipe, characterMapExpander, normalizer);
} else if ("xhtml".equals(method)) {
emitter = newXHTMLEmitter();
target = createXHTMLSerializer(emitter, props, pipe, characterMapExpander, normalizer);
} else if ("text".equals(method)) {
emitter = newTEXTEmitter();
target = createTextSerializer(emitter, props, pipe, characterMapExpander, normalizer);
} else if (SaxonOutputKeys.SAXON_XQUERY_METHOD.equals(method)) {
emitter = new XQueryEmitter();
props.setProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
target = createXMLSerializer(emitter, props, pipe, characterMapExpander, normalizer);
} else {
Receiver userReceiver;
if (pipe == null) {
throw new XPathException("Unsupported serialization method " + method);
} else {
userReceiver = createUserDefinedOutputMethod(method, props, pipe);
target = userReceiver;
if (userReceiver instanceof Emitter) {
emitter = (Emitter)userReceiver;
} else {
return userReceiver;
StreamResult sr = (StreamResult)result;
return target;
} else {
if (pipe != null) {
// try to find an external object model that knows this kind of Result
List externalObjectModels = pipe.getConfiguration().getExternalObjectModels();
for (int m=0; m<externalObjectModels.size(); m++) {
ExternalObjectModel model = (ExternalObjectModel)externalObjectModels.get(m);
Receiver builder = model.getDocumentBuilder(result);
if (builder != null) {
return builder;
if (result instanceof DOMResult) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Saxon cannot write a DOMResult unless saxon9-dom.jar is on the classpath");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type of result: " + result.getClass());
* Create a serialization pipeline to implement the HTML output method. This method is protected
* so that it can be customized in a user-written SerializerFactory
* @param emitter the emitter at the end of the pipeline (created using the method {@link #newHTMLEmitter}
* @param props the serialization properties
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration information
* @param characterMapExpander the filter to be used for expanding character maps defined in the stylesheet
* @param normalizer the filter used for Unicode normalization
* @return a Receiver acting as the entry point to the serialization pipeline
* @throws XPathException if a failure occurs
protected Receiver createHTMLSerializer(
Emitter emitter, Properties props, PipelineConfiguration pipe,
CharacterMapExpander characterMapExpander, ProxyReceiver normalizer) throws XPathException {
Receiver target;
target = emitter;
if (!"no".equals(props.getProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT))) {
ProxyReceiver in = newHTMLIndenter(pipe, props);
if (normalizer != null) {
target = normalizer;
if (characterMapExpander != null) {
target = characterMapExpander;
if (!"no".equals(props.getProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.ESCAPE_URI_ATTRIBUTES))) {
ProxyReceiver escaper = newHTMLURIEscaper(pipe, props);
target = escaper;
if (!"no".equals(props.getProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.INCLUDE_CONTENT_TYPE))) {
ProxyReceiver mta = newHTMLMetaTagAdjuster(pipe, props);
return target;
* Create a serialization pipeline to implement the text output method. This method is protected
* so that it can be customized in a user-written SerializerFactory
* @param emitter the emitter at the end of the pipeline (created using the method {@link #newTEXTEmitter}
* @param props the serialization properties
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration information
* @param characterMapExpander the filter to be used for expanding character maps defined in the stylesheet
* @param normalizer the filter used for Unicode normalization
* @return a Receiver acting as the entry point to the serialization pipeline
* @throws XPathException if a failure occurs
protected Receiver createTextSerializer(
Emitter emitter, Properties props, PipelineConfiguration pipe,
CharacterMapExpander characterMapExpander, ProxyReceiver normalizer) throws XPathException {
Receiver target;
target = emitter;
if (characterMapExpander != null) {
target = characterMapExpander;
if (normalizer != null) {
target = normalizer;
return target;
* Create a serialization pipeline to implement the XHTML output method. This method is protected
* so that it can be customized in a user-written SerializerFactory
* @param emitter the emitter at the end of the pipeline (created using the method {@link #newXHTMLEmitter}
* @param props the serialization properties
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration information
* @param characterMapExpander the filter to be used for expanding character maps defined in the stylesheet
* @param normalizer the filter used for Unicode normalization
* @return a Receiver acting as the entry point to the serialization pipeline
* @throws XPathException if a failure occurs
protected Receiver createXHTMLSerializer(
Emitter emitter, Properties props, PipelineConfiguration pipe,
CharacterMapExpander characterMapExpander, ProxyReceiver normalizer) throws XPathException {
// Ensure that the XHTML namespace is registered in the NamePool. Without this, the meta-tag insertion can fail
Receiver target;
target = emitter;
if (!"no".equals(props.getProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT))) {
ProxyReceiver in = newXHTMLIndenter(pipe, props);
if (normalizer != null) {
target = normalizer;
if (characterMapExpander != null) {
target = characterMapExpander;
String cdataElements = props.getProperty(OutputKeys.CDATA_SECTION_ELEMENTS);
if (cdataElements!=null && cdataElements.length()>0) {
ProxyReceiver filter = newCDATAFilter(pipe, props);
target = filter;
if (!"no".equals(props.getProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.ESCAPE_URI_ATTRIBUTES))) {
ProxyReceiver escaper = newHTMLURIEscaper(pipe, props);
target = escaper;
if (!"no".equals(props.getProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.INCLUDE_CONTENT_TYPE))) {
ProxyReceiver mta = newXHTMLMetaTagAdjuster(pipe, props);
return target;
* Create a serialization pipeline to implement the XML output method. This method is protected
* so that it can be customized in a user-written SerializerFactory
* @param emitter the emitter at the end of the pipeline (created using the method {@link #newXHTMLEmitter}
* @param props the serialization properties
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration information
* @param characterMapExpander the filter to be used for expanding character maps defined in the stylesheet
* @param normalizer the filter used for Unicode normalization
* @return a Receiver acting as the entry point to the serialization pipeline
* @throws XPathException if a failure occurs
protected Receiver createXMLSerializer(
Emitter emitter, Properties props, PipelineConfiguration pipe,
CharacterMapExpander characterMapExpander, ProxyReceiver normalizer) throws XPathException {
Receiver target;
target = emitter;
if ("1.0".equals(props.getProperty(OutputKeys.VERSION)) &&
pipe.getConfiguration().getXMLVersion() == Configuration.XML11) {
// Check result meets XML 1.0 constraints if configuration allows XML 1.1 input but
// this result document must conform to 1.0
ProxyReceiver in = newXML10ContentChecker(pipe, props);
if ("yes".equals(props.getProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT))) {
ProxyReceiver in = newXMLIndenter(pipe, props);
if (normalizer != null) {
target = normalizer;
if (characterMapExpander != null) {
target = characterMapExpander;
String cdataElements = props.getProperty(OutputKeys.CDATA_SECTION_ELEMENTS);
if (cdataElements!=null && cdataElements.length()>0) {
ProxyReceiver filter = newCDATAFilter(pipe, props);
target = filter;
return target;
* Create a serialization pipeline to implement a user-defined output method. This method is protected
* so that it can be customized in a user-written SerializerFactory
* @param method the name of the user-defined output method, as a QName in Clark format
* (that is "{uri}local").
* @param props the serialization properties
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration information
* @return a Receiver acting as the entry point to the serialization pipeline
* @throws XPathException if a failure occurs
protected Receiver createUserDefinedOutputMethod(String method, Properties props, PipelineConfiguration pipe) throws XPathException {
Receiver userReceiver;// See if this output method is recognized by the Configuration
userReceiver = pipe.getConfiguration().makeEmitter(method, pipe.getController());
if (userReceiver instanceof ContentHandlerProxy &&
"yes".equals(props.getProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.SUPPLY_SOURCE_LOCATOR))) {
if (pipe.getConfiguration().isCompileWithTracing()) {
} else {
XPathException de = new XPathException(
"Cannot use saxon:supply-source-locator unless tracing was enabled at compile time");
throw de;
return userReceiver;
* Create a ContentHandlerProxy. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @return the newly created ContentHandlerProxy.
protected ContentHandlerProxy newContentHandlerProxy() {
return new ContentHandlerProxy();
* Create an UncommittedSerializer. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @param result the result destination
* @param properties the serialization properties
* @return the newly created UncommittedSerializer.
protected UncommittedSerializer newUncommittedSerializer(Result result, Properties properties) {
return new UncommittedSerializer(result, properties);
* Create a new XML Emitter. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @return the newly created XML emitter.
protected Emitter newXMLEmitter() {
return new XMLEmitter();
* Create a new HTML Emitter. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @return the newly created HTML emitter.
protected Emitter newHTMLEmitter() {
return new HTMLEmitter();
* Create a new XHTML Emitter. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @return the newly created XHTML emitter.
protected Emitter newXHTMLEmitter() {
return new XHTMLEmitter();
* Create a new Text Emitter. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @return the newly created text emitter.
protected Emitter newTEXTEmitter() {
return new TEXTEmitter();
* Create a new XML Indenter. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration
* @param outputProperties the serialization parameters
* @return the newly created XML indenter.
protected ProxyReceiver newXMLIndenter(PipelineConfiguration pipe, Properties outputProperties) {
XMLIndenter r = new XMLIndenter();
return r;
* Create a new HTML Indenter. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration
* @param outputProperties the serialization parameters
* @return the newly created HTML indenter.
protected ProxyReceiver newHTMLIndenter(PipelineConfiguration pipe, Properties outputProperties) {
HTMLIndenter r = new HTMLIndenter();
return r;
* Create a new XHTML Indenter. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration
* @param outputProperties the serialization parameters
* @return the newly created XHTML indenter.
protected ProxyReceiver newXHTMLIndenter(PipelineConfiguration pipe, Properties outputProperties) {
XHTMLIndenter r = new XHTMLIndenter();
return r;
* Create a new XHTML MetaTagAdjuster, responsible for insertion, removal, or replacement of meta
* elements. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration
* @param outputProperties the serialization parameters
* @return the newly created XHTML MetaTagAdjuster.
protected MetaTagAdjuster newXHTMLMetaTagAdjuster(PipelineConfiguration pipe, Properties outputProperties) {
MetaTagAdjuster r = new MetaTagAdjuster();
return r;
* Create a new XHTML MetaTagAdjuster, responsible for insertion, removal, or replacement of meta
* elements. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration
* @param outputProperties the serialization parameters
* @return the newly created HTML MetaTagAdjuster.
protected MetaTagAdjuster newHTMLMetaTagAdjuster(PipelineConfiguration pipe, Properties outputProperties) {
MetaTagAdjuster r = new MetaTagAdjuster();
return r;
* Create a new HTML URI Escaper, responsible for percent-encoding of URIs in
* HTML output documents. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration
* @param outputProperties the serialization parameters
* @return the newly created HTML URI escaper.
protected ProxyReceiver newHTMLURIEscaper(PipelineConfiguration pipe, Properties outputProperties) {
HTMLURIEscaper r = new HTMLURIEscaper();
return r;
* Create a new CDATA Filter, responsible for insertion of CDATA sections where required.
* This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration
* @param outputProperties the serialization parameters
* @return the newly created CDATA filter.
protected ProxyReceiver newCDATAFilter(PipelineConfiguration pipe, Properties outputProperties) throws XPathException {
CDATAFilter r = new CDATAFilter();
return r;
* Create a new XML 1.0 content checker, responsible for checking that the output conforms to
* XML 1.0 rules (this is used only if the Configuration supports XML 1.1 but the specific output
* file requires XML 1.0). This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration
* @param outputProperties the serialization parameters
* @return the newly created XML 1.0 content checker.
protected ProxyReceiver newXML10ContentChecker(PipelineConfiguration pipe, Properties outputProperties) {
XML10ContentChecker r = new XML10ContentChecker();
return r;
* Create a Unicode Normalizer. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @param pipe the pipeline configuration
* @param outputProperties the serialization parameters
* @return the newly created Unicode normalizer.
protected ProxyReceiver newUnicodeNormalizer(PipelineConfiguration pipe, Properties outputProperties) throws XPathException {
String normForm = outputProperties.getProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.NORMALIZATION_FORM);
UnicodeNormalizer r = new UnicodeNormalizer(normForm);
return r;
* Create a new CharacterMapExpander. This method exists so that it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @return the newly created CharacterMapExpander.
public CharacterMapExpander newCharacterMapExpander() {
return new CharacterMapExpander();
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// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael H. Kay.
// Portions created by (your name) are Copyright (C) (your legal entity). All Rights Reserved.
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