Package org.pdf4j.saxon.dotnet

Source Code of org.pdf4j.saxon.dotnet.NodeWrapper$ChildEnumeration

package org.pdf4j.saxon.dotnet;

import cli.System.Xml.*;

import org.pdf4j.saxon.Configuration;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.NamespaceReducer;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.event.Receiver;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern.NameTest;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.pattern.NodeTest;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.sort.IntHashSet;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.sort.IntIterator;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.sort.IntSet;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.type.Type;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.AtomicValue;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.StringValue;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.UntypedAtomicValue;
import org.pdf4j.saxon.value.Value;

import java.util.ArrayList;

* A node in the XML parse tree representing an XML element, character content, or attribute.<P>
* This is the implementation of the NodeInfo interface used as a wrapper for DOM nodes as
* provided in the .NET System.Xml implementation.

public class NodeWrapper implements NodeInfo, VirtualNode, SiblingCountingNode {

    protected XmlNode node;
    private int namecode = -1;
    protected short nodeKind;
    protected NodeWrapper parent;     // null means unknown
    protected DocumentWrapper docWrapper;
    protected int index;            // -1 means unknown
    protected int span = 1;         // the number of adjacent text nodes wrapped by this NodeWrapper.
    // If span>1, node will always be the first of a sequence of adjacent text nodes

     * This constructor is protected: nodes should be created using the makeWrapper
     * factory method
     * @param node   The DOM node to be wrapped
     * @param parent The NodeWrapper that wraps the parent of this node
     * @param index  Position of this node among its siblings
    protected NodeWrapper(XmlNode node, NodeWrapper parent, int index) {
        //System.err.println("Creating NodeWrapper for " +node);
        this.node = node;
        this.parent = parent;
        this.index = index;

    NodeWrapper() {

     * Factory method to wrap a DOM node with a wrapper that implements the Saxon
     * NodeInfo interface.
     * @param node       The DOM node
     * @param docWrapper The wrapper for the containing Document node
     * @return The new wrapper for the supplied node
     * @throws NullPointerException if the node or the document wrapper are null
    protected NodeWrapper makeWrapper(XmlNode node, DocumentWrapper docWrapper) {
        if (node == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("NodeWrapper#makeWrapper: Node must not be null");
        if (docWrapper == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("NodeWrapper#makeWrapper: DocumentWrapper must not be null");
        return makeWrapper(node, docWrapper, null, -1);

     * Factory method to wrap a DOM node with a wrapper that implements the Saxon
     * NodeInfo interface.
     * @param node       The DOM node
     * @param docWrapper The wrapper for the containing Document node     *
     * @param parent     The wrapper for the parent of the JDOM node
     * @param index      The position of this node relative to its siblings
     * @return The new wrapper for the supplied node

    protected NodeWrapper makeWrapper(XmlNode node, DocumentWrapper docWrapper,
                                      NodeWrapper parent, int index) {
        NodeWrapper wrapper;
        switch (node.get_NodeType().Value) {
            case XmlNodeType.Document:
                //case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
                return docWrapper;
            case XmlNodeType.Element:
                wrapper = new NodeWrapper(node, parent, index);
                wrapper.nodeKind = Type.ELEMENT;
            case XmlNodeType.Attribute:
                wrapper = new NodeWrapper(node, parent, index);
                wrapper.nodeKind = Type.ATTRIBUTE;
            case XmlNodeType.Text:
            case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
            case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
            case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                wrapper = new NodeWrapper(node, parent, index);
                wrapper.nodeKind = Type.TEXT;

            case XmlNodeType.Comment:
                wrapper = new NodeWrapper(node, parent, index);
                wrapper.nodeKind = Type.COMMENT;
            case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
                wrapper = new NodeWrapper(node, parent, index);
                wrapper.nodeKind = Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported node type in DOM! " + node.get_NodeType() + " instance " + node.toString());
        wrapper.docWrapper = docWrapper;
        return wrapper;

     * Get the underlying DOM node, to implement the VirtualNode interface

    public Object getUnderlyingNode() {
        return node;

     * Get the configuration

    public Configuration getConfiguration() {
        return docWrapper.getConfiguration();

     * Get the name pool for this node
     * @return the NamePool

    public NamePool getNamePool() {
        return docWrapper.getNamePool();

     * Return the type of node.
     * @return one of the values Node.ELEMENT, Node.TEXT, Node.ATTRIBUTE, etc.

    public int getNodeKind() {
        return nodeKind;

     * Get the typed value of the item

    public SequenceIterator getTypedValue() {
        return SingletonIterator.makeIterator((AtomicValue)atomize());

     * Get the typed value. The result of this method will always be consistent with the method
     * {@link}. However, this method is often more convenient and may be
     * more efficient, especially in the common case where the value is expected to be a singleton.
     * @return the typed value. If requireSingleton is set to true, the result will always be an
     *         AtomicValue. In other cases it may be a Value representing a sequence whose items are atomic
     *         values.
     * @since 8.5

    public Value atomize() {
        switch (getNodeKind()) {
            case Type.COMMENT:
            case Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION:
                return new StringValue(getStringValueCS());
                return new UntypedAtomicValue(getStringValueCS());

     * Get the type annotation

    public int getTypeAnnotation() {
        if (getNodeKind() == Type.ATTRIBUTE) {
            return StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED_ATOMIC;
        return StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED;

     * Determine whether this is the same node as another node. <br />
     * Note: a.isSameNodeInfo(b) if and only if generateId(a)==generateId(b)
     * @return true if this Node object and the supplied Node object represent the
     *         same node in the tree.

    public boolean isSameNodeInfo(NodeInfo other) {
        // On .NET, the DOM appears to guarantee that the same node is always represented
        // by the same object

        return other instanceof NodeWrapper && node == ((NodeWrapper)other).node;


     * The equals() method compares nodes for identity. It is defined to give the same result
     * as isSameNodeInfo().
     * @param other the node to be compared with this node
     * @return true if this NodeInfo object and the supplied NodeInfo object represent
     *         the same node in the tree.
     * @since 8.7 Previously, the effect of the equals() method was not defined. Callers
     *        should therefore be aware that third party implementations of the NodeInfo interface may
     *        not implement the correct semantics. It is safer to use isSameNodeInfo() for this reason.
     *        The equals() method has been defined because it is useful in contexts such as a Java Set or HashMap.

    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        return other instanceof NodeInfo && isSameNodeInfo((NodeInfo)other);

     * The hashCode() method obeys the contract for hashCode(): that is, if two objects are equal
     * (represent the same node) then they must have the same hashCode()
     * @since 8.7 Previously, the effect of the equals() and hashCode() methods was not defined. Callers
     *        should therefore be aware that third party implementations of the NodeInfo interface may
     *        not implement the correct semantics.

    public int hashCode() {
        FastStringBuffer buffer = new FastStringBuffer(20);
        return buffer.toString().hashCode();

     * Get the System ID for the node.
     * @return the System Identifier of the entity in the source document containing the node,
     *         or null if not known. Note this is not the same as the base URI: the base URI can be
     *         modified by xml:base, but the system ID cannot.

    public String getSystemId() {
        return docWrapper.baseURI;

    public void setSystemId(String uri) {
        docWrapper.baseURI = uri;

     * Get the Base URI for the node, that is, the URI used for resolving a relative URI contained
     * in the node. In the DOM model, base URIs are held only an the document level.

    public String getBaseURI() {
        NodeInfo n = this;
        if (getNodeKind() != Type.ELEMENT) {
            n = getParent();
        return ((NodeWrapper)n).node.get_BaseURI();

     * Get line number
     * @return the line number of the node in its original source document; or -1 if not available

    public int getLineNumber() {
        return -1;

     * Get column number
     * @return the column number of the node in its original source document; or -1 if not available

    public int getColumnNumber() {
        return -1;

     * Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
     * The other node will always be in the same document.
     * @param other The other node, whose position is to be compared with this node
     * @return -1 if this node precedes the other node, +1 if it follows the other
     *         node, or 0 if they are the same node. (In this case, isSameNode() will always
     *         return true, and the two nodes will produce the same result for generateId())

    public int compareOrder(NodeInfo other) {
        if (other instanceof SiblingCountingNode) {
            return Navigator.compareOrder(this, (SiblingCountingNode)other);
        } else {
            // it's presumably a Namespace Node
            return -other.compareOrder(this);

     * Return the string value of the node. The interpretation of this depends on the type
     * of node. For an element it is the accumulated character content of the element,
     * including descendant elements.
     * @return the string value of the node

    public String getStringValue() {
        return getStringValueCS().toString();


     * Get the value of the item as a CharSequence. This is in some cases more efficient than
     * the version of the method that returns a String.

    public CharSequence getStringValueCS() {
        switch (nodeKind) {
            case Type.DOCUMENT:
            case Type.ELEMENT:
                return node.get_InnerText();

            case Type.ATTRIBUTE:
                return node.get_Value();

            case Type.TEXT:
                if (span == 1) {
                    return node.get_InnerText();
                } else {
                    FastStringBuffer fsb = new FastStringBuffer(100);
                    XmlNode textNode = node;
                    for (int i = 0; i < span; i++) {
                        textNode = textNode.get_NextSibling();
                    return fsb.condense();

            case Type.COMMENT:
            case Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION:
                return node.get_Value();

                return "";

     * Get name code. The name code is a coded form of the node name: two nodes
     * with the same name code have the same namespace URI, the same local name,
     * and the same prefix. By masking the name code with &0xfffff, you get a
     * fingerprint: two nodes with the same fingerprint have the same local name
     * and namespace URI.
     * @see allocate

    public int getNameCode() {
        if (namecode != -1) {
            // this is a memo function
            return namecode;
        int nodeKind = getNodeKind();
        if (nodeKind == Type.ELEMENT || nodeKind == Type.ATTRIBUTE) {
            String prefix = node.get_Prefix();
            if (prefix == null) {
                prefix = "";
            namecode = docWrapper.getNamePool().allocate(prefix, getURI(), getLocalPart());
            return namecode;
        } else if (nodeKind == Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION) {
            namecode = docWrapper.getNamePool().allocate("", "", getLocalPart());
            return namecode;
        } else {
            return -1;

     * Get fingerprint. The fingerprint is a coded form of the expanded name
     * of the node: two nodes
     * with the same name code have the same namespace URI and the same local name.
     * A fingerprint of -1 should be returned for a node with no name.

    public int getFingerprint() {
        int nc = getNameCode();
        if (nc == -1) {
            return -1;
        return nc & NamePool.FP_MASK;

     * Get the local part of the name of this node. This is the name after the ":" if any.
     * @return the local part of the name. For an unnamed node, returns null, except for
     *         un unnamed namespace node, which returns "".

    public String getLocalPart() {
        return node.get_LocalName();

     * Get the URI part of the name of this node. This is the URI corresponding to the
     * prefix, or the URI of the default namespace if appropriate.
     * @return The URI of the namespace of this node. For an unnamed node,
     *         or for a node with an empty prefix, return an empty
     *         string.

    public String getURI() {
        NodeInfo element;
        if (nodeKind == Type.ELEMENT) {
            element = this;
        } else if (nodeKind == Type.ATTRIBUTE) {
            element = parent;
        } else {
            return "";

        // The DOM methods getPrefix() and getNamespaceURI() do not always
        // return the prefix and the URI; they both return null, unless the
        // prefix and URI have been explicitly set in the node by using DOM
        // level 2 interfaces. There's no obvious way of deciding whether
        // an element whose name has no prefix is in the default namespace,
        // other than searching for a default namespace declaration. So we have to
        // be prepared to search.

        // If getPrefix() and getNamespaceURI() are non-null, however,
        // we can use the values.

        String uri = node.get_NamespaceURI();
        if (uri != null) {
            return uri;

        // Otherwise we have to work it out the hard way...

        if (node.get_Name().startsWith("xml:")) {
            return NamespaceConstant.XML;

        String[] parts;
        try {
            parts = Name11Checker.getInstance().getQNameParts(node.get_Name());
            // use the XML 1.1 rules: these will do because it should already have been checked
        } catch (QNameException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid QName in DOM node. " + e);

        if (nodeKind == Type.ATTRIBUTE && parts[0].length() == 0) {
            // for an attribute, no prefix means no namespace
            uri = "";
        } else {
            AxisIterator nsiter = element.iterateAxis(Axis.NAMESPACE);
            while (true) {
                NodeInfo ns = (NodeInfo);
                if (ns == null) {
                if (ns.getLocalPart().equals(parts[0])) {
                    uri = ns.getStringValue();
            if (uri == null) {
                if (parts[0].length() == 0) {
                    uri = "";
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Undeclared namespace prefix in DOM input: " + parts[0]);
        return uri;

     * Get the prefix of the name of the node. This is defined only for elements and attributes.
     * If the node has no prefix, or for other kinds of node, return a zero-length string.
     * This implementation simply returns the prefix defined in the DOM model; this is not strictly
     * accurate in all cases, but is good enough for the purpose.
     * @return The prefix of the name of the node.

    public String getPrefix() {
        return node.get_Prefix();

     * Get the display name of this node. For elements and attributes this is [prefix:]localname.
     * For unnamed nodes, it is an empty string.
     * @return The display name of this node.
     *         For a node with no name, return an empty string.

    public String getDisplayName() {
        switch (nodeKind) {
            case Type.ELEMENT:
            case Type.ATTRIBUTE:
            case Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION:
                return node.get_Name();
                return "";


     * Get the NodeInfo object representing the parent of this node

    public NodeInfo getParent() {
        if (parent == null) {
            switch (getNodeKind()) {
                case Type.ATTRIBUTE:
                    parent = makeWrapper(((XmlAttribute)node).get_OwnerElement(), docWrapper);
                    XmlNode p = node.get_ParentNode();
                    if (p == null) {
                        return null;
                    } else {
                        parent = makeWrapper(p, docWrapper);
        return parent;

     * Get the index position of this node among its siblings (starting from 0).
     * In the case of a text node that maps to several adjacent siblings in the DOM,
     * the numbering actually refers to the position of the underlying DOM nodes;
     * thus the sibling position for the text node is that of the first DOM node
     * to which it relates, and the numbering of subsequent XPath nodes is not necessarily
     * consecutive.

    public int getSiblingPosition() {
        if (index == -1) {
            switch (nodeKind) {
                case Type.ELEMENT:
                case Type.TEXT:
                case Type.COMMENT:
                case Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION:
                    int ix = 0;
                    XmlNode start = node;
                    while (true) {
                        start = start.get_PreviousSibling();
                        if (start == null) {
                            index = ix;
                            return ix;
                case Type.ATTRIBUTE:
                    ix = 0;
                    int fp = getFingerprint();
                    AxisIterator iter = parent.iterateAxis(Axis.ATTRIBUTE);
                    while (true) {
                        NodeInfo n = (NodeInfo);
                        if (n == null || n.getFingerprint() == fp) {
                            index = ix;
                            return ix;

                case Type.NAMESPACE:
                    ix = 0;
                    fp = getFingerprint();
                    iter = parent.iterateAxis(Axis.NAMESPACE);
                    while (true) {
                        NodeInfo n = (NodeInfo);
                        if (n == null || n.getFingerprint() == fp) {
                            index = ix;
                            return ix;
                    index = 0;
                    return index;
        return index;

     * Return an iteration over the nodes reached by the given axis from this node
     * @param axisNumber the axis to be used
     * @return a SequenceIterator that scans the nodes reached by the axis in turn.

    public AxisIterator iterateAxis(byte axisNumber) {
        switch (axisNumber) {
            case Axis.ANCESTOR:
                if (nodeKind == Type.DOCUMENT) {
                    return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
                return new Navigator.AncestorEnumeration(this, false);

            case Axis.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF:
                if (nodeKind == Type.DOCUMENT) {
                    return SingleNodeIterator.makeIterator(this);
                return new Navigator.AncestorEnumeration(this, true);

            case Axis.ATTRIBUTE:
                if (nodeKind != Type.ELEMENT) {
                    return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
                return new AttributeEnumeration(this);

            case Axis.CHILD:
                if (hasChildNodes()) {
                    return new ChildEnumeration(this, true, true);
                } else {
                    return EmptyIterator.getInstance();

            case Axis.DESCENDANT:
                if (hasChildNodes()) {
                    return new Navigator.DescendantEnumeration(this, false, true);
                } else {
                    return EmptyIterator.getInstance();

            case Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF:
                return new Navigator.DescendantEnumeration(this, true, true);

            case Axis.FOLLOWING:
                return new Navigator.FollowingEnumeration(this);

            case Axis.FOLLOWING_SIBLING:
                switch (nodeKind) {
                    case Type.DOCUMENT:
                    case Type.ATTRIBUTE:
                    case Type.NAMESPACE:
                        return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
                        return new ChildEnumeration(this, false, true);

            case Axis.NAMESPACE:
                if (nodeKind != Type.ELEMENT) {
                    return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
                return NamespaceIterator.makeIterator(this, null);

            case Axis.PARENT:
                return SingleNodeIterator.makeIterator(parent);

            case Axis.PRECEDING:
                return new Navigator.PrecedingEnumeration(this, false);

            case Axis.PRECEDING_SIBLING:
                switch (nodeKind) {
                    case Type.DOCUMENT:
                    case Type.ATTRIBUTE:
                    case Type.NAMESPACE:
                        return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
                        return new ChildEnumeration(this, false, false);

            case Axis.SELF:
                return SingleNodeIterator.makeIterator(this);

            case Axis.PRECEDING_OR_ANCESTOR:
                return new Navigator.PrecedingEnumeration(this, true);

                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown axis number " + axisNumber);

     * Return an iteration over the nodes reached by the given axis from this node
     * @param axisNumber the axis to be used
     * @param nodeTest   A pattern to be matched by the returned nodes
     * @return a SequenceIterator that scans the nodes reached by the axis in turn.

    public AxisIterator iterateAxis(byte axisNumber, NodeTest nodeTest) {
        return new Navigator.AxisFilter(iterateAxis(axisNumber), nodeTest);

     * Get the value of a given attribute of this node
     * @param fingerprint The fingerprint of the attribute name
     * @return the attribute value if it exists or null if not

    public String getAttributeValue(int fingerprint) {
        NameTest test = new NameTest(Type.ATTRIBUTE, fingerprint, getNamePool());
        AxisIterator iterator = iterateAxis(Axis.ATTRIBUTE, test);
        NodeInfo attribute = (NodeInfo);
        if (attribute == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return attribute.getStringValue();

     * Get the root node - always a document node with this tree implementation
     * @return the NodeInfo representing the containing document

    public NodeInfo getRoot() {
        return docWrapper;

     * Get the root (document) node
     * @return the DocumentInfo representing the containing document

    public DocumentInfo getDocumentRoot() {
        return docWrapper;

     * Determine whether the node has any children. <br />
     * Note: the result is equivalent to <br />
     * getEnumeration(Axis.CHILD, AnyNodeTest.getInstance()).hasNext()

    public boolean hasChildNodes() {
        return node.get_NodeType().Value != XmlNodeType.Attribute &&

     * Get a character string that uniquely identifies this node.
     * Note: a.isSameNode(b) if and only if generateId(a)==generateId(b)
     * @param buffer a buffer to contain a string that uniquely identifies this node, across all
     *               documents

    public void generateId(FastStringBuffer buffer) {
        Navigator.appendSequentialKey(this, buffer, true);

     * Get the document number of the document containing this node. For a free-standing
     * orphan node, just return the hashcode.

    public int getDocumentNumber() {
        return getDocumentRoot().getDocumentNumber();

     * Copy this node to a given outputter (deep copy)

    public void copy(Receiver out, int whichNamespaces, boolean copyAnnotations, int locationId) throws XPathException {
        Receiver r = new NamespaceReducer(out);
        Navigator.copy(this, r, docWrapper.getNamePool(), whichNamespaces, copyAnnotations, locationId);

     * Get all namespace undeclarations and undeclarations defined on this element.
     * @param buffer If this is non-null, and the result array fits in this buffer, then the result
     *               may overwrite the contents of this array, to avoid the cost of allocating a new array on the heap.
     * @return An array of integers representing the namespace declarations and undeclarations present on
     *         this element. For a node other than an element, return null. Otherwise, the returned array is a
     *         sequence of namespace codes, whose meaning may be interpreted by reference to the name pool. The
     *         top half word of each namespace code represents the prefix, the bottom half represents the URI.
     *         If the bottom half is zero, then this is a namespace undeclaration rather than a declaration.
     *         The XML namespace is never included in the list. If the supplied array is larger than required,
     *         then the first unused entry will be set to -1.
     *         <p/>
     *         <p>For a node other than an element, the method returns null.</p>

    public int[] getDeclaredNamespaces(int[] buffer) {
        // Note: in a DOM created by the XML parser, all namespaces are present as attribute nodes. But
        // in a DOM created programmatically, this is not necessarily the case. So we need to add
        // namespace bindings for the namespace of the element and any attributes
        if (node.get_NodeType().Value == XmlNodeType.Element) {
            XmlElement elem = (XmlElement)node;
            XmlNamedNodeMap atts = elem.get_Attributes();
            IntSet codes = new IntHashSet();
            NamePool pool = getNamePool();
            for (int i = 0; i < atts.get_Count(); i++) {
                XmlAttribute att = (XmlAttribute)atts.Item(i);
                String attName = att.get_Name();
                if (attName.equals("xmlns")) {
                    String prefix = "";
                    String uri = att.get_Value();
                    codes.add(pool.allocateNamespaceCode(prefix, uri));
                } else if (attName.startsWith("xmlns:")) {
                    String prefix = attName.substring(6);
                    String uri = att.get_Value();
                    codes.add(pool.allocateNamespaceCode(prefix, uri));
                } else if (att.get_NamespaceURI().length() != 0) {
                    codes.add(pool.allocateNamespaceCode(att.get_Prefix(), att.get_NamespaceURI()));

            if (elem.get_NamespaceURI().length() != 0) {
                codes.add(pool.allocateNamespaceCode(elem.get_Prefix(), elem.get_NamespaceURI()));
            int count = codes.size();
            int[] result = new int[count];
            int p = 0;
            for (IntIterator ii = codes.iterator(); ii.hasNext();) {
                 result[p++] =;
            return result;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Determine whether this node has the is-id property
     * @return true if the node is an ID

    public boolean isId() {
        return false;

     * Determine whether this node has the is-idref property
     * @return true if the node is an IDREF or IDREFS element or attribute

    public boolean isIdref() {
        return false;

     * Determine whether the node has the is-nilled property
     * @return true if the node has the is-nilled property

    public boolean isNilled() {
        return false;

    private final class AttributeEnumeration implements AxisIterator, LookaheadIterator {

        private ArrayList attList = new ArrayList(10);
        private int ix = 0;
        private NodeWrapper start;
        private NodeWrapper current;

        public AttributeEnumeration(NodeWrapper start) {
            this.start = start;
            XmlNamedNodeMap atts = start.node.get_Attributes();
            if (atts != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < atts.get_Count(); i++) {
                    String name = atts.Item(i).get_Name();
                    if (!(name.startsWith("xmlns") &&
                            (name.length() == 5 || name.charAt(5) == ':'))) {
            ix = 0;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return ix < attList.size();

        public boolean moveNext() {
            return (next() != null);

        public Item next() {
            if (ix >= attList.size()) {
                return null;
            current = start.makeWrapper(
                    (XmlAttribute)attList.get(ix), docWrapper, start, ix);
            return current;

        public Item current() {
            return current;

        public int position() {
            return ix + 1;

        public void close() {

         * Return an iterator over an axis, starting at the current node.
         * @param axis the axis to iterate over, using a constant such as
         *             {@link Axis#CHILD}
         * @param test a predicate to apply to the nodes before returning them.

        public AxisIterator iterateAxis(byte axis, NodeTest test) {
            return current.iterateAxis(axis, test);

         * Return the atomized value of the current node.
         * @return the atomized value.
         * @throws NullPointerException if there is no current node

        public Value atomize() throws XPathException {
            return current.atomize();

         * Return the string value of the current node.
         * @return the string value, as an instance of CharSequence.
         * @throws NullPointerException if there is no current node

        public CharSequence getStringValue() {
            return current.getStringValueCS();

        public SequenceIterator getAnother() {
            return new AttributeEnumeration(start);

         * Get properties of this iterator, as a bit-significant integer.
         * @return the properties of this iterator. This will be some combination of
         *         properties such as {@link #GROUNDED}, {@link #LAST_POSITION_FINDER},
         *         and {@link #LOOKAHEAD}. It is always
         *         acceptable to return the value zero, indicating that there are no known special properties.
         *         It is acceptable for the properties of the iterator to change depending on its state.

        public int getProperties() {
            return LOOKAHEAD;

     * The class ChildEnumeration handles not only the child axis, but also the
     * following-sibling and preceding-sibling axes. It can also iterate the children
     * of the start node in reverse order, something that is needed to support the
     * preceding and preceding-or-ancestor axes (the latter being used by xsl:number)

    private final class ChildEnumeration extends AxisIteratorImpl implements LookaheadIterator {

        private NodeWrapper start;
        private ArrayList items = new ArrayList(20);
        private int ix = 0;
        private boolean downwards;  // iterate children of start node (not siblings)
        private boolean forwards;   // iterate in document order (not reverse order)

        public ChildEnumeration(NodeWrapper start,
                                boolean downwards, boolean forwards) {
            this.start = start;
            this.downwards = downwards;
            this.forwards = forwards;
            position = 0;

            NodeWrapper commonParent;
            if (downwards) {
                commonParent = start;
            } else {
                commonParent = (NodeWrapper)start.getParent();

            XmlNodeList childNodes = commonParent.node.get_ChildNodes();
            if (downwards) {
                if (!forwards) {
                    // backwards enumeration: go to the end
                    ix = childNodes.get_Count() - 1;
            } else {
                ix = start.getSiblingPosition() + (forwards ? span : -1);

            if (forwards) {
                boolean previousText = false;
                for (int i = ix; i < childNodes.get_Count(); i++) {
                    boolean thisText = false;
                    XmlNode node = childNodes.Item(i);
                    switch (node.get_NodeType().Value) {
                        case XmlNodeType.DocumentType:
                        case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration:
                        case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
//                            System.err.println("Found an entity reference node:");
//                            System.err.println("Name: " + node.get_Name());
//                            System.err.println("InnerText: " + node.get_InnerText());
//                            System.err.println("Previous: " + node.get_PreviousSibling());
//                            System.err.println("Previous.InnerText: " + (node.get_PreviousSibling()==null ? "null" : node.get_PreviousSibling().get_InnerText()));
//                            System.err.println("Next: " + node.get_NextSibling());
//                            System.err.println("Next.InnerText: " + (node.get_NextSibling()==null ? "null" : node.get_NextSibling().get_InnerText()));
//                            break;
                        case XmlNodeType.Text:
                        case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                        case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
                        case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                            thisText = true;
                            if (previousText) {
//                                if (isAtomizing()) {
//                                    UntypedAtomicValue old = (UntypedAtomicValue)(items.get(items.size()-1));
//                                    String newval = old.getStringValue() + getStringValue(node, node.get_NodeType().Value);
//                                    items.set(items.size()-1, new UntypedAtomicValue(newval));
//                                } else {
                                NodeWrapper old = ((NodeWrapper)items.get(items.size() - 1));
//                                }
                            // otherwise fall through to default case
                            previousText = thisText;
//                            if (isAtomizing()) {
//                                items.add(new UntypedAtomicValue(
//                                        getStringValue(node, node.get_NodeType().Value)));
//                            } else {
                            items.add(makeWrapper(node, docWrapper, commonParent, i));
//                            }
            } else {
                boolean previousText = false;
                for (int i = ix; i >= 0; i--) {
                    boolean thisText = false;
                    XmlNode node = childNodes.Item(i);
                    switch (node.get_NodeType().Value) {
                        case XmlNodeType.DocumentType:
                        case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration:
                        case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
//                            System.err.println("Found an entity reference node:");
//                            System.err.println("Name: " + node.get_Name());
//                            System.err.println("InnerText: " + node.get_InnerText());
//                            System.err.println("Previous: " + node.get_PreviousSibling());
//                            System.err.println("Previous.InnerText: " + (node.get_PreviousSibling()==null ? "null" : node.get_PreviousSibling().get_InnerText()));
//                            System.err.println("Next: " + node.get_NextSibling());
//                            System.err.println("Next.InnerText: " + (node.get_NextSibling()==null ? "null" : node.get_NextSibling().get_InnerText()));
//                            break;
                        case XmlNodeType.Text:
                        case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                        case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
                        case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                            thisText = true;
                            if (previousText) {
//                                if (isAtomizing()) {
//                                    UntypedAtomicValue old = (UntypedAtomicValue)(items.get(items.size()-1));
//                                    String newval = old.getStringValue() + getStringValue(node, node.get_NodeType().Value);
//                                    items.set(items.size()-1, new UntypedAtomicValue(newval));
//                                } else {
                                NodeWrapper old = ((NodeWrapper)items.get(items.size() - 1));
                                old.node = node;
//                                }
                            // otherwise fall through to default case
                            previousText = thisText;
//                            if (isAtomizing()) {
//                                items.add(new UntypedAtomicValue(
//                                        getStringValue(node, node.get_NodeType().Value)));
//                            } else {
                            items.add(makeWrapper(node, docWrapper, commonParent, i));
//                            }

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return position < items.size();

        public Item next() {
            if (position < items.size()) {
                current = (NodeInfo)items.get(position++);
                return current;
            } else {
                return null;

        public SequenceIterator getAnother() {
            return new ChildEnumeration(start, downwards, forwards);

         * Get properties of this iterator, as a bit-significant integer.
         * @return the properties of this iterator. This will be some combination of
         *         properties such as {@link #GROUNDED}, {@link #LAST_POSITION_FINDER},
         *         and {@link #LOOKAHEAD}. It is always
         *         acceptable to return the value zero, indicating that there are no known special properties.
         *         It is acceptable for the properties of the iterator to change depending on its state.

        public int getProperties() {
            return LOOKAHEAD;

    } // end of class ChildEnumeration


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// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is: all this file.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael Kay
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Related Classes of org.pdf4j.saxon.dotnet.NodeWrapper$ChildEnumeration

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