* Version: CPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Anders Bengtsson <ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jan Arne Petersen <jpetersen@uni-bonn.de>
* Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <sma@3plus4.de>
* Copyright (C) 2005 Charles O Nutter <headius@headius.com>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Damian Steer <pldms@mac.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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* the terms of any one of the CPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.util.io;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channel;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.IllegalBlockingModeException;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel;
import org.jruby.Finalizable;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.platform.Platform;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.JRubyFile;
import org.jruby.util.log.Logger;
import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory;
import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider;
* This file implements a seekable IO file.
public class ChannelStream implements Stream, Finalizable {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("ChannelStream");
private final static boolean DEBUG = false;
* The size of the read/write buffer allocated for this stream.
* This size has been scaled back from its original 16k because although
* the larger buffer size results in raw File.open times being rather slow
* (due to the cost of instantiating a relatively large buffer). We should
* try to find a happy medium, or potentially pool buffers, or perhaps even
* choose a value based on platform(??), but for now I am reducing it along
* with changes for the "large read" patch from JRUBY-2657.
public final static int BUFSIZE = 4 * 1024;
* The size at which a single read should turn into a chunkier bulk read.
* Currently, this size is about 4x a normal buffer size.
* This size was not really arrived at experimentally, and could potentially
* be increased. However, it seems like a "good size" and we should
* probably only adjust it if it turns out we would perform better with a
* larger buffer for large bulk reads.
private final static int BULK_READ_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
private final static ByteBuffer EMPTY_BUFFER = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);
* A cached EOFException. Since EOFException is only used by us internally,
* we create a single instance to avoid stack trace generation. Comment out
* the initialization of this field to cause a new one each time.
private static EOFException eofException = new EOFException();
private volatile Ruby runtime;
protected ModeFlags modes;
protected boolean sync = false;
protected volatile ByteBuffer buffer; // r/w buffer
protected boolean reading; // are we reading or writing?
private ChannelDescriptor descriptor;
private boolean blocking = true;
protected int ungotc = -1;
private volatile boolean closedExplicitly = false;
private volatile boolean eof = false;
private volatile boolean autoclose = true;
private ChannelStream(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor, boolean autoclose) {
this.runtime = runtime;
this.descriptor = descriptor;
this.modes = descriptor.getOriginalModes();
buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(BUFSIZE);
this.reading = true;
this.autoclose = autoclose;
private ChannelStream(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor, ModeFlags modes, boolean autoclose) {
this(runtime, descriptor, autoclose);
this.modes = modes;
public Ruby getRuntime() {
return runtime;
public void checkReadable() throws IOException {
if (!modes.isReadable()) throw new IOException("not opened for reading");
public void checkWritable() throws IOException {
if (!modes.isWritable()) throw new IOException("not opened for writing");
public void checkPermissionsSubsetOf(ModeFlags subsetModes) {
public ModeFlags getModes() {
return modes;
public boolean isSync() {
return sync;
public void setSync(boolean sync) {
this.sync = sync;
public void setBinmode() {
// No-op here, no binmode handling needed.
public boolean isBinmode() {
return false;
public boolean isAutoclose() {
return autoclose;
public void setAutoclose(boolean autoclose) {
this.autoclose = autoclose;
* Implement IO#wait as per io/wait in MRI.
* waits until input available or timed out and returns self, or nil when EOF reached.
* The default implementation loops while ready returns 0.
public void waitUntilReady() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
while (ready() == 0) {
public boolean readDataBuffered() {
return reading && (ungotc != -1 || buffer.hasRemaining());
public boolean writeDataBuffered() {
return !reading && buffer.position() > 0;
private final int refillBuffer() throws IOException {
int n = ((ReadableByteChannel) descriptor.getChannel()).read(buffer);
return n;
public synchronized ByteList fgets(ByteList separatorString) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
if (separatorString == null) {
return readall();
final ByteList separator = (separatorString == PARAGRAPH_DELIMETER) ?
PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR : separatorString;
if (feof()) {
return null;
int c = read();
if (c == -1) {
return null;
// unread back
buffer.position(buffer.position() - 1);
ByteList buf = new ByteList(40);
byte first = separator.getUnsafeBytes()[separator.getBegin()];
LineLoop : while (true) {
ReadLoop: while (true) {
byte[] bytes = buffer.array();
int offset = buffer.position();
int max = buffer.limit();
// iterate over remainder of buffer until we find a match
for (int i = offset; i < max; i++) {
c = bytes[i];
if (c == first) {
// terminate and advance buffer when we find our char
buf.append(bytes, offset, i - offset);
if (i >= max) {
} else {
buffer.position(i + 1);
break ReadLoop;
// no match, append remainder of buffer and continue with next block
buf.append(bytes, offset, buffer.remaining());
int read = refillBuffer();
if (read == -1) break LineLoop;
// found a match above, check if remaining separator characters match, appending as we go
for (int i = 0; i < separator.getRealSize(); i++) {
if (c == -1) {
break LineLoop;
} else if (c != separator.getUnsafeBytes()[separator.getBegin() + i]) {
continue LineLoop;
if (i < separator.getRealSize() - 1) {
c = read();
if (separatorString == PARAGRAPH_DELIMETER) {
while (c == separator.getUnsafeBytes()[separator.getBegin()]) {
c = read();
return buf;
public synchronized int getline(ByteList dst, byte terminator) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
int totalRead = 0;
boolean found = false;
if (ungotc != -1) {
dst.append((byte) ungotc);
found = ungotc == terminator;
ungotc = -1;
while (!found) {
final byte[] bytes = buffer.array();
final int begin = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position();
final int end = begin + buffer.remaining();
int len = 0;
for (int i = begin; i < end && !found; ++i) {
found = bytes[i] == terminator;
if (len > 0) {
dst.append(buffer, len);
totalRead += len;
if (!found) {
int n = refillBuffer();
if (n <= 0) {
if (n < 0 && totalRead < 1) {
return -1;
return totalRead;
public synchronized int getline(ByteList dst, byte terminator, long limit) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
int totalRead = 0;
boolean found = false;
if (ungotc != -1) {
dst.append((byte) ungotc);
found = ungotc == terminator;
ungotc = -1;
while (!found) {
final byte[] bytes = buffer.array();
final int begin = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position();
final int end = begin + buffer.remaining();
int len = 0;
for (int i = begin; i < end && limit-- > 0 && !found; ++i) {
found = bytes[i] == terminator;
if (limit < 1) found = true;
if (len > 0) {
dst.append(buffer, len);
totalRead += len;
if (!found) {
int n = refillBuffer();
if (n <= 0) {
if (n < 0 && totalRead < 1) {
return -1;
return totalRead;
* @deprecated readall do busy loop for the IO which has NONBLOCK bit. You
* should implement the logic by yourself with fread().
public synchronized ByteList readall() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
final long fileSize = descriptor.isSeekable() && descriptor.getChannel() instanceof FileChannel
? ((FileChannel) descriptor.getChannel()).size() : 0;
// Check file size - special files in /proc have zero size and need to be
// handled by the generic read path.
if (fileSize > 0) {
FileChannel channel = (FileChannel)descriptor.getChannel();
final long left = fileSize - channel.position() + bufferedInputBytesRemaining();
if (left <= 0) {
eof = true;
return null;
if (left > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
if (getRuntime() != null) {
throw getRuntime().newIOError("File too large");
} else {
throw new IOException("File too large");
ByteList result = new ByteList((int) left);
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(result.getUnsafeBytes(),
result.begin(), (int) left);
// Copy any buffered data (including ungetc byte)
// Now read unbuffered directly from the file
while (buf.hasRemaining()) {
final int MAX_READ_CHUNK = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
// When reading into a heap buffer, the jvm allocates a temporary
// direct ByteBuffer of the requested size. To avoid allocating
// a huge direct buffer when doing ludicrous reads (e.g. 1G or more)
// we split the read up into chunks of no more than 1M
ByteBuffer tmp = buf.duplicate();
if (tmp.remaining() > MAX_READ_CHUNK) {
tmp.limit(tmp.position() + MAX_READ_CHUNK);
int n = channel.read(tmp);
if (n <= 0) {
eof = true;
return result;
} else if (descriptor.isNull()) {
return new ByteList(0);
} else {
ByteList byteList = new ByteList();
ByteList read = fread(BUFSIZE);
if (read == null) {
eof = true;
return byteList;
while (read != null) {
read = fread(BUFSIZE);
return byteList;
* Copies bytes from the channel buffer into a destination <tt>ByteBuffer</tt>
* @param dst A <tt>ByteBuffer</tt> to place the data in.
* @return The number of bytes copied.
private final int copyBufferedBytes(ByteBuffer dst) {
final int bytesToCopy = dst.remaining();
if (ungotc != -1 && dst.hasRemaining()) {
dst.put((byte) ungotc);
ungotc = -1;
if (buffer.hasRemaining() && dst.hasRemaining()) {
if (dst.remaining() >= buffer.remaining()) {
// Copy out any buffered bytes
} else {
// Need to clamp source (buffer) size to avoid overrun
ByteBuffer tmp = buffer.duplicate();
tmp.limit(tmp.position() + dst.remaining());
return bytesToCopy - dst.remaining();
* Copies bytes from the channel buffer into a destination <tt>ByteBuffer</tt>
* @param dst A <tt>ByteBuffer</tt> to place the data in.
* @return The number of bytes copied.
private final int copyBufferedBytes(byte[] dst, int off, int len) {
int bytesCopied = 0;
if (ungotc != -1 && len > 0) {
dst[off++] = (byte) ungotc;
ungotc = -1;
final int n = Math.min(len - bytesCopied, buffer.remaining());
buffer.get(dst, off, n);
bytesCopied += n;
return bytesCopied;
* Copies bytes from the channel buffer into a destination <tt>ByteBuffer</tt>
* @param dst A <tt>ByteList</tt> to place the data in.
* @param len The maximum number of bytes to copy.
* @return The number of bytes copied.
private final int copyBufferedBytes(ByteList dst, int len) {
int bytesCopied = 0;
dst.ensure(Math.min(len, bufferedInputBytesRemaining()));
if (bytesCopied < len && ungotc != -1) {
dst.append((byte) ungotc);
ungotc = -1;
// Copy out any buffered bytes
if (bytesCopied < len && buffer.hasRemaining()) {
int n = Math.min(buffer.remaining(), len - bytesCopied);
dst.append(buffer, n);
bytesCopied += n;
return bytesCopied;
* Returns a count of how many bytes are available in the read buffer
* @return The number of bytes that can be read without reading the underlying stream.
private final int bufferedInputBytesRemaining() {
return reading ? (buffer.remaining() + (ungotc != -1 ? 1 : 0)) : 0;
* Tests if there are bytes remaining in the read buffer.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if there are bytes available in the read buffer.
private final boolean hasBufferedInputBytes() {
return reading && (buffer.hasRemaining() || ungotc != -1);
* Returns a count of how many bytes of space is available in the write buffer.
* @return The number of bytes that can be written to the buffer without flushing
* to the underlying stream.
private final int bufferedOutputSpaceRemaining() {
return !reading ? buffer.remaining() : 0;
* Tests if there is space available in the write buffer.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if there are bytes available in the write buffer.
private final boolean hasBufferedOutputSpace() {
return !reading && buffer.hasRemaining();
* Closes IO handler resources.
* @throws IOException
* @throws BadDescriptorException
public void fclose() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
try {
synchronized (this) {
closedExplicitly = true;
close(); // not closing from finalize
} finally {
Ruby localRuntime = getRuntime();
// Make sure we remove finalizers while not holding self lock,
// otherwise there is a possibility for a deadlock!
if (localRuntime != null) localRuntime.removeInternalFinalizer(this);
// clear runtime so it doesn't get stuck in memory (JRUBY-2933)
runtime = null;
* Internal close.
* @throws IOException
* @throws BadDescriptorException
private void close() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
// finish and close ourselves
private void finish(boolean close) throws BadDescriptorException, IOException {
try {
if (DEBUG) LOG.info("Descriptor for fileno {} closed by stream", descriptor.getFileno());
} finally {
buffer = EMPTY_BUFFER;
// clear runtime so it doesn't get stuck in memory (JRUBY-2933)
runtime = null;
// finish descriptor
* @throws IOException
* @throws BadDescriptorException
public synchronized int fflush() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
try {
} catch (EOFException eofe) {
return -1;
return 0;
* Flush the write buffer to the channel (if needed)
* @throws IOException
private void flushWrite() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
if (reading || !modes.isWritable() || buffer.position() == 0) return; // Don't bother
int len = buffer.position();
int n = descriptor.write(buffer);
if(n != len) {
// TODO: check the return value here
* Flush the write buffer to the channel (if needed)
* @throws IOException
private boolean flushWrite(final boolean block) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
if (reading || !modes.isWritable() || buffer.position() == 0) return false; // Don't bother
int len = buffer.position();
int nWritten = 0;
// For Sockets, only write as much as will fit.
if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) {
SelectableChannel selectableChannel = (SelectableChannel)descriptor.getChannel();
synchronized (selectableChannel.blockingLock()) {
boolean oldBlocking = selectableChannel.isBlocking();
try {
if (oldBlocking != block) {
nWritten = descriptor.write(buffer);
} finally {
if (oldBlocking != block) {
} else {
nWritten = descriptor.write(buffer);
if (nWritten != len) {
return false;
return true;
public InputStream newInputStream() {
InputStream in = descriptor.getBaseInputStream();
return in == null ? new InputStreamAdapter(this) : in;
public OutputStream newOutputStream() {
return new OutputStreamAdapter(this);
public void clearerr() {
eof = false;
* @throws IOException
* @throws BadDescriptorException
public boolean feof() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
if (eof) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* @throws IOException
public synchronized long fgetpos() throws IOException, PipeException, InvalidValueException, BadDescriptorException {
// Correct position for read / write buffering (we could invalidate, but expensive)
if (descriptor.isSeekable()) {
FileChannel fileChannel = (FileChannel)descriptor.getChannel();
long pos = fileChannel.position();
// Adjust for buffered data
if (reading) {
pos -= buffer.remaining();
return pos - (pos > 0 && ungotc != -1 ? 1 : 0);
} else {
return pos + buffer.position();
} else if (descriptor.isNull()) {
return 0;
} else {
throw new PipeException();
* Implementation of libc "lseek", which seeks on seekable streams, raises
* EPIPE if the fd is assocated with a pipe, socket, or FIFO, and doesn't
* do anything for other cases (like stdio).
* @throws IOException
* @throws InvalidValueException
public synchronized void lseek(long offset, int type) throws IOException, InvalidValueException, PipeException, BadDescriptorException {
if (descriptor.isSeekable()) {
FileChannel fileChannel = (FileChannel)descriptor.getChannel();
ungotc = -1;
int adj = 0;
if (reading) {
// for SEEK_CUR, need to adjust for buffered data
adj = buffer.remaining();
} else {
try {
switch (type) {
case SEEK_SET:
case SEEK_CUR:
fileChannel.position(fileChannel.position() - adj + offset);
case SEEK_END:
fileChannel.position(fileChannel.size() + offset);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new InvalidValueException();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw ioe;
} else if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) {
// TODO: It's perhaps just a coincidence that all the channels for
// which we should raise are instanceof SelectableChannel, since
// stdio is not...so this bothers me slightly. -CON
throw new PipeException();
} else {
public synchronized void sync() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
* Ensure buffer is ready for reading, flushing remaining writes if required
* @throws IOException
private void ensureRead() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
if (reading) return;
reading = true;
* Ensure buffer is ready for reading, flushing remaining writes if required
* @throws IOException
private void ensureReadNonBuffered() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
if (reading) {
if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
Ruby localRuntime = getRuntime();
if (localRuntime != null) {
throw localRuntime.newIOError("sysread for buffered IO");
} else {
throw new IOException("sysread for buffered IO");
} else {
// libc flushes writes on any read from the actual file, so we flush here
reading = true;
private void resetForWrite() throws IOException {
if (descriptor.isSeekable()) {
FileChannel fileChannel = (FileChannel)descriptor.getChannel();
if (buffer.hasRemaining()) { // we have read ahead, and need to back up
fileChannel.position(fileChannel.position() - buffer.remaining());
// FIXME: Clearing read buffer here...is this appropriate?
reading = false;
* Ensure buffer is ready for writing.
* @throws IOException
private void ensureWrite() throws IOException {
if (!reading) return;
public synchronized ByteList read(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
ByteList byteList = new ByteList(number);
// TODO this should entry into error handling somewhere
int bytesRead = descriptor.read(number, byteList);
if (bytesRead == -1) {
eof = true;
return byteList;
private ByteList bufferedRead(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
int resultSize = 0;
// 128K seems to be the minimum at which the stat+seek is faster than reallocation
final int BULK_THRESHOLD = 128 * 1024;
if (number >= BULK_THRESHOLD && descriptor.isSeekable() && descriptor.getChannel() instanceof FileChannel) {
// If it is a file channel, then we can pre-allocate the output buffer
// to the total size of buffered + remaining bytes in file
FileChannel fileChannel = (FileChannel) descriptor.getChannel();
resultSize = (int) Math.min(fileChannel.size() - fileChannel.position() + bufferedInputBytesRemaining(), number);
} else {
// Cannot discern the total read length - allocate at least enough for the buffered data
resultSize = Math.min(bufferedInputBytesRemaining(), number);
ByteList result = new ByteList(resultSize);
bufferedRead(result, number);
return result;
private int bufferedRead(ByteList dst, int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
int bytesRead = 0;
// Copy what is in the buffer, if there is some buffered data
bytesRead += copyBufferedBytes(dst, number);
boolean done = false;
// Avoid double-copying for reads that are larger than the buffer size
while ((number - bytesRead) >= BUFSIZE) {
// limit each iteration to a max of BULK_READ_SIZE to avoid over-size allocations
final int bytesToRead = Math.min(BULK_READ_SIZE, number - bytesRead);
final int n = descriptor.read(bytesToRead, dst);
if (n == -1) {
eof = true;
done = true;
} else if (n == 0) {
done = true;
bytesRead += n;
// Complete the request by filling the read buffer first
while (!done && bytesRead < number) {
int read = refillBuffer();
if (read == -1) {
eof = true;
} else if (read == 0) {
// append what we read into our buffer and allow the loop to continue
final int len = Math.min(buffer.remaining(), number - bytesRead);
dst.append(buffer, len);
bytesRead += len;
if (bytesRead == 0 && number != 0) {
if (eof) {
throw newEOFException();
return bytesRead;
private EOFException newEOFException() {
if (eofException != null) {
return eofException;
} else {
return new EOFException();
private int bufferedRead(ByteBuffer dst, boolean partial) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
boolean done = false;
int bytesRead = 0;
// Copy what is in the buffer, if there is some buffered data
bytesRead += copyBufferedBytes(dst);
// Avoid double-copying for reads that are larger than the buffer size, or
// the destination is a direct buffer.
while ((bytesRead < 1 || !partial) && (dst.remaining() >= BUFSIZE || dst.isDirect())) {
ByteBuffer tmpDst = dst;
if (!dst.isDirect()) {
// We limit reads to BULK_READ_SIZED chunks to avoid NIO allocating
// a huge temporary native buffer, when doing reads into a heap buffer
// If the dst buffer is direct, then no need to limit.
int bytesToRead = Math.min(BULK_READ_SIZE, dst.remaining());
if (bytesToRead < dst.remaining()) {
tmpDst = dst.duplicate();
tmpDst.limit(tmpDst.position() + bytesToRead);
int n = descriptor.read(tmpDst);
if (n == -1) {
eof = true;
done = true;
} else if (n == 0) {
done = true;
} else {
bytesRead += n;
// Complete the request by filling the read buffer first
while (!done && dst.hasRemaining() && (bytesRead < 1 || !partial)) {
int read = refillBuffer();
if (read == -1) {
eof = true;
done = true;
} else if (read == 0) {
done = true;
} else {
// append what we read into our buffer and allow the loop to continue
bytesRead += copyBufferedBytes(dst);
if (eof && bytesRead == 0 && dst.remaining() != 0) {
throw newEOFException();
return bytesRead;
private int bufferedRead() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) {
int len = refillBuffer();
if (len == -1) {
eof = true;
return -1;
} else if (len == 0) {
return -1;
return buffer.get() & 0xFF;
* @throws IOException
* @throws BadDescriptorException
private int bufferedWrite(ByteList buf) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
// Ruby ignores empty syswrites
if (buf == null || buf.length() == 0) return 0;
if (buf.length() > buffer.capacity()) { // Doesn't fit in buffer. Write immediately.
flushWrite(); // ensure nothing left to write
int n = descriptor.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf.getUnsafeBytes(), buf.begin(), buf.length()));
if(n != buf.length()) {
// TODO: check the return value here
} else {
if (buf.length() > buffer.remaining()) flushWrite();
buffer.put(buf.getUnsafeBytes(), buf.begin(), buf.length());
if (isSync()) flushWrite();
return buf.getRealSize();
* @throws IOException
* @throws BadDescriptorException
private int bufferedWrite(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
// Ruby ignores empty syswrites
if (buf == null || !buf.hasRemaining()) return 0;
final int nbytes = buf.remaining();
if (nbytes >= buffer.capacity()) { // Doesn't fit in buffer. Write immediately.
flushWrite(); // ensure nothing left to write
// TODO: check the return value here
} else {
if (nbytes > buffer.remaining()) flushWrite();
if (isSync()) flushWrite();
return nbytes - buf.remaining();
* @throws IOException
* @throws BadDescriptorException
private int bufferedWrite(int c) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) flushWrite();
buffer.put((byte) c);
if (isSync()) flushWrite();
return 1;
public synchronized void ftruncate(long newLength) throws IOException,
BadDescriptorException, InvalidValueException {
Channel ch = descriptor.getChannel();
if (!(ch instanceof FileChannel)) {
throw new InvalidValueException();
FileChannel fileChannel = (FileChannel)ch;
long position = fileChannel.position();
if (newLength > fileChannel.size()) {
// truncate can't lengthen files, so we save position, seek/write, and go back
int difference = (int)(newLength - fileChannel.size());
// FIXME: This worries me a bit, since it could allocate a lot with a large newLength
} else {
* Invalidate buffer before a position change has occurred (e.g. seek),
* flushing writes if required, and correcting file position if reading
* @throws IOException
private void invalidateBuffer() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
if (!reading) flushWrite();
int posOverrun = buffer.remaining(); // how far ahead we are when reading
if (reading) {
// if the read buffer is ahead, back up
FileChannel fileChannel = (FileChannel)descriptor.getChannel();
if (posOverrun != 0) fileChannel.position(fileChannel.position() - posOverrun);
* Ensure close (especially flush) when we're finished with.
public void finalize() throws Throwable {
if (closedExplicitly) return;
if (DEBUG) {
LOG.info("finalize() for not explicitly closed stream");
// FIXME: I got a bunch of NPEs when I didn't check for nulls here...HOW?!
if (descriptor != null && descriptor.isOpen()) {
// tidy up
public int ready() throws IOException {
if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) {
int ready_stat = 0;
java.nio.channels.Selector sel = SelectorFactory.openWithRetryFrom(null, ((SelectableChannel) descriptor.getChannel()).provider());
SelectableChannel selchan = (SelectableChannel)descriptor.getChannel();
synchronized (selchan.blockingLock()) {
boolean is_block = selchan.isBlocking();
try {
selchan.register(sel, java.nio.channels.SelectionKey.OP_READ);
ready_stat = sel.selectNow();
} catch (Throwable ex) {
} finally {
if (sel != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return ready_stat;
} else {
return newInputStream().available();
public synchronized void fputc(int c) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
public int ungetc(int c) {
if (c == -1) {
return -1;
// putting a bit back, so we're not at EOF anymore
eof = false;
// save the ungot
ungotc = c;
return c;
public synchronized int fgetc() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
if (eof) {
return -1;
int c = read();
if (c == -1) {
eof = true;
return c;
return c & 0xff;
public synchronized int fwrite(ByteList string) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
return bufferedWrite(string);
public synchronized int write(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
return bufferedWrite(buf);
public synchronized int writenonblock(ByteList buf) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
// Ruby ignores empty syswrites
if (buf == null || buf.length() == 0) return 0;
if (buffer.position() != 0 && !flushWrite(false)) return 0;
if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) {
SelectableChannel selectableChannel = (SelectableChannel)descriptor.getChannel();
synchronized (selectableChannel.blockingLock()) {
boolean oldBlocking = selectableChannel.isBlocking();
try {
if (oldBlocking) {
return descriptor.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf.getUnsafeBytes(), buf.begin(), buf.length()));
} finally {
if (oldBlocking) {
} else {
// can't set nonblocking, so go ahead with it...not much else we can do
return descriptor.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf.getUnsafeBytes(), buf.begin(), buf.length()));
public synchronized ByteList fread(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
try {
if (number == 0) {
if (eof) {
return null;
} else {
return new ByteList(0);
return bufferedRead(number);
} catch (EOFException e) {
eof = true;
return null;
public synchronized ByteList readnonblock(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException {
assert number >= 0;
if (number == 0) {
return null;
if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) {
SelectableChannel selectableChannel = (SelectableChannel)descriptor.getChannel();
synchronized (selectableChannel.blockingLock()) {
boolean oldBlocking = selectableChannel.isBlocking();
try {
return readpartial(number);
} finally {
} else if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof FileChannel) {
return fread(number);
} else {
return null;
public synchronized ByteList readpartial(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException {
assert number >= 0;
if (number == 0) {
return null;
if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof FileChannel) {
return fread(number);
if (hasBufferedInputBytes()) {
// already have some bytes buffered, just return those
return bufferedRead(Math.min(bufferedInputBytesRemaining(), number));
} else {
// otherwise, we try an unbuffered read to get whatever's available
return read(number);
public synchronized int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException {
return read(dst, !(descriptor.getChannel() instanceof FileChannel));
public synchronized int read(ByteBuffer dst, boolean partial) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException {
assert dst.hasRemaining();
return bufferedRead(dst, partial);
public synchronized int read() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException {
try {
if (ungotc >= 0) {
int c = ungotc;
ungotc = -1;
return c;
return bufferedRead();
} catch (EOFException e) {
eof = true;
return -1;
public ChannelDescriptor getDescriptor() {
return descriptor;
public void setBlocking(boolean block) throws IOException {
if (!(descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel)) {
synchronized (((SelectableChannel) descriptor.getChannel()).blockingLock()) {
blocking = block;
try {
((SelectableChannel) descriptor.getChannel()).configureBlocking(block);
} catch (IllegalBlockingModeException e) {
// ignore this; select() will set the correct mode when it is finished
public boolean isBlocking() {
return blocking;
public synchronized void freopen(Ruby runtime, String path, ModeFlags modes) throws DirectoryAsFileException, IOException, InvalidValueException, PipeException, BadDescriptorException {
// flush first
// reset buffer
if (reading) {
this.modes = modes;
if (descriptor.isOpen()) {
if (path.equals("/dev/null") || path.equalsIgnoreCase("nul:") || path.equalsIgnoreCase("nul")) {
descriptor = descriptor.reopen(new NullChannel(), modes);
} else {
String cwd = runtime.getCurrentDirectory();
JRubyFile theFile = JRubyFile.create(cwd,path);
if (theFile.isDirectory() && modes.isWritable()) throw new DirectoryAsFileException();
if (modes.isCreate()) {
if (theFile.exists() && modes.isExclusive()) {
throw runtime.newErrnoEEXISTError("File exists - " + path);
} else {
if (!theFile.exists()) {
throw runtime.newErrnoENOENTError("file not found - " + path);
// We always open this rw since we can only open it r or rw.
RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(theFile, modes.toJavaModeString());
if (modes.isTruncate()) file.setLength(0L);
descriptor = descriptor.reopen(file, modes);
try {
if (modes.isAppendable()) lseek(0, SEEK_END);
} catch (PipeException pe) {
// ignore, it's a pipe or fifo
public static Stream open(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor) {
return maybeWrapWithLineEndingWrapper(new ChannelStream(runtime, descriptor, true), descriptor.getOriginalModes());
public static Stream fdopen(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor, ModeFlags modes) throws InvalidValueException {
// check these modes before constructing, so we don't finalize the partially-initialized stream
return maybeWrapWithLineEndingWrapper(new ChannelStream(runtime, descriptor, modes, true), modes);
public static Stream open(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor, boolean autoclose) {
return maybeWrapWithLineEndingWrapper(new ChannelStream(runtime, descriptor, autoclose), descriptor.getOriginalModes());
public static Stream fdopen(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor, ModeFlags modes, boolean autoclose) throws InvalidValueException {
// check these modes before constructing, so we don't finalize the partially-initialized stream
return maybeWrapWithLineEndingWrapper(new ChannelStream(runtime, descriptor, modes, autoclose), modes);
private static Stream maybeWrapWithLineEndingWrapper(Stream stream, ModeFlags modes) {
if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS && stream.getDescriptor().getChannel() instanceof FileChannel && !modes.isBinary()) {
return new CRLFStreamWrapper(stream);
return stream;
public static Stream fopen(Ruby runtime, String path, ModeFlags modes) throws FileNotFoundException, DirectoryAsFileException, FileExistsException, IOException, InvalidValueException, PipeException, BadDescriptorException {
ChannelDescriptor descriptor = ChannelDescriptor.open(runtime.getCurrentDirectory(), path, modes, runtime.getClassLoader());
Stream stream = fdopen(runtime, descriptor, modes);
return stream;
public Channel getChannel() {
return getDescriptor().getChannel();
private static final class InputStreamAdapter extends java.io.InputStream {
private final ChannelStream stream;
public InputStreamAdapter(ChannelStream stream) {
this.stream = stream;
public int read() throws IOException {
synchronized (stream) {
// If it can be pulled direct from the buffer, don't go via the slow path
if (stream.hasBufferedInputBytes()) {
try {
return stream.read();
} catch (BadDescriptorException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());
byte[] b = new byte[1];
// java.io.InputStream#read must return an unsigned value;
return read(b, 0, 1) == 1 ? b[0] & 0xff: -1;
public int read(byte[] bytes, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (bytes == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("null destination buffer");
if ((len | off | (off + len) | (bytes.length - (off + len))) < 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if (len == 0) {
return 0;
try {
synchronized(stream) {
final int available = stream.bufferedInputBytesRemaining();
if (available >= len) {
return stream.copyBufferedBytes(bytes, off, len);
} else if (stream.getDescriptor().getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) {
SelectableChannel ch = (SelectableChannel) stream.getDescriptor().getChannel();
synchronized (ch.blockingLock()) {
boolean oldBlocking = ch.isBlocking();
try {
if (!oldBlocking) {
return stream.bufferedRead(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, off, len), true);
} finally {
if (!oldBlocking) {
} else {
return stream.bufferedRead(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, off, len), true);
} catch (BadDescriptorException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());
} catch (EOFException ex) {
return -1;
public int available() throws IOException {
synchronized (stream) {
return !stream.eof ? stream.bufferedInputBytesRemaining() : 0;
public void close() throws IOException {
try {
synchronized (stream) {
} catch (BadDescriptorException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());
private static final class OutputStreamAdapter extends java.io.OutputStream {
private final ChannelStream stream;
public OutputStreamAdapter(ChannelStream stream) {
this.stream = stream;
public void write(int i) throws IOException {
synchronized (stream) {
if (!stream.isSync() && stream.hasBufferedOutputSpace()) {
stream.buffer.put((byte) i);
byte[] b = { (byte) i };
write(b, 0, 1);
public void write(byte[] bytes, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (bytes == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("null source buffer");
if ((len | off | (off + len) | (bytes.length - (off + len))) < 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
try {
synchronized(stream) {
if (!stream.isSync() && stream.bufferedOutputSpaceRemaining() >= len) {
stream.buffer.put(bytes, off, len);
} else if (stream.getDescriptor().getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) {
SelectableChannel ch = (SelectableChannel) stream.getDescriptor().getChannel();
synchronized (ch.blockingLock()) {
boolean oldBlocking = ch.isBlocking();
try {
if (!oldBlocking) {
stream.bufferedWrite(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, off, len));
} finally {
if (!oldBlocking) {
} else {
stream.bufferedWrite(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, off, len));
} catch (BadDescriptorException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());
public void close() throws IOException {
try {
synchronized (stream) {
} catch (BadDescriptorException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());
public void flush() throws IOException {
try {
synchronized (stream) {
} catch (BadDescriptorException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());