package org.jruby.util;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.ISO8859_1Encoding;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyHash;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
* Encapsulate all logic associated with using Java Charset transcoding
* facilities.
// FIXME: Originally this was meant to capture invariant state. Use specialization to make this much more efficient.
public class CharsetTranscoder {
// Java seems to find these specific Java charsets but they seem to trancode
// some strings a little differently than MRI. Since Java Charset transcoding
// is a temporary implementation for us, having this gruesome hack is ok
// for the time being.
private static Set<String> BAD_TRANSCODINGS_HACK = new HashSet<String>() {{
private Encoding toEncoding;
private CodingErrorActions actions;
private Encoding forceEncoding = null;
public CharsetTranscoder(ThreadContext context, Encoding toEncoding, IRubyObject options) {
this(context, toEncoding, null, getCodingErrorActions(context, options));
public CharsetTranscoder(ThreadContext context, Encoding toEncoding, Encoding forceEncoding, CodingErrorActions actions) {
this.toEncoding = toEncoding;
this.forceEncoding = forceEncoding;
if (actions == null) {
this.actions = getCodingErrorActions(context, null);
} else {
this.actions = actions;
public ByteList transcode(ThreadContext context, ByteList value) {
Encoding fromEncoding = forceEncoding != null ? forceEncoding : value.getEncoding();
return transcode(context.runtime, value, fromEncoding);
protected ByteList transcode(Ruby runtime, ByteList value, Encoding fromEncoding) {
Encoding encoding = toEncoding != null ? toEncoding : value.getEncoding();
String toName = encoding.toString();
String fromName = fromEncoding.toString();
Charset from = transcodeCharsetFor(runtime, fromEncoding, fromName, toName);
Charset to = transcodeCharsetFor(runtime, encoding, fromName, toName);
CharsetEncoder encoder = getCharsetEncoder(to);
CharsetDecoder decoder = getCharsetDecoder(from);
ByteBuffer fromBytes = ByteBuffer.wrap(value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.begin(), value.length());
try {
ByteBuffer toBytes = encoder.encode(decoder.decode(fromBytes));
// CharsetEncoder#encode guarantees a newly-allocated buffer, so no need to copy.
return new ByteList(toBytes.array(), toBytes.arrayOffset(),
toBytes.limit() - toBytes.arrayOffset(), encoding, false);
} catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
throw runtime.newUndefinedConversionError(e.getLocalizedMessage());
* This will try and transcode the supplied ByteList to the supplied toEncoding. It will use
* forceEncoding as its encoding if it is supplied; otherwise it will use the encoding it has
* tucked away in the bytelist. This will return a new copy of a ByteList in the request
* encoding or die trying (ConverterNotFound).
* c: rb_str_conv_enc_opts
public static ByteList transcode(ThreadContext context, ByteList value, Encoding forceEncoding,
Encoding toEncoding, IRubyObject opts) {
if (toEncoding == null) return value;
return new CharsetTranscoder(context, toEncoding, forceEncoding, getCodingErrorActions(context, opts)).transcode(context, value);
public static class CodingErrorActions {
final CodingErrorAction onUnmappableCharacter;
final CodingErrorAction onMalformedInput;
final RubyString replaceWith;
CodingErrorActions(CodingErrorAction onUnmappableCharacter,
CodingErrorAction onMalformedInput, RubyString replaceWith) {
this.onUnmappableCharacter = onUnmappableCharacter;
this.onMalformedInput = onMalformedInput;
this.replaceWith = replaceWith;
public String toString() {
return "UnmappableCharacter: " + onUnmappableCharacter + ", MalformedInput: " + onMalformedInput + ", replaceWith: " + replaceWith;
public static CodingErrorActions getCodingErrorActions(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject opts) {
if (opts == null || opts.isNil()) {
return new CodingErrorActions(CodingErrorAction.REPORT,
CodingErrorAction.REPORT, null);
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
RubyHash hash = (RubyHash) opts;
CodingErrorAction onMalformedInput = CodingErrorAction.REPORT;
CodingErrorAction onUnmappableCharacter = CodingErrorAction.REPORT;
RubyString replaceWith = null;
IRubyObject replace = hash.fastARef(runtime.newSymbol("replace"));
if (replace != null && !replace.isNil()) {
RubyString replaceWithStr = replace.convertToString();
if (replaceWithStr.size() == 1) { // we can only replaceWith a single char
replaceWith = replaceWithStr;
IRubyObject invalid = hash.fastARef(runtime.newSymbol("invalid"));
if (invalid != null && invalid.op_equal(context, runtime.newSymbol("replace")).isTrue()) {
onMalformedInput = CodingErrorAction.REPLACE;
IRubyObject undef = hash.fastARef(runtime.newSymbol("undef"));
if (undef != null && undef.op_equal(context, runtime.newSymbol("replace")).isTrue()) {
onUnmappableCharacter = CodingErrorAction.REPLACE;
if (replaceWith == null && (onUnmappableCharacter == CodingErrorAction.REPLACE || onMalformedInput == CodingErrorAction.REPLACE)) {
replaceWith = context.runtime.newString("?");
return new CodingErrorActions(onUnmappableCharacter, onMalformedInput, replaceWith);
* Missing options from MRI 1.9.3 source:
* :replace ::
* Sets the replacement string to the given value. The default replacement
* string is "\uFFFD" for Unicode encoding forms, and "?" otherwise.
* :fallback ::
* Sets the replacement string by the given object for undefined
* character. The object should be a Hash, a Proc, a Method, or an
* object which has [] method.
* Its key is an undefined character encoded in the source encoding
* of current transcoder. Its value can be any encoding until it
* can be converted into the destination encoding of the transcoder.
* :xml ::
* The value must be +:text+ or +:attr+.
* If the value is +:text+ #encode replaces undefined characters with their
* (upper-case hexadecimal) numeric character references. '&', '<', and '>'
* are converted to "&", "<", and ">", respectively.
* If the value is +:attr+, #encode also quotes the replacement result
* (using '"'), and replaces '"' with """.
* :cr_newline ::
* Replaces LF ("\n") with CR ("\r") if value is true.
* :crlf_newline ::
* Replaces LF ("\n") with CRLF ("\r\n") if value is true.
* :universal_newline ::
* Replaces CRLF ("\r\n") and CR ("\r") with LF ("\n") if value is true.
private CharsetDecoder getCharsetDecoder(Charset charset) {
CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
if (actions.replaceWith != null) decoder.replaceWith(actions.replaceWith.toString());
return decoder;
private CharsetEncoder getCharsetEncoder(Charset charset) {
CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder();
if (actions.replaceWith != null) {
return encoder;
private static Charset transcodeCharsetFor(Ruby runtime, Encoding encoding, String fromName, String toName) {
if (encoding == ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) {
return ISO8859_1Encoding.INSTANCE.getCharset();
Charset from = null;
String realEncodingName = new String(encoding.getName());
// Doing a manual forName over and over sucks, but this is only meant
// to be a transitional impl. The reason for this extra mechanism is
// that jcodings is representing these encodings with an alias. So,
// for example, IBM866 ends up being associated with ISO-8859-1 which
// will not know how to trancsode higher than ascii values properly.
if (!realEncodingName.equals(encoding.getCharsetName()) && !BAD_TRANSCODINGS_HACK.contains(realEncodingName)) {
try {
from = Charset.forName(realEncodingName);
if (from != null) return from;
} catch (Exception e) {}
try {
from = encoding.getCharset();
// if we have a from charset and the name matches any non-null charset name in the encoding...
if (from != null
&& (encoding.getCharsetName() != null && {
return from;
} catch (Exception e) {}
try { // We try looking up based on Java's supported charsets...likely missing charset entry in jcodings
from = Charset.forName(encoding.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {}
if (from == null) {
throw runtime.newConverterNotFoundError("code converter not found (" + fromName + " to " + toName + ")");
return from;