import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public abstract class DataFlowProblem {
/* -------------- Public fields and methods below ---------------- */
public enum DF_Direction { FORWARD, BACKWARD, BIDIRECTIONAL };
public final DF_Direction direction;
public DataFlowProblem(DF_Direction d) {
direction = d;
variables = new ArrayList<DataFlowVar>();
nextVariableId = -1;
// ------- Abstract methods without a default implementation -------
abstract public FlowGraphNode buildFlowGraphNode(BasicBlock bb);
abstract public String getName();
// ------- Default implementation methods below -------
/** Are there are available data flow facts to run this problem? SSS FIXME: Silly optimization? */
public boolean isEmpty() {
return false;
public DF_Direction getFlowDirection() {
return direction;
public void setup(IRScope scope) {
this.scope = scope;
public IRScope getScope() {
return scope;
/* Compute Meet Over All Paths solution for this dataflow problem on the input CFG.
* This implements a standard worklist algorithm. */
public void compute_MOP_Solution() {
/** Are there are available data flow facts to run this problem? SSS FIXME: Silly optimization? */
if (!isEmpty()) {
// 2. Initialize work list based on flow direction to make processing efficient!
LinkedList<FlowGraphNode> workList = getInitialWorkList();
// 3. Initialize a bitset with a flag set for all basic blocks
int numNodes = scope.cfg().getMaxNodeID();
BitSet bbSet = new BitSet(1+numNodes);
bbSet.flip(0, numNodes);
// 4. Iteratively compute data flow info
while (!workList.isEmpty()) {
workList.removeFirst().computeDataFlowInfo(workList, bbSet);
private LinkedList<FlowGraphNode> getInitialWorkList() {
LinkedList<FlowGraphNode> wl = new LinkedList<FlowGraphNode>();
if (direction == DF_Direction.FORWARD) {
ListIterator<BasicBlock> it = scope.cfg().getReversePostOrderTraverser();
while (it.hasPrevious()) {
} else {
ListIterator<BasicBlock> it = scope.cfg().getPostOrderTraverser();
while (it.hasNext()) {
return wl;
public int getDFVarsCount() {
return variables.size();
public Iterable<BasicBlock> getIncomingSourcesOf(BasicBlock bb) {
return scope.cfg().getIncomingSources(bb);
public Iterable<BasicBlock> getOutgoingDestinationsOf(BasicBlock bb) {
return scope.cfg().getOutgoingDestinations(bb);
/* Individual analyses should override this */
public String getDataFlowVarsForOutput() {
return "";
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.append("---- Data Flow Vars: ----\n");
for (FlowGraphNode n: flowGraphNodes) {
buf.append("DF State for BB ").append(n.basicBlock.getID()).append(":\n").append(n.toString());
return buf.toString();
/* -------------- Packaged/protected fields and methods below ---------------- */
int addDataFlowVar(DataFlowVar v) {
// We want unique ids for dataflow variables
variables.add(nextVariableId, v);
return nextVariableId;
/* -------------- Protected fields and methods below ---------------- */
protected List<FlowGraphNode> flowGraphNodes;
protected IRScope scope;
protected FlowGraphNode getFlowGraphNode(BasicBlock b) {
return basicBlockToFlowGraph.get(b.getID());
/* -------------- Private fields and methods below ---------------- */
private int nextVariableId;
private ArrayList<DataFlowVar> variables;
private Map<Integer, FlowGraphNode> basicBlockToFlowGraph;
private void buildFlowGraph() {
flowGraphNodes = new LinkedList<FlowGraphNode>();
basicBlockToFlowGraph = new HashMap<Integer, FlowGraphNode>();
for (BasicBlock bb: scope.cfg().getBasicBlocks()) {
FlowGraphNode fgNode = buildFlowGraphNode(bb);
basicBlockToFlowGraph.put(bb.getID(), fgNode);