import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.exceptions.Unrescuable;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.util.log.Logger;
import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory;
* Right now, this class abstracts the following execution scopes:
* Method, Closure, Module, Class, MetaClass
* Top-level Script, and Eval Script
* In the compiler-land, IR versions of these scopes encapsulate only as much
* information as is required to convert Ruby code into equivalent Java code.
* But, in the non-compiler land, there will be a corresponding java object for
* some of these scopes which encapsulates the runtime semantics and data needed
* for implementing them. In the case of Module, Class, MetaClass, and Method,
* they also happen to be instances of the corresponding Ruby classes -- so,
* in addition to providing code that help with this specific ruby implementation,
* they also have code that let them behave as ruby instances of their corresponding
* classes.
* Examples:
* - the runtime class object might have refs. to the runtime method objects.
* - the runtime method object might have a slot for a heap frame (for when it
* has closures that need access to the method's local variables), it might
* have version information, it might have references to other methods that
* were optimized with the current version number, etc.
* - the runtime closure object will have a slot for a heap frame (for when it
* has closures within) and might get reified as a method in the java land
* (but inaccessible in ruby land). So, passing closures in Java land might
* be equivalent to passing around the method handles.
* and so on ...
public abstract class IRScope {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("IRScope");
private static Integer globalScopeCount = 0;
/** Unique global scope id */
private int scopeId;
/** Name */
private String name;
/** File within which this scope has been defined */
private final String fileName;
/** Starting line for this scope's definition */
private final int lineNumber;
/** Lexical parent scope */
private IRScope lexicalParent;
/** Parser static-scope that this IR scope corresponds to */
private StaticScope staticScope;
/** Live version of module within whose context this method executes */
private RubyModule containerModule;
/** List of IR instructions for this method */
private List<Instr> instrList;
/** Control flow graph representation of this method's instructions */
private CFG cfg;
/** List of (nested) closures in this scope */
private List<IRClosure> nestedClosures;
/** Local variables defined in this scope */
private Set<Variable> definedLocalVars;
/** Local variables used in this scope */
private Set<Variable> usedLocalVars;
/** Is %block implicit block arg unused? */
private boolean hasUnusedImplicitBlockArg;
/** %current_module and %current_scope variables */
private TemporaryVariable currentModuleVar;
private TemporaryVariable currentScopeVar;
/** Map of name -> dataflow problem */
private Map<String, DataFlowProblem> dfProbs;
private Instr[] linearizedInstrArray;
private List<BasicBlock> linearizedBBList;
protected int temporaryVariableIndex;
/** Keeps track of types of prefix indexes for variables and labels */
private Map<String, Integer> nextVarIndex;
// Index values to guarantee we don't assign same internal index twice
private int nextClosureIndex;
// List of all scopes this scope contains lexically. This is not used
// for execution, but is used during dry-runs for debugging.
List<IRScope> lexicalChildren;
protected static class LocalVariableAllocator {
public int nextSlot;
public Map<String, LocalVariable> varMap;
public LocalVariableAllocator() {
varMap = new HashMap<String, LocalVariable>();
nextSlot = 0;
public final LocalVariable getVariable(String name) {
return varMap.get(name);
public final void putVariable(String name, LocalVariable var) {
varMap.put(name, var);
LocalVariableAllocator localVars;
LocalVariableAllocator evalScopeVars;
/** Have scope flags been computed? */
private boolean flagsComputed;
/* *****************************************************************************************************
* Does this execution scope (applicable only to methods) receive a block and use it in such a way that
* all of the caller's local variables need to be materialized into a heap binding?
* Ex:
* def foo(&b)
* eval 'puts a', b
* end
* def bar
* a = 1
* foo {} # prints out '1'
* end
* Here, 'foo' can access all of bar's variables because it captures the caller's closure.
* There are 2 scenarios when this can happen (even this is conservative -- but, good enough for now)
* 1. This method receives an explicit block argument (in this case, the block can be stored, passed around,
* eval'ed against, called, etc.).
* CAVEAT: This is conservative ... it may not actually be stored & passed around, evaled, called, ...
* 2. This method has a 'super' call (ZSuper AST node -- ZSuperInstr IR instruction)
* In this case, the parent (in the inheritance hierarchy) can access the block and store it, etc. So, in reality,
* rather than assume that the parent will always do this, we can query the parent, if we can precisely identify
* the parent method (which in the face of Ruby's dynamic hierarchy, we cannot). So, be pessimistic.
* This logic was extracted from an email thread on the JRuby mailing list -- Yehuda Katz & Charles Nutter
* contributed this analysis above.
* ********************************************************************************************************/
private boolean canCaptureCallersBinding;
/* ****************************************************************************
* Does this scope define code, i.e. does it (or anybody in the downward call chain)
* do class_eval, module_eval? In the absence of any other information, we default
* to yes -- which basically leads to pessimistic but safe optimizations. But, for
* library and internal methods, this might be false.
* **************************************************************************** */
private boolean canModifyCode;
/* ****************************************************************************
* Does this scope require a binding to be materialized?
* Yes if any of the following holds true:
* - calls ''
* - calls 'eval'
* - calls 'call' (could be a call on a stored block which could be local!)
* - calls 'send' and we cannot resolve the message (method name) that is being sent!
* - calls methods that can access the caller's binding
* - calls a method which we cannot resolve now!
* - has a call whose closure requires a binding
* **************************************************************************** */
private boolean bindingHasEscaped;
/** Does this scope call any eval */
private boolean usesEval;
/** Does this scope have a break instr? */
protected boolean hasBreakInstrs;
/** Can this scope receive breaks */
protected boolean canReceiveBreaks;
/** Does this scope have a non-local return instr? */
protected boolean hasNonlocalReturns;
/** Can this scope receive a non-local return? */
public boolean canReceiveNonlocalReturns;
/** Since backref ($~) and lastline ($_) vars are allocated space on the dynamic scope,
* this is an useful flag to compute. */
private boolean usesBackrefOrLastline;
/** Does this scope call any zsuper */
private boolean usesZSuper;
/** Does this scope have loops? */
private boolean hasLoops;
/** # of thread poll instrs added to this scope */
private int threadPollInstrsCount;
/** Does this scope have explicit call protocol instructions?
* If yes, there are IR instructions for managing bindings/frames, etc.
* If not, this has to be managed implicitly as in the current runtime
* For now, only dyn-scopes are managed explicitly.
* Others will come in time */
private boolean hasExplicitCallProtocol;
/** Should we re-run compiler passes -- yes after we've inlined, for example */
private boolean relinearizeCFG;
private IRManager manager;
// Used by cloning code
protected IRScope(IRScope s, IRScope lexicalParent) {
this.lexicalParent = lexicalParent;
this.manager = s.manager;
this.fileName = s.fileName;
this.lineNumber = s.lineNumber;
this.staticScope = s.staticScope;
this.threadPollInstrsCount = s.threadPollInstrsCount;
this.nextClosureIndex = s.nextClosureIndex;
this.temporaryVariableIndex = s.temporaryVariableIndex;
this.hasLoops = s.hasLoops;
this.hasUnusedImplicitBlockArg = s.hasUnusedImplicitBlockArg;
this.instrList = null;
this.nestedClosures = new ArrayList<IRClosure>();
this.dfProbs = new HashMap<String, DataFlowProblem>();
this.nextVarIndex = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // SSS FIXME: clone!
this.cfg = null;
this.linearizedInstrArray = null;
this.linearizedBBList = null;
this.flagsComputed = s.flagsComputed;
this.canModifyCode = s.canModifyCode;
this.canCaptureCallersBinding = s.canCaptureCallersBinding;
this.hasBreakInstrs = s.hasBreakInstrs;
this.hasNonlocalReturns = s.hasNonlocalReturns;
this.canReceiveBreaks = s.canReceiveBreaks;
this.canReceiveNonlocalReturns = s.canReceiveNonlocalReturns;
this.bindingHasEscaped = s.bindingHasEscaped;
this.usesEval = s.usesEval;
this.usesBackrefOrLastline = s.usesBackrefOrLastline;
this.usesZSuper = s.usesZSuper;
this.hasExplicitCallProtocol = s.hasExplicitCallProtocol;
this.localVars = new LocalVariableAllocator(); // SSS FIXME: clone!
this.localVars.nextSlot = s.localVars.nextSlot;
this.relinearizeCFG = false;
public IRScope(IRManager manager, IRScope lexicalParent, String name,
String fileName, int lineNumber, StaticScope staticScope) {
this.manager = manager;
this.lexicalParent = lexicalParent; = name;
this.fileName = fileName;
this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
this.staticScope = staticScope;
this.threadPollInstrsCount = 0;
this.nextClosureIndex = 0;
this.temporaryVariableIndex = -1;
this.instrList = new ArrayList<Instr>();
this.nestedClosures = new ArrayList<IRClosure>();
this.dfProbs = new HashMap<String, DataFlowProblem>();
this.nextVarIndex = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
this.cfg = null;
this.linearizedInstrArray = null;
this.linearizedBBList = null;
this.hasLoops = false;
this.hasUnusedImplicitBlockArg = false;
this.flagsComputed = false;
this.hasBreakInstrs = false;
this.hasNonlocalReturns = false;
this.canReceiveBreaks = false;
this.canReceiveNonlocalReturns = false;
// These flags are true by default!
this.canModifyCode = true;
this.canCaptureCallersBinding = true;
this.bindingHasEscaped = true;
this.usesEval = true;
this.usesBackrefOrLastline = true;
this.usesZSuper = true;
this.hasExplicitCallProtocol = false;
this.localVars = new LocalVariableAllocator();
synchronized(globalScopeCount) { this.scopeId = globalScopeCount++; }
this.relinearizeCFG = false;
private final void setupLexicalContainment() {
if (manager.isDryRun()) {
lexicalChildren = new ArrayList<IRScope>();
if (lexicalParent != null) lexicalParent.addChildScope(this);
public int hashCode() {
return scopeId;
protected void addChildScope(IRScope scope) {
public List<IRScope> getLexicalScopes() {
return lexicalChildren;
public void addClosure(IRClosure c) {
public Instr getLastInstr() {
return instrList.get(instrList.size() - 1);
public void addInstrAtBeginning(Instr i) {
instrList.add(0, i);
public void addInstr(Instr i) {
// SSS FIXME: If more instructions set these flags, there may be
// a better way to do this by encoding flags in its own object
// and letting every instruction update it.
if (i instanceof ThreadPollInstr) threadPollInstrsCount++;
else if (i instanceof BreakInstr) this.hasBreakInstrs = true;
else if (i instanceof NonlocalReturnInstr) this.hasNonlocalReturns = true;
else if (i instanceof DefineMetaClassInstr) this.canReceiveNonlocalReturns = true;
public LocalVariable getNewFlipStateVariable() {
return getLocalVariable("%flip_" + allocateNextPrefixedName("%flip"), 0);
public void initFlipStateVariable(Variable v, Operand initState) {
// Add it to the beginning
instrList.add(0, new CopyInstr(v, initState));
public boolean isForLoopBody() {
return false;
public Label getNewLabel(String prefix) {
return new Label(prefix + "_" + allocateNextPrefixedName(prefix));
public Label getNewLabel() {
return getNewLabel("LBL");
public List<IRClosure> getClosures() {
return nestedClosures;
public IRManager getManager() {
return manager;
* Returns the lexical scope that contains this scope definition
public IRScope getLexicalParent() {
return lexicalParent;
public StaticScope getStaticScope() {
return staticScope;
public IRMethod getNearestMethod() {
IRScope current = this;
while (current != null && !(current instanceof IRMethod)) {
current = current.getLexicalParent();
return (IRMethod) current;
public IRScope getNearestFlipVariableScope() {
IRScope current = this;
while (current != null && !current.isFlipScope()) {
current = current.getLexicalParent();
return current;
public IRScope getNearestTopLocalVariableScope() {
IRScope current = this;
while (current != null && !current.isTopLocalVariableScope()) {
current = current.getLexicalParent();
return current;
* Returns the nearest scope which we can extract a live module from. If
* this returns null (like for evals), then it means it cannot be statically
* determined.
public IRScope getNearestModuleReferencingScope() {
IRScope current = this;
while (!(current instanceof IRModuleBody)) {
// When eval'ing, we dont have a lexical view of what module we are nested in
// because binding_eval, class_eval, module_eval, instance_eval can switch
// around the lexical scope for evaluation to be something else.
if (current == null || current instanceof IREvalScript) return null;
current = current.getLexicalParent();
return current;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { // This is for IRClosure ;( = name;
public String getFileName() {
return fileName;
public int getLineNumber() {
return lineNumber;
* Returns the top level scope
public IRScope getTopLevelScope() {
IRScope current = this;
for (; current != null && !current.isScriptScope(); current = current.getLexicalParent()) {}
return current;
public boolean isNestedInClosure(IRClosure closure) {
for (IRScope s = this; s != null && !s.isTopLocalVariableScope(); s = s.getLexicalParent()) {
if (s == closure) return true;
return false;
public void setHasLoopsFlag(boolean f) {
hasLoops = true;
public boolean hasLoops() {
return hasLoops;
public boolean hasExplicitCallProtocol() {
return hasExplicitCallProtocol;
public void setExplicitCallProtocolFlag(boolean flag) {
this.hasExplicitCallProtocol = flag;
public void setCodeModificationFlag(boolean f) {
canModifyCode = f;
public boolean modifiesCode() {
return canModifyCode;
public boolean bindingHasEscaped() {
return bindingHasEscaped;
public boolean usesBackrefOrLastline() {
return usesBackrefOrLastline;
public boolean usesEval() {
return usesEval;
public boolean usesZSuper() {
return usesZSuper;
public boolean canCaptureCallersBinding() {
return canCaptureCallersBinding;
public boolean canReceiveNonlocalReturns() {
if (this.canReceiveNonlocalReturns) {
return true;
boolean canReceiveNonlocalReturns = false;
for (IRClosure cl : getClosures()) {
if (cl.hasNonlocalReturns || cl.canReceiveNonlocalReturns()) {
canReceiveNonlocalReturns = true;
return canReceiveNonlocalReturns;
public CFG buildCFG() {
cfg = new CFG(this);;
// Clear out instruction list after CFG has been built.
this.instrList = null;
return cfg;
protected void setCFG(CFG cfg) {
this.cfg = cfg;
public CFG getCFG() {
return cfg;
private void setupLabelPCs(HashMap<Label, Integer> labelIPCMap) {
for (BasicBlock b: linearizedBBList) {
Label l = b.getLabel();
private Instr[] prepareInstructionsForInterpretation() {
if (linearizedInstrArray != null) return linearizedInstrArray; // Already prepared
try {
buildLinearization(); // FIXME: compiler passes should have done this
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
LOG.error("Error linearizing cfg: ", e);
CFG c = cfg();
LOG.error("\nGraph:\n" + c.toStringGraph());
LOG.error("\nInstructions:\n" + c.toStringInstrs());
throw e;
// Set up IPCs
HashMap<Label, Integer> labelIPCMap = new HashMap<Label, Integer>();
List<Instr> newInstrs = new ArrayList<Instr>();
int ipc = 0;
for (BasicBlock b: linearizedBBList) {
labelIPCMap.put(b.getLabel(), ipc);
List<Instr> bbInstrs = b.getInstrs();
int bbInstrsLength = bbInstrs.size();
for (int i = 0; i < bbInstrsLength; i++) {
Instr instr = bbInstrs.get(i);
if (instr instanceof Specializeable) {
instr = ((Specializeable) instr).specializeForInterpretation();
bbInstrs.set(i, instr);
if (!(instr instanceof ReceiveSelfInstr)) {
// Set up label PCs
// Exit BB ipc
cfg().getExitBB().getLabel().setTargetPC(ipc + 1);
linearizedInstrArray = newInstrs.toArray(new Instr[newInstrs.size()]);
return linearizedInstrArray;
private void runCompilerPasses() {
// SSS FIXME: Why is this again? Document this weirdness!
// Forcibly clear out the shared eval-scope variable allocator each time this method executes
// SSS FIXME: We should configure different optimization levels
// and run different kinds of analysis depending on time budget. Accordingly, we need to set
// IR levels/states (basic, optimized, etc.) and the
// ENEBO: If we use a MT optimization mechanism we cannot mutate CFG
// while another thread is using it. This may need to happen on a clone()
// and we may need to update the method to return the new method. Also,
// if this scope is held in multiple locations how do we update all references?
for (CompilerPass pass: getManager().getCompilerPasses(this)) {;
/** Run any necessary passes to get the IR ready for interpretation */
public synchronized Instr[] prepareForInterpretation(boolean isLambda) {
if (isLambda) {
// Add a global ensure block to catch uncaught breaks
// and throw a LocalJumpError.
if (((IRClosure)this).addGEBForUncaughtBreaks()) {
this.relinearizeCFG = true;
if (linearizedInstrArray != null) return linearizedInstrArray;
// Build CFG and run compiler passes, if necessary
if (getCFG() == null) runCompilerPasses();
// Linearize CFG, etc.
return prepareInstructionsForInterpretation();
/* SSS FIXME: Do we need to synchronize on this? Cache this info in a scope field? */
/** Run any necessary passes to get the IR ready for compilation */
public Tuple<Instr[], Map<Integer,Label[]>> prepareForCompilation() {
// Build CFG and run compiler passes, if necessary
if (getCFG() == null) runCompilerPasses();
// Add this always since we dont re-JIT a previously
// JIT-ted closure. But, check if there are other
// smarts available to us and eliminate adding this
// code to every closure there is.
// Add a global ensure block to catch uncaught breaks
// and throw a LocalJumpError.
if (this instanceof IRClosure && ((IRClosure)this).addGEBForUncaughtBreaks()) {
this.relinearizeCFG = true;
try {
buildLinearization(); // FIXME: compiler passes should have done this
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
LOG.error("Error linearizing cfg: ", e);
CFG c = cfg();
LOG.error("\nGraph:\n" + c.toStringGraph());
LOG.error("\nInstructions:\n" + c.toStringInstrs());
throw e;
// Set up IPCs
// FIXME: Would be nice to collapse duplicate labels; for now, using Label[]
HashMap<Integer, Label[]> ipcLabelMap = new HashMap<Integer, Label[]>();
List<Instr> newInstrs = new ArrayList<Instr>();
int ipc = 0;
for (BasicBlock b : linearizedBBList) {
Label l = b.getLabel();
ipcLabelMap.put(ipc, catLabels(ipcLabelMap.get(ipc), l));
for (Instr i : b.getInstrs()) {
if (!(i instanceof ReceiveSelfInstr)) {
return new Tuple<Instr[], Map<Integer,Label[]>>(newInstrs.toArray(new Instr[newInstrs.size()]), ipcLabelMap);
private List<Object[]> buildJVMExceptionTable() {
List<Object[]> etEntries = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
for (BasicBlock b: linearizedBBList) {
// We need handlers for:
// - RaiseException (Ruby exceptions -- handled by rescues),
// - Unrescuable (JRuby exceptions -- handled by ensures),
// - Throwable (JRuby/Java exceptions -- handled by rescues)
// in that order since Throwable < Unrescuable and Throwable < RaiseException
// Note that Throwable also catches IRReturnJump and IRBreakJump. There is
// nothing special to do for IRReturnJump. But, break-jumps have extra
// logic. So, all handlers need to check if the handler is a IRBreakJump
// and take action accordingly.
BasicBlock rBB = cfg().getRescuerBBFor(b);
BasicBlock eBB = cfg().getEnsurerBBFor(b);
if ((eBB != null) && (rBB == eBB || rBB == null)) {
// 1. same rescue and ensure handler ==> just spit out one entry with a Throwable class
// 2. only ensure handler ==> just spit out one entry with a Throwable class
// The rescue handler knows whether to unwrap or not. But for now, the rescue handler
// has to process its recv_exception instruction as
// e = (e instanceof RaiseException) ? unwrap(e) : e;
etEntries.add(new Object[] {b.getLabel(), eBB.getLabel(), Throwable.class});
} else if (rBB != null) {
// Unrescuable comes before Throwable
if (eBB != null) etEntries.add(new Object[] {b.getLabel(), eBB.getLabel(), Unrescuable.class});
etEntries.add(new Object[] {b.getLabel(), rBB.getLabel(), Throwable.class});
// SSS FIXME: This could be optimized by compressing entries for adjacent BBs that have identical handlers
// This could be optimized either during generation or as another pass over the table. But, if the JVM
// does that already, do we need to bother with it?
return etEntries;
private static Label[] catLabels(Label[] labels, Label cat) {
if (labels == null) return new Label[] {cat};
Label[] newLabels = new Label[labels.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(labels, 0, newLabels, 0, labels.length);
newLabels[labels.length] = cat;
return newLabels;
private boolean computeScopeFlags(boolean receivesClosureArg, List<Instr> instrs) {
for (Instr i: instrs) {
Operation op = i.getOperation();
if (op == Operation.RECV_CLOSURE) {
receivesClosureArg = true;
} else if (op == Operation.ZSUPER) {
this.canCaptureCallersBinding = true;
this.usesZSuper = true;
} else if (i instanceof CallBase) {
CallBase call = (CallBase) i;
if (call.targetRequiresCallersBinding()) this.bindingHasEscaped = true;
if (call.canBeEval()) {
this.usesEval = true;
// If this method receives a closure arg, and this call is an eval that has more than 1 argument,
// it could be using the closure as a binding -- which means it could be using pretty much any
// variable from the caller's binding!
if (receivesClosureArg && (call.getCallArgs().length > 1)) {
this.canCaptureCallersBinding = true;
} else if (op == Operation.GET_GLOBAL_VAR) {
GlobalVariable gv = (GlobalVariable)((GetGlobalVariableInstr)i).getSource();
String gvName = gv.getName();
if (gvName.equals("$_") ||
gvName.equals("$~") ||
gvName.equals("$`") ||
gvName.equals("$'") ||
gvName.equals("$+") ||
gvName.equals("$LAST_READ_LINE") ||
gvName.equals("$LAST_MATCH_INFO") ||
gvName.equals("$PREMATCH") ||
gvName.equals("$POSTMATCH") ||
this.usesBackrefOrLastline = true;
} else if (op == Operation.PUT_GLOBAL_VAR) {
GlobalVariable gv = (GlobalVariable)((PutGlobalVarInstr)i).getTarget();
String gvName = gv.getName();
if (gvName.equals("$_") || gvName.equals("$~")) usesBackrefOrLastline = true;
} else if (op == Operation.MATCH || op == Operation.MATCH2 || op == Operation.MATCH3) {
this.usesBackrefOrLastline = true;
} else if (op == Operation.BREAK) {
this.hasBreakInstrs = true;
} else if (i instanceof NonlocalReturnInstr) {
this.hasNonlocalReturns = true;
} else if (i instanceof DefineMetaClassInstr) {
// SSS: Inner-classes are defined with closures and
// a return in the closure can force a return from this method
// For now conservatively assume that a scope with inner-classes
// can receive non-local returns. (Alternatively, have to inspect
// all lexically nested scopes, not just closures in computeScopeFlags())
this.canReceiveNonlocalReturns = true;
return receivesClosureArg;
// This can help use eliminate writes to %block that are not used since this is
// a special local-variable, not programmer-defined local-variable
public void computeScopeFlags() {
if (flagsComputed) {
// init
canModifyCode = true;
canCaptureCallersBinding = false;
usesZSuper = false;
usesEval = false;
usesBackrefOrLastline = false;
// NOTE: bindingHasEscaped is the crucial flag and it effectively is
// unconditionally true whenever it has a call that receives a closure.
// See CallInstr.computeRequiresCallersBindingFlag
bindingHasEscaped = (this instanceof IREvalScript); // for eval scopes, bindings are considered escaped ...
hasBreakInstrs = false;
hasNonlocalReturns = false;
canReceiveBreaks = false;
canReceiveNonlocalReturns = false;
// recompute flags -- we could be calling this method different times
// definitely once after ir generation and local optimizations propagates constants locally
// but potentially at a later time after doing ssa generation and constant propagation
if (cfg == null) {
computeScopeFlags(false, getInstrs());
} else {
boolean receivesClosureArg = false;
for (BasicBlock b: cfg.getBasicBlocks()) {
receivesClosureArg = computeScopeFlags(receivesClosureArg, b.getInstrs());
// Compute flags for nested closures (recursively) and set derived flags.
for (IRClosure cl : getClosures()) {
if (cl.hasBreakInstrs || cl.canReceiveBreaks) {
canReceiveBreaks = true;
if (cl.hasNonlocalReturns || cl.canReceiveNonlocalReturns) {
canReceiveNonlocalReturns = true;
if (cl.usesZSuper()) {
usesZSuper = true;
flagsComputed = true;
public abstract String getScopeName();
public String toString() {
return getScopeName() + " " + getName() + "[" + getFileName() + ":" + getLineNumber() + "]";
public String toStringInstrs() {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
for (Instr instr : instrList) {
if (i > 0) b.append("\n");
b.append(" ").append(i).append('\t').append(instr);
if (!nestedClosures.isEmpty()) {
b.append("\n\n------ Closures encountered in this scope ------\n");
for (IRClosure c: nestedClosures)
return b.toString();
public String toPersistableString() {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (Instr instr : instrList) {
return b.toString();
public String toStringVariables() {
Map<Variable, Integer> ends = new HashMap<Variable, Integer>();
Map<Variable, Integer> starts = new HashMap<Variable, Integer>();
SortedSet<Variable> variables = new TreeSet<Variable>();
for (int i = instrList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Instr instr = instrList.get(i);
if (instr instanceof ResultInstr) {
Variable var = ((ResultInstr) instr).getResult();
starts.put(var, i);
for (Operand operand : instr.getOperands()) {
if (operand != null && operand instanceof Variable && ends.get((Variable)operand) == null) {
ends.put((Variable)operand, i);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
for (Variable var : variables) {
Integer end = ends.get(var);
if (end != null) { // Variable is actually used somewhere and not dead
if (i > 0) sb.append("\n");
sb.append(" ").append(var).append(": ").append(starts.get(var)).append("-").append(end);
return sb.toString();
/** ---------------------------------------
* SSS FIXME: What is this method for?
public void calculateParameterCounts() {
for (int i = instrList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Instr instr = instrList.get(i);
------------------------------------------ **/
public LocalVariable getSelf() {
return Self.SELF;
public Variable getCurrentModuleVariable() {
// SSS: Used in only 3 cases in generated IR:
// -> searching a constant in the inheritance hierarchy
// -> searching a super-method in the inheritance hierarchy
// -> looking up 'StandardError' (which can be eliminated by creating a special operand type for this)
if (currentModuleVar == null) currentModuleVar = getNewTemporaryVariable(Variable.CURRENT_MODULE);
return currentModuleVar;
public Variable getCurrentScopeVariable() {
// SSS: Used in only 1 case in generated IR:
// -> searching a constant in the lexical scope hierarchy
if (currentScopeVar == null) currentScopeVar = getNewTemporaryVariable(Variable.CURRENT_SCOPE);
return currentScopeVar;
public abstract LocalVariable getImplicitBlockArg();
public void markUnusedImplicitBlockArg() {
hasUnusedImplicitBlockArg = true;
public LocalVariable findExistingLocalVariable(String name, int depth) {
return localVars.getVariable(name);
* Find or create a local variable. By default, scopes are assumed to
* only check current depth. Blocks/Closures override this because they
* have special nesting rules.
public LocalVariable getLocalVariable(String name, int scopeDepth) {
LocalVariable lvar = findExistingLocalVariable(name, scopeDepth);
if (lvar == null) {
lvar = new LocalVariable(name, scopeDepth, localVars.nextSlot);
localVars.putVariable(name, lvar);
return lvar;
public LocalVariable getNewLocalVariable(String name, int depth) {
throw new RuntimeException("getNewLocalVariable should be called for: " + this.getClass().getName());
protected void initEvalScopeVariableAllocator(boolean reset) {
if (reset || evalScopeVars == null) evalScopeVars = new LocalVariableAllocator();
public TemporaryVariable getNewTemporaryVariable() {
return new TemporaryVariable(temporaryVariableIndex);
public TemporaryVariable getNewTemporaryVariable(String name) {
return new TemporaryVariable(name, temporaryVariableIndex);
public void resetTemporaryVariables() {
temporaryVariableIndex = -1;
public int getTemporaryVariableSize() {
return temporaryVariableIndex + 1;
// Generate a new variable for inlined code
public Variable getNewInlineVariable(String inlinePrefix, Variable v) {
if (v instanceof LocalVariable) {
LocalVariable lv = (LocalVariable)v;
return getLocalVariable(inlinePrefix + lv.getName(), lv.getScopeDepth());
} else {
return getNewTemporaryVariable();
public int getThreadPollInstrsCount() {
return threadPollInstrsCount;
public int getLocalVariablesCount() {
return localVars.nextSlot;
public int getUsedVariablesCount() {
// System.out.println("For " + this + ", # lvs: " + nextLocalVariableSlot);
// # local vars, # flip vars
// SSS FIXME: When we are opting local var access,
// no need to allocate local var space except when we have been asked to!
return getLocalVariablesCount() + getPrefixCountSize("%flip");
public void setUpUseDefLocalVarMaps() {
definedLocalVars = new java.util.HashSet<Variable>();
usedLocalVars = new java.util.HashSet<Variable>();
for (BasicBlock bb : cfg().getBasicBlocks()) {
for (Instr i : bb.getInstrs()) {
for (Variable v : i.getUsedVariables()) {
if (v instanceof LocalVariable) usedLocalVars.add(v);
if (i instanceof ResultInstr) {
Variable v = ((ResultInstr) i).getResult();
if (v instanceof LocalVariable) definedLocalVars.add(v);
for (IRClosure cl : getClosures()) {
public boolean usesLocalVariable(Variable v) {
if (usedLocalVars == null) setUpUseDefLocalVarMaps();
if (usedLocalVars.contains(v)) return true;
for (IRClosure cl : getClosures()) {
if (cl.usesLocalVariable(v)) return true;
return false;
public boolean definesLocalVariable(Variable v) {
if (definedLocalVars == null) setUpUseDefLocalVarMaps();
if (definedLocalVars.contains(v)) return true;
for (IRClosure cl : getClosures()) {
if (cl.definesLocalVariable(v)) return true;
return false;
public void setDataFlowSolution(String name, DataFlowProblem p) {
dfProbs.put(name, p);
public DataFlowProblem getDataFlowSolution(String name) {
return dfProbs.get(name);
// This should only be used to do pre-cfg opts and to build the CFG.
// Everyone else should use the CFG.
public List<Instr> getInstrs() {
if (cfg != null) throw new RuntimeException("Please use the CFG to access this scope's instructions.");
return instrList;
public Instr[] getInstrsForInterpretation() {
return linearizedInstrArray;
public void resetLinearizationData() {
linearizedBBList = null;
relinearizeCFG = false;
public void checkRelinearization() {
if (relinearizeCFG) resetLinearizationData();
public List<BasicBlock> buildLinearization() {
if (linearizedBBList != null) return linearizedBBList; // Already linearized
linearizedBBList = CFGLinearizer.linearize(cfg);
return linearizedBBList;
// SSS FIXME: Extremely inefficient
public int getRescuerPC(Instr excInstr) {
for (BasicBlock b : linearizedBBList) {
for (Instr i : b.getInstrs()) {
if (i == excInstr) {
BasicBlock rescuerBB = cfg().getRescuerBBFor(b);
return (rescuerBB == null) ? -1 : rescuerBB.getLabel().getTargetPC();
// SSS FIXME: Cannot happen! Throw runtime exception
LOG.error("Fell through looking for rescuer ipc for " + excInstr);
return -1;
// SSS FIXME: Extremely inefficient
public int getEnsurerPC(Instr excInstr) {
for (BasicBlock b : linearizedBBList) {
for (Instr i : b.getInstrs()) {
if (i == excInstr) {
BasicBlock ensurerBB = cfg.getEnsurerBBFor(b);
return (ensurerBB == null) ? -1 : ensurerBB.getLabel().getTargetPC();
// SSS FIXME: Cannot happen! Throw runtime exception
LOG.error("Fell through looking for ensurer ipc for " + excInstr);
return -1;
public List<BasicBlock> linearization() {
assert linearizedBBList != null: "You have not run linearization";
return linearizedBBList;
protected void depends(Object obj) {
assert obj != null: "Unsatisfied dependency and this depends() was set " +
"up wrong. Use depends(build()) not depends(build).";
public CFG cfg() {
assert cfg != null: "Trying to access build before build started";
return cfg;
public void splitCalls() {
// FIXME: (Enebo) We are going to make a SplitCallInstr so this logic can be separate
// from unsplit calls. Comment out until new SplitCall is created.
// for (BasicBlock b: getNodes()) {
// List<Instr> bInstrs = b.getInstrs();
// for (ListIterator<Instr> it = ((ArrayList<Instr>)b.getInstrs()).listIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
// Instr i =;
// // Only user calls, not Ruby & JRuby internal calls
// if (i.operation == Operation.CALL) {
// CallInstr call = (CallInstr)i;
// Operand r = call.getReceiver();
// Operand m = call.getMethodAddr();
// Variable mh = _scope.getNewTemporaryVariable();
// MethodLookupInstr mli = new MethodLookupInstr(mh, m, r);
// // insert method lookup at the right place
// it.previous();
// it.add(mli);
// // update call address
// call.setMethodAddr(mh);
// }
// }
// }
// List<IRClosure> nestedClosures = _scope.getClosures();
// if (!nestedClosures.isEmpty()) {
// for (IRClosure c : nestedClosures) {
// c.getCFG().splitCalls();
// }
// }
public void resetDFProblemsState() {
dfProbs = new HashMap<String, DataFlowProblem>();
for (IRClosure c: nestedClosures) c.resetDFProblemsState();
public void resetState() {
relinearizeCFG = true;
linearizedInstrArray = null;
// reset flags
flagsComputed = false;
canModifyCode = true;
canCaptureCallersBinding = true;
bindingHasEscaped = true;
usesEval = true;
usesZSuper = true;
hasBreakInstrs = false;
hasNonlocalReturns = false;
canReceiveBreaks = false;
canReceiveNonlocalReturns = false;
// Reset dataflow problems state
public void inlineMethod(IRScope method, RubyModule implClass, int classToken, BasicBlock basicBlock, CallBase call) {
// Inline
new CFGInliner(cfg).inlineMethod(method, implClass, classToken, basicBlock, call);
// Reset state
// Re-run opts
for (CompilerPass pass: getManager().getInliningCompilerPasses(this)) {;
public void buildCFG(List<Instr> instrList) {
CFG newBuild = new CFG(this);;
cfg = newBuild;
public void resetCFG() {
cfg = null;
/* Record a begin block -- not all scope implementations can handle them */
public void recordBeginBlock(IRClosure beginBlockClosure) {
throw new RuntimeException("BEGIN blocks cannot be added to: " + this.getClass().getName());
/* Record an end block -- not all scope implementations can handle them */
public void recordEndBlock(IRClosure endBlockClosure) {
throw new RuntimeException("END blocks cannot be added to: " + this.getClass().getName());
// Enebo: We should just make n primitive int and not take the hash hit
protected int allocateNextPrefixedName(String prefix) {
int index = getPrefixCountSize(prefix);
nextVarIndex.put(prefix, index + 1);
return index;
protected void resetVariableCounter(String prefix) {
protected int getPrefixCountSize(String prefix) {
Integer index = nextVarIndex.get(prefix);
if (index == null) return 0;
return index.intValue();
public RubyModule getContainerModule() {
// System.out.println("GET: container module of " + getName() + " with hc " + hashCode() + " to " + containerModule.getName());
return containerModule;
public int getNextClosureId() {
return nextClosureIndex;
* Does this scope represent a module body? (SSS FIXME: what about script or eval script bodies?)
public boolean isModuleBody() {
return false;
* Is this IRClassBody but not IRMetaClassBody?
public boolean isNonSingletonClassBody() {
return false;
public boolean isFlipScope() {
return true;
public boolean isTopLocalVariableScope() {
return true;
* Is this an eval script or a regular file script?
public boolean isScriptScope() {
return false;