* Version: CPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Yoko Harada <yokolet@gmail.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the CPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
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* the terms of any one of the CPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* **** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
package org.jruby.embed;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import org.jruby.embed.internal.LocalContextProvider;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.jruby.CompatVersion;
import org.jruby.Profile;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyGlobal.InputGlobalVariable;
import org.jruby.RubyGlobal.OutputGlobalVariable;
import org.jruby.RubyIO;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.CompileMode;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.LoadServiceCreator;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.ProfilingMode;
import org.jruby.embed.internal.BiVariableMap;
import org.jruby.embed.internal.ConcurrentLocalContextProvider;
import org.jruby.embed.internal.EmbedRubyInterfaceAdapterImpl;
import org.jruby.embed.internal.EmbedRubyObjectAdapterImpl;
import org.jruby.embed.internal.EmbedRubyRuntimeAdapterImpl;
import org.jruby.embed.internal.SingleThreadLocalContextProvider;
import org.jruby.embed.internal.SingletonLocalContextProvider;
import org.jruby.embed.internal.ThreadSafeLocalContextProvider;
import org.jruby.embed.io.ReaderInputStream;
import org.jruby.embed.io.WriterOutputStream;
import org.jruby.embed.util.SystemPropertyCatcher;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaEmbedUtils;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.ClassCache;
import org.jruby.util.KCode;
import org.jruby.util.cli.OutputStrings;
* ScriptingContainer provides various methods and resources that are useful
* for embedding Ruby in Java. Using this class, users can run Ruby scripts from
* Java programs easily. Also, users can use methods defined or implemented by Ruby.
* ScriptingContainer allows users to set various configuration parameters.
* Some of them are per-container properties, while others are per-evaluation attributes.
* For example, a local context scope, local variable behavior, load paths are
* per-container properties. Please see {@link PropertyName} and {@link AttributeName}
* for more details. Be aware that the per-container properties should be set prior to
* get Ruby runtime be instantiated; otherwise, default values are applied to.
* ScriptingContainer delays Ruby runtime initialization as much as possible to
* improve startup time. When values are put into the ScriptingContainer, or runScriptlet
* method gets run Ruby runtime is created internally. However, the default, singleton
* local context scope behave slightly different. If Ruby runtime has been already instantiated
* by another ScriptingContainer, application, etc, the same runtime will be used.
* Below are examples.
* The first Example is a very simple Hello World. After initializing a ScriptingContainer,
* a Ruby script, puts "Hello World!", runs and produces "Hello World!."
* <pre>Example 1:
* ScriptingContainer container = new ScriptingContainer();
* container.runScriptlet("puts \"Hello World!\"");
* Produces:
* Hello World!</pre>
* The second example shows how to share variables between Java and Ruby.
* In this example, a local variable "x" is shared. To make this happen, a local variable
* behavior should be transient or persistent. As for JSR223 JRuby engine, set these
* types using System property, org.jruby.embed.localvariable.behavior. If the local
* variable behavior is one of transient or persistent,
* Ruby's local, instance, global variables and constants are available to share
* between Java and Ruby. (A class variable sharing does not work on current version)
* Thus, "x" in Java is also "x" in Ruby.
* <pre>Example 2:
* ScriptingContainer container = new ScriptingContainer();
* container.put("x", 12345);
* container.runScriptlet("puts x.to_s(2)");
* Produces:
* 11000000111001</pre>
* The third examples shows how to keep local variables across multiple evaluations.
* This feature simulates BSF engine for JRuby. In terms of Ruby semantics,
* local variables should not survive after the evaluation has completed. Thus,
* this behavior is optional, and users need to specify LocalVariableBehavior.PERSISTENT
* when the container is instantiated.
* <pre>Example 3:
* ScriptingContainer container = new ScriptingContainer(LocalVariableBehavior.PERSISTENT);
* container.runScriptlet("p=9.0");
* container.runScriptlet("q = Math.sqrt p");
* container.runScriptlet("puts \"square root of #{p} is #{q}\"");
* System.out.println("Ruby used values: p = " + container.get("p") +
* ", q = " + container.get("q"));
* Produces:
* square root of 9.0 is 3.0
* Ruby used values: p = 9.0, q = 3.0</pre>
* Also, ScriptingContainer provides better i18n support. For example,
* Unicode Escape Sequence can be included in Ruby scripts.
* <p>In addition, ScriptingContainer supports a parse-once-eval-many-times feature,
* invoking methods defined by Ruby, and getting an instance of a specified interface
* that has been implemented by Ruby.
* <pre>Example 4:
* ScriptingContainer container = new ScriptingContainer();
* script =
* "def message\n" +
* "\"message: #{@message}\"\n" +
* "end\n" +
* "message";
* container.put("@message", "What's up?");
* EvalUnit unit = container.parse(script);
* IRubyObject ret = unit.run();
* System.out.println(JavaEmbedUtils.rubyToJava(ret));
* container.put("@message", "Fabulous!");
* ret = unit.run();
* System.out.println(JavaEmbedUtils.rubyToJava(ret));
* container.put("@message", "That's the way you are.");
* ret = unit.run();
* System.out.println(JavaEmbedUtils.rubyToJava(ret));
* Produces:
* message: What's up?
* message: Fabulous!
* message: That's the way you are.</pre>
* See more details at project's
* {@see <a href="http://kenai.com/projects/jruby/pages/RedBridge">Wiki</a>}
* @author Yoko Harada <yokolet@gmail.com>
public class ScriptingContainer implements EmbedRubyInstanceConfigAdapter {
private Map basicProperties = null;
private LocalContextProvider provider = null;
private EmbedRubyRuntimeAdapter runtimeAdapter = new EmbedRubyRuntimeAdapterImpl(this);
private EmbedRubyObjectAdapter objectAdapter = new EmbedRubyObjectAdapterImpl(this);
private EmbedRubyInterfaceAdapter interfaceAdapter = new EmbedRubyInterfaceAdapterImpl(this);
* Constructs a ScriptingContainer with a default values.
public ScriptingContainer() {
this(LocalContextScope.SINGLETON, LocalVariableBehavior.TRANSIENT, true);
* Constructs a ScriptingContainer with a specified local context type.
* @param scope a local context type.
public ScriptingContainer(LocalContextScope scope) {
this(scope, LocalVariableBehavior.TRANSIENT, true);
* Constructs a ScriptingContainer with a specified local variable behavior.
* @param behavior a local variable behavior
public ScriptingContainer(LocalVariableBehavior behavior) {
this(LocalContextScope.SINGLETON, behavior, true);
* Constructs a ScriptingContainer with a specified local context type and
* variable behavior.
* @param scope a local context type
* @param behavior a local variable behavior
public ScriptingContainer(LocalContextScope scope, LocalVariableBehavior behavior) {
this(scope, behavior, true);
* Constructs a ScriptingContainer with a specified local context scope,
* local variable behavior and laziness.
* @param scope is one of a local context scope defined by {@link LocalContextScope}
* @param behavior is one of a local variable behavior defined by {@link LocalVariableBehavior}
* @param lazy is a switch to do lazy retrieval of variables/constants from
* Ruby runtime. Default is true. When this value is true, ScriptingContainer tries to
* get as many variables/constants as possible from Ruby runtime.
public ScriptingContainer(LocalContextScope scope, LocalVariableBehavior behavior, boolean lazy) {
provider = getProviderInstance(scope, behavior, lazy);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private LocalContextProvider getProviderInstance(LocalContextScope scope, LocalVariableBehavior behavior, boolean lazy) {
switch(scope) {
return new ThreadSafeLocalContextProvider(behavior, lazy);
return new ConcurrentLocalContextProvider(behavior, lazy);
return new SingleThreadLocalContextProvider(behavior, lazy);
default :
LocalVariableBehavior b = SingletonLocalContextProvider.getLocalVariableBehaviorOrNull();
if (b == null) return new SingletonLocalContextProvider(behavior, lazy);
else return new SingletonLocalContextProvider(b, lazy);
private void initConfig() throws URISyntaxException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
List<String> paths = SystemPropertyCatcher.findLoadPaths();
String home = SystemPropertyCatcher.findJRubyHome(this);
if (home != null) {
// maybe these properties are not used at all?
private void setBasicProperties() {
basicProperties = new HashMap();
basicProperties.put("container.ids", new String[]{"ruby", "jruby"});
basicProperties.put("language.extension", new String[]{"rb"});
basicProperties.put("language.name", new String[]{"ruby"});
basicProperties.put("language.mimetypes", new String[]{"application/x-ruby"});
* Returns a list of load paths for Ruby scripts/libraries. If no paths is
* given, the list is created from java.class.path System property.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a list of load paths.
public List<String> getLoadPaths() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getLoadPaths();
* Changes a list of load paths Ruby scripts/libraries. The default value
* is an empty array. If no paths is given, the list is created from
* java.class.path System property. This value can be set by
* org.jruby.embed.class.path System property, also.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given paths will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param paths a new list of load paths.
public void setLoadPaths(List<String> paths) {
* Returns an input stream assigned to STDIN and $stdin.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return input stream of STDIN and $stdin
public InputStream getInput() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getInput();
* Changes STDIN and $stdin to a given input stream. The default standard input
* is java.lang.System.in.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given input stream will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param istream an input stream to be set
public void setInput(InputStream istream) {
* Changes STDIN and $stdin to a given reader. No reader is set by default.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given reader will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param reader a reader to be set
public void setInput(Reader reader) {
if (reader == null) {
} else {
ReaderInputStream istream = new ReaderInputStream(reader);
* Returns an output stream assigned to STDOUT and $stdout.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return an output stream of STDOUT and $stdout
public PrintStream getOutput() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getOutput();
* Changes STDOUT and $stdout to a given output stream. The default standard
* output is java.lang.System.out.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given output stream will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param pstream an output stream to be set
public void setOutput(PrintStream pstream) {
* Changes STDOUT and $stdout to a given writer. No writer is set by default.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given writer will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param writer a writer to be set
public void setOutput(Writer writer) {
if (writer == null) {
} else {
WriterOutputStream ostream = new WriterOutputStream(writer);
PrintStream pstream = new PrintStream(ostream);
* Returns an error stream assigned to STDERR and $stderr.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return output stream for error stream
public PrintStream getError() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getError();
* Changes STDERR and $stderr to a given print stream. The default standard error
* is java.lang.System.err.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given print stream will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param pstream a print stream to be set
public void setError(PrintStream pstream) {
* Changes STDERR and $stderr to a given writer. No writer is set by default.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given writer will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param writer a writer to be set
public void setError(Writer writer) {
if (writer == null) {
} else {
WriterOutputStream ostream = new WriterOutputStream(writer);
PrintStream pstream = new PrintStream(ostream);
* Returns a compile mode currently chosen, which is one of CompileMode.JIT,
* CompileMode.FORCE, CompileMode.OFF. The default mode is CompileMode.OFF
* if CompatVersion.RUBY1_9 is chosen, otherwise, CompileMode.JIT. Also,
* CompileMode.OFF is chosen when a security restriction is set.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a compile mode.
public CompileMode getCompileMode() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getCompileMode();
* Changes a compile mode to a given mode, which should be one of CompileMode.JIT,
* CompileMode.FORCE, CompileMode.OFF.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given mode will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param mode compile mode
public void setCompileMode(CompileMode mode) {
* Tests whether Ruby runs in a process or not.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return true if Ruby is configured to run in a process, otherwise, false.
public boolean isRunRubyInProcess() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().isRunRubyInProcess();
* Changes the value to determine whether Ruby runs in a process or not. The
* default value is true.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given condition will be set.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param inprocess true when Ruby is set to run in the process, or false not to
* run in the process.
public void setRunRubyInProcess(boolean inprocess) {
* Returns a Ruby version currently chosen, which is one of CompatVersion.RUBY1_8,
* CompatVersion.RUBY1_9, or CompatVersion.BOTH. The default version is
* CompatVersion.RUBY1_8.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a Ruby version
public CompatVersion getCompatVersion() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getCompatVersion();
* Changes a Ruby version to be evaluated into one of CompatVersion.RUBY1_8,
* CompatVersion.RUBY1_9, or CompatVersion.BOTH. The default version is
* CompatVersion.RUBY1_8.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given version will be set.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param version a Ruby version
public void setCompatVersion(CompatVersion version) {
* Tests whether the Object Space is enabled or not.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return true if the Object Space is able to use, otherwise, false.
public boolean isObjectSpaceEnabled() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().isObjectSpaceEnabled();
* Changes the value to determine whether the Object Space is enabled or not. The
* default value is false.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given condition will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* This value can be set by jruby.objectspace.enabled system property.
* @param enable true to enable the Object Space, or false to disable.
public void setObjectSpaceEnabled(boolean enable) {
* Returns a map of environment variables.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a map that has environment variables' key-value pairs.
public Map getEnvironment() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getEnvironment();
* Changes an environment variables' map.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* initial configurations will work.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param environment a new map of environment variables.
public void setEnvironment(Map environment) {
* Returns a current directory.
* The default current directory is identical to a value of "user.dir" system
* property if no security restriction is set. If the "user.dir" directory is
* protected by the security restriction, the default value is "/".
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a current directory.
public String getCurrentDirectory() {
if (provider.isRuntimeInitialized()) {
return provider.getRuntime().getCurrentDirectory();
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getCurrentDirectory();
* Changes a current directory to a given directory.
* The current directory can be changed anytime.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param directory a new directory to be set.
public void setCurrentDirectory(String directory) {
if (provider.isRuntimeInitialized()) {
} else {
* Returns a JRuby home directory.
* The default JRuby home is the value of JRUBY_HOME environment variable,
* or "jruby.home" system property when no security restriction is set to
* those directories. If none of JRUBY_HOME or jruby.home is set and jruby-complete.jar
* is used, the default JRuby home is "/META-INF/jruby.home" in the jar archive.
* Otherwise, "java.io.tmpdir" system property is the default value.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a JRuby home directory.
public String getHomeDirectory() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getJRubyHome();
* Changes a JRuby home directory to a directory of a given name.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given directory will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param home a name of new JRuby home directory.
public void setHomeDirectory(String home) {
* Returns a ClassCache object that is tied to a class loader. The default ClassCache
* object is tied to a current thread' context loader if it exists. Otherwise, it is
* tied to the class loader that loaded RubyInstanceConfig.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a ClassCache object.
public ClassCache getClassCache() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getClassCache();
* Changes a ClassCache object to a given one.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given class cache will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param cache a new ClassCache object to be set.
public void setClassCache(ClassCache cache) {
* Returns a class loader object that is currently used. This loader loads
* Ruby files and libraries.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a class loader object that is currently used.
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getLoader();
* Changes a class loader to a given loader.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given class loader will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param loader a new class loader to be set.
public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader loader) {
* Returns a Profile currently used. The default value is Profile.DEFAULT,
* which has the same behavior to Profile.ALL.
* Profile allows you to define a restricted subset of code to be loaded during
* the runtime initialization. When you use JRuby in restricted environment
* such as Google App Engine, Profile is a helpful option.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a current profiler.
public Profile getProfile() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getProfile();
* Changes a Profile to a given one. The default value is Profile.DEFAULT,
* which has the same behavior to Profile.ALL.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* initial configurations will work.
* Profile allows you to define a restricted subset of code to be loaded during
* the runtime initialization. When you use JRuby in restricted environment
* such as Google App Engine, Profile is a helpful option. For example,
* Profile.NO_FILE_CLASS doesn't load File class.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param profile a new profiler to be set.
public void setProfile(Profile profile) {
* Returns a ProfilingMode currently used. The default value is ProfilingMode.OFF.
* @since JRuby 1.6.6.
* @return a current profiling mode.
public ProfilingMode getProfilingMode() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getProfilingMode();
* Changes a ProfilingMode to a given one. The default value is Profiling.OFF.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* initial configurations will work.
* ProfilingMode allows you to change profiling style.
* Profiling.OFF - default. profiling off.
* Profiling.API - activates Ruby profiler API. equivalent to --profile.api command line option
* Profiling.FLAT - synonym for --profile command line option equivalent to --profile.flat command line option
* Profiling.GRAPH - runs with instrumented (timed) profiling, graph format. equivalent to --profile.graph command line option.
* @since JRuby 1.6.6.
* @param mode a new profiling mode to be set.
public void setProfile(ProfilingMode mode) {
* Returns a LoadServiceCreator currently used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a current LoadServiceCreator.
public LoadServiceCreator getLoadServiceCreator() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getLoadServiceCreator();
* Changes a LoadServiceCreator to a given one.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* initial configurations will work.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param creator a new LoadServiceCreator
public void setLoadServiceCreator(LoadServiceCreator creator) {
* Returns a list of argument.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return an arguments' list.
public String[] getArgv() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getArgv();
* Changes values of the arguments' list.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param argv a new arguments' list.
public void setArgv(String[] argv) {
* Returns a script filename to run. The default value is "<script>".
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a script filename.
public String getScriptFilename() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getScriptFileName();
* Changes a script filename to run. The default value is "<script>".
* Call this before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* initial configurations will work.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param filename a new script filename.
public void setScriptFilename(String filename) {
* Returns a record separator. The default value is "\n".
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a record separator.
public String getRecordSeparator() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getRecordSeparator();
* Changes a record separator to a given value. If "0" is given, the record
* separator goes to "\n\n", "777" goes to "\uFFFF", otherwise, an octal value
* of the given number.
* Call this before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* initial configurations will work.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param separator a new record separator value, "0" or "777"
public void setRecordSeparator(String separator) {
* Returns a value of KCode currently used. The default value is KCode.NONE.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a KCode value.
public KCode getKCode() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getKCode();
* Changes a value of KCode to a given value. The value should be one of
* KCode.NONE, KCode.UTF8, KCode.SJIS, or KCode.EUC. The default value is KCode.NONE.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the given value will be used.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param kcode a new KCode value.
public void setKCode(KCode kcode) {
* Returns the value of n, which means that jitted methods are logged in
* every n methods. The default value is 0.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a value that determines how often jitted methods are logged.
public int getJitLogEvery() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getJitLogEvery();
* Changes a value of n, so that jitted methods are logged in every n methods.
* The default value is 0. This value can be set by the jruby.jit.logEvery System
* property.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the configurations will work.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param logEvery a new number of methods.
public void setJitLogEvery(int logEvery) {
* Returns a value of the threshold that determines whether jitted methods'
* call reached to the limit or not. The default value is -1 when security
* restriction is applied, or 50 when no security restriction exists.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a value of the threshold.
public int getJitThreshold() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getJitThreshold();
* Changes a value of the threshold that determines whether jitted methods'
* call reached to the limit or not. The default value is -1 when security
* restriction is applied, or 50 when no security restriction exists. This
* value can be set by jruby.jit.threshold System property.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the configurations will work.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param threshold a new value of the threshold.
public void setJitThreshold(int threshold) {
* Returns a value of a max class cache size. The default value is 0 when
* security restriction is applied, or 4096 when no security restriction exists.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a value of a max class cache size.
public int getJitMax() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getJitMax();
* Changes a value of a max class cache size. The default value is 0 when
* security restriction is applied, or 4096 when no security restriction exists.
* This value can be set by jruby.jit.max System property.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the configurations will work.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param max a new value of a max class cache size.
public void setJitMax(int max) {
* Returns a value of a max size of the bytecode generated by compiler. The
* default value is -1 when security restriction is applied, or 10000 when
* no security restriction exists.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @return a value of a max size of the bytecode.
public int getJitMaxSize() {
return provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getJitMaxSize();
* Changes a value of a max size of the bytecode generated by compiler. The
* default value is -1 when security restriction is applied, or 10000 when
* no security restriction exists. This value can be set by jruby.jit.maxsize
* System property.
* Call this method before you use put/get, runScriptlet, and parse methods so that
* the configurations will work.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0.
* @param maxSize a new value of a max size of the bytecode.
public void setJitMaxSize(int maxSize) {
* Returns version information about JRuby and Ruby supported by this platform.
* @return version information.
public String getSupportedRubyVersion() {
return OutputStrings.getVersionString(provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getCompatVersion()).trim();
* Returns an array of values associated to a key.
* @param key is a key in a property file
* @return values associated to the key
public String[] getProperty(String key) {
if (basicProperties.containsKey(key)) {
return (String[]) basicProperties.get(key);
} else {
return null;
* Returns a provider instance of {@link LocalContextProvider}. When users
* want to configure Ruby runtime, they can do by setting class loading paths,
* {@link org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig} or {@link org.jruby.util.ClassCache}
* to the provider before they get Ruby runtime.
* @return a provider of {@link LocalContextProvider}
public LocalContextProvider getProvider() {
return provider;
* Returns a Ruby runtime in one of {@link LocalContextScope}.
* @deprecated As of JRuby 1.5.0. Use getProvider().getRuntime() method instead.
* @return Ruby runtime of a specified local context
public Ruby getRuntime() {
return provider.getRuntime();
* Returns a variable map in one of {@link LocalContextScope}. Variables
* in this map is used to share between Java and Ruby. Map keys are Ruby's
* variable names, thus they must be valid Ruby names.
* @return a variable map specific to the current thread
public BiVariableMap getVarMap() {
return provider.getVarMap();
* Returns a attribute map in one of {@link LocalContextScope}. Attributes
* in this map accept any key value pair, types of which are java.lang.Object.
* Ruby scripts do not look up this map.
* @return an attribute map specific to the current thread
public Map getAttributeMap() {
return provider.getAttributeMap();
* Returns an attribute value associated with the specified key in
* a attribute map. This is a short cut method of
* ScriptingContainer#getAttributeMap().get(key).
* @param key is the attribute key
* @return value is a value associated to the specified key
public Object getAttribute(Object key) {
return provider.getAttributeMap().get(key);
* Associates the specified value with the specified key in a
* attribute map. If the map previously contained a mapping for the key,
* the old value is replaced. This is a short cut method of
* ScriptingContainer#getAttributeMap().put(key, value).
* @param key is a key that the specified value is to be associated with
* @param value is a value to be associated with the specified key
* @return the previous value associated with key, or null if there was no mapping for key.
public Object setAttribute(Object key, Object value) {
return provider.getAttributeMap().put(key, value);
* Removes the specified value with the specified key in a
* attribute map. If the map previously contained a mapping for the key,
* the old value is returned. This is a short cut method of
* ScriptingContainer#getAttributeMap().remove(key).
* @param key is a key that the specified value is to be removed from
* @return the previous value associated with key, or null if there was no mapping for key.
public Object removeAttribute(Object key) {
return provider.getAttributeMap().remove(key);
* Returns a value of the specified key in a top level of runtime or null
* if this map doesn't have a mapping for the key. The key
* must be a valid Ruby variable or constant name.
* @param key is a key whose associated value is to be returned
* @return a value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this
* map contains no mapping for the key
public Object get(String key) {
return provider.getVarMap().get(key);
* Returns a value of a specified key in a specified receiver or null if
* a variable map doesn't have a mapping for the key in a given
* receiver. The key must be a valid Ruby variable or constant name. A global
* variable doesn't depend on the receiver.
* @param receiver a receiver to get the value from
* @param key is a key whose associated value is to be returned
* @return a value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this
* map contains no mapping for the key
public Object get(Object receiver, String key) {
return provider.getVarMap().get(receiver, key);
* Associates the specified value with the specified key in a
* variable map. This key-value pair is injected to a top level of runtime
* during evaluation. If the map previously contained a mapping for the key,
* the old value is replaced. The key must be a valid Ruby variable or
* constant name. It will be a top level variable or constant.
* @param key is a key that the specified value is to be associated with
* @param value is a value to be associated with the specified key
* @return a previous value associated with a key, or null if there was
* no mapping for this key.
public Object put(String key, Object value) {
return provider.getVarMap().put(key, value);
* Associates the specified value with the specified key in a variable map.
* This key-value pair is injected to a given receiver during evaluation.
* If the map previously contained a mapping for the key,
* the old value is replaced. The key must be a valid Ruby variable or
* constant name. A given receiver limits the scope of a variable or constant.
* However, a global variable is accessible globally always.
* @param receiver a receiver to put the value in
* @param key is a key that the specified value is to be associated with
* @param value is a value to be associated with the specified key
* @return a previous value associated with a key, or null if there was
* no mapping for this key.
public Object put(Object receiver, String key, Object value) {
return provider.getVarMap().put(receiver, key, value);
* Removes the specified Ruby variable with the specified variable name from a
* variable map and runtime top level. If the map previously contained a
* mapping for the key, the old value is returned. The key must be a valid
* Ruby variable name.
* @param key is a key that the specified value is to be associated with
* @return a previous value associated with a key, or null if there was
* no mapping for this key.
public Object remove(String key) {
return provider.getVarMap().remove(key);
* Removes the specified Ruby variable with the specified variable name in a
* variable map and given receiver. If the map previously contained a mapping for the key,
* the old value is returned. The key must be a valid Ruby variable name.
* This is a short cut method of ScriptingContainer#getVarMap().remove(key).
* @param receiver a receiver to remove the value from
* @param key is a key that the specified value is to be associated with
* @return a previous value associated with a key, or null if there was
* no mapping for this key.
public Object remove(Object receiver, String key) {
return provider.getVarMap().remove(receiver, key);
* Removes all of the mappings from this map.
* The map will be empty after this call returns. Ruby variables are also
* removed from Ruby instance. However, Ruby instance keep having global variable
* names with null value.
* This is a short cut method of ScriptingContainer#getVarMap().clear().
public void clear() {
* Parses a script and return an object which can be run(). This allows
* the script to be parsed once and evaluated many times.
* @param script is a Ruby script to be parsed
* @param lines are linenumbers to display for parse errors and backtraces.
* This field is optional. Only the first argument is used for parsing.
* When no line number is specified, 0 is applied to.
* @return an object which can be run
public EmbedEvalUnit parse(String script, int... lines) {
return runtimeAdapter.parse(script, lines);
* Parses a script given by a reader and return an object which can be run().
* This allows the script to be parsed once and evaluated many times.
* @param reader is used to read a script from
* @param filename is used as in information, for example, appears in a stack trace
* of an exception
* @param lines are linenumbers to display for parse errors and backtraces.
* This field is optional. Only the first argument is used for parsing.
* When no line number is specified, 0 is applied to.
* @return an object which can be run
public EmbedEvalUnit parse(Reader reader, String filename, int... lines) {
return runtimeAdapter.parse(reader, filename, lines);
* Parses a script read from a specified path and return an object which can be run().
* This allows the script to be parsed once and evaluated many times.
* @param type is one of the types {@link PathType} defines
* @param filename is used as in information, for example, appears in a stack trace
* of an exception
* @param lines are linenumbers to display for parse errors and backtraces.
* This field is optional. Only the first argument is used for parsing.
* When no line number is specified, 0 is applied to.
* @return an object which can be run
public EmbedEvalUnit parse(PathType type, String filename, int... lines) {
return runtimeAdapter.parse(type, filename, lines);
* Parses a script given by a input stream and return an object which can be run().
* This allows the script to be parsed once and evaluated many times.
* @param istream is an input stream to get a script from
* @param filename filename is used as in information, for example, appears in a stack trace
* of an exception
* @param lines are linenumbers to display for parse errors and backtraces.
* This field is optional. Only the first argument is used for parsing.
* When no line number is specified, 0 is applied to.
* @return an object which can be run
public EmbedEvalUnit parse(InputStream istream, String filename, int... lines) {
return runtimeAdapter.parse(istream, filename, lines);
* Evaluates a script under the current scope (perhaps the top-level
* scope) and returns a result only if a script returns a value.
* Right after the parsing, the script is evaluated once.
* @param script is a Ruby script to get run
* @return an evaluated result converted to a Java object
public Object runScriptlet(String script) {
EmbedEvalUnit unit = parse(script);
return runUnit(unit);
private Object runUnit(EmbedEvalUnit unit) {
if (unit == null) {
return null;
IRubyObject ret = unit.run();
return JavaEmbedUtils.rubyToJava(ret);
* Evaluates a script read from a reader under the current scope
* (perhaps the top-level scope) and returns a result only if a script
* returns a value. Right after the parsing, the script is evaluated once.
* @param reader is used to read a script from
* @param filename is used as in information, for example, appears in a stack trace
* of an exception
* @return an evaluated result converted to a Java object
public Object runScriptlet(Reader reader, String filename) {
EmbedEvalUnit unit = parse(reader, filename);
return runUnit(unit);
* Evaluates a script read from a input stream under the current scope
* (perhaps the top-level scope) and returns a result only if a script
* returns a value. Right after the parsing, the script is evaluated once.
* @param istream is used to input a script from
* @param filename is used as in information, for example, appears in a stack trace
* of an exception
* @return an evaluated result converted to a Java object
public Object runScriptlet(InputStream istream, String filename) {
EmbedEvalUnit unit = parse(istream, filename);
return runUnit(unit);
* Reads a script file from specified path and evaluates it under the current
* scope (perhaps the top-level scope) and returns a result only if a script
* returns a value. Right after the parsing, the script is evaluated once.
* @param type is one of the types {@link PathType} defines
* @param filename is used to read the script from and an information
* @return an evaluated result converted to a Java object
public Object runScriptlet(PathType type, String filename) {
EmbedEvalUnit unit = parse(type, filename);
return runUnit(unit);
* Returns an instance of {@link EmbedRubyRuntimeAdapter} for embedders to parse
* scripts.
* @return an instance of {@link EmbedRubyRuntimeAdapter}.
public EmbedRubyRuntimeAdapter newRuntimeAdapter() {
return runtimeAdapter;
* Returns an instance of {@link EmbedRubyObjectAdapter} for embedders to invoke
* methods defined by Ruby. The script must be evaluated prior to a method call.
* In most cases, users don't need to use this method. ScriptingContainer's
* callMethods are the shortcut and work in the same way.
* <pre>Example
* # calendar.rb
* require 'date'
* class Calendar
* def initialize;@today = DateTime.now;end
* def next_year;@today.year + 1;end
* end
* Calendar.new
* ScriptingContainer container = new ScriptingContainer();
* String filename = "ruby/calendar.rb";
* Object receiver = instance.runScriptlet(PathType.CLASSPATH, filename);
* EmbedRubyObjectAdapter adapter = instance.newObjectAdapter();
* Integer result =
* (Integer) adapter.callMethod(receiver, "next_year", Integer.class);
* System.out.println("next year: " + result);
* System.out.println(instance.get("@today"));
* Outputs:
* next year: 2010
* 2009-05-19T17:46:44-04:00</pre>
* @return an instance of {@link EmbedRubyObjectAdapter}
public EmbedRubyObjectAdapter newObjectAdapter() {
return objectAdapter;
* Executes a method defined in Ruby script. This method is used when a Ruby
* method does not have any argument.
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call.
* Ruby's self object will be used if no appropriate receiver
* is given.
* @param methodName is a method name to be called
* @param args is an array of method arguments
* @return an instance of requested Java type
public Object callMethod(Object receiver, String methodName, Object... args) {
return objectAdapter.callMethod(receiver, methodName, args);
* Executes a method defined in Ruby script. This method is used when a Ruby
* method does not have any argument.
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call
* Ruby's self object will be used if no appropriate receiver
* is given.
* @param methodName is a method name to be called
* @param block is a block to be executed in this method
* @param args is an array of method arguments
* @return an instance of requested Java type
public Object callMethod(Object receiver, String methodName, Block block, Object... args) {
return objectAdapter.callMethod(receiver, methodName, block, args);
* Executes a method defined in Ruby script. This method is used when a Ruby
* method does not have any argument.
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call.
* Ruby's self object will be used if no appropriate receiver
* is given.
* @param methodName is a method name to be called
* @param returnType is the type we want it to convert to
* @return an instance of requested Java type
public <T> T callMethod(Object receiver, String methodName, Class<T> returnType) {
return objectAdapter.callMethod(receiver, methodName, returnType);
* Executes a method defined in Ruby script. This method is used when a Ruby
* method have only one argument.
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call.
* Ruby's self object will be used if no appropriate receiver
* is given.
* @param methodName is a method name to be called
* @param singleArg is an method argument
* @param returnType returnType is the type we want it to convert to
* @return an instance of requested Java type
public <T> T callMethod(Object receiver, String methodName, Object singleArg, Class<T> returnType) {
return objectAdapter.callMethod(receiver, methodName, singleArg, returnType);
* Executes a method defined in Ruby script. This method is used when a Ruby
* method have multiple arguments.
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call.
* Ruby's self object will be used if no appropriate receiver
* is given.
* @param methodName is a method name to be called
* @param args is an array of method arguments
* @param returnType is the type we want it to convert to
* @return an instance of requested Java type
public <T> T callMethod(Object receiver, String methodName, Object[] args, Class<T> returnType) {
return objectAdapter.callMethod(receiver, methodName, args, returnType);
* Executes a method defined in Ruby script. This method is used when a Ruby
* method have multiple arguments, one of which is a block.
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call.
* Ruby's self object will be used if no appropriate receiver
* is given.
* @param methodName is a method name to be called
* @param args is an array of method arguments except a block
* @param block is a block to be executed in this method
* @param returnType is the type we want it to convert to
* @return an instance of requested Java type
public <T> T callMethod(Object receiver, String methodName, Object[] args, Block block, Class<T> returnType) {
return objectAdapter.callMethod(receiver, methodName, args, block, returnType);
* Executes a method defined in Ruby script. This method is used when a Ruby
* method does not have any argument, and users want to inject Ruby's local
* variables' values from Java.
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call.
* Ruby's self object will be used if no appropriate receiver
* is given.
* @param methodName is a method name to be called
* @param returnType is the type we want it to convert to
* @param unit is parsed unit
* @return an instance of requested Java type
public <T> T callMethod(Object receiver, String methodName, Class<T> returnType, EmbedEvalUnit unit) {
return objectAdapter.callMethod(receiver, methodName, returnType, unit);
* Executes a method defined in Ruby script. This method is used when a Ruby
* method have multiple arguments, and users want to inject Ruby's local
* variables' values from Java.
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call.
* Ruby's self object will be used if no appropriate receiver
* is given.
* @param methodName is a method name to be called
* @param args is an array of method arguments
* @param returnType is the type we want it to convert to
* @param unit is parsed unit
* @return an instance of requested Java type
public <T> T callMethod(Object receiver, String methodName, Object[] args, Class<T> returnType, EmbedEvalUnit unit) {
return objectAdapter.callMethod(receiver, methodName, args, returnType, unit);
* Executes a method defined in Ruby script. This method is used when a Ruby
* method have multiple arguments, one of which is a block, and users want to
* inject Ruby's local variables' values from Java.
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call.
* Ruby's self object will be used if no appropriate receiver
* is given.
* @param methodName is a method name to be called
* @param args is an array of method arguments except a block
* @param block is a block to be executed in this method
* @param returnType is the type we want it to convert to
* @param unit is parsed unit
* @return is the type we want it to convert to
public <T> T callMethod(Object receiver, String methodName, Object[] args, Block block, Class<T> returnType, EmbedEvalUnit unit) {
return objectAdapter.callMethod(receiver, methodName, args, block, returnType, unit);
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call.
* Ruby's self object will be used if no appropriate receiver
* is given.
* @param args is an array of method arguments
* @param returnType is the type we want it to convert to
* @return is the type we want it to convert to
public <T> T callSuper(Object receiver, Object[] args, Class<T> returnType) {
return objectAdapter.callSuper(receiver, args, returnType);
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call.
* Ruby's self object will be used if no appropriate receiver
* is given.
* @param args is an array of method arguments except a block
* @param block is a block to be executed in this method
* @param returnType is the type we want it to convert to
* @return is the type we want it to convert to
public <T> T callSuper(Object receiver, Object[] args, Block block, Class<T> returnType) {
return objectAdapter.callSuper(receiver, args, block, returnType);
* Executes a method defined in Ruby script. This method is used when a Ruby
* method does not have any argument.
* @param returnType is the type we want it to convert to
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call. The receiver
* can be null or other Java objects as well as RubyObject.
* The null will be converted to RubyNil. Java objects will be
* wrapped in RubyObject.
* @param methodName is a method name to be called
* @param args is an array of method arguments
* @return an instance of requested Java type
public <T> T runRubyMethod(Class<T> returnType, Object receiver, String methodName, Object... args) {
return objectAdapter.runRubyMethod(returnType, receiver, methodName, null, args);
* Executes a method defined in Ruby script. This method is used when a Ruby
* method does not have any argument.
* @param returnType is the type we want it to convert to
* @param receiver is an instance that will receive this method call. The receiver
* can be null or other Java objects as well as RubyObject.
* The null will be converted to RubyNil. Java objects will be
* wrapped in RubyObject.
* @param methodName is a method name to be called
* @param block is an optional Block object. Send null for no block.
* @param args is an array of method arguments
* @return an instance of requested Java type
public <T> T runRubyMethod(Class<T> returnType, Object receiver, String methodName, Block block, Object... args) {
return objectAdapter.runRubyMethod(returnType, receiver, methodName, block, args);
* Returns an instance of a requested interface type. An implementation of
* the requested interface is done by a Ruby script, which has been evaluated
* before getting the instance.
* In most cases, users don't need to use this method. ScriptingContainer's
* runScriptlet method returns an instance of the interface type that is
* implemented by Ruby.
* <pre>Example
* Interface
* //QuadraticFormula.java
* package org.jruby.embed;
* import java.util.List;
* public interface QuadraticFormula {
* List solve(int a, int b, int c) throws Exception;
* }
* Implementation
* #quadratic_formula.rb
* def solve(a, b, c)
* v = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c
* if v < 0: raise RangeError end
* s0 = ((-1)*b - Math.sqrt(v))/(2*a)
* s1 = ((-1)*b + Math.sqrt(v))/(2*a)
* return s0, s1
* end
* Usage
* ScriptingContainer container = new ScriptingContainer();
* String filename = "ruby/quadratic_formula_class.rb";
* Object receiver = container.runScriptlet(PathType.CLASSPATH, filename);
* QuadraticFormula qf = container.getInstance(receiver, QuadraticFormula.class);
* try {
* List<Double> solutions = qf.solve(1, -2, -13);
* printSolutions(solutions);
* solutions = qf.solve(1, -2, 13);
* for (double s : solutions) {
* System.out.print(s + ", ");
* }
* } catch (Exception e) {
* e.printStackTrace();
* }
* Output
* -2.7416573867739413, 4.741657386773941,
* </pre>
* @param receiver is an instance that implements the interface
* @param clazz is a requested interface
* @return an instance of a requested interface type
public <T> T getInstance(Object receiver, Class<T> clazz) {
return interfaceAdapter.getInstance(receiver, clazz);
* Replaces a standard input by a specified reader
* @param reader is a reader to be set
public void setReader(Reader reader) {
if (reader == null) {
Map map = getAttributeMap();
if (map.containsKey(AttributeName.READER)) {
Reader old = (Reader) map.get(AttributeName.READER);
if (old == reader) {
map.put(AttributeName.READER, reader);
InputStream istream = new ReaderInputStream(reader);
Ruby runtime = provider.getRuntime();
RubyIO io = new RubyIO(runtime, istream);
runtime.defineVariable(new InputGlobalVariable(runtime, "$stdin", io));
runtime.getObject().storeConstant("STDIN", io);
* Returns a reader set in an attribute map.
* @return a reader in an attribute map
public Reader getReader() {
Map map = getAttributeMap();
if (map.containsKey(AttributeName.READER)) {
return (Reader) getAttributeMap().get(AttributeName.READER);
return null;
* Returns an input stream that Ruby runtime has. The stream is set when
* Ruby runtime is initialized.
* @deprecated As of JRuby 1.5.0, replaced by getInput().
* @return an input stream that Ruby runtime has.
public InputStream getIn() {
return getInput();
* Replaces a standard output by a specified writer.
* @param writer is a writer to be set
public void setWriter(Writer writer) {
if (writer == null) {
Map map = getAttributeMap();
if (map.containsKey(AttributeName.WRITER)) {
Writer old = (Writer) map.get(AttributeName.WRITER);
if (old == writer) {
map.put(AttributeName.WRITER, writer);
PrintStream pstream = new PrintStream(new WriterOutputStream(writer));
private void setOutputStream(PrintStream pstream) {
if (pstream == null) {
Ruby runtime = provider.getRuntime();
RubyIO io = new RubyIO(runtime, pstream);
runtime.defineVariable(new OutputGlobalVariable(runtime, "$stdout", io));
runtime.getObject().storeConstant("STDOUT", io);
runtime.getGlobalVariables().alias("$>", "$stdout");
runtime.getGlobalVariables().alias("$defout", "$stdout");
public void resetWriter() {
PrintStream pstream = provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getOutput();
* Returns a writer set in an attribute map.
* @return a writer in a attribute map
public Writer getWriter() {
Map map = getAttributeMap();
if (map.containsKey(AttributeName.WRITER)) {
return (Writer) getAttributeMap().get(AttributeName.WRITER);
return null;
* Returns an output stream that Ruby runtime has. The stream is set when
* Ruby runtime is initialized.
* @deprecated As of JRuby 1.5.0, replaced by getOutput().
* @return an output stream that Ruby runtime has
public PrintStream getOut() {
return getOutput();
* Replaces a standard error by a specified writer.
* @param errorWriter is a writer to be set
public void setErrorWriter(Writer errorWriter) {
if (errorWriter == null) {
Map map = getAttributeMap();
if (map.containsKey(AttributeName.ERROR_WRITER)) {
Writer old = (Writer) map.get(AttributeName.ERROR_WRITER);
if (old == errorWriter) {
map.put(AttributeName.ERROR_WRITER, errorWriter);
PrintStream pstream = new PrintStream(new WriterOutputStream(errorWriter));
private void setErrorStream(PrintStream error) {
if (error == null) {
Ruby runtime = provider.getRuntime();
RubyIO io = new RubyIO(runtime, error);
runtime.defineVariable(new OutputGlobalVariable(runtime, "$stderr", io));
runtime.getObject().storeConstant("STDERR", io);
runtime.getGlobalVariables().alias("$deferr", "$stderr");
public void resetErrorWriter() {
PrintStream error = provider.getRubyInstanceConfig().getError();
* Returns an error writer set in an attribute map.
* @return an error writer in a attribute map
public Writer getErrorWriter() {
Map map = getAttributeMap();
if (map.containsKey(AttributeName.ERROR_WRITER)) {
return (Writer) getAttributeMap().get(AttributeName.ERROR_WRITER);
return null;
* Returns an error output stream that Ruby runtime has. The stream is set when
* Ruby runtime is initialized.
* @deprecated As of JRuby 1.5.0, Replaced by getError()
* @return an error output stream that Ruby runtime has
public PrintStream getErr() {
return getError();
* Cleanly shut down this ScriptingContainer and any JRuby resources it holds.
* All ScriptingContainer instances should be terminated when you are done with
* them, rather then leaving them for GC to finalize.
* @since JRuby 1.5.0
public void terminate() {
if (getProvider().isRuntimeInitialized()) getProvider().getRuntime().tearDown(false);
* Ensure this ScriptingContainer instance is terminated when nobody holds any
* references to it (and GC wants to reclaim it).
* @throws Throwable
* @since JRuby 1.6.0
public void finalize() throws Throwable {