* Version: CPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Jan Arne Petersen <jpetersen@uni-bonn.de>
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson <ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
* Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <sma@3plus4.de>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
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***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby;
import static org.jruby.util.CodegenUtils.ci;
import static org.jruby.util.CodegenUtils.p;
import static org.jruby.util.CodegenUtils.sig;
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE;
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC;
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_SUPER;
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_VARARGS;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.compiler.impl.SkinnyMethodAdapter;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.DynamicMethod;
import org.jruby.java.codegen.RealClassGenerator;
import org.jruby.java.codegen.Reified;
import org.jruby.javasupport.Java;
import org.jruby.javasupport.util.RuntimeHelpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallSite;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallType;
import org.jruby.runtime.ClassIndex;
import org.jruby.runtime.MethodIndex;
import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator;
import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectMarshal;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import static org.jruby.runtime.Visibility.*;
import static org.jruby.CompatVersion.*;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.callsite.CacheEntry;
import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.MarshalStream;
import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.UnmarshalStream;
import org.jruby.runtime.opto.Invalidator;
import org.jruby.util.ClassCache.OneShotClassLoader;
import org.jruby.util.ClassDefiningClassLoader;
import org.jruby.util.CodegenUtils;
import org.jruby.util.JavaNameMangler;
import org.jruby.util.collections.WeakHashSet;
import org.jruby.util.log.Logger;
import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory;
import org.objectweb.asm.AnnotationVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter;
* @author jpetersen
@JRubyClass(name="Class", parent="Module")
public class RubyClass extends RubyModule {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("RubyClass");
public static void createClassClass(Ruby runtime, RubyClass classClass) {
classClass.index = ClassIndex.CLASS;
classClass.kindOf = new RubyModule.KindOf() {
public boolean isKindOf(IRubyObject obj, RubyModule type) {
return obj instanceof RubyClass;
public static final ObjectAllocator CLASS_ALLOCATOR = new ObjectAllocator() {
public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
RubyClass clazz = new RubyClass(runtime);
clazz.allocator = ObjectAllocator.NOT_ALLOCATABLE_ALLOCATOR; // Class.allocate object is not allocatable before it is initialized
return clazz;
public ObjectAllocator getAllocator() {
return allocator;
public void setAllocator(ObjectAllocator allocator) {
this.allocator = allocator;
* Set a reflective allocator that calls a no-arg constructor on the given
* class.
* @param cls The class on which to call the default constructor to allocate
public void setClassAllocator(final Class cls) {
this.allocator = new ObjectAllocator() {
public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klazz) {
try {
RubyBasicObject object = (RubyBasicObject)cls.newInstance();
return object;
} catch (InstantiationException ie) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("could not allocate " + cls + " with default constructor:\n" + ie);
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
throw runtime.newSecurityError("could not allocate " + cls + " due to inaccessible default constructor:\n" + iae);
this.reifiedClass = cls;
* Set a reflective allocator that calls the "standard" Ruby object
* constructor (Ruby, RubyClass) on the given class.
* @param cls The class from which to grab a standard Ruby constructor
public void setRubyClassAllocator(final Class cls) {
try {
final Constructor constructor = cls.getConstructor(Ruby.class, RubyClass.class);
this.allocator = new ObjectAllocator() {
public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klazz) {
try {
return (IRubyObject)constructor.newInstance(runtime, klazz);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("could not allocate " + cls + " with (Ruby, RubyClass) constructor:\n" + ite);
} catch (InstantiationException ie) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("could not allocate " + cls + " with (Ruby, RubyClass) constructor:\n" + ie);
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
throw runtime.newSecurityError("could not allocate " + cls + " due to inaccessible (Ruby, RubyClass) constructor:\n" + iae);
this.reifiedClass = cls;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
throw new RuntimeException(nsme);
* Set a reflective allocator that calls the "standard" Ruby object
* constructor (Ruby, RubyClass) on the given class via a static
* __allocate__ method intermediate.
* @param cls The class from which to grab a standard Ruby __allocate__
* method.
public void setRubyStaticAllocator(final Class cls) {
try {
final Method method = cls.getDeclaredMethod("__allocate__", Ruby.class, RubyClass.class);
this.allocator = new ObjectAllocator() {
public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klazz) {
try {
return (IRubyObject)method.invoke(null, runtime, klazz);
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("could not allocate " + cls + " with (Ruby, RubyClass) constructor:\n" + ite);
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
throw runtime.newSecurityError("could not allocate " + cls + " due to inaccessible (Ruby, RubyClass) constructor:\n" + iae);
this.reifiedClass = cls;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
throw new RuntimeException(nsme);
@JRubyMethod(name = "allocate")
public IRubyObject allocate() {
if (superClass == null) {
if(!(runtime.is1_9() && this == runtime.getBasicObject())) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("can't instantiate uninitialized class");
IRubyObject obj = allocator.allocate(runtime, this);
if (obj.getMetaClass().getRealClass() != getRealClass()) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("wrong instance allocation");
return obj;
public CallSite getBaseCallSite(int idx) {
return baseCallSites[idx];
public CallSite[] getBaseCallSites() {
return baseCallSites;
public CallSite[] getExtraCallSites() {
return extraCallSites;
public static class VariableAccessor {
private final String name;
private final int index;
private final int classId;
public VariableAccessor(String name, int index, int classId) {
this.index = index;
this.classId = classId;
this.name = name;
public int getClassId() {
return classId;
public int getIndex() {
return index;
public String getName() {
return name;
public Object get(Object object) {
return ((IRubyObject)object).getVariable(index);
public void set(Object object, Object value) {
((IRubyObject)object).setVariable(index, value);
public static final VariableAccessor DUMMY_ACCESSOR = new VariableAccessor(null, -1, -1);
public Map<String, VariableAccessor> getVariableAccessorsForRead() {
return variableAccessors;
private final VariableAccessorField objectIdVariableAccessorField = new VariableAccessorField("object_id");
private final VariableAccessorField cextHandleVariableAccessorField = new VariableAccessorField("cext");
private final VariableAccessorField ffiHandleVariableAccessorField = new VariableAccessorField("ffi");
private final VariableAccessorField objectGroupVariableAccessorField = new VariableAccessorField("objectspace_group");
private synchronized final VariableAccessor allocateVariableAccessor(String name) {
String[] myVariableNames = variableNames;
int newIndex = myVariableNames.length;
String[] newVariableNames = new String[newIndex + 1];
VariableAccessor newVariableAccessor = new VariableAccessor(name, newIndex, this.id);
System.arraycopy(myVariableNames, 0, newVariableNames, 0, newIndex);
newVariableNames[newIndex] = name;
variableNames = newVariableNames;
return newVariableAccessor;
public VariableAccessor getVariableAccessorForWrite(String name) {
VariableAccessor ivarAccessor = variableAccessors.get(name);
if (ivarAccessor == null) {
synchronized (this) {
Map<String, VariableAccessor> myVariableAccessors = variableAccessors;
ivarAccessor = myVariableAccessors.get(name);
if (ivarAccessor == null) {
// allocate a new accessor and populate a new table
ivarAccessor = allocateVariableAccessor(name);
Map<String, VariableAccessor> newVariableAccessors = new HashMap<String, VariableAccessor>(myVariableAccessors.size() + 1);
newVariableAccessors.put(name, ivarAccessor);
variableAccessors = newVariableAccessors;
return ivarAccessor;
public final class VariableAccessorField {
private final String name;
private volatile VariableAccessor variableAccessor = VariableAccessor.DUMMY_ACCESSOR;
private VariableAccessorField(String name) {
this.name = name;
public VariableAccessor getVariableAccessorForRead() {
return variableAccessor;
public VariableAccessor getVariableAccessorForWrite() {
return variableAccessor != VariableAccessor.DUMMY_ACCESSOR
? variableAccessor : allocateVariableAccessor();
private synchronized VariableAccessor allocateVariableAccessor() {
if (variableAccessor == VariableAccessor.DUMMY_ACCESSOR) {
variableAccessor = RubyClass.this.allocateVariableAccessor(name);
return variableAccessor;
public VariableAccessor getVariableAccessorForRead(String name) {
VariableAccessor accessor = getVariableAccessorsForRead().get(name);
if (accessor == null) accessor = VariableAccessor.DUMMY_ACCESSOR;
return accessor;
public VariableAccessorField getObjectIdAccessorField() {
return objectIdVariableAccessorField;
public VariableAccessorField getNativeHandleAccessorField() {
return cextHandleVariableAccessorField;
public VariableAccessorField getFFIHandleAccessorField() {
return ffiHandleVariableAccessorField;
public VariableAccessorField getObjectGroupAccessorField() {
return objectGroupVariableAccessorField;
public int getVariableTableSize() {
return variableAccessors.size();
public int getVariableTableSizeWithExtras() {
return variableNames.length;
public Map<String, VariableAccessor> getVariableTableCopy() {
return new HashMap<String, VariableAccessor>(getVariableAccessorsForRead());
* Get an array of all the known instance variable names. The offset into
* the array indicates the offset of the variable's value in the per-object
* variable array.
* @return a copy of the array of known instance variable names
public String[] getVariableNames() {
String[] original = variableNames;
String[] copy = new String[original.length];
System.arraycopy(original, 0, copy, 0, original.length);
return copy;
public int getNativeTypeIndex() {
return ClassIndex.CLASS;
public boolean isModule() {
return false;
public boolean isClass() {
return true;
public boolean isSingleton() {
return false;
/** boot_defclass
* Create an initial Object meta class before Module and Kernel dependencies have
* squirreled themselves together.
* @param runtime we need it
* @return a half-baked meta class for object
public static RubyClass createBootstrapClass(Ruby runtime, String name, RubyClass superClass, ObjectAllocator allocator) {
RubyClass obj;
if (superClass == null ) { // boot the Object class
obj = new RubyClass(runtime);
} else { // boot the Module and Class classes
obj = new RubyClass(runtime, superClass);
return obj;
/** separate path for MetaClass and IncludedModuleWrapper construction
* (rb_class_boot version for MetaClasses)
* no marshal, allocator initialization and addSubclass(this) here!
protected RubyClass(Ruby runtime, RubyClass superClass, boolean objectSpace) {
super(runtime, runtime.getClassClass(), objectSpace);
this.runtime = runtime;
this.realClass = superClass == null ? null : superClass.getRealClass();
setSuperClass(superClass); // this is the only case it might be null here (in MetaClass construction)
/** used by CLASS_ALLOCATOR (any Class' class will be a Class!)
* also used to bootstrap Object class
protected RubyClass(Ruby runtime) {
super(runtime, runtime.getClassClass());
this.runtime = runtime;
this.realClass = this;
index = ClassIndex.CLASS;
/** rb_class_boot (for plain Classes)
* also used to bootstrap Module and Class classes
protected RubyClass(Ruby runtime, RubyClass superClazz) {
marshal = superClazz.marshal; // use parent's marshal
allocator = superClazz.allocator;
* A constructor which allows passing in an array of supplementary call sites.
protected RubyClass(Ruby runtime, RubyClass superClazz, CallSite[] extraCallSites) {
this.marshal = superClazz.marshal; // use parent's marshal
this.extraCallSites = extraCallSites;
* Construct a new class with the given name scoped under Object (global)
* and with Object as its immediate superclass.
* Corresponds to rb_class_new in MRI.
public static RubyClass newClass(Ruby runtime, RubyClass superClass) {
if (superClass == runtime.getClassClass()) throw runtime.newTypeError("can't make subclass of Class");
if (superClass.isSingleton()) throw runtime.newTypeError("can't make subclass of virtual class");
return new RubyClass(runtime, superClass);
* A variation on newClass that allow passing in an array of supplementary
* call sites to improve dynamic invocation.
public static RubyClass newClass(Ruby runtime, RubyClass superClass, CallSite[] extraCallSites) {
if (superClass == runtime.getClassClass()) throw runtime.newTypeError("can't make subclass of Class");
if (superClass.isSingleton()) throw runtime.newTypeError("can't make subclass of virtual class");
return new RubyClass(runtime, superClass, extraCallSites);
* Construct a new class with the given name, allocator, parent class,
* and containing class. If setParent is true, the class's parent will be
* explicitly set to the provided parent (rather than the new class just
* being assigned to a constant in that parent).
* Corresponds to rb_class_new/rb_define_class_id/rb_name_class/rb_set_class_path
* in MRI.
public static RubyClass newClass(Ruby runtime, RubyClass superClass, String name, ObjectAllocator allocator, RubyModule parent, boolean setParent) {
RubyClass clazz = newClass(runtime, superClass);
if (setParent) clazz.setParent(parent);
parent.setConstant(name, clazz);
return clazz;
* A variation on newClass that allows passing in an array of supplementary
* call sites to improve dynamic invocation performance.
public static RubyClass newClass(Ruby runtime, RubyClass superClass, String name, ObjectAllocator allocator, RubyModule parent, boolean setParent, CallSite[] extraCallSites) {
RubyClass clazz = newClass(runtime, superClass, extraCallSites);
if (setParent) clazz.setParent(parent);
parent.setConstant(name, clazz);
return clazz;
/** rb_make_metaclass
public RubyClass makeMetaClass(RubyClass superClass) {
if (isSingleton()) { // could be pulled down to RubyClass in future
MetaClass klass = new MetaClass(runtime, superClass, this); // rb_class_boot
return klass;
} else {
return super.makeMetaClass(superClass);
public IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, int methodIndex, String name, IRubyObject[] args, CallType callType, Block block) {
return invoke(context, self, name, args, callType, block);
public boolean notVisibleAndNotMethodMissing(DynamicMethod method, String name, IRubyObject caller, CallType callType) {
return !method.isCallableFrom(caller, callType) && !name.equals("method_missing");
public IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
CallType callType, Block block) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
IRubyObject caller = context.getFrameSelf();
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method, name, caller, callType)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, callType, block);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, block);
public IRubyObject finvoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, Block block) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, block);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, block);
public IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject[] args, CallType callType, Block block) {
assert args != null;
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
IRubyObject caller = context.getFrameSelf();
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method, name, caller, callType)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, callType, args, block);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, args, block);
public IRubyObject finvoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
assert args != null;
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, args, block);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, args, block);
public IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg, CallType callType, Block block) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
IRubyObject caller = context.getFrameSelf();
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method, name, caller, callType)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, callType, arg, block);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg, block);
public IRubyObject finvoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg, Block block) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, arg, block);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg, block);
public IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, CallType callType, Block block) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
IRubyObject caller = context.getFrameSelf();
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method, name, caller, callType)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, callType, arg0, arg1, block);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg0, arg1, block);
public IRubyObject finvoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, arg0, arg1, block);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg0, arg1, block);
public IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, CallType callType, Block block) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
IRubyObject caller = context.getFrameSelf();
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method, name, caller, callType)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, callType, arg0, arg1, arg2, block);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg0, arg1, arg2, block);
public IRubyObject finvoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, Block block) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, arg0, arg1, arg2, block);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg0, arg1, arg2, block);
public IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
CallType callType) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
IRubyObject caller = context.getFrameSelf();
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method, name, caller, callType)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, callType, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
return method.call(context, self, this, name);
public IRubyObject finvoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
return method.call(context, self, this, name);
public IRubyObject finvokeChecked(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
if(method.isUndefined()) {
DynamicMethod methodMissing = searchMethod("method_missing");
if(methodMissing.isUndefined() || methodMissing.equals(context.runtime.getDefaultMethodMissing())) {
return null;
try {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
} catch(RaiseException e) {
if(context.runtime.getNoMethodError().isInstance(e.getException())) {
if(self.respondsTo(name)) {
throw e;
} else {
// we swallow, so we also must clear $!
return null;
} else {
throw e;
return method.call(context, self, this, name);
public IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject[] args, CallType callType) {
assert args != null;
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
IRubyObject caller = context.getFrameSelf();
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method, name, caller, callType)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, callType, args, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, args);
public IRubyObject finvoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject[] args) {
assert args != null;
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, args, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, args);
public IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg, CallType callType) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
IRubyObject caller = context.getFrameSelf();
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method, name, caller, callType)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, callType, arg, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg);
public IRubyObject finvoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, arg, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg);
public IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, CallType callType) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
IRubyObject caller = context.getFrameSelf();
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method, name, caller, callType)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, callType, arg0, arg1, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg0, arg1);
public IRubyObject finvoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, arg0, arg1, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg0, arg1);
public IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, CallType callType) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
IRubyObject caller = context.getFrameSelf();
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method, name, caller, callType)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, callType, arg0, arg1, arg2, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg0, arg1, arg2);
public IRubyObject finvoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name,
IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(name);
if (shouldCallMethodMissing(method)) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, arg0, arg1, arg2, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
return method.call(context, self, this, name, arg0, arg1, arg2);
private void dumpReifiedClass(String dumpDir, String javaPath, byte[] classBytes) {
if (dumpDir != null) {
if (dumpDir.equals("")) {
dumpDir = ".";
java.io.FileOutputStream classStream = null;
try {
java.io.File classFile = new java.io.File(dumpDir, javaPath + ".class");
classStream = new java.io.FileOutputStream(classFile);
} catch (IOException io) {
getRuntime().getWarnings().warn("unable to dump class file: " + io.getMessage());
} finally {
if (classStream != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {
private void generateMethodAnnotations(Map<Class, Map<String, Object>> methodAnnos, SkinnyMethodAdapter m, List<Map<Class, Map<String, Object>>> parameterAnnos) {
if (methodAnnos != null && methodAnnos.size() != 0) {
for (Map.Entry<Class, Map<String, Object>> entry : methodAnnos.entrySet()) {
m.visitAnnotationWithFields(ci(entry.getKey()), true, entry.getValue());
if (parameterAnnos != null && parameterAnnos.size() != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < parameterAnnos.size(); i++) {
Map<Class, Map<String, Object>> annos = parameterAnnos.get(i);
if (annos != null && annos.size() != 0) {
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Class, Map<String, Object>>> it = annos.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry<Class, Map<String, Object>> entry = it.next();
m.visitParameterAnnotationWithFields(i, ci(entry.getKey()), true, entry.getValue());
private boolean shouldCallMethodMissing(DynamicMethod method) {
return method.isUndefined();
private boolean shouldCallMethodMissing(DynamicMethod method, String name, IRubyObject caller, CallType callType) {
return method.isUndefined() || notVisibleAndNotMethodMissing(method, name, caller, callType);
public IRubyObject invokeInherited(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject subclass) {
DynamicMethod method = getMetaClass().searchMethod("inherited");
if (method.isUndefined()) {
return RuntimeHelpers.callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), "inherited", CallType.FUNCTIONAL, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
return method.call(context, self, getMetaClass(), "inherited", subclass, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
/** rb_class_new_instance
@JRubyMethod(name = "new", omit = true)
public IRubyObject newInstance(ThreadContext context, Block block) {
IRubyObject obj = allocate();
baseCallSites[CS_IDX_INITIALIZE].call(context, obj, obj, block);
return obj;
@JRubyMethod(name = "new", omit = true)
public IRubyObject newInstance(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
IRubyObject obj = allocate();
baseCallSites[CS_IDX_INITIALIZE].call(context, obj, obj, arg0, block);
return obj;
@JRubyMethod(name = "new", omit = true)
public IRubyObject newInstance(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
IRubyObject obj = allocate();
baseCallSites[CS_IDX_INITIALIZE].call(context, obj, obj, arg0, arg1, block);
return obj;
@JRubyMethod(name = "new", omit = true)
public IRubyObject newInstance(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, Block block) {
IRubyObject obj = allocate();
baseCallSites[CS_IDX_INITIALIZE].call(context, obj, obj, arg0, arg1, arg2, block);
return obj;
@JRubyMethod(name = "new", rest = true, omit = true)
public IRubyObject newInstance(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
IRubyObject obj = allocate();
baseCallSites[CS_IDX_INITIALIZE].call(context, obj, obj, args, block);
return obj;
/** rb_class_initialize
@JRubyMethod(compat = RUBY1_8, visibility = PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, Block block) {
return initializeCommon(context, runtime.getObject(), block, false);
@JRubyMethod(compat = RUBY1_8, visibility = PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject superObject, Block block) {
return initializeCommon(context, (RubyClass)superObject, block, false);
@JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", compat = RUBY1_9, visibility = PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject initialize19(ThreadContext context, Block block) {
return initializeCommon(context, runtime.getObject(), block, true);
@JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", compat = RUBY1_9, visibility = PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject initialize19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject superObject, Block block) {
return initializeCommon(context, (RubyClass)superObject, block, true);
private IRubyObject initializeCommon(ThreadContext context, RubyClass superClazz, Block block, boolean ruby1_9 /*callInheritBeforeSuper*/) {
allocator = superClazz.allocator;
marshal = superClazz.marshal;
if (ruby1_9) {
super.initialize(context, block);
} else {
super.initialize(context, block);
return this;
/** rb_class_init_copy
@JRubyMethod(name = "initialize_copy", required = 1, visibility = PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject initialize_copy(IRubyObject original){
if (original instanceof MetaClass) throw runtime.newTypeError("can't copy singleton class");
allocator = ((RubyClass)original).allocator;
return this;
protected void setModuleSuperClass(RubyClass superClass) {
// remove us from old superclass's child classes
if (this.superClass != null) this.superClass.removeSubclass(this);
// add us to new superclass's child classes
// update superclass reference
public Collection<RubyClass> subclasses(boolean includeDescendants) {
Set<RubyClass> mySubclasses = subclasses;
if (mySubclasses != null) {
Collection<RubyClass> mine = new ArrayList<RubyClass>(mySubclasses);
if (includeDescendants) {
for (RubyClass i: mySubclasses) {
return mine;
} else {
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
* Add a new subclass to the weak set of subclasses.
* This version always constructs a new set to avoid having to synchronize
* against the set when iterating it for invalidation in
* invalidateCacheDescendants.
* @param subclass The subclass to add
public synchronized void addSubclass(RubyClass subclass) {
synchronized (runtime.getHierarchyLock()) {
Set<RubyClass> oldSubclasses = subclasses;
if (oldSubclasses == null) subclasses = oldSubclasses = new WeakHashSet<RubyClass>(4);
* Remove a subclass from the weak set of subclasses.
* @param subclass The subclass to remove
public synchronized void removeSubclass(RubyClass subclass) {
synchronized (runtime.getHierarchyLock()) {
Set<RubyClass> oldSubclasses = subclasses;
if (oldSubclasses == null) return;
* Replace an existing subclass with a new one.
* @param subclass The subclass to remove
* @param newSubclass The subclass to replace it with
public synchronized void replaceSubclass(RubyClass subclass, RubyClass newSubclass) {
synchronized (runtime.getHierarchyLock()) {
Set<RubyClass> oldSubclasses = subclasses;
if (oldSubclasses == null) return;
public void becomeSynchronized() {
// make this class and all subclasses sync
synchronized (getRuntime().getHierarchyLock()) {
Set<RubyClass> mySubclasses = subclasses;
if (mySubclasses != null) for (RubyClass subclass : mySubclasses) {
* Invalidate all subclasses of this class by walking the set of all
* subclasses and asking them to invalidate themselves.
* Note that this version works against a reference to the current set of
* subclasses, which could be replaced by the time this iteration is
* complete. In theory, there may be a path by which invalidation would
* miss a class added during the invalidation process, but the exposure is
* minimal if it exists at all. The only way to prevent it would be to
* synchronize both invalidation and subclass set modification against a
* global lock, which we would like to avoid.
public void invalidateCacheDescendants() {
synchronized (runtime.getHierarchyLock()) {
Set<RubyClass> mySubclasses = subclasses;
if (mySubclasses != null) for (RubyClass subclass : mySubclasses) {
public void addInvalidatorsAndFlush(List<Invalidator> invalidators) {
// add this class's invalidators to the aggregate
// if we're not at boot time, don't bother fully clearing caches
if (!runtime.isBooting()) cachedMethods.clear();
// no subclasses, don't bother with lock and iteration
if (subclasses == null || subclasses.isEmpty()) return;
// cascade into subclasses
synchronized (runtime.getHierarchyLock()) {
Set<RubyClass> mySubclasses = subclasses;
if (mySubclasses != null) for (RubyClass subclass : mySubclasses) {
public Ruby getClassRuntime() {
return runtime;
public final RubyClass getRealClass() {
return realClass;
@JRubyMethod(name = "inherited", required = 1, visibility = PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject inherited(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) {
return runtime.getNil();
/** rb_class_inherited (reversed semantics!)
public void inherit(RubyClass superClazz) {
if (superClazz == null) superClazz = runtime.getObject();
if (getRuntime().getNil() != null) {
superClazz.invokeInherited(runtime.getCurrentContext(), superClazz, this);
/** Return the real super class of this class.
* rb_class_superclass
@JRubyMethod(name = "superclass")
public IRubyObject superclass(ThreadContext context) {
RubyClass superClazz = superClass;
if (superClazz == null) {
if (runtime.is1_9() && metaClass == runtime.getBasicObject().getMetaClass()) return runtime.getNil();
throw runtime.newTypeError("uninitialized class");
while (superClazz != null && superClazz.isIncluded()) superClazz = superClazz.superClass;
return superClazz != null ? superClazz : runtime.getNil();
private void checkNotInitialized() {
if (superClass != null || (runtime.is1_9() && this == runtime.getBasicObject())) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("already initialized class");
/** rb_check_inheritable
public static void checkInheritable(IRubyObject superClass) {
if (!(superClass instanceof RubyClass)) {
throw superClass.getRuntime().newTypeError("superclass must be a Class (" + superClass.getMetaClass() + " given)");
if (((RubyClass)superClass).isSingleton()) {
throw superClass.getRuntime().newTypeError("can't make subclass of virtual class");
public final ObjectMarshal getMarshal() {
return marshal;
public final void setMarshal(ObjectMarshal marshal) {
this.marshal = marshal;
public final void marshal(Object obj, MarshalStream marshalStream) throws IOException {
getMarshal().marshalTo(runtime, obj, this, marshalStream);
public final Object unmarshal(UnmarshalStream unmarshalStream) throws IOException {
return getMarshal().unmarshalFrom(runtime, this, unmarshalStream);
public static void marshalTo(RubyClass clazz, MarshalStream output) throws java.io.IOException {
public static RubyClass unmarshalFrom(UnmarshalStream input) throws java.io.IOException {
String name = RubyString.byteListToString(input.unmarshalString());
RubyClass result = UnmarshalStream.getClassFromPath(input.getRuntime(), name);
return result;
protected static final ObjectMarshal DEFAULT_OBJECT_MARSHAL = new ObjectMarshal() {
public void marshalTo(Ruby runtime, Object obj, RubyClass type,
MarshalStream marshalStream) throws IOException {
IRubyObject object = (IRubyObject)obj;
public Object unmarshalFrom(Ruby runtime, RubyClass type,
UnmarshalStream unmarshalStream) throws IOException {
IRubyObject result = type.allocate();
return result;
* Whether this class can be reified into a Java class. Currently only objects
* that descend from Object (or descend from Ruby-based classes that descend
* from Object) can be reified.
* @return true if the class can be reified, false otherwise
public boolean isReifiable() {
RubyClass realSuper = null;
// already reified is not reifiable
if (reifiedClass != null) return false;
// root classes are not reifiable
if (superClass == null || (realSuper = superClass.getRealClass()) == null) return false;
Class reifiedSuper = realSuper.reifiedClass;
// if super has been reified or is a native class
if (reifiedSuper != null) {
// super must be Object, BasicObject, or a reified user class
return reifiedSuper == RubyObject.class ||
reifiedSuper == RubyBasicObject.class ||
} else {
// non-native, non-reified super; recurse
return realSuper.isReifiable();
public void reifyWithAncestors() {
reifyWithAncestors(null, true);
public void reifyWithAncestors(String classDumpDir) {
reifyWithAncestors(classDumpDir, true);
public void reifyWithAncestors(boolean useChildLoader) {
reifyWithAncestors(null, useChildLoader);
* Reify this class, first reifying all its ancestors. This causes the
* reified class and all ancestors' reified classes to come into existence,
* so any future changes will not be reflected.
* This form also accepts a string argument indicating a path in which to dump
* the intermediate reified class bytes.
* @param classDumpDir the path in which to dump reified class bytes
* @param useChildLoader whether to load the class into its own child classloader
public void reifyWithAncestors(String classDumpDir, boolean useChildLoader) {
if (isReifiable()) {
RubyClass realSuper = getSuperClass().getRealClass();
if (realSuper.reifiedClass == null) realSuper.reifyWithAncestors(classDumpDir, useChildLoader);
reify(classDumpDir, useChildLoader);
private static final boolean DEBUG_REIFY = false;
public synchronized void reify() {
reify(null, true);
public synchronized void reify(String classDumpDir) {
reify(classDumpDir, true);
public synchronized void reify(boolean useChildLoader) {
reify(null, useChildLoader);
* Stand up a real Java class for the backing store of this object
* @param classDumpDir Directory to save reified java class
public synchronized void reify(String classDumpDir, boolean useChildLoader) {
Class reifiedParent = RubyObject.class;
// calculate an appropriate name, using "Anonymous####" if none is present
String name;
if (getBaseName() == null) {
name = "AnonymousRubyClass__" + id;
} else {
name = getName();
String javaName = "rubyobj." + name.replaceAll("::", ".");
String javaPath = "rubyobj/" + name.replaceAll("::", "/");
ClassDefiningClassLoader parentCL;
Class parentReified = superClass.getRealClass().getReifiedClass();
if (parentReified == null) {
throw getClassRuntime().newTypeError("class " + getName() + " parent class is not yet reified");
if (parentReified.getClassLoader() instanceof OneShotClassLoader) {
parentCL = (OneShotClassLoader)superClass.getRealClass().getReifiedClass().getClassLoader();
} else {
if (useChildLoader) {
parentCL = new OneShotClassLoader(runtime.getJRubyClassLoader());
} else {
parentCL = runtime.getJRubyClassLoader();
if (superClass.reifiedClass != null) {
reifiedParent = superClass.reifiedClass;
Class[] interfaces = Java.getInterfacesFromRubyClass(this);
String[] interfaceNames = new String[interfaces.length + 1];
// mark this as a Reified class
interfaceNames[0] = p(Reified.class);
// add the other user-specified interfaces
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
interfaceNames[i + 1] = p(interfaces[i]);
ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES | ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);
cw.visit(RubyInstanceConfig.JAVA_VERSION, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER, javaPath, null, p(reifiedParent),
if (classAnnotations != null && classAnnotations.size() != 0) {
for (Map.Entry<Class,Map<String,Object>> entry : classAnnotations.entrySet()) {
Class annoType = entry.getKey();
Map<String,Object> fields = entry.getValue();
AnnotationVisitor av = cw.visitAnnotation(ci(annoType), true);
CodegenUtils.visitAnnotationFields(av, fields);
// fields to hold Ruby and RubyClass references
cw.visitField(ACC_STATIC | ACC_PRIVATE, "ruby", ci(Ruby.class), null, null);
cw.visitField(ACC_STATIC | ACC_PRIVATE, "rubyClass", ci(RubyClass.class), null, null);
// static initializing method
SkinnyMethodAdapter m = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC, "clinit", sig(void.class, Ruby.class, RubyClass.class), null, null);
m.putstatic(javaPath, "ruby", ci(Ruby.class));
m.putstatic(javaPath, "rubyClass", ci(RubyClass.class));
// standard constructor that accepts Ruby, RubyClass
m = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", sig(void.class, Ruby.class, RubyClass.class), null, null);
m.invokespecial(p(reifiedParent), "<init>", sig(void.class, Ruby.class, RubyClass.class));
// no-arg constructor using static references to Ruby and RubyClass
m = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", CodegenUtils.sig(void.class), null, null);
m.getstatic(javaPath, "ruby", ci(Ruby.class));
m.getstatic(javaPath, "rubyClass", ci(RubyClass.class));
m.invokespecial(p(reifiedParent), "<init>", sig(void.class, Ruby.class, RubyClass.class));
// gather a list of instance methods, so we don't accidentally make static ones that conflict
Set<String> instanceMethods = new HashSet<String>();
// define instance methods
for (Map.Entry<String,DynamicMethod> methodEntry : getMethods().entrySet()) {
String methodName = methodEntry.getKey();
if (!JavaNameMangler.willMethodMangleOk(methodName)) continue;
String javaMethodName = JavaNameMangler.mangleMethodName(methodName);
Map<Class,Map<String,Object>> methodAnnos = getMethodAnnotations().get(methodName);
List<Map<Class,Map<String,Object>>> parameterAnnos = getParameterAnnotations().get(methodName);
Class[] methodSignature = getMethodSignatures().get(methodName);
String signature;
if (methodSignature == null) {
// non-signature signature with just IRubyObject
switch (methodEntry.getValue().getArity().getValue()) {
case 0:
signature = sig(IRubyObject.class);
m = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_VARARGS, javaMethodName, signature, null, null);
generateMethodAnnotations(methodAnnos, m, parameterAnnos);
m.invokevirtual(javaPath, "callMethod", sig(IRubyObject.class, String.class));
signature = sig(IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject[].class);
m = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_VARARGS, javaMethodName, signature, null, null);
generateMethodAnnotations(methodAnnos, m, parameterAnnos);
m.invokevirtual(javaPath, "callMethod", sig(IRubyObject.class, String.class, IRubyObject[].class));
} else {
// generate a real method signature for the method, with to/from coercions
// indices for temp values
Class[] params = new Class[methodSignature.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(methodSignature, 1, params, 0, params.length);
int baseIndex = 1;
for (Class paramType : params) {
if (paramType == double.class || paramType == long.class) {
baseIndex += 2;
} else {
baseIndex += 1;
int rubyIndex = baseIndex;
signature = sig(methodSignature[0], params);
m = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_VARARGS, javaMethodName, signature, null, null);
generateMethodAnnotations(methodAnnos, m, parameterAnnos);
m.getstatic(javaPath, "ruby", ci(Ruby.class));
m.aload(0); // self
m.ldc(methodName); // method name
RealClassGenerator.coerceArgumentsToRuby(m, params, rubyIndex);
m.invokevirtual(javaPath, "callMethod", sig(IRubyObject.class, String.class, IRubyObject[].class));
RealClassGenerator.coerceResultAndReturn(m, methodSignature[0]);
if (DEBUG_REIFY) LOG.debug("defining {}#{} as {}#{}", getName(), methodName, javaName, javaMethodName + signature);
instanceMethods.add(javaMethodName + signature);
// define class/static methods
for (Map.Entry<String,DynamicMethod> methodEntry : getMetaClass().getMethods().entrySet()) {
String methodName = methodEntry.getKey();
if (!JavaNameMangler.willMethodMangleOk(methodName)) continue;
String javaMethodName = JavaNameMangler.mangleMethodName(methodName);
Map<Class,Map<String,Object>> methodAnnos = getMetaClass().getMethodAnnotations().get(methodName);
List<Map<Class,Map<String,Object>>> parameterAnnos = getMetaClass().getParameterAnnotations().get(methodName);
Class[] methodSignature = getMetaClass().getMethodSignatures().get(methodName);
String signature;
if (methodSignature == null) {
// non-signature signature with just IRubyObject
switch (methodEntry.getValue().getArity().getValue()) {
case 0:
signature = sig(IRubyObject.class);
if (instanceMethods.contains(javaMethodName + signature)) continue;
m = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_VARARGS | ACC_STATIC, javaMethodName, signature, null, null);
generateMethodAnnotations(methodAnnos, m, parameterAnnos);
m.getstatic(javaPath, "rubyClass", ci(RubyClass.class));
//m.invokevirtual("org/jruby/RubyClass", "getMetaClass", sig(RubyClass.class) );
m.ldc(methodName); // Method name
m.invokevirtual("org/jruby/RubyClass", "callMethod", sig(IRubyObject.class, String.class) );
signature = sig(IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject[].class);
if (instanceMethods.contains(javaMethodName + signature)) continue;
m = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_VARARGS | ACC_STATIC, javaMethodName, signature, null, null);
generateMethodAnnotations(methodAnnos, m, parameterAnnos);
m.getstatic(javaPath, "rubyClass", ci(RubyClass.class));
m.ldc(methodName); // Method name
m.invokevirtual("org/jruby/RubyClass", "callMethod", sig(IRubyObject.class, String.class, IRubyObject[].class) );
} else {
// generate a real method signature for the method, with to/from coercions
// indices for temp values
Class[] params = new Class[methodSignature.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(methodSignature, 1, params, 0, params.length);
int baseIndex = 0;
for (Class paramType : params) {
if (paramType == double.class || paramType == long.class) {
baseIndex += 2;
} else {
baseIndex += 1;
int rubyIndex = baseIndex;
signature = sig(methodSignature[0], params);
if (instanceMethods.contains(javaMethodName + signature)) continue;
m = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_VARARGS | ACC_STATIC, javaMethodName, signature, null, null);
generateMethodAnnotations(methodAnnos, m, parameterAnnos);
m.getstatic(javaPath, "ruby", ci(Ruby.class));
m.getstatic(javaPath, "rubyClass", ci(RubyClass.class));
m.ldc(methodName); // method name
RealClassGenerator.coerceArgumentsToRuby(m, params, rubyIndex);
m.invokevirtual("org/jruby/RubyClass", "callMethod", sig(IRubyObject.class, String.class, IRubyObject[].class));
RealClassGenerator.coerceResultAndReturn(m, methodSignature[0]);
if (DEBUG_REIFY) LOG.debug("defining {}.{} as {}.{}", getName(), methodName, javaName, javaMethodName + signature);
byte[] classBytes = cw.toByteArray();
dumpReifiedClass(classDumpDir, javaPath, classBytes);
Class result = parentCL.defineClass(javaName, classBytes);
try {
java.lang.reflect.Method clinit = result.getDeclaredMethod("clinit", Ruby.class, RubyClass.class);
clinit.invoke(null, runtime, this);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (RubyInstanceConfig.REIFY_LOG_ERRORS) {
LOG.error("failed to reify class " + getName() + " due to:\n");
reifiedClass = result;
public void setReifiedClass(Class newReifiedClass) {
this.reifiedClass = newReifiedClass;
public Class getReifiedClass() {
return reifiedClass;
public Map<String, List<Map<Class, Map<String,Object>>>> getParameterAnnotations() {
if (parameterAnnotations == null) return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
return parameterAnnotations;
public synchronized void addParameterAnnotation(String method, int i, Class annoClass, Map<String,Object> value) {
if (parameterAnnotations == null) parameterAnnotations = new Hashtable<String,List<Map<Class,Map<String,Object>>>>();
List<Map<Class,Map<String,Object>>> paramList = parameterAnnotations.get(method);
if (paramList == null) {
paramList = new ArrayList<Map<Class,Map<String,Object>>>(i + 1);
parameterAnnotations.put(method, paramList);
if (paramList.size() < i + 1) {
for (int j = paramList.size(); j < i + 1; j++) {
if (annoClass != null && value != null) {
Map<Class, Map<String, Object>> annos = paramList.get(i);
if (annos == null) {
annos = new HashMap<Class, Map<String, Object>>();
paramList.set(i, annos);
annos.put(annoClass, value);
} else {
paramList.set(i, null);
public Map<String,Map<Class,Map<String,Object>>> getMethodAnnotations() {
if (methodAnnotations == null) return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
return methodAnnotations;
public synchronized void addMethodAnnotation(String methodName, Class annotation, Map fields) {
if (methodAnnotations == null) methodAnnotations = new Hashtable<String,Map<Class,Map<String,Object>>>();
Map<Class,Map<String,Object>> annos = methodAnnotations.get(methodName);
if (annos == null) {
annos = new Hashtable<Class,Map<String,Object>>();
methodAnnotations.put(methodName, annos);
annos.put(annotation, fields);
public Map<String,Class[]> getMethodSignatures() {
if (methodSignatures == null) return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
return methodSignatures;
public synchronized void addMethodSignature(String methodName, Class[] types) {
if (methodSignatures == null) methodSignatures = new Hashtable<String,Class[]>();
methodSignatures.put(methodName, types);
public Map<Class,Map<String,Object>> getClassAnnotations() {
if (classAnnotations == null) return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
return classAnnotations;
public synchronized void addClassAnnotation(Class annotation, Map fields) {
if (classAnnotations == null) classAnnotations = new Hashtable<Class,Map<String,Object>>();
classAnnotations.put(annotation, fields);
public Object toJava(Class klass) {
Class returnClass = null;
if (klass == Class.class) {
// Class requested; try java_class or else return nearest reified class
if (respondsTo("java_class")) {
return callMethod("java_class").toJava(klass);
} else {
for (RubyClass current = this; current != null; current = current.getSuperClass()) {
returnClass = current.getReifiedClass();
if (returnClass != null) return returnClass;
// should never fall through, since RubyObject has a reified class
if (klass.isAssignableFrom(RubyClass.class)) {
// they're asking for something RubyClass extends, give them that
return this;
return super.toJava(klass);
* An enum defining the type of marshaling a given class's objects employ.
private static enum MarshalType {
* A tuple representing the mechanism by which objects should be marshaled.
* This tuple caches the type of marshaling to perform (from @MarshalType),
* the method to be used for marshaling data (either marshal_load/dump or
* _load/_dump), and the generation of the class at the time this tuple was
* created. When "dump" or "load" are invoked, they either call the default
* marshaling logic (@MarshalType.DEFAULT) or they further invoke the cached
* marshal_dump/load or _dump/_load methods to marshal the data.
* It is expected that code outside MarshalTuple will validate that the
* generation number still matches before invoking load or dump.
private static class MarshalTuple {
* Construct a new MarshalTuple with the given values.
* @param method The method to invoke, or null in the case of default
* marshaling.
* @param type The type of marshaling to perform, from @MarshalType
* @param generation The generation of the associated class at the time
* of creation.
public MarshalTuple(DynamicMethod method, MarshalType type, int generation) {
this.method = method;
this.type = type;
this.generation = generation;
* Dump the given object to the given stream, using the appropriate
* marshaling method.
* @param stream The stream to which to dump
* @param object The object to dump
* @throws IOException If there is an IO error during dumping
public void dump(MarshalStream stream, IRubyObject object) throws IOException {
switch (type) {
case NEW_USER:
stream.userNewMarshal(object, method);
case OLD_USER:
stream.userMarshal(object, method);
if (object.respondsTo("marshal_dump")) {
} else if (object.respondsTo("_dump")) {
} else {
/** A "null" tuple, used as the default value for caches. */
public static final MarshalTuple NULL_TUPLE = new MarshalTuple(null, null, 0);
/** The method associated with this tuple. */
public final DynamicMethod method;
/** The type of marshaling that will be performed */
public final MarshalType type;
/** The generation of the associated class at the time of creation */
public final int generation;
* Marshal the given object to the marshaling stream, being "smart" and
* caching how to do that marshaling.
* If the class defines a custom "respond_to?" method, then the behavior of
* dumping could vary without our class structure knowing it. As a result,
* we do only the slow-path classic behavior.
* If the class defines a real "marshal_dump" method, we cache and use that.
* If the class defines a real "_dump" method, we cache and use that.
* If the class neither defines none of the above methods, we use a fast
* path directly to the default dumping logic.
* @param stream The stream to which to marshal the data
* @param target The object whose data should be marshaled
* @throws IOException If there is an IO exception while writing to the
* stream.
public void smartDump(MarshalStream stream, IRubyObject target) throws IOException {
MarshalTuple tuple;
if ((tuple = cachedDumpMarshal).generation == generation) {
} else {
// recache
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod("respond_to?");
if (!method.equals(runtime.getRespondToMethod()) && !method.isUndefined()) {
// custom respond_to?, always do slow default marshaling
tuple = (cachedDumpMarshal = new MarshalTuple(null, MarshalType.DEFAULT_SLOW, generation));
} else if (!(method = searchMethod("marshal_dump")).isUndefined()) {
// object really has 'marshal_dump', cache "new" user marshaling
tuple = (cachedDumpMarshal = new MarshalTuple(method, MarshalType.NEW_USER, generation));
} else if (!(method = searchMethod("_dump")).isUndefined()) {
// object really has '_dump', cache "old" user marshaling
tuple = (cachedDumpMarshal = new MarshalTuple(method, MarshalType.OLD_USER, generation));
} else {
// no respond_to?, marshal_dump, or _dump, so cache default marshaling
tuple = (cachedDumpMarshal = new MarshalTuple(null, MarshalType.DEFAULT, generation));
tuple.dump(stream, target);
* Load marshaled data into a blank target object using marshal_load, being
* "smart" and caching the mechanism for invoking marshal_load.
* If the class implements a custom respond_to?, cache nothing and go slow
* path invocation of respond_to? and marshal_load every time. Raise error
* if respond_to? :marshal_load returns true and no :marshal_load is
* defined.
* If the class implements marshal_load, cache and use that.
* Otherwise, error, since marshal_load is not present.
* @param target The blank target object into which marshal_load will
* deserialize the given data
* @param data The marshaled data
* @return The fully-populated target object
public IRubyObject smartLoadNewUser(IRubyObject target, IRubyObject data) {
ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
CacheEntry cache;
if ((cache = cachedLoad).token == generation) {
cache.method.call(context, target, this, "marshal_load", data);
return target;
} else {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod("respond_to?");
if (!method.equals(runtime.getRespondToMethod()) && !method.isUndefined()) {
// custom respond_to?, cache nothing and use slow path
if (method.call(context, target, this, "respond_to?", runtime.newSymbol("marshal_load")).isTrue()) {
target.callMethod(context, "marshal_load", data);
return target;
} else {
throw runtime.newTypeError("class " + getName() + " needs to have method `marshal_load'");
} else if (!(cache = searchWithCache("marshal_load")).method.isUndefined()) {
// real marshal_load defined, cache and call it
cachedLoad = cache;
cache.method.call(context, target, this, "marshal_load", data);
return target;
} else {
// go ahead and call, method_missing might handle it
target.callMethod(context, "marshal_load", data);
return target;
* Load marshaled data into a blank target object using _load, being
* "smart" and caching the mechanism for invoking _load.
* If the metaclass implements custom respond_to?, cache nothing and go slow
* path invocation of respond_to? and _load every time. Raise error if
* respond_to? :_load returns true and no :_load is defined.
* If the metaclass implements _load, cache and use that.
* Otherwise, error, since _load is not present.
* @param data The marshaled data, to be reconstituted into an object by
* _load
* @return The fully-populated target object
public IRubyObject smartLoadOldUser(IRubyObject data) {
ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
CacheEntry cache;
if ((cache = getSingletonClass().cachedLoad).token == getSingletonClass().generation) {
return cache.method.call(context, this, getSingletonClass(), "_load", data);
} else {
DynamicMethod method = getSingletonClass().searchMethod("respond_to?");
if (!method.equals(runtime.getRespondToMethod()) && !method.isUndefined()) {
// custom respond_to?, cache nothing and use slow path
if (method.call(context, this, getSingletonClass(), "respond_to?", runtime.newSymbol("_load")).isTrue()) {
return callMethod(context, "_load", data);
} else {
throw runtime.newTypeError("class " + getName() + " needs to have method `_load'");
} else if (!(cache = getSingletonClass().searchWithCache("_load")).method.isUndefined()) {
// real _load defined, cache and call it
getSingletonClass().cachedLoad = cache;
return cache.method.call(context, this, getSingletonClass(), "_load", data);
} else {
// provide an error, since it doesn't exist
throw runtime.newTypeError("class " + getName() + " needs to have method `_load'");
protected final Ruby runtime;
private ObjectAllocator allocator; // the default allocator
protected ObjectMarshal marshal;
private Set<RubyClass> subclasses;
public static final int CS_IDX_INITIALIZE = 0;
public static final String[] CS_NAMES = {
private final CallSite[] baseCallSites = new CallSite[CS_NAMES.length];
for(int i = 0; i < CS_NAMES.length; i++) {
baseCallSites[i] = MethodIndex.getFunctionalCallSite(CS_NAMES[i]);
private CallSite[] extraCallSites;
private Class reifiedClass;
private static String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
private Map<String, VariableAccessor> variableAccessors = (Map<String, VariableAccessor>)Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
private volatile String[] variableNames = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
private volatile boolean hasObjectID = false;
public boolean hasObjectID() {
return hasObjectID;
private Map<String, List<Map<Class, Map<String,Object>>>> parameterAnnotations;
private Map<String, Map<Class, Map<String,Object>>> methodAnnotations;
private Map<String, Class[]> methodSignatures;
private Map<Class, Map<String,Object>> classAnnotations;
/** A cached tuple of method, type, and generation for dumping */
private MarshalTuple cachedDumpMarshal = MarshalTuple.NULL_TUPLE;
/** A cached tuple of method and generation for marshal loading */
private CacheEntry cachedLoad = CacheEntry.NULL_CACHE;
/** The "real" class, used by includes and singletons to locate the actual type of the object */
private final RubyClass realClass;