* This file is part of Pau's Asset Manager Project.
* Pau's Asset Manager Project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pau's Asset Manager Project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Pau's Asset Manager Project. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.pau.assetmanager.viewmodel;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.pau.assetmanager.business.ClientsBusiness;
import org.pau.assetmanager.business.UserClientAssociationBusiness;
import org.pau.assetmanager.business.UsersBusiness;
import org.pau.assetmanager.entities.Client;
import org.pau.assetmanager.entities.Group;
import org.pau.assetmanager.entities.User;
import org.pau.assetmanager.entities.UserClientAssociation;
import org.pau.assetmanager.utils.UserUtil;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.BindingParam;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Command;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.DependsOn;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Init;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.NotifyChange;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
* This class is the ViewModel for the administration of the application
* defined by the ZUL 'administration.zul'
* @author Pau Carré Cardona
public class AdministrationViewModel {
private static final Integer USER_FIEL_MINIMUM_LENGTH = 4;
private static final String ADMINISTRATOR = "ADMINISTRATOR";
// user selected to manage
private User selectedUser;
// user that is logged
private User executionUser;
// existing users in the system
private List<User> users;
// clients that are linked with 'selectedUser' user
private List<Client> clientsFromSelectedUser;
// first password introduced to change the password
private String newPasswordFirst;
// second password introduced to change the password
private String newPasswordSecond;
// indicates whether the error message for a failed attempt to
// change the password should be shown
private Boolean errorUpdatingPassword;
// indicates whether the confirmation message for a successful attempt to
// change the password should be shown
private Boolean isPasswordUpdated;
// indicates whether the dialog to add a new user
// should be displayed or not
private Boolean addUserActive;
// Fields for user creation
// username introduced to create a new user
private String createUserUsername;
// first password introduced to create a new user
private String createUserPasswordFirst;
// second password introduced to create a new user
private String createUserPasswordSecond;
// indicates whether the error message for a failed attempt to
// create a new user should be shown
private Boolean errorCreateUser;
// Fields for client association
/* indicates whether the window to add a new relationship
/* between the selected user and another client should
/* be open
private Boolean relationshipClientActive;
/* list of clients that can be added in the
/* relationship between the selected user
/* and a client
private List<Client> relationshipClients;
/* the selected client to be added in the
/* relationship with the selected user
private Client relationshipSelectedClient;
public void init() {
errorUpdatingPassword = false;
isPasswordUpdated = false;
executionUser = UserUtil.getExecutionUser();
users = UsersBusiness.getUsers();
if (users.size() > 0) {
selectedUser = executionUser;
clientsFromSelectedUser = ClientsBusiness
} else {
// this should not happen
selectedUser = null;
clientsFromSelectedUser = new LinkedList<Client>();
* @return whether the executing user is administrator
* (this method is called to display or hide administration
* functionalities)
public Boolean getExecutionUserIsAdministrator(){
List<Group> groups = UsersBusiness.getGroupsFromUser(executionUser);
List<String> groupCodes = Lists.transform(groups, new Function<Group, String>() {
public String apply(Group input) {
return input.getGroupCode();
return groupCodes.contains(ADMINISTRATOR);
@NotifyChange({ "errorUpdatingPassword", "isPasswordUpdated" })
public void changePasswordToExecutionUser() {
if (Objects.equal(newPasswordFirst, newPasswordSecond)) {
// check password complexity
if (checkUserFieldComplexity(newPasswordFirst)) {
String trimmedPassword = newPasswordFirst.trim();
executionUser = UsersBusiness.update(executionUser);
errorUpdatingPassword = false;
} else {
errorUpdatingPassword = true;
} else {
errorUpdatingPassword = true;
isPasswordUpdated = !errorUpdatingPassword;
@NotifyChange({"clientsFromSelectedUser", "relationshipClients"})
public void removeClientRelationship(@BindingParam("client") Client client){
UserClientAssociation userClientAssociation = UserClientAssociationBusiness.getUserClientAssociationFromClientAndUser(client, selectedUser);
public void openAddUserWindow() {
addUserActive = true;
public void openRelationshipClientWindow(){
relationshipClientActive = true;
@NotifyChange({ "addUserActive", "createUserUsername",
"createUserPasswordFirst", "createUserPasswordSecond" })
public void cancelAddUser() {
@NotifyChange({ "relationshipClientActive", "relationshipClients",
"relationshipSelectedClient" })
public void cancelRelationshipUser() {
@NotifyChange({ "relationshipClientActive", "relationshipClients",
"relationshipSelectedClient", "clientsFromSelectedUser" })
public void relateClient(){
UserClientAssociation userClientAssociation = new UserClientAssociation();
clientsFromSelectedUser = ClientsBusiness.getClientsFromUser(selectedUser);
private void setRelationshipClientWindowToDefaults() {
relationshipClientActive = false;
"selectedUser", "users" , "selectedUser"})
public void removeUser() {
users = UsersBusiness.getUsers();
if(users.size() > 0){
selectedUser = users.iterator().next();
@NotifyChange({ "addUserActive", "createUserUsername",
"createUserPasswordFirst", "createUserPasswordSecond",
"errorCreateUser", "selectedUser", "users" })
public void addUser() {
if (Objects.equal(createUserPasswordFirst, createUserPasswordSecond)) {
if (checkUserFieldComplexity(createUserUsername)
&& checkUserFieldComplexity(createUserPasswordFirst)) {
User user = new User();
users = UsersBusiness.getUsers();
selectedUser = user;
} else {
errorCreateUser = true;
} else {
errorCreateUser = true;
private void setCreateUserWindowToDefaults() {
createUserUsername = "";
createUserPasswordFirst = "";
createUserPasswordSecond = "";
addUserActive = false;
errorCreateUser = false;
private static Boolean checkUserFieldComplexity(String userField) {
if (userField != null) {
userField = userField.trim();
if (userField.length() >= USER_FIEL_MINIMUM_LENGTH) {
return true;
return false;
public Boolean getRelationshipClientActive() {
return relationshipClientActive;
public void setRelationshipClientActive(Boolean relationshipClientActive) {
this.relationshipClientActive = relationshipClientActive;
public List<Client> getRelationshipClients() {
relationshipClients = ClientsBusiness.getClientsNotLinkedWithUser(selectedUser);
return relationshipClients;
public void setRelationshipClients(List<Client> relationshipClients) {
this.relationshipClients = relationshipClients;
public Client getRelationshipSelectedClient() {
if(relationshipClients != null && relationshipClients.size() > 0){
relationshipSelectedClient = relationshipClients.iterator().next();
relationshipSelectedClient = null;
return relationshipSelectedClient;
public void setRelationshipSelectedClient(Client relationshipSelectedClient) {
this.relationshipSelectedClient = relationshipSelectedClient;
public String getNewPasswordFirst() {
return newPasswordFirst;
public void setNewPasswordFirst(String newPasswordFirst) {
this.newPasswordFirst = newPasswordFirst;
public String getNewPasswordSecond() {
return newPasswordSecond;
public void setNewPasswordSecond(String newPasswordSecond) {
this.newPasswordSecond = newPasswordSecond;
public List<User> getUsers() {
return users;
public void setUsers(List<User> users) {
this.users = users;
public User getExecutionUser() {
return executionUser;
public void setExecutionUser(User executionUser) {
this.executionUser = executionUser;
public Boolean getErrorCreateUser() {
return errorCreateUser;
public void setErrorCreateUser(Boolean errorCreateUser) {
this.errorCreateUser = errorCreateUser;
public User getSelectedUser() {
return selectedUser;
public void setSelectedUser(User selectedUser) {
this.selectedUser = selectedUser;
public Boolean getErrorUpdatingPassword() {
return errorUpdatingPassword;
public void setErrorUpdatingPassword(Boolean errorUpdatingPassword) {
this.errorUpdatingPassword = errorUpdatingPassword;
public Boolean getIsPasswordUpdated() {
return isPasswordUpdated;
public void setIsPasswordUpdated(Boolean isPasswordUpdated) {
this.isPasswordUpdated = isPasswordUpdated;
public Boolean getAddUserActive() {
return addUserActive;
public void setAddUserActive(Boolean addUserActive) {
this.addUserActive = addUserActive;
public String getCreateUserUsername() {
return createUserUsername;
public void setCreateUserUsername(String createUserUsername) {
this.createUserUsername = createUserUsername;
public String getCreateUserPasswordFirst() {
return createUserPasswordFirst;
public void setCreateUserPasswordFirst(String createUserPasswordFirst) {
this.createUserPasswordFirst = createUserPasswordFirst;
public String getCreateUserPasswordSecond() {
return createUserPasswordSecond;
public void setCreateUserPasswordSecond(String createUserPasswordSecond) {
this.createUserPasswordSecond = createUserPasswordSecond;
public List<Client> getClientsFromSelectedUser() {
clientsFromSelectedUser = ClientsBusiness
return clientsFromSelectedUser;
public void setClientsFromSelectedUser(List<Client> clientsFromSelectedUser) {
this.clientsFromSelectedUser = clientsFromSelectedUser;