* This file is part of Pau's Asset Manager Project.
* Pau's Asset Manager Project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pau's Asset Manager Project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Pau's Asset Manager Project. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.pau.assetmanager.business;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.pau.assetmanager.entities.Book;
import org.pau.assetmanager.entities.Client;
import org.pau.assetmanager.entities.User;
import org.pau.assetmanager.entities.UserClientAssociation;
import org.pau.assetmanager.utils.AssetManagerRuntimeException;
import org.pau.assetmanager.utils.UserUtil;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
* This class contains database methods related to Clients {@link org.pau.assetmanager.entities.Client}
* @author Pau Carré Cardona
public class ClientsBusiness {
private static Logger logger = LogManager
* This method removes a client from the database
* @param selectedClient client to remove
* @return the client removed
public static Client removeClient(Client selectedClient) {
String queryBooks = "select book from Book book where book.client=:client";
List<Book> books = DaoFunction.<Book>querySimpleListFunction("client", selectedClient).apply(queryBooks);
for (Book book : books) {
String queryClients = "select client from Client client where client=:client";
Optional<Client> optionalClient = DaoFunction.<Client>querySimpleUniqueFunction("client", selectedClient).apply(queryClients);
Client client = optionalClient.get();
return client;
String message = "Client '"+selectedClient.toString()+"' not found in the database";
throw new AssetManagerRuntimeException(message);
* @return returns all the clients from the current user logged in the database
public static List<Client> getClients() {
User user = UserUtil.getExecutionUser();
return getClientsFromUser(user);
* @param user
* @return returns the list of clients from the user
public static List<Client> getClientsFromUser(User user) {
String query = "select userClientAssociation.client from UserClientAssociation userClientAssociation "
+ "where userClientAssociation.user = :user";
List<Client> clients = DaoFunction.<Client>querySimpleListFunction("user", user).apply(query);
return clients;
* @param name of the client
* @return the client that has the name of the parameter
public static Optional<Client> getClientByName(String name) {
String query = "select client from Client client where client.name=:name";
Optional<Client> optionalClient = DaoFunction.<Client>querySimpleUniqueFunction("name", name).apply(query);
return optionalClient;
* Adds a client into the database given a client name
* @param clientName the name of the client to be inserted in the database
public static Client addClientByClientName(final User user, String clientName) {
DaoFunction<String, Client> addClientFuncion = new DaoFunction<String, Client>() {
protected Client doInTransaction(
EntityManager entityManager, String clientName) {
Client client = new Client();
UserClientAssociation userClientAssociation = new UserClientAssociation();
return client;
return addClientFuncion.apply(clientName);
* @return the list of all the clients available in the system
public static List<Client> getAllClients() {
String query = "select client from Client client";
List<Client> clients = DaoFunction.<Client>querySimpleListFunction().apply(query);
return clients;
* @param user
* @return the list of clients not related with the 'user' passed as parameter
public static List<Client> getClientsNotLinkedWithUser(User user) {
String query = "select client from Client client "
+ "where client not in ( select userClientAssociation.client from UserClientAssociation userClientAssociation "
+ "where userClientAssociation.user = :user)";
List<Client> clients = DaoFunction.<Client>querySimpleListFunction("user", user).apply(query);
return clients;