package com.cardence.lawshelf.model.impl;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCreator;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
import com.cardence.lawshelf.model.Attribute;
import com.cardence.lawshelf.model.AttributeDao;
public class AttributeEnabledJdbcTemplateDao extends AbstractJdbcTemplateDao
implements AttributeDao {
private static final String TABLE_NAME = "attribute";
private static final String SQL_FIND_ATTR = "select tablename, tablerow_id, attr_key, attr_value, source, from attribute";
private static final String SQL_INSERT_ATTR = "insert into attribute (tablename, tablerow_id, attr_key, attr_value, source) values (?,?,?,?,?)";
// private static final String SQL_DELETE_ATTR =
// "delete from attribute where tablename = ? and tablerow_id = ?";
private static final class AttributeMapper implements RowMapper<Attribute> {
public Attribute mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
Attribute attr = new Attribute();
return attr;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.cardence.lawshelf.model.impl.AttributeDao#findAttributesForRow(java
* .lang.String, int)
public Collection<Attribute> findAttributesForRow(String tablename,
int tablerowid) {
return this.getJdbcTemplate().query(
SQL_FIND_ATTR + " where tablename = ? and tablerow_id = ?",
new Object[] { tablename, tablerowid },
new int[] { java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, java.sql.Types.INTEGER },
new AttributeMapper());
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.cardence.lawshelf.model.impl.AttributeDao#findAttributeForRow(java
* .lang.String, int, java.lang.String)
public Attribute findAttributeForRow(String tablename, int tablerowid,
String attributeKey) {
return (Attribute) this
+ " where tablename = ? and tablerow_id = ? and attr_key = ?",
new Object[] { tablename, tablerowid, attributeKey },
new AttributeMapper());
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.cardence.lawshelf.model.impl.AttributeDao#deleteAttribute(java.lang
* .String, java.lang.Integer)
public void deleteAttribute(String tablename, Integer tablerowId) {
try {
.update("delete from " + TABLE_NAME
+ " where tablename = ? and tablerow_id = ?",
new Object[] { //
tablename, tablerowId },
new int[] { java.sql.Types.VARCHAR,
java.sql.Types.INTEGER });
} catch (Throwable t) {
.println("Did not delete attribute... possibly not there: "
+ t.getLocalizedMessage());
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.cardence.lawshelf.model.impl.AttributeDao#createAttribute(com.cardence
* .lawshelf.model.Attribute)
public void createAttribute(Attribute attr) {
try {
final String tablename = attr.getTablename();
final Integer tablerowid = attr.getTableID();
final String attrKey = attr.getAttrKey();
final String attrVal = attr.getAttrValue();
final String source = attr.getSource();
this.getJdbcTemplate().update(new PreparedStatementCreator() {
public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(
Connection connection) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(
SQL_INSERT_ATTR, new String[] {});
ps.setString(1, tablename);
ps.setInt(2, tablerowid);
ps.setString(3, attrKey);
ps.setString(4, attrVal);
ps.setString(5, source);
return ps;
} catch (Throwable t) {
.println("Did not create attribute... possibly already there: "
+ t.getLocalizedMessage());
public void replaceAllAttributes(Collection<Attribute> attrs) {
Map<String, Object[]> tableIdComboMap = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
// // group all the unique table and row id combinations
for (Attribute attr : attrs) {
String tn = attr.getTablename();
Integer tid = attr.getTableID();
if (tn != null && tid != null) {
tableIdComboMap.put(tn + "-" + tid.toString(), new Object[] {
tn, tid });
// // delete all attributes for this table/id combo
for (Object[] tableIdCombo : tableIdComboMap.values()) {
this.deleteAttribute((String) tableIdCombo[0],
(Integer) tableIdCombo[1]);
// // now create all the new attributes
for (Attribute attr : attrs) {
public void createAllAttributes(Collection<Attribute> attrs) {
// // now create all the new attributes
for (Attribute attr : attrs) {
protected String getDatabaseTableName() {
return TABLE_NAME;