* Copyright (c) 2014 Jeff Martin.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Contributors:
* Jeff Martin - initial API and implementation
package cuchaz.enigma;
import static cuchaz.enigma.EntryFactory.*;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.*;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import org.junit.Test;
import cuchaz.enigma.analysis.Access;
import cuchaz.enigma.analysis.ClassImplementationsTreeNode;
import cuchaz.enigma.analysis.ClassInheritanceTreeNode;
import cuchaz.enigma.analysis.EntryReference;
import cuchaz.enigma.analysis.JarIndex;
import cuchaz.enigma.analysis.MethodImplementationsTreeNode;
import cuchaz.enigma.analysis.MethodInheritanceTreeNode;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.BehaviorEntry;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.FieldEntry;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.MethodEntry;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.Translator;
public class TestJarIndexLoneClass
private JarIndex m_index;
public TestJarIndexLoneClass( )
throws Exception
m_index = new JarIndex();
m_index.indexJar( new JarFile( "build/libs/testLoneClass.obf.jar" ), false );
public void obfEntries( )
assertThat( m_index.getObfClassEntries(), containsInAnyOrder(
newClass( "cuchaz/enigma/inputs/Keep" ),
newClass( "none/a" )
) );
public void translationIndex( )
assertThat( m_index.getTranslationIndex().getSuperclassName( "none/a" ), is( nullValue() ) );
assertThat( m_index.getTranslationIndex().getSuperclassName( "cuchaz/enigma/inputs/Keep" ), is( nullValue() ) );
assertThat( m_index.getTranslationIndex().getAncestry( "none/a" ), is( empty() ) );
assertThat( m_index.getTranslationIndex().getAncestry( "cuchaz/enigma/inputs/Keep" ), is( empty() ) );
assertThat( m_index.getTranslationIndex().getSubclassNames( "none/a" ), is( empty() ) );
assertThat( m_index.getTranslationIndex().getSubclassNames( "cuchaz/enigma/inputs/Keep" ), is( empty() ) );
public void access( )
assertThat( m_index.getAccess( newField( "none/a", "a" ) ), is( Access.Private ) );
assertThat( m_index.getAccess( newMethod( "none/a", "a", "()Ljava/lang/String;" ) ), is( Access.Public ) );
assertThat( m_index.getAccess( newField( "none/a", "b" ) ), is( nullValue() ) );
public void classInheritance( )
ClassInheritanceTreeNode node = m_index.getClassInheritance( new Translator(), newClass( "none/a" ) );
assertThat( node, is( not( nullValue() ) ) );
assertThat( node.getObfClassName(), is( "none/a" ) );
assertThat( node.getChildCount(), is( 0 ) );
public void methodInheritance( )
MethodEntry source = newMethod( "none/a", "a", "()Ljava/lang/String;" );
MethodInheritanceTreeNode node = m_index.getMethodInheritance( new Translator(), source );
assertThat( node, is( not( nullValue() ) ) );
assertThat( node.getMethodEntry(), is( source ) );
assertThat( node.getChildCount(), is( 0 ) );
public void classImplementations( )
ClassImplementationsTreeNode node = m_index.getClassImplementations( new Translator(), newClass( "none/a" ) );
assertThat( node, is( nullValue() ) );
public void methodImplementations( )
MethodEntry source = newMethod( "none/a", "a", "()Ljava/lang/String;" );
MethodImplementationsTreeNode node = m_index.getMethodImplementations( new Translator(), source );
assertThat( node, is( nullValue() ) );
public void relatedMethodImplementations( )
Set<MethodEntry> entries = m_index.getRelatedMethodImplementations( newMethod( "none/a", "a", "()Ljava/lang/String;" ) );
assertThat( entries, containsInAnyOrder( newMethod( "none/a", "a", "()Ljava/lang/String;" ) ) );
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public void fieldReferences( )
FieldEntry source = newField( "none/a", "a" );
Collection<EntryReference<FieldEntry,BehaviorEntry>> references = m_index.getFieldReferences( source );
assertThat( references, containsInAnyOrder(
newFieldReferenceByConstructor( source, "none/a", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V" ),
newFieldReferenceByMethod( source, "none/a", "a", "()Ljava/lang/String;" )
) );
public void behaviorReferences( )
assertThat( m_index.getBehaviorReferences( newMethod( "none/a", "a", "()Ljava/lang/String;" ) ), is( empty() ) );
public void innerClasses( )
assertThat( m_index.getInnerClasses( "none/a" ), is( empty() ) );
public void outerClass( )
assertThat( m_index.getOuterClass( "a" ), is( nullValue() ) );
public void isAnonymousClass( )
assertThat( m_index.isAnonymousClass( "none/a" ), is( false ) );
public void interfaces( )
assertThat( m_index.getInterfaces( "none/a" ), is( empty() ) );
public void implementingClasses( )
assertThat( m_index.getImplementingClasses( "none/a" ), is( empty() ) );
public void isInterface( )
assertThat( m_index.isInterface( "none/a" ), is( false ) );
public void bridgeMethods( )
assertThat( m_index.getBridgeMethod( newMethod( "none/a", "a", "()Ljava/lang/String;" ) ), is( nullValue() ) );
public void contains( )
assertThat( m_index.containsObfClass( newClass( "none/a" ) ), is( true ) );
assertThat( m_index.containsObfClass( newClass( "none/b" ) ), is( false ) );
assertThat( m_index.containsObfField( newField( "none/a", "a" ) ), is( true ) );
assertThat( m_index.containsObfField( newField( "none/a", "b" ) ), is( false ) );
assertThat( m_index.containsObfBehavior( newMethod( "none/a", "a", "()Ljava/lang/String;" ) ), is( true ) );
assertThat( m_index.containsObfBehavior( newMethod( "none/a", "b", "()Ljava/lang/String;" ) ), is( false ) );