* Copyright (c) 2014 Jeff Martin.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Contributors:
* Jeff Martin - initial API and implementation
package cuchaz.enigma.convert;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import javassist.CtBehavior;
import javassist.CtClass;
import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.BiMap;
import com.google.common.collect.HashBiMap;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import cuchaz.enigma.TranslatingTypeLoader;
import cuchaz.enigma.analysis.JarIndex;
import cuchaz.enigma.convert.ClassNamer.SidedClassNamer;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.ClassEntry;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.ClassMapping;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.MappingParseException;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.Mappings;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.MappingsReader;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.MappingsWriter;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.MethodEntry;
import cuchaz.enigma.mapping.MethodMapping;
public class ClassMatcher
public static void main( String[] args )
throws IOException, MappingParseException
JarFile sourceJar = new JarFile( new File( "input/1.8-pre3.jar" ) );
JarFile destJar = new JarFile( new File( "input/1.8.jar" ) );
File inMappingsFile = new File( "../Enigma Mappings/1.8-pre3.mappings" );
File outMappingsFile = new File( "../Enigma Mappings/1.8.mappings" );
// define a matching to use when the automated system cannot find a match
Map<String,String> fallbackMatching = Maps.newHashMap();
fallbackMatching.put( "none/ayb", "none/ayf" );
fallbackMatching.put( "none/ayd", "none/ayd" );
fallbackMatching.put( "none/bgk", "unknown/bgk" );
// do the conversion
Mappings mappings = new MappingsReader().read( new FileReader( inMappingsFile ) );
convertMappings( sourceJar, destJar, mappings, fallbackMatching );
// write out the converted mappings
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter( outMappingsFile );
new MappingsWriter().write( writer, mappings );
System.out.println( "Wrote converted mappings to:\n\t" + outMappingsFile.getAbsolutePath() );
private static void convertMappings( JarFile sourceJar, JarFile destJar, Mappings mappings, Map<String,String> fallbackMatching )
// index jars
System.out.println( "Indexing source jar..." );
JarIndex sourceIndex = new JarIndex();
sourceIndex.indexJar( sourceJar, false );
System.out.println( "Indexing dest jar..." );
JarIndex destIndex = new JarIndex();
destIndex.indexJar( destJar, false );
TranslatingTypeLoader sourceLoader = new TranslatingTypeLoader( sourceJar, sourceIndex );
TranslatingTypeLoader destLoader = new TranslatingTypeLoader( destJar, destIndex );
// compute the matching
ClassMatching matching = computeMatching( sourceIndex, sourceLoader, destIndex, destLoader );
Map<String,Map.Entry<ClassIdentity,List<ClassIdentity>>> matchingIndex = matching.getIndex();
// get all the obf class names used in the mappings
Set<String> usedClassNames = mappings.getAllObfClassNames();
Set<String> allClassNames = Sets.newHashSet();
for( ClassEntry classEntry : sourceIndex.getObfClassEntries() )
allClassNames.add( classEntry.getName() );
usedClassNames.retainAll( allClassNames );
System.out.println( "Used " + usedClassNames.size() + " classes in the mappings" );
// probabilistically match the non-uniquely-matched source classes
for( Map.Entry<ClassIdentity,List<ClassIdentity>> entry : matchingIndex.values() )
ClassIdentity sourceClass = entry.getKey();
List<ClassIdentity> destClasses = entry.getValue();
// skip classes that are uniquely matched
if( destClasses.size() == 1 )
// skip classes that aren't used in the mappings
if( !usedClassNames.contains( sourceClass.getClassEntry().getName() ) )
System.out.println( "No exact match for source class " + sourceClass.getClassEntry() );
// find the closest classes
Multimap<Integer,ClassIdentity> scoredMatches = ArrayListMultimap.create();
for( ClassIdentity c : destClasses )
scoredMatches.put( sourceClass.getMatchScore( c ), c );
List<Integer> scores = new ArrayList<Integer>( scoredMatches.keySet() );
Collections.sort( scores, Collections.reverseOrder() );
printScoredMatches( sourceClass.getMaxMatchScore(), scores, scoredMatches );
// does the best match have a non-zero score and the same name?
int bestScore = scores.get( 0 );
Collection<ClassIdentity> bestMatches = scoredMatches.get( bestScore );
if( bestScore > 0 && bestMatches.size() == 1 )
ClassIdentity bestMatch = bestMatches.iterator().next();
if( bestMatch.getClassEntry().equals( sourceClass.getClassEntry() ) )
// use it
System.out.println( "\tAutomatically choosing likely match: " + bestMatch.getClassEntry().getName() );
destClasses.add( bestMatch );
// group the matching into unique and non-unique matches
BiMap<String,String> matchedClassNames = HashBiMap.create();
Set<String> unmatchedSourceClassNames = Sets.newHashSet();
for( String className : usedClassNames )
// is there a match for this class?
Map.Entry<ClassIdentity,List<ClassIdentity>> entry = matchingIndex.get( className );
ClassIdentity sourceClass = entry.getKey();
List<ClassIdentity> matches = entry.getValue();
if( matches.size() == 1 )
// unique match! We're good to go!
matches.get( 0 ).getClassEntry().getName()
// no match, check the fallback matching
String fallbackMatch = fallbackMatching.get( className );
if( fallbackMatch != null )
unmatchedSourceClassNames.add( className );
// report unmatched classes
if( !unmatchedSourceClassNames.isEmpty() )
System.err.println( "ERROR: there were unmatched classes!" );
for( String className : unmatchedSourceClassNames )
System.err.println( "\t" + className );
// get the class name changes from the matched class names
Map<String,String> classChanges = Maps.newHashMap();
for( Map.Entry<String,String> entry : matchedClassNames.entrySet() )
if( !entry.getKey().equals( entry.getValue() ) )
classChanges.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
System.out.println( String.format( "Class change: %s -> %s", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() ) );
System.out.println( String.format( "\n%s\n%s",
new ClassIdentity( sourceLoader.loadClass( entry.getKey() ), null, sourceIndex, false, false ),
new ClassIdentity( destLoader.loadClass( entry.getValue() ), null, destIndex, false, false )
) );
// sort the changes so classes are renamed in the correct order
// ie. if we have the mappings a->b, b->c, we have to apply b->c before a->b
LinkedHashMap<String,String> orderedClassChanges = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
int numChangesLeft = classChanges.size();
while( !classChanges.isEmpty() )
Iterator<Map.Entry<String,String>> iter = classChanges.entrySet().iterator();
while( iter.hasNext() )
Map.Entry<String,String> entry = iter.next();
if( classChanges.get( entry.getValue() ) == null )
orderedClassChanges.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
// did we remove any changes?
if( numChangesLeft - classChanges.size() > 0 )
// keep going
numChangesLeft = classChanges.size();
// can't sort anymore. There must be a loop
if( classChanges.size() > 0 )
throw new Error( String.format( "Unable to sort %d/%d class changes!", classChanges.size(), matchedClassNames.size() ) );
// convert the mappings in the correct class order
for( Map.Entry<String,String> entry : orderedClassChanges.entrySet() )
mappings.renameObfClass( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
// check the method matches
System.out.println( "Checking methods..." );
for( ClassMapping classMapping : mappings.classes() )
ClassEntry classEntry = new ClassEntry( classMapping.getObfName() );
for( MethodMapping methodMapping : classMapping.methods() )
// skip constructors
if( methodMapping.getObfName().equals( "<init>" ) )
MethodEntry methodEntry = new MethodEntry(
if( !destIndex.containsObfBehavior( methodEntry ) )
System.err.println( "WARNING: method doesn't match: " + methodEntry );
// show the available methods
System.err.println( "\tAvailable dest methods:" );
CtClass c = destLoader.loadClass( classMapping.getObfName() );
for( CtBehavior behavior : c.getDeclaredBehaviors() )
MethodEntry declaredMethodEntry = new MethodEntry(
new ClassEntry( classMapping.getObfName() ),
System.err.println( "\t\t" + declaredMethodEntry );
System.err.println( "\tAvailable source methods:" );
c = sourceLoader.loadClass( matchedClassNames.inverse().get( classMapping.getObfName() ) );
for( CtBehavior behavior : c.getDeclaredBehaviors() )
MethodEntry declaredMethodEntry = new MethodEntry(
new ClassEntry( classMapping.getObfName() ),
System.err.println( "\t\t" + declaredMethodEntry );
System.out.println( "Done!" );
public static ClassMatching computeMatching( JarIndex sourceIndex, TranslatingTypeLoader sourceLoader, JarIndex destIndex, TranslatingTypeLoader destLoader )
System.out.println( "Matching classes..." );
ClassMatching matching = null;
for( boolean useReferences : Arrays.asList( false, true ) )
int numMatches = 0;
SidedClassNamer sourceNamer = null;
SidedClassNamer destNamer = null;
if( matching != null )
// build a class namer
ClassNamer namer = new ClassNamer( matching.getUniqueMatches() );
sourceNamer = namer.getSourceNamer();
destNamer = namer.getDestNamer();
// note the number of matches
numMatches = matching.getUniqueMatches().size();
// get the entries left to match
Set<ClassEntry> sourceClassEntries = Sets.newHashSet();
Set<ClassEntry> destClassEntries = Sets.newHashSet();
if( matching == null )
sourceClassEntries.addAll( sourceIndex.getObfClassEntries() );
destClassEntries.addAll( destIndex.getObfClassEntries() );
matching = new ClassMatching();
for( Map.Entry<List<ClassIdentity>,List<ClassIdentity>> entry : matching.getAmbiguousMatches().entrySet() )
for( ClassIdentity c : entry.getKey() )
sourceClassEntries.add( c.getClassEntry() );
matching.removeSource( c );
for( ClassIdentity c : entry.getValue() )
destClassEntries.add( c.getClassEntry() );
matching.removeDest( c );
for( ClassIdentity c : matching.getUnmatchedSourceClasses() )
sourceClassEntries.add( c.getClassEntry() );
matching.removeSource( c );
for( ClassIdentity c : matching.getUnmatchedDestClasses() )
destClassEntries.add( c.getClassEntry() );
matching.removeDest( c );
// compute a matching for the classes
for( ClassEntry classEntry : sourceClassEntries )
CtClass c = sourceLoader.loadClass( classEntry.getName() );
ClassIdentity sourceClass = new ClassIdentity( c, sourceNamer, sourceIndex, useReferences );
matching.addSource( sourceClass );
for( ClassEntry classEntry : destClassEntries )
CtClass c = destLoader.loadClass( classEntry.getName() );
ClassIdentity destClass = new ClassIdentity( c, destNamer, destIndex, useReferences );
matching.matchDestClass( destClass );
System.out.println( matching );
while( matching.getUniqueMatches().size() - numMatches > 0 );
// check the class matches
System.out.println( "Checking class matches..." );
ClassNamer namer = new ClassNamer( matching.getUniqueMatches() );
SidedClassNamer sourceNamer = namer.getSourceNamer();
SidedClassNamer destNamer = namer.getDestNamer();
for( Map.Entry<ClassIdentity,ClassIdentity> entry : matching.getUniqueMatches().entrySet() )
// check source
ClassIdentity sourceClass = entry.getKey();
CtClass sourceC = sourceLoader.loadClass( sourceClass.getClassEntry().getName() );
assert( sourceC != null )
: "Unable to load source class " + sourceClass.getClassEntry();
assert( sourceClass.matches( sourceC ) )
: "Source " + sourceClass + " doesn't match " + new ClassIdentity( sourceC, sourceNamer, sourceIndex, false );
// check dest
ClassIdentity destClass = entry.getValue();
CtClass destC = destLoader.loadClass( destClass.getClassEntry().getName() );
assert( destC != null )
: "Unable to load dest class " + destClass.getClassEntry();
assert( destClass.matches( destC ) )
: "Dest " + destClass + " doesn't match " + new ClassIdentity( destC, destNamer, destIndex, false );
// warn about the ambiguous matchings
List<Map.Entry<List<ClassIdentity>,List<ClassIdentity>>> ambiguousMatches = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<List<ClassIdentity>,List<ClassIdentity>>>( matching.getAmbiguousMatches().entrySet() );
Collections.sort( ambiguousMatches, new Comparator<Map.Entry<List<ClassIdentity>,List<ClassIdentity>>>( )
public int compare( Map.Entry<List<ClassIdentity>,List<ClassIdentity>> a, Map.Entry<List<ClassIdentity>,List<ClassIdentity>> b )
String aName = a.getKey().get( 0 ).getClassEntry().getName();
String bName = b.getKey().get( 0 ).getClassEntry().getName();
return aName.compareTo( bName );
} );
for( Map.Entry<List<ClassIdentity>,List<ClassIdentity>> entry : ambiguousMatches )
System.out.println( "Ambiguous matching:" );
System.out.println( "\tSource: " + getClassNames( entry.getKey() ) );
System.out.println( "\tDest: " + getClassNames( entry.getValue() ) );
Map.Entry<List<ClassIdentity>,List<ClassIdentity>> entry = ambiguousMatches.get( 7 );
for( ClassIdentity c : entry.getKey() )
System.out.println( c );
for( ClassIdentity c : entry.getKey() )
System.out.println( decompile( sourceLoader, c.getClassEntry() ) );
return matching;
private static void printScoredMatches( int maxScore, List<Integer> scores, Multimap<Integer,ClassIdentity> scoredMatches )
int numScoredMatchesShown = 0;
for( int score : scores )
for( ClassIdentity scoredMatch : scoredMatches.get( score ) )
System.out.println( String.format( "\tScore: %3d %3.0f%% %s",
) );
if( numScoredMatchesShown++ > 10 )
private static List<String> getClassNames( Collection<ClassIdentity> classes )
List<String> out = Lists.newArrayList();
for( ClassIdentity c : classes )
out.add( c.getClassEntry().getName() );
Collections.sort( out );
return out;
private static String decompile( TranslatingTypeLoader loader, ClassEntry classEntry )
PlainTextOutput output = new PlainTextOutput();
DecompilerSettings settings = DecompilerSettings.javaDefaults();
settings.setForceExplicitImports( true );
settings.setShowSyntheticMembers( true );
settings.setTypeLoader( loader );
Decompiler.decompile( classEntry.getName(), output, settings );
return output.toString();