* Copyright (c) 2014 Jeff Martin.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Contributors:
* Jeff Martin - initial API and implementation
package cuchaz.enigma.bytecode;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import javassist.bytecode.ConstPool;
import javassist.bytecode.Descriptor;
import cuchaz.enigma.bytecode.accessors.ClassInfoAccessor;
import cuchaz.enigma.bytecode.accessors.ConstInfoAccessor;
import cuchaz.enigma.bytecode.accessors.MemberRefInfoAccessor;
public class ConstPoolEditor
private static Method m_getItem;
private static Method m_addItem;
private static Method m_addItem0;
private static Field m_items;
private static Field m_cache;
private static Field m_numItems;
private static Field m_objects;
private static Field m_elements;
private static Method m_methodWritePool;
private static Constructor<ConstPool> m_constructorPool;
m_getItem = ConstPool.class.getDeclaredMethod( "getItem", int.class );
m_getItem.setAccessible( true );
m_addItem = ConstPool.class.getDeclaredMethod( "addItem", Class.forName( "javassist.bytecode.ConstInfo" ) );
m_addItem.setAccessible( true );
m_addItem0 = ConstPool.class.getDeclaredMethod( "addItem0", Class.forName( "javassist.bytecode.ConstInfo" ) );
m_addItem0.setAccessible( true );
m_items = ConstPool.class.getDeclaredField( "items" );
m_items.setAccessible( true );
m_cache = ConstPool.class.getDeclaredField( "itemsCache" );
m_cache.setAccessible( true );
m_numItems = ConstPool.class.getDeclaredField( "numOfItems" );
m_numItems.setAccessible( true );
m_objects = Class.forName( "javassist.bytecode.LongVector" ).getDeclaredField( "objects" );
m_objects.setAccessible( true );
m_elements = Class.forName( "javassist.bytecode.LongVector" ).getDeclaredField( "elements" );
m_elements.setAccessible( true );
m_methodWritePool = ConstPool.class.getDeclaredMethod( "write", DataOutputStream.class );
m_methodWritePool.setAccessible( true );
m_constructorPool = ConstPool.class.getDeclaredConstructor( DataInputStream.class );
m_constructorPool.setAccessible( true );
catch( Exception ex )
throw new Error( ex );
private ConstPool m_pool;
public ConstPoolEditor( ConstPool pool )
m_pool = pool;
public void writePool( DataOutputStream out )
m_methodWritePool.invoke( m_pool, out );
catch( Exception ex )
throw new Error( ex );
public static ConstPool readPool( DataInputStream in )
return m_constructorPool.newInstance( in );
catch( Exception ex )
throw new Error( ex );
public String getMemberrefClassname( int memberrefIndex )
return Descriptor.toJvmName( m_pool.getClassInfo( m_pool.getMemberClass( memberrefIndex ) ) );
public String getMemberrefName( int memberrefIndex )
return m_pool.getUtf8Info( m_pool.getNameAndTypeName( m_pool.getMemberNameAndType( memberrefIndex ) ) );
public String getMemberrefType( int memberrefIndex )
return m_pool.getUtf8Info( m_pool.getNameAndTypeDescriptor( m_pool.getMemberNameAndType( memberrefIndex ) ) );
public ConstInfoAccessor getItem( int index )
Object entry = m_getItem.invoke( m_pool, index );
if( entry == null )
return null;
return new ConstInfoAccessor( entry );
catch( Exception ex )
throw new Error( ex );
public int addItem( Object item )
return (Integer)m_addItem.invoke( m_pool, item );
catch( Exception ex )
throw new Error( ex );
public int addItemForceNew( Object item )
return (Integer)m_addItem0.invoke( m_pool, item );
catch( Exception ex )
throw new Error( ex );
@SuppressWarnings( "rawtypes" )
public void removeLastItem( )
// remove the item from the cache
HashMap cache = getCache();
if( cache != null )
Object item = getItem( m_pool.getSize() - 1 );
cache.remove( item );
// remove the actual item
// based off of LongVector.addElement()
Object items = m_items.get( m_pool );
Object[][] objects = (Object[][])m_objects.get( items );
int numElements = (Integer)m_elements.get( items ) - 1;
int nth = numElements >> 7;
int offset = numElements & (128 - 1);
objects[nth][offset] = null;
// decrement the number of items
m_elements.set( items, numElements );
m_numItems.set( m_pool, (Integer)m_numItems.get( m_pool ) - 1 );
catch( Exception ex )
throw new Error( ex );
@SuppressWarnings( "rawtypes" )
/* TEMP */public HashMap getCache( )
return (HashMap)m_cache.get( m_pool );
catch( Exception ex )
throw new Error( ex );
@SuppressWarnings( { "rawtypes", "unchecked" } )
public void changeMemberrefNameAndType( int memberrefIndex, String newName, String newType )
// NOTE: when changing values, we always need to copy-on-write
// get the memberref item
Object item = getItem( memberrefIndex ).getItem();
// update the cache
HashMap cache = getCache();
if( cache != null )
cache.remove( item );
new MemberRefInfoAccessor( item ).setNameAndTypeIndex( m_pool.addNameAndTypeInfo( newName, newType ) );
// update the cache
if( cache != null )
cache.put( item, item );
catch( Exception ex )
throw new Error( ex );
// make sure the change worked
assert( newName.equals( getMemberrefName( memberrefIndex ) ) );
assert( newType.equals( getMemberrefType( memberrefIndex ) ) );
@SuppressWarnings( { "rawtypes", "unchecked" } )
public void changeClassName( int classNameIndex, String newName )
// NOTE: when changing values, we always need to copy-on-write
// get the class item
Object item = getItem( classNameIndex ).getItem();
// update the cache
HashMap cache = getCache();
if( cache != null )
cache.remove( item );
// add the new name and repoint the name-and-type to it
new ClassInfoAccessor( item ).setNameIndex( m_pool.addUtf8Info( newName ) );
// update the cache
if( cache != null )
cache.put( item, item );
catch( Exception ex )
throw new Error( ex );
public static ConstPool newConstPool( )
// const pool expects the name of a class to initialize itself
// but we want an empty pool
// so give it a bogus name, and then clear the entries afterwards
ConstPool pool = new ConstPool( "a" );
ConstPoolEditor editor = new ConstPoolEditor( pool );
int size = pool.getSize();
for( int i=0; i<size-1; i++ )
// make sure the pool is actually empty
// although, in this case "empty" means one thing in it
// the JVM spec says index 0 should be reserved
assert( pool.getSize() == 1 );
assert( editor.getItem( 0 ) == null );
assert( editor.getItem( 1 ) == null );
assert( editor.getItem( 2 ) == null );
assert( editor.getItem( 3 ) == null );
// also, clear the cache
return pool;
public String dump( )
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for( int i=1; i<m_pool.getSize(); i++ )
buf.append( String.format( "%4d", i ) );
buf.append( " " );
buf.append( getItem( i ).toString() );
buf.append( "\n" );
return buf.toString();