* Wordpress-java
* http://code.google.com/p/wordpress-java/
* Copyright 2012 Can Bican <can@bican.net>
* See the file 'COPYING' in the distribution for licensing terms.
package net.bican.wordpress;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.List;
import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap;
import net.bican.wordpress.configuration.WpCliConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcFault;
* Main Application class for the command line interface.
* @author Can Bican <can@bican.net>
public class Main {
* @param args
* execute with "-?" for an explanation of args
* @throws ParseException
* When the command line options cannot be parsed
@SuppressWarnings({ "nls", "boxing" })
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
try {
Options options = new Options();
options.addOption("?", "help", false, "Print usage information");
options.addOption("h", "url", true, "Specify the url to xmlrpc.php");
options.addOption("u", "user", true, "User name");
options.addOption("p", "pass", true, "Password");
options.addOption("a", "authors", false, "Get author list");
options.addOption("s", "slug", true, "Slug for categories");
options.addOption("pi", "parentid", true, "Parent id for categories");
options.addOption("oi", "postid", true, "Post id for pages and posts");
options.addOption("c", "categories", false, "Get category list");
options.addOption("cn", "newcategory", true,
"New category (uses --slug and --parentid)");
options.addOption("cr", "deletecategory", true,
"Delete category <category_id>");
options.addOption("pg", "pages", false, "Get page list (full)");
options.addOption("pl", "pagelist", false, "Get page list");
options.addOption("ps", "page", true, "Get page");
options.addOption("pn", "newpage", true,
"New page from file <arg> (needs --publish)");
options.addOption("pe", "editpage", true,
"Edit page (needs --postid and --publish");
options.addOption("pd", "deletepage", true,
"Delete page (needs --publish)");
options.addOption("l", "publish", true,
"Publish status for \"new\" options");
options.addOption("us", "userinfo", false, "Get user information");
options.addOption("or", "recentposts", true, "Get recent posts");
options.addOption("os", "getpost", true, "Get post");
options.addOption("on", "newpost", true,
"New post from file <arg> (needs --publish)");
options.addOption("oe", "editpost", true,
"Edit post (needs --postid and --publish");
options.addOption("od", "deletepost", true,
"Delete post (needs --publish)");
options.addOption("sm", "supportedmethods", false,
"List supported methods");
options.addOption("st", "supportedfilters", false,
"List supported text filters");
options.addOption("mn", "newmedia", true,
"New media file (uses --overwrite)");
options.addOption("ov", "overwrite", false,
"Allow overwrite in uploading new media");
options.addOption("so", "supportedstatus", false,
"Print supported page and post status values");
options.addOption("cs", "commentstatus", false,
"Print comment status names for the blog");
options.addOption("cc", "commentcount", true,
"Get comment count for a post (-1 for all posts)");
options.addOption("ca", "newcomment", true, "New comment from file");
options.addOption("cd", "deletecomment", true, "Delete comment");
options.addOption("ce", "editcomment", true, "Edit comment from file");
options.addOption("cg", "getcomment", true, "Get comment");
options.addOption("ct", "getcomments", true, "Get comments for the post");
options.addOption("cs", "commentstatus", true,
"Comment status (for --getcomments)");
options.addOption("co", "commentoffset", true,
"Comment offset # (for --getcomments)");
options.addOption("cm", "commentnumber", true,
"Comment # (for --getcomments)");
try {
WpCliConfiguration config = new WpCliConfiguration(args, options,
if (config.hasOption("help")) {
} else if ((!config.hasOption("url")) || (!config.hasOption("user"))
|| (!config.hasOption("pass"))) {
System.err.println("Specify --user, --pass and --url");
} else {
try {
Wordpress wp = new Wordpress(config.getOptionValue("user"),
config.getOptionValue("pass"), config.getOptionValue("url"));
if (config.hasOption("authors")) {
printList(wp.getAuthors(), Author.class, true);
} else if (config.hasOption("categories")) {
printList(wp.getCategories(), Category.class, true);
} else if (config.hasOption("deletecategory")) {
Integer category_id = Integer.valueOf(config
int r = wp.deleteCategory(category_id);
} else if (config.hasOption("newcategory")) {
String slug = config.getOptionValue("slug");
Integer parentId = getInteger("parentid", config);
if (slug == null)
slug = "";
if (parentId == null)
parentId = 0;
config.getOptionValue("newcategory"), slug, parentId));
} else if (config.hasOption("pages")) {
printList(wp.getPages(), Page.class, false);
} else if (config.hasOption("pagelist")) {
printList(wp.getPageList(), PageDefinition.class, false);
} else if (config.hasOption("page")) {
printItem(wp.getPage(getInteger("page", config)), Page.class);
} else if (config.hasOption("userinfo")) {
printItem(wp.getUserInfo(), User.class);
} else if (config.hasOption("recentposts")) {
printList(wp.getRecentPosts(getInteger("recentposts", config)),
Page.class, false);
} else if (config.hasOption("getpost")) {
printItem(wp.getPost(getInteger("getpost", config)), Page.class);
} else if (config.hasOption("supportedmethods")) {
printList(wp.supportedMethods(), String.class, false);
} else if (config.hasOption("supportedfilters")) {
printList(wp.supportedTextFilters(), String.class, false);
} else if (config.hasOption("newpage")) {
if (!config.hasOption("publish")) {
} else {
Page.fromFile(new File(config.getOptionValue("newpage"))),
} else if (config.hasOption("editpage")) {
edit(options, config, wp, "editpage", true);
} else if (config.hasOption("editpost")) {
edit(options, config, wp, "editpost", false);
} else if (config.hasOption("deletepage")) {
delete(options, config, wp, "deletepage", true);
} else if (config.hasOption("deletepost")) {
delete(options, config, wp, "deletepost", false);
} else if (config.hasOption("newpost")) {
if (!config.hasOption("publish")) {
} else {
Page.fromFile(new File(config.getOptionValue("newpost"))),
} else if (config.hasOption("newmedia")) {
String fileName = config.getOptionValue("newmedia");
File file = new File(fileName);
String mimeType = new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(file);
Boolean overwrite = Boolean.FALSE;
if (config.hasOption("overwrite"))
overwrite = Boolean.TRUE;
MediaObject result = wp.newMediaObject(mimeType, file, overwrite);
if (result != null) {
} else if (config.hasOption("supportedstatus")) {
System.out.println("Recognized status values for posts:");
printList(wp.getPostStatusList(), PostAndPageStatus.class, true);
System.out.println("\nRecognized status values for pages:");
printList(wp.getPageStatusList(), PostAndPageStatus.class, true);
} else if (config.hasOption("commentstatus")) {
} else if (config.hasOption("commentcount")) {
showCommentCount(config, wp);
} else if (config.hasOption("newcomment")) {
editComment(wp, config.getOptionValue("newcomment"), "newcomment");
} else if (config.hasOption("editcomment")) {
editComment(wp, config.getOptionValue("editcomment"),
} else if (config.hasOption("deletecomment")) {
} else if (config.hasOption("getcomment")) {
} else if (config.hasOption("getcomments")) {
Integer postID = Integer.valueOf(config
String commentStatus = config.getOptionValue("commentstatus");
Integer commentOffset;
try {
commentOffset = Integer.valueOf(config
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
commentOffset = null;
Integer commentNumber;
try {
commentNumber = Integer.valueOf(config
} catch (Exception e) {
commentNumber = null;
printComments(wp, postID, commentStatus, commentOffset,
} else {
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
System.err.println("URL \"" + config.getOptionValue("url")
+ "\" is invalid, reason is: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Can't read from file, reason is: "
+ e.getLocalizedMessage());
} catch (InvalidPostFormatException e) {
System.err.println("Input format is invalid.");
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.err.println("Can't process command line arguments, reason is: "
+ e.getLocalizedMessage());
} catch (XmlRpcFault e) {
String reason = e.getLocalizedMessage();
System.err.println("Operation failed, reason is: " + reason);
private static void printComments(Wordpress wp, Integer postID,
String commentStatus, Integer commentOffset, Integer commentNumber)
throws XmlRpcFault {
List<Comment> r = wp.getComments(commentStatus, postID, commentNumber,
for (Comment comment : r) {
System.out.println("--- BEGIN COMMENT");
System.out.println("--- END COMMENT");
private static void printComment(Wordpress wp, Integer commentID)
throws XmlRpcFault {
Comment r = wp.getComment(commentID);
private static void deleteComment(Wordpress wp, int commentID)
throws XmlRpcFault {
boolean result = wp.deleteComment(commentID);
if (result)
System.out.println("Comment deleted.");
System.out.println("Comment not deleted");
@SuppressWarnings({ "nls", "boxing" })
private static void editComment(Wordpress wp, String fileName,
String operation) throws XmlRpcFault, FileNotFoundException, IOException,
InvalidPostFormatException {
Comment comment = Comment.fromFile(new File(fileName));
if (operation.equals("newcomment")) {
Integer r = wp.newComment(comment.getPost_id(), comment.getParent(),
comment.getContent(), comment.getAuthor(), comment.getAuthor_url(),
System.err.println("Comment ID: " + r);
} else if (operation.equals("editcomment")) {
Boolean r = wp.editComment(comment);
if (r)
System.err.println("Comment edited.");
System.err.println("Comment not edited.");
private static void showCommentCount(WpCliConfiguration config, Wordpress wp) {
Integer post_ID = getInteger("commentcount", config);
try {
CommentCount result = wp.getCommentsCount(post_ID);
} catch (XmlRpcFault e) {
String reason = e.getLocalizedMessage();
System.err.println("Operation failed, reason is: " + reason);
private static void showCommentStatus(Wordpress wp) {
printItem(wp.getCommentStatusList(), CommentStatusList.class);
@SuppressWarnings({ "nls", "boxing" })
private static void delete(Options options, WpCliConfiguration config,
Wordpress wp, String opt, boolean deletePage) throws XmlRpcFault {
Integer post_ID = getInteger(opt, config);
String publish = config.getOptionValue("publish");
if ((publish != null) && (post_ID != null)) {
if (deletePage) {
System.out.println(wp.deletePage(post_ID, publish));
} else {
System.out.println(wp.deletePost(post_ID, publish));
} else {
@SuppressWarnings({ "nls", "boxing" })
private static void edit(Options options, WpCliConfiguration config,
Wordpress wp, String opt, boolean isPage) throws IOException,
InvalidPostFormatException, XmlRpcFault {
Integer post_ID = getInteger("postid", config);
String publish = config.getOptionValue("publish");
Page page = Page.fromFile(new File(config.getOptionValue(opt)));
if ((publish != null) && (post_ID != null)) {
Boolean result = false;
if (isPage) {
result = wp.editPage(post_ID, page, publish);
} else {
result = wp.editPost(post_ID, page, publish);
} else {
private static Integer getInteger(String c, WpCliConfiguration config) {
Integer post_ID = null;
try {
post_ID = Integer.valueOf(config.getOptionValue(c));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// leave it null
return post_ID;
private static void showHelp(Options options) {
HelpFormatter help = new HelpFormatter();
help.printHelp(" ", options);
private static void printItem(Object o, Class<?> cl) {
System.out.println(((StringHeader) o).getStringHeader());
private static void printList(List<?> r, Class<?> cl, boolean oneLiner) {
boolean headerPrinted = false;
for (Object o : r) {
if (!headerPrinted) {
if ((!(o instanceof String)) && (oneLiner)) {
System.out.println(((StringHeader) o).getStringHeader());
headerPrinted = true;
if (oneLiner) {
System.out.println(((XmlRpcMapped) o).toOneLinerString());
} else {