package de.fhdw.ify208.ticketmaster.common;
import de.fhdw.ify208.ticketmaster.common.model.CountryListDTO;
import de.fhdw.ify208.ticketmaster.common.model.TypeCodeListDTO;
import de.fhdw.ify208.ticketmaster.dataaccess.*;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.Persistence;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* @author ankariu
public class BaseEntityManager {
protected static EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("ticketmaster.dataaccess");
* Protected method initializing transaction-handling
* @return instance of EntityManager from factory
protected EntityManager _startup() {
EntityManager _em = emf.createEntityManager();
return _em;
* Protected method finishing transaction-handling
* @param em instance of EntityManager that has to be closed
protected void _cleanup(EntityManager em) {
* Protected method checking if customer exists (for security reasons)
* @param customerID id of customer which has to be checked on database
* @return instance of user belonging to customerID
protected User _checkCustomerExists(long customerID) {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
User _customer = null;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
_customer = _em.find(User.class, customerID);
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _customer;
* Protected method checking if event exists (for security reasons)
* @param eventID id of event which has to be checked on database
* @return instance of event belonging to eventID
protected Event _checkEventExists(long eventID) {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
Event _event = null;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
_event = _em.find(Event.class, eventID);
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _event;
* @param startDate
* @param endDate
* @param location
* @return
protected Event _checkEventExistsOnLocation(Date startDate, Date endDate, Address location) {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
Event _event = null;
Address address = _checkAddressExists(location.getAddressType().getDisplayname(),
location.getCityname(), location.getCountry().getIsocode());
if (address == null) // address does not exist -> event could not be scheduled at this address
return _event;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
_event = (Event) _em.createNamedQuery("Event.findEventOnLocation")
.setParameter("locationID", address.getId())
.setParameter("startDate", startDate)
.setParameter("endDate", endDate)
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _event;
* Protected method checking if address exists (for security reasons)
* @param addressID id of address which has to be checked on database
* @return instance of address belonging to addressID
protected Address _checkAddressExists(long addressID) {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
Address _address = null;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
_address = _em.find(Address.class, addressID);
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _address;
* Protected method checking if order exists (for security reasons)
* @param orderID id of order which has to be checked on database
* @return instance of order belonging to orderID
protected Order _checkOrderExists(long orderID) {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
Order _order = null;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
_order = _em.find(Order.class, orderID);
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _order;
* Protected method checking if artist exists (for security reasons)
* @param artistID id of artist which has to be checked on database
* @return instance of artist belonging to artistID
protected Artist _checkArtistExists(long artistID) {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
Artist _artist = null;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
_artist = _em.find(Artist.class, artistID);
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _artist;
* Protected method checking if order exists (for security reasons)
* @param artistName name of artist which has to be checked on database
* @return instance of artist belonging to artistName
protected Artist _checkArtistExists(String artistName) {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
Artist _artist = null;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
_artist = (Artist) _em.createNamedQuery("Artist.findByArtistName")
.setParameter("artistName", artistName).getSingleResult();
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _artist;
* Protected method checking if genre exists (for security reasons)
* @param genreName name of genre which has to be checked on database
* @return instance of genre belonging to genreName
protected Genre _checkGenreExists(String genreName) {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
Genre _genre = null;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
_genre = (Genre) _em.createNamedQuery("Genre.findByName").setParameter("genreName", genreName).getSingleResult();
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _genre;
* @return instance of TypeCodeListDTO
public TypeCodeListDTO getAddressTypes() {
TypeCodeListDTO listDTO = new TypeCodeListDTO();
EntityMapper mapper = new EntityMapper();
List<AddressType> _listOfAddressTypes = this._getAllAddressTypes();
for (Iterator<AddressType> iter = _listOfAddressTypes.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
if (listDTO.getTypeCodeDTOList().size() > 0) {
} else {
listDTO.setMessage("Error getting address types from database");
return listDTO;
private List<AddressType> _getAllAddressTypes() {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
List<AddressType> _result = null;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
_result = _em.createNamedQuery("AddressType.All").getResultList();
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _result;
public CountryListDTO getCountries() {
CountryListDTO listDTO = new CountryListDTO();
EntityMapper mapper = new EntityMapper();
List<Country> _listOfCountries = this._getAllCountries();
for (Iterator<Country> iter = _listOfCountries.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
if (listDTO.getCountryDTOList().size() > 0) {
} else {
listDTO.setMessage("Error getting address types from database");
return listDTO;
private List<Country> _getAllCountries() {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
List<Country> _result = null;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
_result = _em.createNamedQuery("Country.All").getResultList();
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _result;
protected Address _createAddress(Address address) {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
Address result = null;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _checkAddressExists(address.getAddressType().getDisplayname(),
* @param typeCode
* @param addressLine
* @param cityName
* @param countryCode
* @return
protected Address _checkAddressExists(String typeCode, String addressLine,
String cityName, String countryCode) {
// local variables
EntityManager _em = null;
Address _result = null;
// logic
try {
// startup-sequence
_em = _startup();
// logical-sequence
_result = (Address) _em.createNamedQuery("Address.findAddress")
.setParameter("adrLine", addressLine)
.setParameter("adrType", typeCode)
.setParameter("cityName", cityName)
.setParameter("countryCode", countryCode)
// commit transaction
} catch (Exception e) {
// roll back of unit of work if possible
if (_em.getTransaction() != null && _em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
} finally {
// close-sequence
return _result;