* mt4j Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 C.Ruff, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft All rights reserved.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.mt4j.util.camera;
import org.mt4j.util.math.Matrix;
import org.mt4j.util.math.Vector3D;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PGraphics3D;
import processing.core.PMatrix3D;
* The Class MTCamera.
* @author Christopher Ruff
public class MTCamera implements Icamera, IFrustum{
/** The pa. */
private PApplet pa;
/** The view center pos. */
private Vector3D viewCenterPos;
/** The cam pos. */
private Vector3D camPos;
/** The x axis up. */
private float xAxisUp;
/** The y axis up. */
private float yAxisUp;
/** The z axis up. */
private float zAxisUp;
/** The zoom min distance. */
private float zoomMinDistance;
private Frustum frustum;
private boolean dirty;
private PMatrix3D cameraMat;
private PMatrix3D cameraInvMat;
private Matrix cameraMatrix;
private Matrix cameraInvMatrix;
private PGraphics3D p3d;
* Instantiates a new mT camera.
* @param processingApplet the processing applet
public MTCamera(PApplet processingApplet){
this((float)(processingApplet.width/2.0f), (float)(processingApplet.height/2.0f), (float)(processingApplet.height/2.0f) / PApplet.tan((float)(PApplet.PI*60.0f / 360.0f)),
(float)(processingApplet.width/2.0f), (float)(processingApplet.height/2.0f), 0, 0, 1,0, processingApplet);
* Instantiates a new mT camera.
* @param cameraPosX the camera pos x
* @param cameraPosY the camera pos y
* @param cameraPosZ the camera pos z
* @param camEyePosX the cam eye pos x
* @param camEyePosY the cam eye pos y
* @param camEyePosZ the cam eye pos z
* @param xAxisUp the x axis up
* @param yAxisUp the y axis up
* @param zAxisUp the z axis up
* @param processingApplet the processing applet
public MTCamera(float cameraPosX, float cameraPosY, float cameraPosZ,
float camEyePosX, float camEyePosY, float camEyePosZ,
float xAxisUp, float yAxisUp, float zAxisUp,
PApplet processingApplet){
this.pa = processingApplet;
this.camPos = new Vector3D(cameraPosX, cameraPosY, cameraPosZ);
this.viewCenterPos = new Vector3D(camEyePosX, camEyePosY, camEyePosZ);
this.xAxisUp = xAxisUp;
this.yAxisUp = yAxisUp;
this.zAxisUp = zAxisUp;
this.zoomMinDistance = 0;
this.frustum = new Frustum(pa);
this.frustum.setCamDef(this.getPosition(), this.getViewCenterPos(), xAxisUp, -yAxisUp, zAxisUp); //new Vector3D(xAxisUp, -yAxisUp, zAxisUp));
this.p3d = ((PGraphics3D)pa.g);
this.dirty = true;
this.cameraMat = new PMatrix3D();
this.cameraInvMat = new PMatrix3D();
this.cameraMatrix = new Matrix();
this.cameraInvMatrix = new Matrix();
* Sets or updates the camera with the values specified in the camera.
* <br> <b>Call this after changing any camera values to take effect!</b>.
* <br><strong>Note:</strong> The current modelview matrices (=all transformations made up to this point) will be reset and replaced by the camera values!
public void update(){
pa.camera(camPos.getX(), camPos.getY() , camPos.getZ(), //eyeposition
viewCenterPos.getX(), viewCenterPos.getY(), viewCenterPos.getZ(), //view center
xAxisUp, yAxisUp, zAxisUp); //which axis points up?
this.frustum.setCamDef(this.getPosition(), this.getViewCenterPos(), xAxisUp, -yAxisUp, zAxisUp); //new Vector3D(xAxisUp, -yAxisUp, zAxisUp));
// /*
if (this.dirty){
// System.out.println("Calc new camera");
this.calcCameraMatrix(camPos.getX(), camPos.getY() , camPos.getZ(), //eyeposition
viewCenterPos.getX(), viewCenterPos.getY(), viewCenterPos.getZ(), //view center
xAxisUp, yAxisUp, zAxisUp);//which axis points up?
this.frustum.setCamDef(this.getPosition(), this.getViewCenterPos(), xAxisUp, -yAxisUp, zAxisUp); //new Vector3D(xAxisUp, -yAxisUp, zAxisUp));
// System.out.println("Use Cached");
// */
private void setCachedCamMatrices(){
Matrix m = this.cameraMatrix;
Matrix mi = this.cameraInvMatrix;
m.m00, m.m01, m.m02, m.m03,
m.m10, m.m11, m.m12, m.m13,
m.m20, m.m21, m.m22, m.m23,
m.m30, m.m31, m.m32, m.m33);
mi.m00, mi.m01, mi.m02, mi.m03,
mi.m10, mi.m11, mi.m12, mi.m13,
mi.m20, mi.m21, mi.m22, mi.m23,
mi.m30, mi.m31, mi.m32, mi.m33);
//cant also set cameraInv..not visible
m.m00, m.m01, m.m02, m.m03,
m.m10, m.m11, m.m12, m.m13,
m.m20, m.m21, m.m22, m.m23,
m.m30, m.m31, m.m32, m.m33);
//FIXME cannot set p5 cameraInv because its not visible..problem?
private void calcCameraMatrix(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ,
float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ,
float upX, float upY, float upZ
) {
float z0 = eyeX - centerX;
float z1 = eyeY - centerY;
float z2 = eyeZ - centerZ;
float mag = FastMath.sqrt(z0*z0 + z1*z1 + z2*z2);
if (mag != 0) {
z0 /= mag;
z1 /= mag;
z2 /= mag;
float y0 = upX;
float y1 = upY;
float y2 = upZ;
float x0 = y1*z2 - y2*z1;
float x1 = -y0*z2 + y2*z0;
float x2 = y0*z1 - y1*z0;
y0 = z1*x2 - z2*x1;
y1 = -z0*x2 + z2*x0;
y2 = z0*x1 - z1*x0;
mag = FastMath.sqrt(x0*x0 + x1*x1 + x2*x2);
if (mag != 0) {
x0 /= mag;
x1 /= mag;
x2 /= mag;
mag = FastMath.sqrt(y0*y0 + y1*y1 + y2*y2);
if (mag != 0) {
y0 /= mag;
y1 /= mag;
y2 /= mag;
try {
//just does an apply to the main matrix,
//since that'll be copied out on endCamera
// cameraMat.set(
// x0, x1, x2, 0,
// y0, y1, y2, 0,
// z0, z1, z2, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 1);
// cameraMat.translate(-eyeX, -eyeY, -eyeZ);
// this.cameraMatrix.set(new float[]{
// x0, x1, x2, -eyeX,
// y0, y1, y2, -eyeY,
// z0, z1, z2, -eyeZ,
// 0, 0, 0, 1
// });
this.cameraMatrix.set(new float[]{
x0, x1, x2, 0,
y0, y1, y2, 0,
z0, z1, z2, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
this.cameraMatrix.mult(Matrix.getTranslationMatrix(-eyeX, -eyeY, -eyeZ), this.cameraMatrix);
System.out.println("My cammatrix: " + this.cameraMatrix);
// cameraInvMat.reset();
// cameraInvMat.invApply(
// x0, x1, x2, 0,
// y0, y1, y2, 0,
// z0, z1, z2, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 1);
// cameraInvMat.translate(eyeX, eyeX, eyeZ);
this.cameraInvMatrix = this.cameraMatrix.invert(this.cameraInvMatrix);
// this.cameraInvMatrix.set(new float[]{
// x0, x1, x2, eyeX,
// y0, y1, y2, eyeX,
// z0, z1, z2, eyeZ,
// 0, 0, 0, 1
// });
this.dirty = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
// /*
try {
pa.camera(camPos.getX(), camPos.getY() , camPos.getZ(), //eyeposition
viewCenterPos.getX(), viewCenterPos.getY(), viewCenterPos.getZ(), //view center
xAxisUp, yAxisUp, zAxisUp); //which axis points up?
this.cameraMatrix.set(new float[]{
p3d.modelview.m00, p3d.modelview.m01, p3d.modelview.m02, p3d.modelview.m03,
p3d.modelview.m10, p3d.modelview.m11, p3d.modelview.m12, p3d.modelview.m13,
p3d.modelview.m20, p3d.modelview.m21, p3d.modelview.m22, p3d.modelview.m23,
p3d.modelview.m30, p3d.modelview.m31, p3d.modelview.m32, p3d.modelview.m33
// System.out.println("p5 camMatrix: " + this.cameraMatrix);
this.cameraInvMatrix.set(new float[]{
p3d.modelviewInv.m00, p3d.modelviewInv.m01, p3d.modelviewInv.m02, p3d.modelviewInv.m03,
p3d.modelviewInv.m10, p3d.modelviewInv.m11, p3d.modelviewInv.m12, p3d.modelviewInv.m13,
p3d.modelviewInv.m20, p3d.modelviewInv.m21, p3d.modelviewInv.m22, p3d.modelviewInv.m23,
p3d.modelviewInv.m30, p3d.modelviewInv.m31, p3d.modelviewInv.m32, p3d.modelviewInv.m33
this.dirty = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
// */
* Gets the camera matrix.
* @return the camera matrix
public Matrix getCameraMatrix(){
if (this.dirty){
this.calcCameraMatrix(camPos.getX(), camPos.getY() , camPos.getZ(), //eyeposition
viewCenterPos.getX(), viewCenterPos.getY(), viewCenterPos.getZ(), //view center
xAxisUp, yAxisUp, zAxisUp);//which axis points up?
this.frustum.setCamDef(this.getPosition(), this.getViewCenterPos(), xAxisUp, -yAxisUp, zAxisUp); //new Vector3D(xAxisUp, -yAxisUp, zAxisUp));
return this.cameraMatrix;
* Gets the camera inv matrix.
* @return the camera inv matrix
public Matrix getCameraInvMatrix(){
if (this.dirty){
this.calcCameraMatrix(camPos.getX(), camPos.getY() , camPos.getZ(), //eyeposition
viewCenterPos.getX(), viewCenterPos.getY(), viewCenterPos.getZ(), //view center
xAxisUp, yAxisUp, zAxisUp);//which axis points up?
this.frustum.setCamDef(this.getPosition(), this.getViewCenterPos(), xAxisUp, -yAxisUp, zAxisUp); //new Vector3D(xAxisUp, -yAxisUp, zAxisUp));
return this.cameraInvMatrix;
* Zooms from the camera to the eye location by the given factor.
* @param factor the factor
public void zoomFactor(float factor){
factor = 1/factor;
Vector3D dirToCamVect = camPos.getSubtracted(viewCenterPos);
if (dirToCamVect.length() > zoomMinDistance){
Vector3D toCam = viewCenterPos.getAdded(dirToCamVect);
camPos.setXYZ(toCam.getX(), toCam.getY(), toCam.getZ());
this.dirty = true;
* changes the distance from the eye to the camera location by the given amount
* negative values will increase the distance, positive values will decrease it.
* @param amount the amount
public void zoomAmount(float amount){
//Get direction vector from eye to camera
Vector3D dirToCamVect = camPos.getSubtracted(viewCenterPos);
//get the length of that vector
float mag = dirToCamVect.length();
//normalize the vector
//scale the normalized vector with the original amount + the zoom amount
dirToCamVect.scaleLocal(mag + amount);
if (dirToCamVect.length() > zoomMinDistance){
//Get the Vector to the camera from origin
Vector3D toCam = viewCenterPos.getAdded(dirToCamVect);
//set the new camPos
camPos.setXYZ(toCam.getX(), toCam.getY(), toCam.getZ());
this.dirty = true;
* prevent zooming the cam to the center too close
* set the minimal distance between the cam and the center.
* @param minDistance the min distance
public void setZoomMinDistance(float minDistance){
this.zoomMinDistance = minDistance;
* Gets the zoom min distance.
* @return the zoom min distance
public float getZoomMinDistance() {
return zoomMinDistance;
// /**
// * sets the position of the camera.
// *
// * @param x the x
// * @param y the y
// * @param z the z
// */
// public void setCamPosition(float x, float y, float z){
// camPos.setXYZ(x, y, z);
// this.dirty = true;
// }
* Move cam.
* @param directionX the direction x
* @param directionY the direction y
* @param directionZ the direction z
public void moveCam(float directionX, float directionY, float directionZ){
camPos.setXYZ(camPos.getX() + directionX, camPos.getY() + directionY, camPos.getZ() + directionZ);
this.dirty = true;
* sets the position of the center view point.
* @param x the x
* @param y the y
* @param z the z
public void setViewCenterPosition(float x, float y, float z){
viewCenterPos.setXYZ(x, y, z);
this.dirty = true;
* moves the view center location by the given values in the given directions.
* @param directionX the direction x
* @param directionY the direction y
* @param directionZ the direction z
public void moveViewCenter(float directionX, float directionY, float directionZ){
viewCenterPos.setXYZ(viewCenterPos.getX() + directionX, viewCenterPos.getY() + directionY, viewCenterPos.getZ() + directionZ);
this.dirty = true;
* moves both the view center and the camera location by the given values in the given directions.
* @param directionX the direction x
* @param directionY the direction y
* @param directionZ the direction z
public void moveCamAndViewCenter(float directionX, float directionY, float directionZ){
moveCam(directionX, directionY, directionZ);
moveViewCenter(directionX, directionY, directionZ);
this.dirty = true;
* Gets the cam view center distance.
* @return the cam view center distance
public float getCamViewCenterDistance(){
return Vector3D.distance(getPosition(), getViewCenterPos());
* Reset to default.
public void resetToDefault(){
this.camPos = new Vector3D((float)(pa.width/2.0), (float)(pa.height/2.0), (float)(pa.height/2.0) / PApplet.tan((float)(PApplet.PI*60.0 / 360.0)));
this.viewCenterPos = new Vector3D((float)(pa.width/2.0), (float)(pa.height/2.0), 0) ;
this.xAxisUp = 0;
this.yAxisUp = 1;
this.zAxisUp = 0;
this.dirty = true;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see util.camera.Icamera#getPosition()
public Vector3D getPosition() {
return new Vector3D(camPos);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see util.camera.Icamera#setPosition(util.math.Vector3D)
public void setPosition(Vector3D camPos) {
this.camPos = camPos;
this.dirty = true;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see util.camera.Icamera#getViewCenterPos()
public Vector3D getViewCenterPos() {
return viewCenterPos;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see util.camera.Icamera#setViewCenterPos(util.math.Vector3D)
public void setViewCenterPos(Vector3D eyePos) {
this.viewCenterPos = eyePos;
this.dirty = true;
* Gets the x axis up.
* @return the x axis up
public float getXAxisUp() {
return xAxisUp;
* Sets the x axis up.
* @param axisUp the new x axis up
public void setXAxisUp(float axisUp) {
xAxisUp = axisUp;
this.dirty = true;
* Gets the y axis up.
* @return the y axis up
public float getYAxisUp() {
return yAxisUp;
* Sets the y axis up.
* @param axisUp the new y axis up
public void setYAxisUp(float axisUp) {
yAxisUp = axisUp;
this.dirty = true;
* Gets the z axis up.
* @return the z axis up
public float getZAxisUp() {
return zAxisUp;
* Sets the z axis up.
* @param axisUp the new z axis up
public void setZAxisUp(float axisUp) {
zAxisUp = axisUp;
this.dirty = true;
public Frustum getFrustum() {
return frustum;
public int isSphereInFrustum(Vector3D p, float radius){
return this.getFrustum().isSphereInFrustum(p, radius);
public int isPointInFrustum(Vector3D p) {
return this.getFrustum().isPointInFrustum(p);
// public boolean contains(IBoundingShape bounds){
// if (bounds != null){
// }else{
// return true;
// }
// }
//TODO setFrustum(float near, float far, float left, float right, float top, float bottom);
//TODO setFrustumPerspective(float fovY, float aspect, float near, float far);