* Copyright (c) 2010 Simon Denier
* Released under the MIT License (see LICENSE file)
package net.geco.functions;
import javax.swing.Box;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import net.geco.basics.Html;
import net.geco.control.GecoControl;
import net.geco.control.RunnerControl;
import net.geco.control.RunnerCreationException;
import net.geco.model.Runner;
import net.geco.model.RunnerRaceData;
import net.geco.model.RunnerResult;
import net.geco.model.Status;
* @author Simon Denier
* @since Nov 19, 2010
public class StationReaderFunction extends GecoFunction {
private JCheckBox autoInsertB;
private JButton setDnsB;
public StationReaderFunction(GecoControl gecoControl) {
public String toString() {
return "Read Station Memory";
private RunnerControl runnerControl() {
return getService(RunnerControl.class);
public void execute() {
// something to handle timeout?
String[] ecards = null;
// ecards = getService(SIReaderHandler.class).downloadBackupMemory();
for (String ecard : ecards) {
Runner runner = registry().findRunnerByEcard(ecard);
if( runner==null ) {
if( autoInsertB.isSelected() ){
// runner = getService(ArchiveManager.class).findAndCreateRunner(ecard); // default course
if( runner==null ){
try {
runner = runnerControl().buildAnonymousRunner(ecard, registry().anyCourse());
} catch (RunnerCreationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
runnerControl().validateStatus(registry().findRunnerData(runner), Status.RUN);
// TODO: need a flag to tell sireaderhandler to detect course when reading this ecard
} else {
RunnerRaceData runnerData = registry().findRunnerData(runner);
RunnerResult result = runnerData.getResult();
if( result.is(Status.NOS) ){
runnerControl().validateStatus(runnerData, Status.RUN);
} else
if( result.is(Status.DNS) ){
geco().log("Inconsistency: detected a running e-card flagged as DNS");
if( setDnsB.isSelected() ){
for (RunnerRaceData runnerData : registry().getRunnersData()) {
if( runnerData.getResult().is(Status.NOS) ){
runnerControl().validateStatus(runnerData, Status.DNS);
public String executeTooltip() {
return "Read E-cards from station memory and update status of found and not found e-cards";
public JComponent getParametersConfig() {
Box config = Box.createVerticalBox();
config.add(new JLabel(Html.htmlTag("font", "color=\"red\"", "Warning! Only use this function if station memories have been erased before the race.")));
config.add(new JLabel("Place Start, Check, or Clear stations on the master station. " +
"Function reads backup memory to detect:"));
Html help = new Html();
help.tag("li", "registered runners which have started but not yet arrived");
help.tag("li", "registered runners which did not start");
help.tag("li", "unregistered e-cards");
config.add(new JLabel(help.close()));
autoInsertB = new JCheckBox("Insert unregistered e-cards (look up in archive)");
autoInsertB.setToolTipText("If an unknown e-card is detected in station memory, add a new entry with e-card. Function will also fill in data from archive if available");
JLabel setDnsL = new JLabel("After reading all stations, you can ");
setDnsB = new JButton("mark Not Started entries as DNS");
Box dnsBox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
return config;
public void updateUI() { }