Package maelstrom.funge.interpreter.operator

Source Code of maelstrom.funge.interpreter.operator.GridOperator$PutNext

package maelstrom.funge.interpreter.operator;

import maelstrom.funge.interpreter.*;
import maelstrom.funge.interpreter.stack.Stack;

public abstract class GridOperator implements Operator {

  public static class Get implements Operator {

     * Gets a value from the grid, pushes it to the stack
    public void perform(Funge funge) {

      Stack stack = funge.getStack();
      long y = stack.pop();
      long x = stack.pop();

      long gridVal = funge.getGrid().get((int) x, (int) y);


    public String getDescription() {
      return "Pops b, then a from the stack. Pushes the value of grid square (a, b) to the stack";

  public static class Put implements Operator {

     * Sets a value in the grid.
    public void perform(Funge funge) {

      Stack stack = funge.getStack();
      long y = stack.pop();
      long x = stack.pop();
      long c = stack.pop();

      funge.getGrid().set((int) x, (int) y, c);

    public String getDescription() {
      return "Pops c, b, then a from the stack. Sets grid square (a, b) to c";

  public static class GetNext implements Operator {

     * Gets the value of the next grid square, pushes it to the stack
    public void perform(Funge funge) {

      Pointer pointer = funge.getPointer();

      long a = funge.getGrid().get(pointer.getPosition());


    public String getDescription() {
      return "Gets the value of the next grid square, pushes it to the stack";

  public static class PutNext implements Operator {

     * Sets the value of the next grid square
    public void perform(Funge funge) {

      Pointer pointer = funge.getPointer();

      long a = funge.getStack().pop();

      funge.getGrid().set(pointer.getPosition(), a);

    public String getDescription() {
      return "Pops a from the stack, then sets the value of the next grid square to a";

Related Classes of maelstrom.funge.interpreter.operator.GridOperator$PutNext

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