package edu.ucsd.cs110w.tests;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import edu.ucsd.cs110w.temperature.Fahrenheit;
import edu.ucsd.cs110w.temperature.Temperature;
public class FahrenheitTests extends TestCase {
private float delta = 0.001f;
public void testFahrenheit() {
float value = 12.34f;
Fahrenheit temp = new Fahrenheit(value);
assertEquals(value, temp.getValue(), delta);
public void testFahrenheitToString(){
float value = 12.34f;
Fahrenheit temp = new Fahrenheit(value);
String string = temp.toString();
String beginning = "" + value;
String ending = " F";
//Verify the suffix of the formatted string
//Verify the prefix of the formatted string
//Verify the middle of the formatted string
int endIndex = string.indexOf(ending);
// (Hint: what is the length of the middle of the string?)
assertTrue(string.substring(0, endIndex).equals(beginning));
public void testFahrenheitToFahrenheit()
Fahrenheit temp = new Fahrenheit(0);
Temperature convert = temp.toFahrenheit();
assertEquals(0, convert.getValue(), delta);
public void testFahrenheitToCelsius(){
Fahrenheit temp = new Fahrenheit(32);
Temperature convert = temp.toCelsius();
assertEquals(0, convert.getValue(), delta);
temp = new Fahrenheit(212);
convert = temp.toCelsius();
assertEquals(100, convert.getValue(), delta);
public void testFahrenheitToKelvin(){
Fahrenheit temp = new Fahrenheit(32);
Temperature convert = temp.toKelvin();
assertEquals(273, convert.getValue(), delta);
temp = new Fahrenheit(212);
convert = temp.toKelvin();
assertEquals(373, convert.getValue(), delta);