* Copyright 2012 Harlan Noonkester
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.couchace.jackson;
import com.couchace.core.api.CouchDatabaseInfo;
import com.couchace.core.api.CouchSetup;
import com.couchace.core.api.injectable.CouchInjectables;
import com.couchace.core.api.injectable.MissingInjectableResponse;
import com.couchace.core.api.json.CouchJsonException;
import com.couchace.core.api.meta.AttachmentMeta;
import com.couchace.core.api.meta.EntityMeta;
import com.couchace.core.api.query.CouchJsonKey;
import com.couchace.core.api.request.GetRequestFactory;
import com.couchace.core.api.request.PostEntityRequest;
import com.couchace.core.api.request.PutEntityRequest;
import com.couchace.core.api.response.EntityDocument;
import com.couchace.core.api.response.GetAttachmentResponse;
import com.couchace.core.api.response.TextDocument;
import com.couchace.core.internal.util.ArgUtil;
import com.couchace.core.spi.json.CouchJsonStrategy;
import com.couchace.jackson.internal.CustomJacksonInjectableValues;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* User: harlan
* Date: 2/1/14
* Time: 4:37 PM
public class JacksonCouchJsonStrategy implements CouchJsonStrategy {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CouchJsonStrategy.class);
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
private CouchInjectables couchInjectables;
private MissingInjectableResponse missingInjectableResponse = MissingInjectableResponse.THROW_EXCEPTION;
public JacksonCouchJsonStrategy() {
this.objectMapper = new DefaultObjectMapper();
couchInjectables = null;
public JacksonCouchJsonStrategy(Module... modules) {
this.objectMapper = new DefaultObjectMapper(modules);
couchInjectables = null;
protected JacksonCouchJsonStrategy(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
this.objectMapper = objectMapper;
couchInjectables = null;
protected ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() {
return objectMapper;
public CouchInjectables getCouchInjectables() {
return couchInjectables;
public void setCouchInjectables(CouchInjectables couchInjectables) {
this.couchInjectables = couchInjectables;
public MissingInjectableResponse getMissingInjectableResponse() {
return missingInjectableResponse;
public void setMissingInjectableResponse(MissingInjectableResponse missingInjectableResponse) {
this.missingInjectableResponse = (missingInjectableResponse != null) ? missingInjectableResponse : MissingInjectableResponse.THROW_EXCEPTION;
* Required by CouchJsonStrategy, but nothing for us to do.
* @param couchSetup -
public void init(CouchSetup couchSetup) {
public CouchDatabaseInfo readDatabaseInfo(String json) {
try {
return objectMapper.readValue(json, CouchDatabaseInfo.class);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CouchJsonException(e);
public String createJsonForPut(PutEntityRequest request) {
return createJsonForWrite(request.getDocumentId(), request.getDocumentRevision(), request.getEntityType(), request.getEntity());
public String createJsonForPost(PostEntityRequest request) {
return createJsonForWrite(null, null, request.getEntityType(), request.getEntity());
public TextDocument readTextDocument(String json) throws CouchJsonException {
JsonFactory jsonFactory = objectMapper.getFactory();
try {
try (JsonParser parser = jsonFactory.createParser(json)) {
if (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
throw new IOException("Expected response JSON to start with an Object: " + parser.getCurrentToken());
String documentId = null;
String revision = null;
while (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
String name = parser.getCurrentName();
if ("_id".equals(name)) {
documentId = parser.getText();
} else if ("_rev".equals(name)) {
revision = parser.getText();
if (documentId != null && revision != null) {
// We have what we needed, stop parsing.
return new TextDocument(documentId, revision, null, json);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CouchJsonException(e);
public List<TextDocument> readTextDocuments(String json) throws CouchJsonException {
return readTextDocumentsUsingTree(json);
protected List<TextDocument> readTextDocumentsUsingTree(String json) throws CouchJsonException {
JsonFactory jsonFactory = objectMapper.getFactory();
try {
List<TextDocument> documentList;
try (JsonParser parser = jsonFactory.createParser(json)) {
if (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
throw new IOException("Expected response JSON to start with an Object: " + parser.getCurrentToken());
documentList = new ArrayList<>();
while (parser.nextToken() != null) {
String name = parser.getCurrentName();
if ("rows".equals(name)) {
ArrayNode rowsNode = objectMapper.readTree(parser);
for (int i = 0; i < rowsNode.size(); i++) {
JsonNode documentNode = rowsNode.get(i);
// Id
JsonNode idNode = documentNode.get("id");
String id = (idNode != null) ? idNode.asText() : null;
// Key
JsonNode keyNode = documentNode.get("key");
CouchJsonKey jsonKey = (keyNode != null) ? new CouchJsonKey(keyNode.asText()) : new CouchJsonKey();
// Content may come from value or doc
JsonNode contentNode = documentNode.get("doc");
if (contentNode == null) {
contentNode = documentNode.get("value");
// TODO - review this
// If we have a content node then get string content and revision
String content = null;
String revision = null;
if (contentNode != null) {
// Use toString() on the node to the the actual JSON document (this came from the Jackson developer)
content = contentNode.toString();
// Get the revision from within the content (may not always be there).
JsonNode revNode = contentNode.get("_rev");
if (revNode == null) {
revNode = contentNode.get("rev");
revision = (revNode != null) ? revNode.asText() : null;
// Create the document
documentList.add(new TextDocument(
return documentList;
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new CouchJsonException(ex);
public <T> EntityDocument<T> readEntityDocument(GetRequestFactory getRequestFactory, EntityMeta<T> entityMeta, String json) throws CouchJsonException {
JsonFactory jsonFactory = objectMapper.getFactory();
try {
try (JsonParser parser = jsonFactory.createParser(json)) {
if (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
throw new IOException("Expected response JSON to start with an Object: " + parser.getCurrentToken());
return finalizeEntityDoc(getRequestFactory, entityMeta, parser, null, json);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CouchJsonException(e);
public <T> List<EntityDocument<T>> readEntityDocuments(GetRequestFactory getRequestFactory, EntityMeta<T> entityMeta, String json) throws CouchJsonException {
JsonFactory jsonFactory = objectMapper.getFactory();
try {
List<EntityDocument<T>> entityDocumentList;
try (JsonParser parser = jsonFactory.createParser(json)) {
if (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
throw new IOException("Expected response JSON to start with an Object: " + parser.getCurrentToken());
entityDocumentList = new ArrayList<>();
while (parser.nextToken() != null) {
String name = parser.getCurrentName();
if ("rows".equals(name)) {
CouchJsonKey key = null;
while (parser.hasCurrentToken()) {
name = parser.getCurrentName();
if ("key".equals(name)) {
JsonToken token = parser.getCurrentToken();
if (token.isNumeric()) {
key = new CouchJsonKey(parser.getNumberValue());
} else {
key = new CouchJsonKey(parser.getText());
} else if ("value".equals(name)) {
// At this point we pass processing to the finalize methods - in many cases they will be parsing "doc" node
// Parsing an entity
EntityDocument<T> entityDocument = finalizeEntityDoc(getRequestFactory, entityMeta, parser, key, json);
// Since we have parsed the value now is the time to clear out the key.
key = null;
return entityDocumentList;
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new CouchJsonException(ex);
protected <T> EntityDocument<T> finalizeEntityDoc(GetRequestFactory getRequestFactory, EntityMeta<T> entityMeta, JsonParser parser, CouchJsonKey key, String json) throws IOException {
Class<T> entityClass = entityMeta.getEntityClass();
String id = null;
String rev = null;
String entityType = null;
T entity = null;
while (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
String name = parser.getCurrentName();
if ("_id".equals(name)) {
id = parser.getText();
} else if ("_rev".equals(name)) {
rev = parser.getText();
} else if ("entityType".equals(name)) {
entityType = parser.getText();
} else if ("entity".equals(name) && entityClass != String.class) {
if (id == null) {
throw CouchJsonException.internalServerError("Error finalizing Entity from JSON, found entity but _id was never found.");
if (rev == null) {
throw CouchJsonException.internalServerError("Error finalizing Entity from JSON, found entity but _rev was never found.");
// Create couchInjectables, which may include attachments.
CustomJacksonInjectableValues inject = buildInjectableValues(getRequestFactory, entityMeta, id, rev);
// Instantiate the entity using mapper and injectable values
entity = objectMapper.reader(entityClass).with(inject).readValue(parser);
// If we have an id and it's not set (may have been set via injectable)
if (entityMeta.hasId() && !entityMeta.isIdSet(entity)) {
entityMeta.writeDocumentId(entity, id);
// If we have a revision and it's not set (may have been set via injectable)
if (entityMeta.hasRevision() && !entityMeta.isRevisionSet(entity)) {
entityMeta.writeDocumentRevision(entity, rev);
if (entity == null && entityClass == String.class) {
// With String entity we just use json as the entity
entity = entityClass.cast(json);
return new EntityDocument<>(id, rev, key, entityType, entity);
protected String createJsonForWrite(String documentId, String revision, String entityType, Object entity) {
ArgUtil.assertNotEmpty(entityType, "entityType");
ArgUtil.assertNotNull(entity, "entity");
// TODO - is StringWriter the best choice here
// TODO - consider moving this into a Serializer
JsonFactory jsonFactory = objectMapper.getFactory();
try {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
try (JsonGenerator generator = jsonFactory.createGenerator(writer)) {
if (documentId != null) {
generator.writeStringField("_id", documentId);
if (revision != null) {
generator.writeStringField("_rev", revision);
generator.writeStringField("entityType", entityType);
generator.writeObjectField("entity", entity);
String json = writer.toString();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Put JSON: " + json);
return json;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CouchJsonException(e);
protected CustomJacksonInjectableValues buildInjectableValues(GetRequestFactory getRequestFactory, EntityMeta<?> entityMeta, String documentId, String revision) {
CustomJacksonInjectableValues inject = new CustomJacksonInjectableValues(missingInjectableResponse, couchInjectables);
// TODO - couchInjectables should only be used if the class has any @JsonInjectable annotations
// Add id if it's defined
if (entityMeta.hasId() && documentId != null) {
inject.addValue(entityMeta.getIdName(), documentId);
// Add revision if it's defined
if (entityMeta.hasRevision() && revision != null) {
inject.addValue(entityMeta.getRevisionName(), revision);
// Add any attachments
if (entityMeta.hasAttachments()) {
for (AttachmentMeta attachmentDef : entityMeta.getAttachmentMetaList()) {
GetAttachmentResponse response = getRequestFactory.attachment(documentId, revision, attachmentDef.getAttachmentName()).execute();
inject.addValue(attachmentDef.getAttachmentName(), response.getContent());
return inject;