package pymontecarlo.program._analytical;
import gov.nist.microanalysis.EPQLibrary.AlgorithmUser;
import gov.nist.microanalysis.EPQLibrary.CorrectionAlgorithm.PhiRhoZAlgorithm;
import gov.nist.microanalysis.EPQLibrary.EPQException;
import gov.nist.microanalysis.EPQLibrary.SpectrumProperties;
import gov.nist.microanalysis.EPQLibrary.Strategy;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.jdom2.output.Format;
import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.JDOMException;
import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder;
import pymontecarlo.program.AbstractWorker;
import pymontecarlo.program._analytical.fileformat.options.OptionsExtractor;
import pymontecarlo.program._analytical.options.detector.Detector;
import pymontecarlo.util.hdf5.HDF5FileWriter;
import pymontecarlo.util.hdf5.HDF5Group;
* Worker for analytical correction models.
* @author ppinard
public abstract class AbstractAnalyticalWorker extends AbstractWorker {
protected abstract PhiRhoZAlgorithm getCorrectionAlgorithm();
public void run(File optionsFile, File resultsDir) throws EPQException,
IOException {
if (optionsFile == null)
throw new NullPointerException("options file == null");
if (resultsDir == null)
throw new NullPointerException("results dir == null");
if (!resultsDir.isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("resultsDir must be a directory");
// Extract from options XML file
report(0.0, "Loading options file");
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
Element rootElement;
try {
rootElement =;
} catch (JDOMException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
OptionsExtractor extractor = new OptionsExtractor();
// Create simulation
String name = extractor.getName();
SpectrumProperties props = extractor.getSpectrumProperties();
Map<String, Detector> detectors = extractor.getDetectors();
Strategy strategy = extractor.getStrategy();
// Apply models' strategy
report(0.0, "Setup models");
strategy.addAlgorithm(PhiRhoZAlgorithm.class, getCorrectionAlgorithm());
// Setup and run detectors
int i = 0;
double length = detectors.size();
for (Detector detector : detectors.values()) {
report(i / length, "Running");
// Save results
report(1.0, "Saving results");
HDF5Group rootGroup =
createHDF5Group(props, detectors, rootElement, name);
File resultsH5 = new File(resultsDir, name + ".h5");
HDF5FileWriter.write(rootGroup, resultsH5, true);
report(1.0, "Complete");
private HDF5Group createHDF5Group(SpectrumProperties props,
Map<String, Detector> detectors,
Element rootElement, String name) throws IOException {
HDF5Group rootGroup = HDF5Group.createRoot();
// Save version, class
rootGroup.setAttribute("version", VERSION);
rootGroup.setAttribute("_class", "Results");
// Create results group
String identifier = rootElement.getAttributeValue("uuid");
rootGroup.setAttribute("identifiers", new String[] { identifier });
HDF5Group resultsGroup =
rootGroup.createSubgroup("result-" + identifier);
// Save results from detectors
String key;
Detector detector;
for (Entry<String, Detector> entry : detectors.entrySet()) {
key = entry.getKey();
detector = entry.getValue();
detector.saveResults(resultsGroup, key);
// Save overall log
Properties logProps = new Properties();
resultsGroup.setAttribute("log", props.toString());
// Save options
XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getCompactFormat());
String optionsStr = outputter.outputString(rootElement);
resultsGroup.setAttribute("options", optionsStr);
rootGroup.setAttribute("options", optionsStr);
return rootGroup;
* Saves the parameters of the simulation.
* @param resultsDir
* results directory
* @param baseName
* name of the simulation
* @param mcss
* MonteCarloSS
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs while saving the log file
private void createLog(Properties props)
throws IOException {
// Model
Strategy strategy = AlgorithmUser.getGlobalStrategy();
for (String algClass : strategy.listAlgorithmClasses()) {
props.setProperty("model." + algClass,