package edu.scripps.genewiki.sync;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import edu.scripps.genewiki.sync.AnnotationDatabase;
public class TestAnnotationDatabase {
static AnnotationDatabase anno;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
anno = new AnnotationDatabase("/etc/gwsync/annotations.db");
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void getAssociatedDiseaseTest() throws SQLException {
String expected = "Alzheimer's disease";
String result = anno.getAssociatedDisease("Alzheimer's disease");
assertEquals("Results should have been \"Alzheimer's disease\".", expected, result);
String result2 = anno.getAssociatedDisease("Insulin");
assertEquals("Results should be null for Insulin (not a disease).", null, result2);
public void getDiseaseAssociatedWithGeneTest() throws SQLException {
String geneId = "3630";
String pageTitle = "Insulin";
List<String> expected = Arrays.asList(
"Alzheimer's disease",
"polycystic ovary syndrome",
"hypoglycemic coma",
"diabetic ketoacidosis",
"chronic rejection of renal transplant",
"diabetes mellitus",
"diabetes mellitus type 2",
"diabetes mellitus type 1",
List<String> actual_gene = new ArrayList<String>(anno.getDiseasesAssociatedWithGene(geneId, null, false).values());
List<String> actual_page = new ArrayList<String>(anno.getDiseasesAssociatedWithGene(null, pageTitle, false).values());
Set<String> filtered_actual_gene = new HashSet<String>(anno.getDiseasesAssociatedWithGene(geneId, null, true).values());
assertEquals("Diseases returned from gene ID did not match expected.", expected, actual_gene);
assertEquals("Diseases returned from gene ID and page title did not match.", actual_gene, actual_page);
assertFalse("Failed to filter out less-specific diseases: set contains 'diabetes mellitus' " +
"when more specific terms should be available.", filtered_actual_gene.contains("diabetes mellitus"));
public void getDiseaseAssociatedWithSNPTest() throws SQLException {
String snpAcc = "Rs10012";
List<String> expected = Arrays.asList("colorectal cancer", "malignant neoplasm");
List<String> actual = new ArrayList<String>(anno.getDiseaseAssociatedWithSNP(snpAcc, false).values());
List<String> fActual = new ArrayList<String>(anno.getDiseaseAssociatedWithSNP(snpAcc, true).values());
assertEquals("Diseases returned from test SNP "+snpAcc+" did not match expected.", expected, actual);
assertFalse("Failed to filter out less-specific diseases: set contained 'malignant neoplasm' with " +
"'colorectal cancer'.", fActual.contains("malignant neoplasm"));
public void getAllLinkedDiseaseTermsTest() throws SQLException {
Set<String> returned = anno.getAllLinkedDiseaseTerms();
assertTrue("Expected size of set of all linked diseases to be at least 1180.", returned.size() >= 1180);
public void getPageTitleTest() throws SQLException {
String title = anno.getPageTitle("PLN");
assertEquals("Phospholamban", title);
public void getDiseasePagesTest() throws SQLException {
Set<String> returned = anno.getDiseasePages();
assertTrue(returned.size() == 915);