Package main

Source Code of main.EntryPoint

package main;

import IO.Downloader;
import callback.IDownloadCallback;
import configuration.Configuration;
import reddit.RedditRequest;
import reddit.json.ChildData;
import reddit.json.Response;
import reddit.json.ResponseChildData;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

* Created by tama on 6/17/14.
* The program main entry point, initializes the program :
*  - TODO : connect to the database
public class EntryPoint {

    private static void help()
        System.out.println("Moe downloader v2");
        System.out.println("This program will download pictures liked and/or saved by an user on reddit, putting them in a dropbox folder afterwards");
        System.out.println("It is meant to be launched automatically from a scheduled task (\"cron\")");
        System.out.println("Parameters :");
        System.out.println("\t--help\t\t\tWell... this thing.");
        System.out.println("\t--conf\t\t\tThe configuration file location");
        System.out.println("\t--source-url\tThe reddit source from which the links will be fetched");
        System.out.println("\t--count\t\t\tThe number of items to fetch");
        System.out.println("\t--reddit-token\tReddit oauth token, needed to access reddit-related features");
        System.out.println("v2.0 - June 25th 2014 by tama (/u/tama_92)");


    private static boolean parseArgs(String[] args, Configuration conf)
        int len = args.length;

        for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; ++i)
            if (args[i].equals("--help") || args[i + 1].equals("--help")) {
                return false; /* boo. */
            } else if (args[i].equals("--conf") || args[i].equals("-c")) {
                conf.put("config_file", args[i + 1]);
            } else if (args[i].equals("--source") || args[i].equals("-s")) {
                conf.put("source_url", args[i + 1]);
            } else if (args[i].equals("--count")) {
                conf.put("count", args[i + 1]);
            } else if (args[i].equals("--reddit-token")) {
                conf.put("reddit_token", args[i + 1]);
        return true;

     * Return the next batch of 100 links
     * @return
    private static List<ResponseChildData> getNextLinksBatch(RedditRequest reddit, String sourceUrl, int count, String lastFetched) throws IOException {
        /* API limit is 100 */
        count = Math.min(count, 100);

        /* Build the URL from the parameters */
        String url = sourceUrl + (sourceUrl.contains("?") ? "&" : "?");
        url = url + "limit=" + count;

        if (lastFetched != null)
            url = url + "&after=" + lastFetched;

        /* Request the URL and return the response */
        String liked = reddit.requestUrl(url);
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        Response response = gson.fromJson(liked, Response.class);
        return response.getData().getChildren();

    public static void main(String[] args)
        final DownloadReport report = new DownloadReport();
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        if (parseArgs(args, conf))
                /* Parse the configuration xml file */
                conf.loadFile((String) conf.get("config_file"));

                /* Load the plugins */
                PluginLoader loader = new PluginLoader((String)(conf.get(Configuration.PLUGIN_FOLDER_TAG)));

                /* Get the subreddits */
                List<String> subreddits = (List<String>)conf.get(Configuration.SUBREDDITS_ALLOWED_TAG);

                /* Get number of download threads and create the thread pool */
                String downloadThreads = (String)conf.get(Configuration.PARALLEL_DOWNLOAD_TAG);
                int numberOfThreads = downloadThreads == null ? 10 : Integer.valueOf(downloadThreads);
                ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads);

                /* Connect to reddit and get the content from the source given */
                System.out.println("Connecting to reddit");
                RedditRequest reddit = new RedditRequest((String) conf.get("reddit_token"));

                System.out.println("Fetching results");

                String sourceUrl = (String) conf.get("source_url");

                String countStr = (String) conf.get("count");
                int count = countStr == null ? 25 : Integer.valueOf(countStr);
                int numberOfBatchs = count / 100 + 1;
                String lastFetched = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBatchs; ++i)
                    List<ResponseChildData> linkBatch = null;
                        linkBatch = getNextLinksBatch(reddit, sourceUrl, count, lastFetched);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        System.out.println("Failed to get next link batch.");

                    System.out.println("Downloading [fetched " + linkBatch.size() + " links]");

                    for (ResponseChildData link : linkBatch)
                        ChildData data = link.getData();

                        /* Get link and title */
                        String url = data.getUrl();
                        String title = data.getTitle().replaceAll("/", " ");
                        String subreddit = data.getSubreddit();

                        if (!subreddits.contains(subreddit))

                        Thread t = new Thread(new Downloader(conf, loader, url, title, new IDownloadCallback() {
                            public void onSuccess(String title) {

                            public void onError(String title, Exception e) {
                                report.failed(title + "(" + e.getMessage() + ")");

                    count = count - 100;

                    /* Get the "fullname thing" of the last link fetched */
                    ResponseChildData lastLink = linkBatch.get(linkBatch.size() - 1);
                    lastFetched = lastLink.getKind() + "_" + lastLink.getData().getId();

                //The application is run every 10 minutes, so it's useless to wait more than that
                threadPool.awaitTermination(600L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            catch (Exception e)
                System.err.println("Error :(");

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